
mupPR snapd#5222 opened: tests: adding fedora-28 to spread.yaml <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5222>02:38
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mupPR snapd#5220 closed: tests: moving test helpers from sh to bash <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5220>05:43
mupPR snapd#5218 closed: many: expose AppStream IDs (AKA common ID) (2.33) <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5218>05:44
mvomwhudson: hey, how does console-conf configures the network? I tried to use it on the WIP core18 images and it seems to be unable to configure the network here06:14
mvomwhudson: I will try to get access to the debug logs now06:15
mborzeckimvo: morning06:15
mvohey mborzecki06:15
mvomwhudson: one problem might be that there is (currently) no ifconfig, just the new "ip" on core06:16
mvomwhudson: fwiw, netplan itself seems to work (if I add a config manually it generates/applies that)06:25
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zygagood morning06:36
zygadiddledan: thank you, I will respond06:37
mborzeckizyga: hey06:39
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mvohey zyga06:44
mvoniemeyer: could you please also add github.com/snapcore/pc-{i386,amd64}-gadget to the repors that mup monitors and announces here in the channel?06:45
zygadiddledan: replied now06:50
mupPR snapd#5223 opened: image: set model.DisplayName() in bootenv as "snap_menuentry" <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5223>06:56
zygaudisks2 is not implicit on classic07:12
zygapstolowski|afk: is this intended? AFAIK it was implicit before07:12
* zyga checks logs07:12
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pedronisI don't think we changed anything about that directly07:16
pstolowskizyga: as pedronis says07:16
pedronisare we missing some call to addImplicitSlots ?07:17
zygano, it's just not marked as implicit07:17
zygaand the code is not ready for it yet07:17
zygaI assumed it was implicit on classic because it's such an old interface07:18
zygabut now I recall it came to be for IOT first07:18
pedronisafaict we added it for core07:18
pedronisnot classic07:18
zygayes, that's correct07:19
mborzeckizyga: that tar exclude pattern is wrong too07:23
mborzeckipushed a fix to sergio's PR, we should be able to merge it when the build is green07:46
mborzeckineed to make a quick run to the tax office, bb in ~1h or so07:48
* zyga -> coffee08:08
zygamvo: can you do one thing for me, open a terminal and run this08:08
zygaautopkgtest-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud --verbose -r bionic -a amd6408:08
zygaand let me know if this ever finishes for you08:08
mvozyga: what version of autopkgtest do you have installed?08:10
mvozyga: I have 5.3 and the command works for me - but I'm on bionic. at what release are you?08:17
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Chipacamornin' all08:52
pstolowskihey Chipaca !08:52
Chipacahow's things08:52
pstolowskiit's too hot08:53
pstolowskiand it's only May08:53
Chipacapstolowski: "it's only May" seems to be what a lot of people in the UK think08:54
Chipacapstolowski: it was really hot yesterday (with almost-proper thunderstorms and everything!) but today there's a nice cool breeze08:55
zygaChipaca: so after May comes thunder?09:06
zygahey, how are you doing?09:06
Chipacazyga: not bad, you?09:07
mborzeckiThunder sounds like a fitting name for someone from EDL09:07
zygaChipaca: dizzy a bit09:08
Chipacazyga: you pregnant?09:08
zygathat'd be new :)09:08
pstolowskipedronis: updated #521509:17
mupPR #5215: ifacestate: improved error handling when creating autoconnect tasks <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5215>09:17
pedronispstolowski: I'll look in a bit09:18
mborzeckimvo: will core18 ship systemd in the snap too?09:39
Chipacamborzecki: yes09:49
Chipacaalthough … we could ship two core18s09:49
Chipacaone for classic, with no systemd nor ssh nor nothing09:49
Chipacaone for classicn't09:50
* Chipaca hides from the wrath of both grammarians and mvoians09:50
mupPR snapd#5224 opened: interfaces: remove Plug/Slot types <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5224>09:51
mborzeckiChipaca: fwiw that's ~9-12MB (uncompressed) for just systemd09:53
Chipacait's probably not worth it09:54
Chipacai mean, given it's classic, bandwidth saving is probably the bigger thing, and it doesn't look like much09:54
Chipacait's one photo09:55
zygaChipaca: it's interesting given the relative popularity of core18 for booting vs not booting09:57
mupPR snapd#5214 closed: cmd/snap: check with snapd for unknown sections <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5214>09:57
Chipacawe should add two new snap types: boot, and jigsaw09:57
mborzeckiwell, nobody complained so far so maybe it's not worth it indeed09:59
mvoChipaca: two cores is interessting, the one for classic would be ~28MB, the one for core18 is ~42mb or so currently09:59
Chipacamvo: why that much smaller?10:00
mborzeckimvo: that's the *.snap size or du inside?10:00
pedronisit's very confusing in terms of building, in theory you can build an app for both10:00
pedroniswould always build only against the one for classic?10:00
mvoChipaca: systemd+ssh+netplan+console-conf10:00
mvoChipaca: but mostly netplan/console-conf which pull in most of python310:01
mvomborzecki: outside10:01
Chipacamvo: no, i mean, current core is 87MB10:01
zygamvo: also apparmor userspace10:01
pedronisthen you convert one into the other when consider base?10:01
zygamvo: that's also python310:01
Chipacapedronis: if we want to explore this, having a boot type might make more sense, exactly for those reasons10:01
mvoChipaca: aggressive cleanup, not sure if we can keep it this way, no vi, no ifconfig (just ip) no "less" etc10:01
zygamvo: there's always classic for that10:02
zygawe should also think what classic does on 1810:02
Chipacamvo: also no desktop helper afaics10:02
mvoChipaca: yeah, thats a bug we should fix soon, those are small10:02
* mvo thinks10:02
zygaironically slim core18 would be a very nice addition to embedded systems running classic distros10:03
Chipacamvo: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/using-xdg-open-with-core18/5620?u=chipaca fwiw10:03
zygaas the size increase is really small10:03
ogra_why do you care for uncompressed ? (after all it will never be used uncompressed on any disk)10:03
Chipacaogra_: i don't think we do :-)10:04
Chipacaogra_: but it's worth asking, just to make sure we're talking about the same thing10:04
