[00:02] the ryzen host is doing fine, all threads are active, it's stable thanks to that low power idle bios setting [00:03] so it's not busy at all, nor is the VM in terms of memory or cpu [00:03] the target device is just 8 GB, though, maybe that's the problem [00:05] Minere BTC enquanto navega e trabalha sem deixar o pc lentão. https://getcryptotab.com/718967 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luzqQN3kL4g&t=166s === CyberHacker_ is now known as CyberHacker [05:33] morning guys [05:49] :-) [05:49] HE IS YOURS [05:49] oops [05:50] lol [05:52] morning trolls are the best :p [05:53] * lotuspsychje calls for the ring or sauron [06:15] good morning [06:30] ak34 = wiseguy ?¿ [06:30] hi ducasse [06:32] morning oerheks - how are you and drabber today? [06:32] finished stripping the bike? [06:33] lazy .. nearly half way there [06:33] hey ducasse [06:33] though 2 component underlayment paint [06:34] morning lotuspsychje - all going well? [06:34] yeah we going to a spring party for kid today [06:34] they giveout 30c [06:36] just hiding from the heat here today, over 30°C expected [06:37] aye, here too, doing shopping early.. 23 minutes till openingtime [06:41] did shopping yesterday, so hopefully won't need to go today [07:39] have a nice day guys [07:39] ttyl [08:22] morning all [10:39] hi there [10:40] is anybody here? [10:42] I am not there, I am here [10:43] lol [10:44] I want a lightweight ubuntu version setting up on an old laptop [10:45] I know lubuntu is lightweight but I need lighter than lubuntu [11:02] matso: maybe a different desktop environment than the default ubuntu one would work for you? [11:03] i.e. xubuntu, lubuntu etc. [11:08] matso: https://linuxconfig.org/8-best-ubuntu-desktop-environments-18-04-bionic-beaver-linux [11:18] Hiyas all [11:19] Hi BluesKaj , I hope all is great and getting better by the day! [11:20] "Morning JimBuntu, thanks for the nice hopeful greeting. I wish the same for you and yours :-) [11:21] Thank you, BluesKaj ! [11:22] My favorite wish... which is kinda Ubuntu related in principal, is... May you have all that you want, and want all that you have. [11:25] Kubuntu Cosmic is running quite well here and I'm happy with it....so far at least :-) [11:26] Wow, you already made the switch. I guess you like being cutting edge. [11:29] JimBuntu, I've been a Kubuntu "tester" for many yrs [11:30] I didn't realize you stayed in the beta, BluesKaj . That's great, we need as many beta testers as we can get. [11:33] I hang about in #kubuntu-devel, and testing is my contribution to the development , not being a coder I stick with running the OS and reporting bugs, if any, or temporary issues etc [11:35] Each part is important to the whole. [11:36] yup [11:43] and JimBuntu I see you doing very good support work in #ubuntu and your easy going attitude really helps put users, in need of help, at ease, and I'm sure it's much appreciated [11:44] and that can be rare at times from my expoerience there :-) [11:44] Thanks BluesKaj , I don't contribute very much any more, but when I do, I try to be more of a muse with answers than a forceful wind... which reminds me, I have a moment, I should go see if I can help. [11:45] And... now I see that I did look recently... I'm either confused... or they are, lol. [11:48] and I was too late with my suggestion due to my slow typing skills [11:49] BluesKaj, is it due to using English or in general? I can only imagine the additional effort of using a non-native language on a regular basis. [11:50] As a child, I spoke German fluently... I can barely remember anything now... as a young adult I could speak traditional/proper Spanish well enough... again, I can barely carry a conversation any more... :-( [11:51] No, I'm a native English speaker, just a lousy typer ...still speak some Swedish and French [11:53] I learned Wolof for a voluntary mission to Africa... about the only thing I remember isn't even Wolof, it's Arabic... lol [11:53] I wish I had learned French, instead of Spanish... and that I remembered it. [11:55] I want to know, and will have to search for... how common Ubuntu is in Sweden. [11:56] JimBuntu, we were basically forced to study French in high school here in Ontario...it was embedded in the ciriculum [11:57] Yeah, such is the way in the South-East of Canada, a lot of tradition there. I was forced to learn some Arabic for the same reasons. [11:57] ubuntu is quite popular in all of Scandinavia afaik. [11:58] That's very interesting to hear! [11:58] think Arabic would be very useful nowadays [12:00] When my