
mate|89400Hey, I am running the latest Ubuntu MATE on my retina Macbook Pro and the window icons are quite blurry. Is there anything that can help? Icon packs or some setting perhaps? Thanks for an awesome piece of software. :-)09:08
gnugrmate|89400: probably you need graphic drivers i.e. nvidia-driver09:13
mate|89400@gnugr Forgot to mention I only have the Intel integrated GPU :)09:13
gnugrmate|89400: check for firmware-linux, firmware-misc-nonfree, firmware-linux-free, firmware-linux-nonfree, but i've no idea how the correct names are under Ubuntu09:17
gnugrassuming you have nonfree activate in sources.list09:19
gnugrlinux-firmware-nonfree is the name under Ubuntu09:22
gnugrand just linux-firmware09:23
gnugrfor -misc-nonfree not a clue09:24
m4tmate|89400: if you install mate-tweak there is an option for HiDPI...that might help09:24
m4ti dunno if that applies to icons though09:25
* m4t doesn't have any retina stuffs09:25
gnugrm4t: HIDPI is for scaling monitors, not for main graphics resolution09:34
m4toh they didn't mention the resolution09:35
gnugrHIDPI helps you i.e. to connect with a smart TV09:36
mate|89400Yeah, everything seems to scale nicely (got HiDPI turn on in MATE Tweak). The only exception is the icons in general (probably bad resolution images from the applications themselves). But the window buttons are the main needle in my eye right now :P09:37
m4thttps://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/HiDPI "HiDPI (High Dots Per Inch) displays, also known by Apple's "Retina Display" marketing name, are screens with a high resolution in a relatively small format. They are mostly found in high-end laptops and monitors."09:37
m4tmate|89400: can you post a screenshot to pasteboard.co?09:38
m4tprintscreen + copy to clipboard then cntrl-v there should do it09:38
m4ter mac doesnt have printscreen does it lol09:39
m4tyou can run mate-screenshot from a terminal09:39
mate|89400Here is another one with more icons which shows how other icons are very sharp and nice. https://pasteboard.co/Hn65HmV.png09:43
m4tah yeah09:43
m4tit uses .png09:43
m4tcheck 'em out in /usr/share/themes/Radiant-MATE/metacity-1/*.png09:43
m4twrong theme. i meant /usr/share/themes/Ambiant-MATE/metacity-109:44
gnugrmate|89400: sure you din't touch/activate HIDPI IN MATE-TWEAK?09:45
m4tthose are fixed 19x19 images, i think the scaling is just making them blurry09:46
mate|89400@gnugr It is on Auto-detect so I presume it is on HiDPI..? :s09:46
m4tideally they'd be svg or something09:46
m4t/usr/share/themes/Ambiant-MATE/metacity-1/close.png: PNG image data, 19 x 19, 8-bit colormap, non-interlaced09:47
mate|89400Yeah, must be that. There are just upscaled raster images :P09:47
m4tif i open it in eom and size it like 400% it looks the same09:47
m4tim only @ 1920x108009:47
mate|89400@m4t Look at it now and it does not look very nice when scaling it haha09:48
m4tcan you try Menta and BlueMenta?09:49
m4tthose look to use .svg instead of .png09:49
mate|89400Still looks pretty bad :(09:50
m4thave you tried turning hidpi explicitly on / off to see what it does?09:52
m4ti know when i turn it on everything gets huge. if you turned it off i suspect everything would get very small.09:52
mate|89400Yes, indeed that is what happened haha09:52
mate|89400Yeah, regular = mini, Auto-detect (same as HiDPI) upscaled09:53
m4tlooks like it was *just* fixed march 21st09:53
m4tso it didn't make it into 18.04. maybe Wimpress can cherry pick it for a backport09:54
m4tor whoever. :)09:54
m4the already did LOL09:55
m4tit made it to mate 1.20.1 actually which is what 18.04 shipped with09:56
m4tand actually it was cherry picked into 1.20 before getting merged into 1.20.1. if you 'apt changelog marco' you'll see09:57
m4ti dunno then :( maybe you could comment on github10:00
mate|89400Hmm, the themes with .svg images should look much better than they do. Yeah, gonna do that. :)10:00
m4ti think they *are* being scaled...but the scaling is actually making them blurry. so working as intended, just the png's are too tiny to look good when upscaled.10:01
m4tthe svg's yeah, they should look better i think. i guess it depends on how they're defined in .svg or something10:01
mate|89400Hmm, I wanna leave a comment about this somewhere but not sure where it makes the most sense. In the PR? In the orignal (closed) issue..? :s10:03
m4twell. they're aware of the svg issue (someone already commented) and regarding the current themes, well, scaling can't automatically add extra resolution to the image...10:04
m4tit's going to get pixellated :/10:04
mate|89400True that10:04
m4tif you goto gnome-look there are some hidpi themes10:05
m4tlike https://www.gnome-look.org/p/1006952/10:05
m4ttbh im kinda confused what they mean by metacity lol10:08
m4ti dunno if they mean metacity 3.x or 2.x (marco)10:08
m4tmate|89400: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-mate-artwork/+bugs is probably the place to file a bug10:19
m4ti don't see one about the window decorations being to small for hidpi10:20
mate|89400Thanks, will file a bug report for it there! :)10:23
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mate|89400@m4t Thanks for your help today btw. :)13:20
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