ogra_Chipaca, mborzecki mentioned uncompressed sizes above ...10:04
Chipacaotherwise chinese whispers grows10:04
Chipacaogra_: ah, that's just mborzecki being lazy :-p10:05
* Chipaca continues hiding10:05
pedronisChipaca: my fear it adds complexity and surprises, not sure we are ready to deal with them10:05
ogra_also on the developer/user side10:05
Chipacapedronis: agreed10:05
zygapedronis: I agree about that, perhaps it's something to slowly prepare post 18-boot (10:05
Chipacastill, it does seem like nearly double the size10:05
zyga(if we slowly march towards that for 20 I would be more comfortable)10:06
Chipacaso worth considering (as in, writing down the reasons so we can explain to others / our future selves)10:06
pedronisyea, it seems better as a goal for 2010:06
pedronisthan to cram it in now10:06
pedronisso many open questions already, and this double some of them10:06
ogra_if 20 is out embedded systems might not care for an extra 10-20MB on disk anymore :)10:06
zygathere's one more point of view, it doesn't need to be that more complex, it's just that on 18-boot we keep what we have and rely on it and on 18-non-boot we can start to remove it over time (again, for 20)10:07
pedronisnothing to do, win ;)10:07
zygaI mean that on more complex boot case we don't change anything at all10:07
zygaso that's a win indeed :)10:07
mborzeckiogra_: that's true10:07
zygathat case is more complex10:07
ogra_(finding MMCs below 2GB is already hard today ... ad will actually cost you extra)10:07
zygathe non boot case is really something we could explore without much risk10:07
zygaogra_: (note that this doesn't shrink the MMC embedded case at all)10:08
zygathis is just for making desktop users happier10:08
pedroniszyga: not quite because  it's also a base, if everbody builds against the full one10:08
pedronisyou cannot change it10:08
zygapedronis: mmmm, indeed10:08
pedronisas in remove stuff10:08
zygaI take that back then10:08
zygabecause people would have to absolutely build against the stripped down version10:08
zygafor this to work10:08
pedronisyea, that's the tricky bit10:08
zygawe might explore a 19 base10:08
zygawith this property10:08
pedronisthat makes it hard to pull off10:08
zygato cook it for 2010:08
pedroniswhile everything is in flux10:09
ChipacaI mean, we could always do magic and replace core18 with core18-classic on classic10:09
Chipacadown the road10:09
zygaa new base, 19, without any boot support10:09
Chipacaif we needed to10:09
zygaChipaca: yes10:09
niemeyermvo: Ack, will do10:09
mvowe would have to ensure that the ABI of core18 is also provided by core18-boot but I agree it should not be a 18 goal, its already quite some work ahead as it is10:09
* zyga likes the core19 as an experiment10:11
Chipacaniemeyer: good morning!10:11
zygabut needs to be supported as short as 19.x ubuntu10:11
ogra_call it core20 from the start and just iterate ;)10:11
Chipacaniemeyer: i could use a bit of bikeshed paint on 'refresh.keep-inactive'10:11
zygaogra_: I don't think that's good, it may not be compatible with 2010:11
ogra_ten call it core-experimental ;)10:12
Chipacaso, even cores stable, odd cores devel10:12
* Chipaca should stop putting crazy ideas out lest they continue to be taken seriously10:12
niemeyerChipaca: Hey, good morning10:13
* ogra_ quickly writes a softpedia article about Chipaca's masterplan of odd/even cores10:13
niemeyerChipaca: Sure, happy to bring my paint :)10:13
niemeyerChipaca: Is there a PR up already?10:13
Chipacaniemeyer: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/520710:13
mupPR #5207: overlord/{config,snap}state: the number of inactive revisions is config <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5207>10:13
Chipacaniemeyer: i have it deconflicted and with tests locally, hoping to have a definitive name to rename things and do a single push10:14
Chipacaactually still missing some tests though10:14
* Chipaca gets back to work10:14
ogra_mvo, is there a chance that with core18 the pi config options can be moved out of core ? its so displaced there :/10:14
pedronismvo: btw I plan to do a proper review of #5217 today10:15
mupPR #5217: asserts,image: add support for models with bases <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5217>10:15
niemeyerChipaca: Thanks, looking10:15
mvopedronis: \o/10:15
pedronisogra_:   well    we support calling those config   "system" as well now10:16
mvoogra_: we have an alias for those now: system10:16
mvoheh :) snap10:16
pedronisbecause of the bases stuff, but still no final plan10:16
pedronisabout the internals10:16
mvoogra_: whats your concern? where the code lifes? or the config schema (core.pi2-foo)?10:17
ogra_mvo, that you have them on *every* UbuntuCore ... they should live in the gadget... it just makes me itch inside every time i think about it10:21
ogra_core should be generic IMHO ... i always thought of the "pi config options in core" as an interim solution10:24
ogra_and the swith to 18 seems like a natural moment to move that around to the correct place10:24
* zyga needs to, perhaps, redesign a small fragment of snap-update-ns path handling10:29
zygapen & paper time10:29
niemeyerChipaca: Reviewed10:30
pedronisogra_: the issue at the time was that we would have needed some mechanism for snapd to filter what can be set or not, just letting the gadget write the file was deemed too unsafe11:05
ogra_pedronis, yeah, i reemember why we are where we are, it would just be nice to move out of that situation eventually and moving to a new core fells like the natural time to do so11:06
ogra_(and i'm aware that it moved out of core into snapd at some point ... which i find even worse)11:08
jameshniemeyer: do you have any opinions on the the interface naming in this PR? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5184#discussion_r19094250311:09
mupPR #5184: interfaces: add desktop-{contacts,calendar}-service interfaces <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5184>11:09
zygajamesh: hey!11:10
jameshhi zyga11:10
zygajamesh: there was a user a while ago asking about how to use the snap with common themes11:10
zygais there anything I could relay him to?11:10
jameshzyga: there's a published gtk-common-themes snap now (hopefully with the store allowing autoconnect soon), but at the moment it relies on adding a bunch of boilerplate to application snaps in order to use it11:12
zygaright, is there anything that explains that and how to use it11:13
