
ubptgbot<amolith> Is there any way I can improve the quality of this? I'm trying to take some recordings to demonstrate the interface and some of UT's features. … https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/advanceduse/screencasting.html00:00
ubptgbot<amolith> Also, how are we supposed to get album art to show up in the Music app? I have one album that has AlbumArtwork.png and it shows up (I'll send a screenshot) and one that is labeled the same but in a different album and it is not showing up.01:04
ubptgbot<amolith> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/BmXXHmmI.png01:05
ubptgbot<amolith> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/AaBPlDiH.png01:05
ubptgbot<amolith> @amolith, It's supposed to be The Talos Principle that has the art on it.01:05
ubptgbotWaruna Viraj was added by: Waruna Viraj01:10
ubptgbot<amolith> @Waruna Viraj, Welcome, Waruna! Check out ubports.com/telegram-welcome to get yu started and feel free to ask any questions you may have in here or in our Welcone & Install room! Most people are asleep right about now but I can probably answer the majority of your questions if you have any! 🙂01:26
ubptgbot<amolith> @Waruna Viraj, [Edit] Welcome, Waruna! Check out ubports.com/telegram-welcome to get yu started and feel free to ask any questions you may have in here or in our Welcome & Install room! Most people are asleep right about now but I can probably answer the majority of your questions if you have any! 🙂01:26
ubptgbot<amolith> @Waruna Viraj, [Edit] Welcome, Waruna! Check out ubports.com/telegram-welcome to get you started and feel free to ask any questions you may have in here or in our Welcome & Install room! Most people are asleep right about now but I can probably answer the majority of your questions if you have any! 🙂01:27
ubptgbot<dohbee> @amolith, Do the files have album art embedded in the id3 tags?02:01
ubptgbot<amolith> @dohbee, No idea. I didn't realise that was how the images were designated as cover art. Let me check and see02:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> I don't recall the exact method of art selection, but pretty sure it's a primary one. I try to make sure all my music has album art as part of id3 tags02:07
ubptgbot<amolith> @dohbee, EasyTAG isn't showing any option for art. Could you recommend an application that does?02:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> Easytag does art for sure, because it's how I fixed a bunch of mine02:09
ubptgbot<amolith> Where is the option? I don't see it anywhere02:09
ubptgbot<dohbee> But I guess this is veering a bit OT as well02:09
ubptgbot<amolith> So I guess the on-topic answer would be that Music uses id3 tags to find cover art lol :wink:02:11
ubptgbot<amolith> [Edit] So I guess the on-topic answer would be that Music uses id3 tags to find cover art lol 😉02:11
ubptgbot<dohbee> I don't think music app does anything itself for that. It just requests the thumbnail from mediascanner iirc02:16
ubptgbot<amolith> Two questions: … Is there any way I can improve the quality of this? I'm trying to take some recordings to demonstrate the interface and some of UT's features. … How would I go about just saving the output rather than viewing it? I have a feeling that that would help with the video quality immensely. … https://docs.ubports.com/en/la03:42
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ubptgbot<TronFortyTwo> @amolith, The problem is that the Canonical server that provided arts is down now07:09
ubptgbotA was added by: A07:11
ubptgbot<dotevo> Hello. Where can I find translations for the lock screen messages?07:18
ubptgbot<DreamsVoid> @dohbee, Well that explains why I can't run things07:31
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ubptgbotPradhana14 was added by: Pradhana1409:11
ubptgbot<advocatux> @Pradhana14, Hi D. Pradhana, welcome! Check out http://ubports.com/telegram-welcome to get you up to speed09:19
ubptgbot<BrisPete> @amolith, Embedded artwork in mp3s should show up automatically. If you use a separate image it needs to be named <cover.jpg> or <cover.png> (I think .png works although all of mine are .jpgs).11:21
