[06:22] morning boys and girls. [06:24] o/ [06:30] o/ [06:34] o/ [15:09] what was the name of that tool that autogenerates "webapps" from a url? [15:35] diddledan? [15:35] :D [15:35] sorry no idea :( [16:04] ali1234: https://www.pwabuilder.com/? [16:04] the artist formally known as manifoldjs [16:21] it was a command lin eutility [16:22] you do like "makeawebapp https://www.gmail.com" and it spits out a .desktop file or a .deb or something [16:23] i think i saw it on reddit [16:24] like what "chrome --app" does but i think it uses electron [16:24] i think this is it https://github.com/jiahaog/nativefier === stryx`_ is now known as stryx`