jameshI don't think we've got any docs on what that boilerplate should look like yet11:13
niemeyerjamesh: Looking11:14
jameshzyga: gtk3-demo-snapcraft.yaml in https://gist.github.com/jhenstridge/7c1518dfb264014e28558fd03a1ed68a is close to what's needed (it doesn't have the default-provider listed though)11:15
jameshniemeyer: thanks!11:15
zygajamesh: excellent, thank you!11:15
Chipacawhere are we documenting config options?11:17
Chipacathings like refresh.hold etc11:17
mborzeckiChipaca: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/system-options/8711:17
cachio_mvo, hey11:18
niemeyerjamesh: np, and thanks for the PR.. commented there11:20
mupPR snapd#5207 closed: overlord/{config,snap}state: the number of inactive revisions is config <Created by chipaca> <Merged by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5207>11:21
* Chipaca -> lunch11:21
cachio_mvo, about the test snap-core-symlinks, it just works on google, but on the boards or ubuntu-core the core snaps in /var/lib/snapd/snaps are not linked to seeds11:21
jameshniemeyer: thank you11:22
jameshniemeyer: the main issue here is that these interfaces might be what we'd consider "legacy" interfaces, and it isn't obvious that we'd want to extend them to cover more than just EDS11:23
niemeyerjamesh: In which sense is it legacy?11:24
jameshniemeyer: that's why jdstrand was gave eds-contacts as a possibility11:24
niemeyerjamesh: I mean, other than it being for old services11:24
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jameshniemeyer: that EDS hasn't been designed for confinement, so these are basically "all or nothing" interfaces11:24
jameshwe can't give an app access to one address book or one calendar11:25
jamesh(or one contact within an address book)11:25
jameshniemeyer: so if we ever get such an API, it would have quite different semantics to these snapd interfaces11:26
jamesh(e.g. it might be quite safe to auto-connect an interface giving an app access to an app specific calendar)11:26
niemeyerjamesh: Would we have an interface at all if that takes place?11:26
cachio_mvo, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/MbHN3jTfS6/11:26
niemeyerjamesh: I mean, how would we allow access to _one_ contact11:26
cachio_mvo, this is starting the image, no spread tests involved11:27
niemeyerjamesh: Other than having an interface that would prevent general access in either case11:27
niemeyerjamesh: In other words, would we have a "contacts-service" interface at all when that happens?11:28
jameshniemeyer: it would have to rely on the service mediating access similar to portals.  I think we had something like that as a trusted helper on Ubuntu Phone?11:28
niemeyerjamesh: Right, exactly11:28
niemeyerjamesh: So I see two possibilities once that takes place:11:29
niemeyer1) We have no interface at all, and grant the access in the base profile11:30
jameshniemeyer: the other naming issue brought up was KDE: it has its own backend with its own IPC (Akonadi).  It isn't clear whether that could be added to these interfaces or not: IIRC it isn't D-Bus based, so it might be giving access to a lot more than "only contacts" or "only calendars"11:30
niemeyer2) We have an interface, and require that to be connected to ask for a contact even then11:30
niemeyerjamesh: In (1), we might just obsolete "contacts-service" (or any other name we pick)11:31
niemeyerjamesh: In (2), I see no harm in providing access to both services in the same interface..11:31
niemeyerjamesh: We're still confining the best we can for the available means11:31
jameshniemeyer: right.  So I think the suggestion to use "eds-contacts" would be to avoid squatting on a name we might want to use for the possible non-legacy interface11:32
niemeyerjamesh: That KDE case needs to be understood indeed..11:32
niemeyerjamesh: I get it.. the rationale above provide some feedback on why I suspect that might not be an issue11:33
niemeyerjamesh: That said, the KDE case needs to be better understood11:33
niemeyerjamesh: To make sure it's not evidence of a larger problem11:33
niemeyerjamesh: We might try to use similar logic there, though.. what are the potential choices we have?11:34
niemeyerjamesh: If KDE cannot be split, no possible interface name will suit it11:34
niemeyerjamesh: If it can, the actual interface names do not matter11:35
jameshniemeyer: https://techbase.kde.org/KDE_PIM/Akonadi/Architecture says it is an IMAP-like protocol over a unix domain socket, with the store covering contacts, calendars, email, and other types11:35
niemeyerjamesh: That makes it sound like it'd need a custom interface name for it11:35
niemeyer"akonadi" being the obvious candidate11:35
jameshso it doesn't sound like we could restrict based on data type11:36
jameshI'm kind of leaning towards eds-contacts and eds-calendar, but don't feel too strongly about it (I'm basically just waiting for a decision so I can update the PR)11:37
niemeyerjamesh: I'm not strongly in favor of something either, but let's please not go with "eds"11:37
niemeyerThat makes no sense to pretty much anyone that is not a frequent user of the software11:38
jameshniemeyer: I'd agree that "eds" on its own doesn't mean much.  But combined with "contacts" or "calendar" it has meaning11:39
jamesh"akonadi" as an interface name would be equally impenetrable11:39
niemeyerjamesh: Sort of.. google for both11:40
zygawe also have the interface names11:40
zygabut how about gnome-contacts, gnome-calendar11:40
zygaand kde-{contacts,calendar}11:40
zygabetter than both eds and akowhatever11:40
zyga(is akonadi a word or an acronym or just random letters?)11:41
niemeyerjamesh: Another perspective: are there any other calendar services?11:41
niemeyerzyga: Doesn't matter much11:41
niemeyerjamesh: .. and even if there aren't, what if a new one is created.. would we want individual interfaces for all of them?11:42
niemeyerjamesh: If so, why did we choose to bundle "password-manager-service"?11:42
jameshniemeyer: well, ideally everyone would move towards a common confinement friendly API that satisfies your scenario (1).  So apps don't necessarily program to a single one11:44
niemeyerjamesh: The ideal scenario doesn't help us right now11:45
cjwatsonakonadi> "named after the oracle goddess of justice in Ghana" says wikipedia11:45
niemeyerjamesh: Per early points, in the ideal scenario we can just obsolete everything else and have a base profile11:45
jameshniemeyer: right, but it is relevant to "what if someone invents yet another data store?" question11:45