ubptgbot<BrisPete> (Photo, 1920x1200) https://irc.ubports.com/QhbCSgve.png11:26
ubptgbot<ahayzen> @BrisPete, Yup embedded, then folder art, then online is the precedence. (Don't know if online still works)12:20
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @TronFortyTwo, who would we contact to add this item to the 'to do' list?  is this infra?12:20
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @Flohack12:20
ubptgbot<TronFortyTwo> @wayneoutthere, I think so but not sure12:21
ubptgbot<ahayzen> IIRC thumbnailer was using 7digital at one point12:21
ubptgbot<ahayzen> (via the canonical search domain)12:21
ubptgbot<ahayzen> But it could probably be easily changed to just lookup Wikipedia or something12:22
ubptgbot<amolith> @TronFortyTwo, Lol12:39
ubptgbot<amolith> @BrisPete, I've got it all set up now lol12:39
ubptgbot<BrisPete> @amolith, 👌12:48
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/pwJfP0I0.png13:33
ubptgbotThilo Schäffer was added by: Thilo Schäffer13:34
ubptgbot<amolith> @PhoenixLandPirate, https://t.me/ubports/13123513:34
ubptgbot<AlexanderPlaza> Hey I was wondering, I saw on the website the Nexus 5 is supported. Does that include the Nexus 5X or just Nexus 5?13:34
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @amolith, Okay13:35
ubptgbot<amolith> @AlexanderPlaza, It's just the Nexus 5 for now. The 5X is a whole other beast13:36
ubptgbot<AlexanderPlaza> @amolith, I could imagine! I'm currently on the hunt for 2 Nexus 5 32gb phones so I can start using Ubuntu Touch. 😊13:37
ubptgbot<AlexanderPlaza> Thanks for answering my question13:37
ubptgbot<amolith> @AlexanderPlaza, I got mine brand new on Ebay for ~$100 but I've heard you can find them for as low as ~$5013:38
ubptgbot<AlexanderPlaza> @amolith, Nice! I live in Canada so those prices would be a bit higher for sure... … I keep seeing some places say it supports SD card, other places that don't... Does it have an SD card or at least support for one?13:39
ubptgbot<amolith> @AlexanderPlaza, It does not have expandable storage, no.13:40
ubptgbotTheBigWizard was added by: TheBigWizard13:54
ubptgbot<advocatux> @TheBigWizard, Hi & welcome! Take a look to http://ubports.com/telegram-welcome and you'll be a big UT wizard too :)14:20
ubptgbot<Danceswithcats> Hi, I've been using UT for a little over a month and am very happy with it. I've finally got a nextcloud server working, with static IP, letsencrypt, and lots of new skills it has taken me weeks to learn.14:23
ubptgbot<Danceswithcats> Now I'm stuck. On one of my aborted attempts to create a NC server, I installed the NC app and it got stuck on a startscreen. I've uninstalled it and tried again, but it's still locked.14:25
ubptgbot<Danceswithcats> Does anyone know how I can clear out the snap configuration and start afresh?14:25
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Danceswithcats, 👍Feel free to share your knowledge by making some notes14:25
ubptgbot<Danceswithcats> @Stereofont, Will do. I promised Florian I'd put some notes on the forum about the Fairphone firmware update. Have been qutie busy, but will do it.14:26
ubptgbot<amolith> @Danceswithcats, What are you making the server on?14:30
ubptgbot<amolith> What device are you using I mean14:31
ubptgbot<amolith> Because I will extol the virtues of using a Pi with NextCloudPi all day long, especially if it's just for personal use.14:32
ubptgbot<Danceswithcats> An old Dell Latitude D430. It's not ideal, as you can't easily expand the storage, but it has served for the learning process. I'm hoping to buy a second-hand Zotac miniPC after payday.14:33
ubptgbot<amolith> @Danceswithcats, > a second-hand Zotac miniPC after payday … Which one?14:35
ubptgbot<Danceswithcats> Dunno. It's an Atom, 1,8ghz. I've got to get over to the shop and check whether it can handle hardware accelerated virtualisation-the shopkeeper's not too keen on poking around in the BIOS. However, for £130, it's a barg.14:36
ubptgbot<dohbee> you might want to move that discussion to https://t.me/UBports_Cloudsters too :)14:45
ubptgbot<Danceswithcats> @dohbee, Thank you. I didn't know it existed. I'e forwarded my query over there.14:47