wife starting teaching a computer class for middle-school kids (what you might call grade 5 through 8) it seemed like the first time most of the families had heard it existed. She did manage to get a few to convert to it from Windows though... of course, there was one family who already knew of it, since the father had a government IT job. [12:01] * BluesKaj nods, interesting [12:01] BluesKaj, I don't get to use ANY Arabic on a daily basis any more... I moved from the city and am now in a VERY homogeneous area. I could almost lose my own children amongst the crowd, lol. [12:01] heh [12:03] I grew up in a melting pot, early on moved to an area where I was the outcast ( and paid for it on a daily basis )... I am glad to have had those experiences. [12:05] While I agree, being able to at least speak Arabic has many uses, I found that before I left, the younger generation ( my own age at the time ) often spoke less of it than I did. They were often confused or insulted if I tried to engage them in conversation in what I presumed ( my fault ) was their native tongue. When visiting the houses of friends though, the parents were always delighted by it... again, didn't help wit [12:05] h keeping friends my own age though, as they then were shamed by their parents about it [12:07] An Egyptian family were NOT impressed and they reminded me, bluntly, that they were Persian. oops. [12:10] :-) [12:11] well I had to prove myself a few times at new schools as a kid, but I managed ok since i was always a "big kid" so to speak, and proved my abilities in various sports which went a long ways to becoming accepted in the schoolyard. [12:12] If only it was so easy as an adult! or as an OS, for that matter. [12:12] yeah, for sure [12:50] I offered my former employer the chance to stop paying MS their yearly charges, whatever they might still be, by showing them how to install Linux on their Lab pcs, but the guy in charge of the computer services dept said to me that he considered Linux a "hobbyist system" , I laughed and asked him what their system servers at head office ran. Turns out they were all either RHEL or Ubuntu. Never heard back from him tho. [13:03] heheh... [13:06] hi pauljw, think the computer services guy drank the mS kool-ade like so many others of his generation [13:07] MS even [13:07] hey BluesKaj, not surprising. [13:09] folks get comfortable and don't want to think outside that zone. [13:09] when people grow up with microsoft and turn 30, usually all hope is lost. they will dig a hole and sink in it and not accept there can be any better alternatives. [13:09] :) [13:10] luckily, there are exceptions. [13:10] think the unspoken secret why Linux hasn't been adopted in larger numbers in the companies/corporations is the "office suite" and the unfamiliar looking Desktop [13:11] agreed [13:11] if you're talking desktops, then i agree. plus worries about breaking formatting of ms word documents [13:11] / loosing the ability to exchange them with other companies / branches. [13:13] i think the major issue is that upper management does not know it, and that there is not enough marketing budget involved in changing that, though. [13:14] (yes, sad world, better solutions do not win unless there is enough money behind them) [13:17] I don't think it's sad, but cost/benefit analysis makes a good case to stay with what you already have in place. [13:24] they're still running MS 2K. Granted it probly was the best MS OS for that environment all those yrs ago, but now there must something better. [13:26] but i've also been out of that loop for a long time too [13:35] they'll no doubt end up with Win10 on the desktops. the end-users are nothing like those of us who hang out here. they would never be able to learn the new os in a timely manor and depending on the business, that could be disastrous. i gave that idea up long ago when i saw that newbies want linux to change into windows rather than learn how to use linux. [13:51] guess the compromise seems to be tablets in terms of OSs on devices, [13:53] i guess, but they're not going to replace desktops in a corporate environment any time soon. it is a painless linux experience i suppose, but most don't have a clue that that's what they're using. [13:56] yup, that's very true...my friend also claims Linux is a hobbyist OS, but he doesn't realize his wife's 'tablet's OS uses the linux kernel [13:57] :) [13:57] fairly modified , but linux nonetheless [14:01] for me personally, i'm quite happy to have the world view linux as a hobbyist OS. i think we should abandon