[22:20] thumper, babbageclunk: I figured out how to disable go-megacheck from on the fly runs (flycheck) if you need the same. Should only affect you if you have flycheck enabled etc. [22:20] I don't, but it might be useful [22:22] thumper: "(setq-default flycheck-disabled-checkers '(go-megacheck))", if you're using spacemacs chuck it in your dotspacemacs/user-init (didn't work for me in user-config) [22:30] veebers: I use flycheck but I haven't had a problem with go-megacheck yet for some reason [22:31] I'll use this if I do though, thanks! [22:31] babbageclunk: are you using spacemacs? I'm not sure why but once I had gometalinter installed it kicked in. I imagine it was setup but disabled due to no checker executable etc. [22:58] veebers: no, I haven't tried to switch over to spacemacs yet [23:02] babbageclunk: ah right, yeah I imagine spacemacs had some pre-sets champing at the bit and only reared it's head once the binary was available