ubptgbot<dohbee> you must have a lot of ongoing chats in telegram, because you were already joined in it :P14:48
ubptgbot<Danceswithcats> Yes. So I was. Sorry. One group just seems to lead to another.😳14:49
ubptgbot<amolith> @Danceswithcats, There are many, many UBports groups in Telegram14:51
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @amolith, I have a solution for that14:52
ubptgbot<vanyasem> Will pm wayne later14:52
ubptgbot<Danceswithcats> @amolith, Certainly are! Does anyone know how to take a screenshot in UT? I'm using a Fairphone 2.14:53
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @Danceswithcats, Hold both volume buttons14:53
ubptgbot<dohbee> well, press them both14:54
ubptgbot<Danceswithcats> @vanyasem, Genius! Thanks.14:54
ubptgbotmarioq59 was added by: marioq5914:55
ubptgbot<Bolly> Welcome @marioq59 !!! Check out this to get you started! If you have any questions, feel free to ask here or in our Welcome and Install room! https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome14:57
ubptgbotShuco was added by: Shuco16:04
ubptgbotarsyad16 was added by: arsyad1618:13
ubptgbot<arsyad16> apakah saya untuk meminta tolong ubuntu touch port to xiaomi redmi note 4 mido.. terimakasih18:14
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @arsyad16, This is a group in English. Please keep to that18:15
ubptgbot<Stereofont> http://t.me/UBports_IND18:17
ubptgbot<Stereofont> This is a link for our Indonesia group18:17
ubptgbot<dohbee> iirc, there was someone (or multiple people) working on xiaomi ports, including redmi note 418:18
ubptgbot<dohbee> but it's not currently a supported device18:19
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Redmi 5 Note also I think18:19
ubptgbot<dherish> @Stereofont, Link18:21
ubptgbot<dohbee> halium.org18:22
ubptgbot<Stereofont> https://github.com/Halium/halium-devices18:23
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Ports are at all different stages and some may have been abandoned18:24
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ubptgbot<vanyasem> can someone help me to locate `libwhoopsie` repository?18:56
ubptgbot<DanChapman> @vanyasem, https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~daisy-pluckers/whoopsie/trunk/files18:59
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @DanChapman, thank you18:59
ubptgbot<dohbee> oh whoopsie, whee18:59
ubptgbot<dohbee> maybe we should patch that out of stuff19:00
ubptgbot<DanChapman> @vanyasem, 👍 yw19:00
ubptgbot<dohbee> automated crash reports that devs can't read, isn't helpful i guess19:01
ubptgbot<vanyasem> @dohbee, i guess that's what i will end up doing19:03
ubptgbot<vanyasem> i don't want whoopsie on my Arch box :P19:03
ubptgbot<dohbee> i don't recall how much stuff uses libwhoopsie, but i can probably help go through and remove the dep, later19:04
ubptgbot<DanChapman> Flo was playing around with trying to setup a whoopsie/daisy type thing a while back so the reports could be somehow accessible. Not sure how far he got with it though19:04
ubptgbot<dohbee> @DanChapman, probably he discovered GPDR and said nope19:05
ubptgbot<DanChapman> lol19:05
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> @DanChapman, Far enough to ask the wrong question and get a rather cross answer from the dev team19:07
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> So the project lays there19:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> from which dev team?19:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> replacing whoopsie on ubuntu installs is probably a pretty bad idea19:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> iirc, it's not designed to upload reports for X packages to a different server than those for Y packages19:09
ubptgbot<dohbee> i think it might be better to disconnect ourselves from whoopsie for now.19:17
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> For sure19:18
ubptgbot<Flohack> @dohbee, Yes we will not be able to maintain it. Its totally undocumented, uses a ton of not frequently used cloud services, and then on top of it its written in Python or smth strange? Ruby? dunno 😆19:30