the idea of linux taking over the world and return to the grassroots idea of one user at a time. only folks who share a love of the machine and a desire to learn are going to expend the required time and energy to make the leap. [14:05] Linux has taken over the world [14:06] well, I keep trying to fight the good fight for Linux, and I do realize the odds aren't good due to the fact that most computer users just want it to work out of the box and not be bothered by issues [14:06] Ubuntu ❤️ === pauljw1604 is now known as pauljw [14:08] ☻ [14:09] :) [14:10] chu, only deeply hidden part of the world. the surface has barely been scratched. [14:11] Yeah in a way not anticipated but still [14:11] :) [14:14] for years i've heard the argument that we just need to be able to buy systems pre-configured with linux and all will be fine, but how many here have spent their hard earned cash to buy one of those systems? [14:16] if we don't do so, the companies will see no need to provide the systems and the specialized support and they'll drop them or go out of business. [14:22] Dell entered, dropped out, but have re-entered the market [14:25] i know, i bought one of their systems in 2008(i think) and that's when i moved from pclinuxos to ubuntu. i've since bought 2 sys76 machines. not that i can't or don't install linux myself, but i try to support the businesses that are providing pre-installed systems. [14:26] Yeah [14:27] Dell can add or drop linux systems without damaging their business because they're huge and sell many more ms systems than linux. but someone like system76, a small shop dedicated to linux, they need people to buy their stuff or they go under. [14:44] system 76 seems to be more expensive than equivalent spec'd MS computers [14:45] yes they are, true of most any specialized products. they have to be in order to cover the costs of doing business when sell fewer products. [14:49] *selling [14:49] so they paint themselves into the "specialist corner rather than trying to profit from volume sakes [14:49] sales [14:51] I suppose that's amore realistic approach from their POV [14:51] what? they're trying to fill the need that you yourself said needed filling. however, when the number of people willing to buy a computer with linux pre-installed is next to zero, and the cost of providing support for them must be covered by sales, the cost per unit is naturally higher. [14:57] I said that, where? [14:58] the need to just work out of the box? [14:59] or do you really think that these end-users who can't be bothered with issues are at the same time capable of installing an OS. [15:00] I meant most users don't care which OS is installed, only that it works without issue [15:01] ok, i get that, but how do you propose that happens if not pre-installed and supported? [15:07] marketing strategy, that's the key [15:17] i don't see a marketing strategy that will convince you to buy a new machine instead of a $100 ebay special and installing a free os onto it. [15:22] heh, i did buy a new machine and put Kubuntu on it immediately , but not form ebay , think amazon would be the place to market linux machines [15:24] I see system 76 laptops there [15:24] i give them credit for that approach for sure [15:25] Hard to convince yourself to buy a new Linux special machine (Purism, System 76) when the price point is so high. It's a lot more economical to get a dell with Ubuntu, or something else and drop it in yourself. They will generally be limited to those who want to support the cause (or an antenna/camera kill switch). [15:27] I try to convince pretty much everyone I know that uses a computer to switch from Windows to Linux, but until it is extremely painless and easy, most people won't bother. [15:28] The biggest thing among the people I talk to is probably compatibility with the MS Office suite. [15:28] some don't have any preference as long as it does what they want and require it to do. [15:28] tru [15:28] true even [15:30] Yeah. It's not particularly a love for Windows, more of an "it's already there in front of me and does what I want", even if it is awful (see: Windows 10) [15:31] i don't need to see w10 again , it was fugly and clunky [15:31] for the most part, it's all they know. computers = Windows to them. [15:32] and most people don't use an office suite at all, they surf the net and write emails. [15:33] well, see you guys later , gotta go give a friend a hand with a gazebo [15:33] later BluesKaj :) [16:29] please ignore this test [16:41] wefour -> super weirdo === kostkon_ is now known as kostkon