niemeyerjamesh: Right.. the question was supposing that this is not an ideal scenario11:46
niemeyerjamesh: Another piece in the puzzle: we have unity8-contacts and unity8-calendar, and unity8-pim-common already11:48
niemeyerSo the scenario of having multiple "legacy" calendars is not theory11:48
niemeyerDo we have any snaps using these interfaces today?11:49
niemeyerI'm tempted to obsolete these interfaces, or potentially remove them if we have a trivial number of snaps published that leverage them and we can communicate with publishers11:50
jameshniemeyer: I think the unity8-* ones are from the unsuccessful attempt to port Ubuntu Phone to snappy11:50
niemeyerand then not do the same mistake again11:50
jameshI know there's other phone interfaces we wrote that my team wrote that are effectively unused (e.g. thumbnailer-service + storage-framework-service)11:52
niemeyerBesides having an "akonadi" interface, we might also have a "pim-service" interface that aggregates both calendar-service and contacts-service11:55
niemeyerOr, alternatively, we might go the opposite way and enable akonadi only if both interfaces are connected11:56
niemeyerThat's all somewhat magical, though11:56
niemeyerHaving it explicit still feels saner11:57
jameshniemeyer: at the moment, the primary use case for these interfaces was to be able to snap the gnome-contacts and gnome-calendar applications, and probably have the store allow these apps to autoconnect11:57
jameshniemeyer: I'm not sure how many other apps would actually use them, since we're talking about highly sensitive personal data11:58
niemeyerjamesh: Given all the conversation so far, gut feeling is still that "calendar-service" and "contacts-service" gets us to a reasonable place11:58
niemeyerVery clear what data is at stake.. reusable if we find more use cases11:58
niemeyerDoesn't prevent other alternatives11:59
niemeyerFollows existing conventions that are in use11:59
jameshI'll update to use that then.12:00
niemeyerThanks for the discussion12:00
pedronispstolowski|lunch: reviewed #521512:04
mupPR #5215: ifacestate: improved error handling when creating autoconnect tasks <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5215>12:04
jdstrandjamesh (cc niemeyer): for some historical context-- Ubuntu Touch had the same problem and used the same technology (eds). there was no application isolation with eds. also, unity8-contacts and unit8-calendar happen to also use eds; the difference with those interfaces is that they are designed with a slot implementation in mind,not as an implicit calssic interface12:04
jdstrandon touch there was an addressbook service and iirc something for calendar, but they didn't provide any isolation. it was always planned they would at some point12:05
mvocachio_: thanks, thats interessting. I hvae a look in a little bit12:06
jdstrandjamesh: re akonadi and imap over unix> yuck :)12:07
niemeyerjdstrand: Wouldn't the interface be the same, whether it's designed with a slot upfront or not?12:09
niemeyerjdstrand: Over time we had multiple cases that migrated towards offering a slot12:09
Chipacapopey: 'snap set system refresh.retain=N' now on master12:11
jdstrandniemeyer: it is essentially the same, yes (in fact, I compared them as part of my review for these new ones). the only difference is that jamesh' new ones we slightly more specific in some cases (which was understandable since we had a specific snap's label on the slot side)12:12
jdstrandI figured we would probably deprecate the unity8 ones too12:13
jdstrand(since these new ones were targetting real world use cases)12:14
jdstrandniemeyer: the way that things are going with portals and classic desktop, I'm not sure we'll every have a slot side implementation for these new services, but I wouldn't rule it out12:16
jdstrandI should have said 'new services' :)12:17
Chipacamvo: what's #5213 waiting for?12:18
mupPR #5213: snapcraft: run with DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5213>12:18
Chipacaoh maybe the last +1 is really recent :-)12:19
* zyga -> walk12:20
jameshjdstrand: the unity8-* interfaces seem to be missing some rules to talk to the source registry.  I wonder if they were relying on the com.canonical.pim.* interfaces for discovery instead?12:23
pedronisChipaca: yes12:25
pstolowski|lunchpedronis: thank you!12:26
mupPR snapd#5213 closed: snapcraft: run with DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=nocheck <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5213>12:28
mupPR snapd#5225 opened: selftest: add new selftest package that tests squashfs mounting <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5225>12:32
jdstrandjamesh: I wondered that myself. iirc the unity8 ones didn't use path= everywhere so perhaps it was covered by them be less specific. alternatively, those are buggy and we never saw the bugs cause no one used them12:34
mvocachio_: what ubuntu-image do you use to create the image that then does not have the symlinks? the ubuntu-image deb or the ubuntu-image snap? I wonder if the "wrong" snap prepare-image is used here (the snap embedds that)12:34
jdstrandjamesh: (I'm recollecting from the other day's review since I'm pulled aside atm)12:35
cachio_mvo, the deb12:35
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
mvocachio_: and the machine that build the image had snapd 2.33~rc1 installed?12:38
cachio_mvo, 16-2.33~rc1+git758.0a96f21 (4764)12:39
cachio_it is edge12:39
mvocachio_: ok, I will try to reproduce12:42
mvojdstrand: could the review tools be updated for the new snapd snap? its a bit unusal, but not that much13:14
mvojdstrand: it will be uploaded nightly as a snap now13:14
jdstrandmvo: it is a normal app snap? what do you want updated in the tools. I see snap-confine (fine). is that external symlink valid?13:16
jdstrandpackage contains external symlinks: lib/udev/snappy-app-dev13:16
mvojdstrand: its a normal app snap. the symlink should be fine, I can make it relative though if that helps13:18
mvojdstrand: maybe I can even remove it entirely, its just for backward compatiblity. I need to look carefully13:19
jdstrandmvo: well, the idea behind the test is that a symlink to outside the snap isn't guaranteed to have the target present and so may be broken. in this case, it's unclear, I mean, the snap is providing the target...13:20
jdstrandmvo: I've fixed the snap-confine issue in trunk. I need to add some code for the symlink. let me know if it is needed13:24