ubptgbot<dohbee> daisy? either python or go i would guess19:31
ubptgbot<dohbee> i'd expect python since it talks to launchpad19:31
ubptgbot<dohbee> yup py19:32
ubptgbot<YougoChats> :(20:22
ubptgbot<YougoChats> Just lost my libertine container20:22
ubptgbot<YougoChats> Poof gone20:22
ubptgbot<YougoChats> Very odd. I changed nothing in the few days. Only thing I can think of is my tablet ran out of power, but my fp2 does that all the time without issues20:24
ubptgbotignorare was added by: ignorare20:35
ubptgbot<ignorare> Hello together! Is there any possibility to backup Dekko-profiles?20:35
ubptgbot<ignorare> It is really annoying after reinstall of UT to reconfigure all profiles again...20:36
ubptgbot<ignorare> [Edit] It is really annoying after reinstall of UT to reconfigure all Dekko profiles by hand again...20:36
ubptgbot<dohbee> you should be able to back up the app's config and data directories i guess20:36
ubptgbot<YougoChats> @DanChapman ?20:36
ubptgbot<dohbee> @YougoChats, did you delete `~/.cache/` perhaps?20:36
ubptgbot<YougoChats> Not consciously at least.20:37
ubptgbot<YougoChats> Unity sometimes fails when connecting a BT mouse, but otherwise everything is rocksolid on my m10. Could that cause some kind of purge of.cache?20:40
ubptgbot<YougoChats> I'm not missing any other app or con fig, libertine itself is fine too. Just the container is gone20:41
ubptgbot<YougoChats> You know what is awesome though?20:45
ubptgbot<dohbee> @YougoChats, it shouldn't20:46
ubptgbot<YougoChats> I made a new container with the same name, reinstalled the apps I had, and they have all their history!20:47
ubptgbot<dohbee> well the container is meant to be something that you can accidentally destroy and recover from; but yeah, it's annoying if you have lots of stuff in one container, or lots of containers20:47
ubptgbot<dohbee> exactly20:47
ubptgbot<YougoChats> Even vnc viewer which I installed from a downloaded deb has it's stored connections and passwords 😎20:50
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes, those aren't stored in cache, or inside the container (but in the app-specific dir in config or data dirs)20:51
ubptgbot<YougoChats> Browsing through cache, if I'd wiped all that I'd be missing a whole lot more.20:56
ubptgbot<YougoChats> Odd that only the libertine container would be gone.20:57
ubptgbot<YougoChats> The only way to do that is via the ctainer manager or perhaps uttt20:59
ubptgbot<YougoChats> Or terminal, but one doesn't type a functional 30 character string by accident21:01
ubptgbot<YougoChats> Hmm a slide and a tap is all it needs do trash a container from the libertine manager gui. I suppose I could have done that while moving the tablet while unlocked. PEBCAK it is then21:06
ubptgbot<Stereofont> In the Welcome Room a situation I haven't found before. Nexus 5. Installer announces success, Yumi appears with moving circles. All good. Then it hangs on the fastboot screen…21:11
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Seems like a bootloader error?21:12
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Multiple 'suucessful' repeat installs have the same result21:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> yeah i've had it happen a couple times, just hold down power button to reboot21:13
ubptgbotarchi_dagac was added by: archi_dagac21:13
ubptgbot<Bolly> Welcome @archi_dagac !!! Check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started, we have language groups available.21:14
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @dohbee, I suggested that and thought it was done. Same thing from recovery. But will double check it was tried21:15
ubptgbotm_rio was added by: m_rio22:26
ubptgbotThisis_arun was added by: Thisis_arun23:03
ubptgbot<Bolly> Welcome @m_rio & @Thisis_arun !!! Check this put for more about UBports https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome23:07
ubptgbot<Thisis_arun> Ubuntu touch for zuk z1?!23:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> It is not a supported device yet23:11

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