
=== led_ir23 is now known as led_ir22
bluesabreslangasek: thanks for the merge! :)02:57
bluesabrewho should I reach out to for updating nusakan? Following along with https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Germinate/ConvertingToGit step 10...02:59
tsimonq2bluesabre: Anyone Canonical-employed that is in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cdimage is the "rule of thumb"03:00
tsimonq2bluesabre: (He probably already did it.)03:00
bluesabreTime for bed now, thanks slangasek and tsimonq2 for the help03:01
slangasekbluesabre: yeah, it's done03:07
acheronuktjaalton: has been brought up in #plasma that xorg-server 1.20 causes freezing/gltches  on some things due to yet unresolved mesa issue08:46
ubottuDebian bug 900316 in kde-plasma-desktop "[kde-plasma-desktop] KDE plasma taskbar icons corrupted with graphical glitches on mouse over" [Important,Open]08:46
ubottuFreedesktop bug 106351 in Mesa core "Freezes with plasmashell and steam client" [Normal,New]08:46
acheronukmaybe you are aware of that, but FYI if not08:47
tjaaltonacheronuk: I know08:49
acheronuktjaalton: ok. thanks :)08:50
m4thi, does anyone know if there are plans to update gcc-8 on 18.04 to the actual 8.1 release? or will it remain as the 8.0 devel version?09:19
m4ti've got it from the ppa but i just saw breakage w/rt "libobjc4 : Depends: gcc-8-base (= 8-20180414-1ubuntu2) but 8.1.0-1ubuntu0.1"09:19
xnoxm4t, i believe doko mentioned doing something like that. But it is yet to be determined if that will happen.09:31
m4tok thanks09:31
Odd_BlokeI have an autopkgtest image I built using autopkgtest-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud a while ago that always has to apply a bunch of upgrades when I use it; is there a good way to update that image, or shall I just build a new one using that command?16:45
naccOdd_Bloke: if you invoke autopkgtest-buildvm-ubuntu-cloud with the same arguemnts, it should update the image in place, iirc16:48
naccthat's how the lxd builder works16:48
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Odd_Blokenacc: Hmm, it does not appear to work that way.20:31
Odd_BlokeOh well, no big deal.20:31
tjaaltonLocutusOfBorg: if you have pending changes to vbox, maybe upload soon to build against the new xserver20:54
tjaalton"soon" being relative, and I can do that too if there's nothing else20:54
naccOdd_Bloke: ah it's documented for -build-lxd, but not buildvm21:00
naccseems like it should be feasibly to extend buildvm to build and/or update21:00
coreycbhello sru team, bug 1750121 has completed verification and is ready to promote22:45
ubottubug 1750121 in neutron-dynamic-routing (Ubuntu Bionic) "Dynamic routing: adding speaker to agent fails" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175012122:45
nacccoreycb: it is marked as failed on bionic?23:09

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