zygajdstrand: ping me for the review, I'm always curious about that13:25
mupPR snapd#5208 closed: interface hooks: update old AutoConnect methods <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5208>13:38
zyganiemeyer: my understanding of the problem of parallel installs and classic confinement https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/special-bind-mount-for-snap-instances-including-classic-confinement/566613:40
=== pbek_ is now known as pbek
Chipacamvo: is current master 2.35?13:48
mvoChipaca: 2.3413:48
Chipacamvo: ah! i thought we'd split that already13:48
Chipacamvo: (asking for the "available since" thing in the docs)13:48
pedronisChipaca: we split 2.3313:49
pedronisand now that is in beta13:49
zygabecause we could to show we, on average, increment once a month ;D13:52
Chipacazyga: quick quiz for you: how many months are there in a year14:01
zygaChipaca: how many do you need?14:03
Chipacazyga: no that's the _russian's_ line14:03
Chipacayou're getting your jokes mixed up14:03
mvoChipaca: about 5225> you asked about squashfs without xz compression - I assume you ask for this to present a better error message?14:11
Chipacamvo: yes14:12
mupPR snapd#5216 closed: many: holding refresh on metered connections (2.33) <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5216>14:13
Chipacamvo: ie do the check for the xz one, if that fails do the same check with the non-xz one14:14
Chipacamvo: OTOH i'm not too happy about having a 4k var, having two would be right out :-)14:14
mvoChipaca: I think I can compress it, let me see14:16
Chipacamvo: dude, it's a squashfs :-)14:16
Chipacamvo: but, depending on how smart you want to be, you could drop the trailing zeroes and pad it when testing14:17
Chipacamvo: I can show you what I mean if you want14:17
mvoChipaca: yeah, this is what I had in mind, the zeros14:17
Chipacamvo: also perhaps encoding/ascii85 instead of encoding/base6414:18
mvoChipaca: is there a good cmdline tool?14:18
Chipaca$ ascii8514:18
ChipacaThe program 'ascii85' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:14:18
Chipacasudo apt install ruby-ascii8514:18
mvoChipaca: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xXxNzZZ5Xr/14:18
mvoChipaca: hrm, I pass, I don't want to install ruby just for that :)14:19
Chipacamvo: me neither :-)14:19
Chipacamvo: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/pmv3FYP5HB/14:21
Chipacamvo: but that's probably cheating14:22
Chipaca(also not exactly the same file because i was lazy in creating the canary.txt so don't use it as is)14:22
mvoChipaca: with gzip its 309 byte14:22
mvoChipaca: hm, 23714:22
Chipacamvo: and without gzip, but instead dropping trailing \0's?14:22
mvoChipaca: no idea, I was too lazy to write code for this14:23
mvoChipaca: thanks a lot for your suggestion(s) - much nicer (and smaller) now14:24
Chipacamvo: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/xNTmd4vYbb/14:24
Chipacamvo: the first one is base64, the second ascii85, both trimming trailing \0's, no gzip14:25
mvoChipaca: 296 - nice14:26
Chipacamvo: code for it if needed: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/sY67dKbb6J/14:36
mvoChipaca: thank you, I will ponder about it. my gut feeling is that I want to be able to construct the "squashfs.image" string using std unix tools, hence gzip. but maybe I'm overly lazy here. going from 309byte to 200ish is a nice feature14:37
Chipacamvo: either is fine tbh14:37
Chipacamvo: make it a const instead of a var and you're home14:38
Chipaca(or make the var inside the function)14:38
mvoChipaca: *cough* good point, thanks again14:38
Chipaca(same thing, as the const will still be there, unnamed)14:38
mupPR snapd#5224 closed: interfaces: remove Plug/Slot types <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5224>14:46
mvocachio_: I tried to reproduce the issue with ubunut-image and the symlinks. I installed ubuntu-image from the deb and refreshed my core to beta. snap version shows 2.33~rc1 for the snap. when I build an image with that combination I get the symlinks.15:04
mvocachio_: I'm trying the reboot problem now15:05
cachio_mvo, seemlink issue is happening with the regular beta image15:08
cachio_if you install the beta image created with ubuntu image you get the symlinks issue15:08
cachio_then when you reboot from stable to beta and run the auto-refresh test you get the reboot issue15:09
cachio_you can reproduce both with pc-amd64 or pc-i38615:09
mvocachio_: ok, so symlink issue: I did "ubuntu-image --channel=beta pc-amd64.model" and booted the resulted image (with systemd.debug-shell=1) and in there I can see the symlinks. what steps do I need to do to trigger the issue?15:11
mvocachio_: for the unexpected reboot> what do I need to do here? "ubuntu-image --channel=stable pc-amd64.model" and then "snap refresh --beta core" and then run the autorefresh tests?15:12
cachio_mvo, well start the vm15:14
cachio_I do15:14
cachio_kvm -snapshot -smp 2 -m 2000 -redir tcp:8022::22 -nographic -serial mon:stdio <PATH_TO_IMAGE>15:15
cachio_mvo, to create the image15:16
cachio_I use that script15:16
cachio_with params: beta pc-amd6415:16
cachio_mvo, for unexpecte reboot15:18
cachio_then reboot to beta15:20
cachio_and after the reboot, you run auto-refresh test15:20
cachio_mvo, I see there are new stable images15:20
cachio_I was using the factory ones which are older15:21
cachio_I am using15:21
cachio_zyga, on fedora 28 the owner for /home/test/.snap is root instead of test15:24
cachio_zyga, do you know if is it ok?15:25
jdstrandniemeyer: hey, I noticed in https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/classic-confinement-for-postman/5625/6 I no longer have a way to mark something as 'done' (ie, the little checkbox item I use from time to time). is the removal of this ability intentional?15:29
noise][1i seem to have lost that ability as well15:34
Chipacajdstrand: noise][1: we bumped versions friday, maybe it's a regression?15:34
jdstrandthat's what I was wondering15:34
jdstrandI wonder if we need to have an additional acl or something15:35
jdstrandI vaguely recall that was needed before... by only vaguely15:35
Chipacajdstrand: I can't find it on topics I've created myself either15:35
mupPR # closed: snapd#4416, snapd#4700, snapd#4767, snapd#4889, snapd#4917, snapd#4940, snapd#4951, snapd#4996, snapd#5030, snapd#5081, snapd#5122, snapd#5162, snapd#5170,15:36
mupsnapd#5176, snapd#5178, snapd#5184, snapd#5187, snapd#5197, snapd#5204, snapd#5215, snapd#5217, snapd#5219, snapd#5221, snapd#5222, snapd#5223, snapd#522515:36
