
lotuspsychjegood morning to all02:51
ducassegood morning06:27
lordievaderGood morning06:29
ducassehi lordievader - got your coffee yet?06:32
BluesKajHey folks10:08
ducasseafternoon/morning/whatever, hggdh14:22
hggdhlate morning, but still morning. I am up & working, much against my will but alas, such is life14:23
ducassei think i'll start upgrading the last box from artful to bionic, while it's still supported14:28
JimBuntuThat would be a wise move.14:35
ducassei guess i could also keep putting it off for well over another month, but that way there be dragons14:41
ducassehi JimBuntu14:41
JimBuntuhiya ducasse.  I hope all is well.14:41
ducasseall good here, thanks - you too, i hope?14:43
JimBuntuYeah, besides it being Monday#2.14:43
lotuspsychjegood evening to all16:04
oerheks!find timemachine20:25
ubot5Found: elpa-git-timemachine, timemachine, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 227 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=timemachine&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all20:25
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