Chipacajdstrand: noise][1: it's a plugin, maybe the plugin needs updating?15:37
mupPR # opened: snapd#4416, snapd#4700, snapd#4767, snapd#4889, snapd#4917, snapd#4940, snapd#4951, snapd#4996, snapd#5030, snapd#5081, snapd#5122, snapd#5162, snapd#5170,15:37
mupsnapd#5176, snapd#5178, snapd#5184, snapd#5187, snapd#5197, snapd#5204, snapd#5215, snapd#5217, snapd#5219, snapd#5221, snapd#5222, snapd#5223, snapd#522515:37
Chipacawe used to have a _lot_ of plugins, now there's just one15:37
Chipacaniemeyer: ^?15:37
mupPR # closed: snapd#4416, snapd#4700, snapd#4767, snapd#4889, snapd#4917, snapd#4940, snapd#4951, snapd#4996, snapd#5030, snapd#5081, snapd#5122, snapd#5162, snapd#5170,15:38
mupsnapd#5176, snapd#5178, snapd#5184, snapd#5187, snapd#5197, snapd#5204, snapd#5215, snapd#5217, snapd#5219, snapd#5221, snapd#5222, snapd#5223, snapd#522515:38
mupPR # opened: snapd#4416, snapd#4700, snapd#4767, snapd#4889, snapd#4917, snapd#4940, snapd#4951, snapd#4996, snapd#5030, snapd#5081, snapd#5122, snapd#5162, snapd#5170,15:39
mupsnapd#5176, snapd#5178, snapd#5184, snapd#5187, snapd#5197, snapd#5204, snapd#5215, snapd#5217, snapd#5219, snapd#5221, snapd#5222, snapd#5223, snapd#522515:39
zygacachio_: hmm, /.snap is used for store auth typically, I think that's not okay but I don't know the reason15:44
mupPR snapd#5226 opened: data: add systemd user environment generator <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5226>16:07
cachio_zyga, this is fedora 28, -rw-------. 1 root root   44 May 29 14:48 auth.json16:12
cachio_and this 27, -rw-r--r--. 1 root root   44 May 29 15:04 auth.json16:12
cachio_this is making fail some tests16:12
cachio_same for .snap dir16:13
zygadoes it fail if you run just one test? I mean if you add restore-each and just check the ownership and mode, will this show the difference16:13
zygaalso before you said it's owned by test user not by root, so which one is it?16:13
cachio_zyga, I just ran 1 test16:14
cachio_and it failed16:14
cachio_so it is ok if it is owned by root16:14
zygais umask different?16:14
cachio_but test user should be able to read16:14
cachio_zyga, yes16:15
cachio_0022 and 007716:15
zygawell that looks like it16:16
* zyga boots f2716:18
zygaI need to install f28 now16:18
zygawhy does everything hurt today,  ouch16:18
cachio_it it the weather16:19
zygait feels like a flu16:19
pstolowskipedronis: ugh, that auto connect conflict logic needs to be even more complex than what you suggested in the comment to the PR (i think). i think we need that FindSnapsWaitingFor helper i had before16:19
zygathe weather is perfect, it's close to 30C and very sunny all day (weeks) long16:19
cachio_nice, 26C here16:21
cachio_but winter is comming16:21
zygahere's still spring, I wonder how summer will look like16:21
zyga30C during daytime, 17 at night16:21
cachio_it will be hot16:22
zygaI hope summer time will be more wet16:24
zygathere are a lot of forest fires otherwise16:24
zygaand when it is wet and hot there's an explosion of mushroom to pick16:24
cachio_be careful16:24
zygaI will spend most of school holidays with my parents a bit north of here, with the kids16:25
cachio_there are poisoned ones16:25
zyganowadays with LTE anywhere it's really not a problem16:25
zygaand with the upgraded data cap (1TB) I won't have to think twice about data16:25
zygayes, you have to be careful16:25
zygaI only pick those that I always picked as a child16:25
cachio_well, here if you leave the city the LTE connection is pretty bad16:26
zygathere are several very safe species16:26
zygaoutside of cities you usually get 3/4G16:26
sil2100mvo: heh... it looks like the VM is not the problem - seems like by default is doesn't seem to be able to build the snap correctly on anything below bionic16:26
zygaI've been to the same place in 2016 (when I still had a MacBook for work)16:27
sil2100mvo: mismatch between libc in the part itself and the one on the system16:27
zygabut this time I have a better modem so I think it will be ok16:27
sil2100(or something similar)16:27
zygaand they keep expanding the network to cover more roads connecting bigger cities so I may even get LTE now16:27
cachio_you have a 1TB plan ?16:27
zygacachio_: yes16:27
cachio_that's pretty good16:28
zygacachio_: it's a data plan, it costs about 20 euro a month16:28
zygano phone calls included16:28
sil2100mvo: I was just able to snap core18 correctly on a bionic VM - too bad travis doesn't seem to support bionic, it tries to pull things from precise in that case16:28
zygacachio_: my phone plan is different but I don't know what it is really, it came with a free sim for a laptop that gives me extra 100GB16:28
cachio_zyga, zyga, it is pretty chip16:29
zygacachio_: and I still use my Spanish SIM which has 12GB of roaming everywhere so I stick to it instead of switching16:29
cachio_zyga, conectivity here is expensive and not good16:29
cachio_10GB is about 40 euroos16:30
zygaI wonder if my roaming would work there16:30
zyga(the one from Vodafone.es)16:30
mvosil2100: hm, hm, ok. thats really unfortunate. but also slightly strange because I can "snapcraft cleanbuild" core18 and that will use a xenial lxd container unless I'm confusing things16:35
zygaChipaca: lol, https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/technology/npm-fails-worldwide-with-err-418-im-a-teapot-error/16:37
Chipacazyga: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯16:37
cachio_mvo, could you reproduce any of those errors?16:38
sil2100mvo: I didn't know about cleanbuild!16:38
sil2100Let me experiment with that one16:38
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
zygacachio_: fedora 28 installing now16:42
cachio_zyga, great16:43
niemeyerjdstrand: Not intentional, looking into it16:44
sil2100mvo: how do you run snapcraft cleanbuild so that the snapcraft inside the container is run with root? Since I seem to be getting errors when it's attempting to mknod16:45
zygacachio_: booting now16:46
zygacachio_: f28 umask is 000216:47
cachio_zyga, you mean in desktop?16:48
cachio_in my desktop too16:50
cachio_but in the cloud image is different16:50
cachio_and the umask for root?16:51
zygaah, root is 002216:52
niemeyerjdstrand: We lost the plugin on the upgrade16:52
cachio_so I should chnage deafult nmask in the google image and that's it?16:53
zygacachio_: I think we should handle this in spread.yaml16:54
zygaas otherwise we will get a "magic" image that is not representative of fedora16:54
cachio_zyga, ok, I'll add that to the PR in that case16:54
zygacachio_: note that on f27 the same umask is used16:55
zyga0022 for root, 0002 for user16:55
niemeyerjdstrand: deej will bring it back this afternoon16:57
jdstrandniemeyer: cool, thanks! :)16:57
kyrofaHey Chipaca, give me some love: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/snapd-rest-api-expose-bind-mount-root-in-tried-snaps/560817:07
Chipacakyrofa: just looking into that17:07
kyrofaChipaca, ha!17:07
kyrofaHey niemeyer, mind if I schedule a quick chat about https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/fixing-the-snapcraft-cache-lp-1582469/4127 ?17:07
sil2100mvo: btw. I'm constantly wondering, is the part name 'boostrap' a typo or is it intentional? ;)17:08
cachio_zyga, so, in fedora 28 image the umask is ok17:13
zygacachio_: hold on, as root or as user?17:13
cachio_but then I updated it to make the selimux permissive and the umask went to 007717:14
cachio_as root17:14
cachio_I did dnf makecache and dnf upgrade -y17:14
zygathat's ... weird17:15
zygawhat did you do to make selinux permissive?17:15
cachio_and reboot17:15
cachio_sed -i 's/SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=permissive/g' /etc/selinux/config17:15
* zyga tries17:16
niemeyerkyrofa: Not at all, thanks for that17:20
zygacachio_: rebooting17:22
* niemeyer => break17:22
zygacachio_: I changed SELINUX to permissive and rebooted, umask wasn't affected17:23
zygacachio_: there must be another modification at play17:23
cachio_zyga, I'll regenerated the fedora image17:25
cachio_same than yesterday but without reboot17:26
cachio_checking how it was generated17:26
cachio_zyga, it is the same17:27
zygameaning? it's the same as mine or the same as yours before the regexen?17:27
cachio_0077 after the regeneration17:28
zygathis was based on the cloud image?17:29
zygaI will try that17:29
zygahow do you make the image?17:29
cachio_now I am running a regeneration which just changes the selinux config bht it is not updating17:29
cachio_the base fedora 28 image it is already created17:29
zygahow was it created?17:30
cachio_with this script17:30
zygaI'm pulling the same disk now17:32
cachio_zyga, so, using the fedora 28 image17:36
cachio_which has umask 0022 for root17:36
mvosil2100: *cough* typo but funny17:37
cachio_zyga, wait17:37
cachio_I think I know which is hte issue17:37
zygaI just booted the image17:38
mvocachio_: I had no luck with the missing symlinks, but I ran manually not from your script. I didn't manage to try the second one unfortunately17:38
cachio_on the cleanup we are deleting /root/.bashrc17:38
mvosil2100: iirc it is run as root17:38
cachio_mvo, ok, I'll try again with the latest changes17:39
cachio_mvo, it is weird beause it failed in all the runs the symlink test17:40
mvocachio_: yeah, I can try from the script in the morning17:40
cachio_zyga, I am regenerating the image without deleting the .bashrc17:40
pedronispstolowski|afk: mmh, we are probably talking past each other if there's a relevant link-snap there is probably also an auto-connect task17:45
pedroniswhich would make us ignore the former17:45
pedronispstolowski|afk: we can talk again tomorrow morning, I might be missing something17:47
jdstrandroadmr: hi! would you mind pulling r1081 or the review tools? it isn't terribly urgent, but sooner is better than later (it isn't an emergency though)17:50
jdstrandogra_: fyi, you probably got these, but I saw that 'Store authorization failed for linux-generic-bbb'17:51
cachio_ zyga, that was the problem17:52
cachio_zyga, I regenerated the image and umask is 002217:52
cachio_the issue was that it was cleaning the /root/.bashrc17:53
cachio_this cleanup is pretty old17:53
cachio_it comes from linode17:53
cachio_zyga, something changed on that file on fedora 2817:54
zygacachio_: yes, that file just sources /etc/bashrc which sets umask18:11
om26erChipaca: Hi! got a minute ?18:12
om26erits about `http` snap, a feature request :)18:12
mupPR snapd#5227 opened: interfaces/hardware-observe: allow access to /etc/sensors* for libsensors <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5227>18:22
mupPR snapd#5228 opened: interfaces/hardware-observe: allow access to /etc/sensors* for libsensors (2.33) <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5228>18:24
jdstrandniemeyer: hey, if you have a moment to look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4951, I implemented your changes last week18:40
jdstrandyour requested*18:40
mupPR #4951: interfaces/screenshot: allow access to gnome-shell screenshot/screencast <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4951>18:40
=== Eleventh_Doctor is now known as Pharaoh_Atem
cachio_zyga, this change fixed all the failing tests on fedora 28 :)18:48
cachio_zyga, thanks for the support18:48
zygaWoot, Thank you :-)18:48
Pharaoh_Atemwut the wut?18:49
Pharaoh_Atemwhat happened?18:49
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=== grumblr is now known as grumble
zygaBad rm nuked bashes18:54
=== Kamilion|ZNC is now known as Kamilion
mupPR snapd#5229 opened: interfaces: add juju-client-observe interface <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5229>18:55
Pharaoh_Atemzyga: ah18:58
Pharaoh_Atemzyga: what's going on here? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5219#issuecomment-39289925818:58
mupPR #5219: packaging/opensuse: Refactor packaging to support all openSUSE targets <Created by Conan-Kudo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5219>18:58
mupPR snapcraft#2144 closed: lifecycle: automatically stage dependencies <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2144>19:08
niemeyerjdstrand: ouch.. I didn't realize the details of the interface19:10
Pharaoh_Atemzyga: Flock 2018 has been announced19:13
Pharaoh_AtemDresden, Germany this time: https://flocktofedora.org/19:13
zygaCount me in then19:14
zygaI will plan the trip and come19:14
zygaWe need to present bases :-)19:14
niemeyerjdstrand: This is such a bad API19:15
sergiusenskyrofa: commented on https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2145/files19:17
mupPR snapcraft#2145: lifecycle: automatically clean dirty steps <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2145>19:17
zygaPharaoh_Atem: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5219/files#r19154565819:30
mupPR #5219: packaging/opensuse: Refactor packaging to support all openSUSE targets <Created by Conan-Kudo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5219>19:30
sergiusenskyrofa: I have a minor request and a non mandatory counter-proposal that brings an implicit behavior most people seem to expect (ordered yaml)19:38
sergiusensthat's for snapcraft#214619:39
mupPR snapcraft#2146: project_loader: process parts in consistent order <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2146>19:39
jdstrandniemeyer: yeah. at least it is manually connected... :\19:44
Pharaoh_Atemzyga: but openSUSE uses /run/media19:44
zygalet's not change that now, we can tweak it (perhaps set it conditionally) and fix the test19:45
niemeyerjdstrand: Yeah, but it feels too misleading19:46
niemeyerjdstrand: It's an awkward precedent19:46
Pharaoh_Atemzyga: so the test has always been wrong then?19:46
niemeyerjdstrand: So the interface allows saving files *anywhere*?19:46
jdstrandniemeyer: we can say "no, we won't support this. wait for portals"19:46
niemeyerI mean, anywhere the uid calling the API has access to, I suppose19:46
zygaPharaoh_Atem: perhaps it was right before, are you sure opensuse used /run/media?19:47
Pharaoh_AtemopenSUSE Leap 42.x, 15.0, and Tumbleweed use /run/media19:47
jdstrandniemeyer: yes. there is some default actions but the dbus api allows specifying the outpath. we can't mediate that in apparmor because it is member data. gnome-shell would have to mediate it with the libapparmor query api to mediate it properly19:47
zygain that case the test will need tweaking19:48
jdstrandniemeyer: and yes, anywhere the unconfined gnome-shell is allowed to write to19:48
Pharaoh_Atemthe switch that changes this for debian (https://salsa.debian.org/utopia-team/udisks2/blob/master/debian/rules#L13), is not set in openSUSE: https://build.opensuse.org/package/view_file/Base:System/udisks2/udisks2.spec?expand=119:48
Pharaoh_Atemthey switched to /run/media in 201219:52
jdstrandniemeyer: it is probably worth reiterating (this was mentioned in the forum) that this gnome-shell api is intended to be a temporary api unitl the pipewire (screencast) and a proper portals screenshot api was in place19:54
niemeyerjdstrand: I feel pretty bad for saying this now, but I think you had it right the first time around, and I didn't realize because I missed those details19:56
jdstrandniemeyer: that said, it has been a long time and screencasting doesn't work yet with pipewire19:56
niemeyerjdstrand: To be clear, I feel bad not because I was wrong, but because you spent time on it19:56
jdstrandniemeyer: well, the it's a weird access. I mean, desktop-legacy already has some terrible stuff, but desktop-legacy is auto-connected. I think the question is do we want this to be autoconnected or not19:57
niemeyerjdstrand: Still, the open path writing is still something that raises eyebrows even in legacy desktop19:57
niemeyerjdstrand: Do we have an equivalent access there?19:57
jdstrandniemeyer: no. just full keyboard sniffing and injection. you know, nothing that bad :P19:57
niemeyerWell, it's just about expectations.. X11 is what it is19:58
jdstrandniemeyer: and don't feel bad. it doesn't take long to shuffle stuff around19:58
jdstrandwell yes19:58
jdstrandx11 is one thing, but desktop-legacy doesn't have x1119:59
jdstrandit is theoreticlly possible to plugs: [ desktop, desktop-legacy, wayland ]19:59
niemeyerjdstrand: Are both APIs exposed in the same term (screencast and screenshot)?19:59
niemeyersame terms19:59
jdstrandniemeyer: we can differentiate between screenshot and screencast. both have the same issue with outpath19:59
jdstrandperhaps to confuse things further, X allows screen grabs (screenshot) via the X protocol. gnome-shell is exposing these mostly for the benefit of wayland, but you can use this dbus api under X if you want20:02
mupPR snapcraft#2145 closed: lifecycle: automatically clean dirty steps <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2145>20:02
jdstrandbut you had it right the first time. it is a terrible api. I think the idea is that they added it to gnome-shell since it is no worse than X. since mutter isn't a complete X replacement yet, they probably figured they'd fix this in the fullness of time with portals20:04
jdstrandI'm guessing, but I can easily imagine that is how the conversation went20:04
niemeyerjdstrand: Indeed20:05
niemeyerjdstrand: Okay, let's sleep on that one.. the brain isn't yielding any great ideas right now20:06
jdstrandniemeyer: sure, np. I'm kinda leaning towards the manually connected separate interface atm, but we can continue thinking about it20:06
niemeyerIn fact, I'll probably do that literally.. woke up somewhat early and I need a nap to refresh a bit20:07
jdstrandhave a nice rest :)20:07
niemeyerThanks :)20:07
jdstrandit's super-annoying to wake up early and not be able to get back to sleep20:07
mupIssue # closed: snapcraft#100, snapcraft#1438, snapcraft#1440, snapcraft#1441, snapcraft#1449, snapcraft#1450, snapcraft#1451, snapcraft#1455, snapcraft#1456, snapcraft#1458, snapcraft#1459, snapcraft#1460, snapcraft#1461, snapcraft#1463, snapcraft#1465, snapcraft#1467, snapcraft#1468,20:08
mupsnapcraft#1469, snapcraft#1476, snapcraft#1477, snapcraft#1502, snapcraft#1658, snapcraft#1660, snapcraft#1665, snapcraft#1677, snapcraft#1678, snapcraft#1679, snapcraft#1696, snapcraft#1701, snapcraft#1705, snapcraft#1706, snapcraft#1715, snapcraft#1751, snapcraft#1753, snapcraft#1794,20:08
mupsnapcraft#1882, snapcraft#1887, snapcraft#1921, snapcraft#1932, snapcraft#2001, snapcraft#2027, snapcraft#2032, snapcraft#2048, snapcraft#2118, snapcraft#2133, snapcraft#2134, snapcraft#2136, snapcraft#213720:08
Chipacaom26er: here now20:52
sergiusenskyrofa et.al catch you later in the night20:57
* sergiusens is off to aikido practise20:57
mupPR snapd#5230 opened: interfaces/udisks2: also implement implicit classic slot <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5230>20:58
om26erChipaca: I am making a form-data post request that uploads a file and it gives permission denied. So maybe if the http snap added `home` interface, things will get more usable.21:49
mupPR snapd#5231 opened: interfaces/joystick: force use of the device cgroup with joystick interface <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5231>22:01
Chipacaom26er: noted. Meanwhile you can use bash's process substitution22:50
Chipacaom26er: e.g. foo=@<( cat the-file.json )22:51
om26erChipaca: Thanks, in this case its a png file, will see how that goes.22:51
=== erio is now known as erio|away

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