
Two_Dogsi am on https://git.io/vhOf000:00
mousesTwo_Dogs: https://www.systutorials.com/docs/linux/man/1-spice-vdagent/00:03
mousesTwo_Dogs: also nice fallout reference :)00:03
Two_Dogsmouses: read it, still clueless00:09
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mousesTwo_Dogs: under features - that's what it does.00:09
mousesTwo_Dogs: X11 is the server00:10
mousesTwo_Dogs: you are a client connecting to that server00:10
ericrajuinseems like some VM mouse driver00:10
mousesTwo_Dogs: said package provides features you need.00:10
mousesbut yeah, looks like something to do with VM stuff00:10
lapagaspice-space.org gives a decent info on what it is00:11
Two_Dogsspice Linux guests <-- how did i opt-in?00:13
Two_Dogsmouses: call me slow00:13
Two_Dogsmouses: need? how?00:13
mousesTwo_Dogs: it's a part of what ubuntu has decided you need, I really can't tell you much more than that.00:14
ande_Hi all. Please, help me.00:22
ande_How I can get my smartphone (android) screnn picture goes to the of the my notebook (ubuntu)00:23
ande_wireless mirroring connect, but how I csan use it?00:23
ande_AFK! Please, type me on private message00:25
JPSmanI installed 18.04 with minimal programs.... What is the name of the package that will let me share the screen and remote control through VNC?00:38
Two_DogsJPSman: software manager does not hit on 'vnc'? try00:40
Two_DogsJPSman: i see a few choices, i would chose the first server option provided first00:41
JPSmanI dont' use "Software Manager" - I use synaptic package manager00:42
JPSmani'll try that bloatware now00:42
Two_DogsJPSman: nomachine works great, free00:43
Two_DogsJPSman: i think you would need synaptic for that one00:44
Two_Dogsor gdebi00:44
JPSmanwhat is the name of the pacckage though?00:45
JPSmanthat Ubuntu uses in 18.04 to share the desktop screen?00:45
Two_Dogsyes, from web 'nomachine' get the '.deb'00:46
JPSmanVino, the answer is vino00:46
Two_DogsJPSman: or x11vnc00:48
Two_Dogsi prefer rdp, it will carry the audio channel, thats less messy00:50
luxioany of this indicate a bad drive? termbin.com/wivo01:03
luxiothis is dmesg: https://i.imgur.com/VoGigRw.png01:05
Two_Dogsluxio: the img looks very bad01:06
ande_Hello! Please tell me. How can you transfer a picture from an Android phone to a laptop with Ubuntu? If possible, please respond to personal messages and I will get in touch, there is no possibility of being constantly at the computer.01:06
luxioande_: a usb cable01:07
luxioTwo_Dogs: what could be the problem?01:07
luxiofailed drive?01:07
Butterfly^ande_ : or wifi01:07
Two_Dogsluxio: yeah01:07
Butterfly^ande_ : or MicroSD card01:07
Butterfly^ande_ : or bluetoth01:07
Two_Dogsyeah to the ata errors01:07
ande_Butterfly^: I have wifi, because usb not supported01:07
Butterfly^ande_ : USB not supported by what? phone or pc?01:08
ande_I want playing the game, and use the smartphne loke za joystick)))01:08
Butterfly^ande_ : if it's one picture, just use your phone to go to imgur.com/upload , upload your picture, download it with pc01:08
ande_Butterfly^: I want playing the game, and use the smartphne loke za joystick)))01:09
ande_Butterfly^: like a joystick01:09
luxionautilus crashes when i try to access the faulty drive01:10
luxiohow can i recover the files?01:10
Butterfly^ande_ : let's go back a couple steps, what is it you need help with? transferring a picture from phone to pc or using phone as joystick ?01:10
ande_Butterfly^: oh my bad english01:10
ande_Butterfly^: Im play the game where finger is too big on smartphone screen01:11
ande_Butterfly^: and my two finger was a half screen. Its not usability01:12
oerheksrdp on android ..01:12
Butterfly^een nederlandstalige!01:13
oerheksand running the game, awesome01:13
ande_oerheks: thanks!01:14
oerheksis this a 1080i screen size game??01:14
ande_oerheks: do I need install same soft from ubuntu?01:14
ande_oerheks: Im not think so01:14
oerheksvia wifi, or usb...01:15
ande_oerheks: thanks you!01:17
ande_oerheks: you are very the most biggest help me :)01:18
oerhekshave fun!01:18
ande_oerheks: Oh, that's not exactly what I asked for. I do not have chromium, and chromium. And can't figure out can. Because the USB cord is not disconnected from the socket, and it is the only one.01:22
RoadRunnerwhat's the recommended way to install Skype: Software or Skype's webpage (if it matters)?01:22
oerheksi think snap, https://snapcraft.io/skype01:24
RoadRunneroerheks: what makes snap better?01:26
oerheksthe auto update feature, and universal on other -nix installations01:28
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RoadRunneris snap service free and does it require snapd or whatever else installed first?01:30
oerhekshmm, maybe it is the only way to install https://launchpad.net/skype gives an ancient version01:30
oerhekssnaps are standard supported on ubuntu.01:31
Two_Dogsspice-vdagent - Agent for Spice guests <-- how would i use this oerheks in normal desktop usage?01:32
TheHackOpsWhat everyone's present day thoughts on the drivers supplied by AMD for Ubuntu01:35
TheHackOpsI'm running 18.04 and getting some weird screen lag01:36
TheHackOpsWhich usually happens bcz no drivers. I am running an R9 280x01:36
oerheksi have no idea, Two_Dogs, never used those tools01:37
RoadRunneroerheks: snap's skype ver is, Software's is
Two_Dogsoerheks: aye01:40
TheHackOpshttps://support.amd.com/en-us/kb-articles/Pages/Radeon-Software-for-Linux-Release-Notes.aspx << They say its compatible with 16.04.4 (Which seems like a very specific version..)01:40
TheHackOpsWould it be safe to use with 18.0401:40
RoadRunneroerheks: don't know if it matters but Ubuntu's native Software seems to be more current...01:40
oerheksheh, i see 8.22 in sofwarecenter, as snap only.01:41
oerhekshow do you see 8.23 ?01:41
Bashing-omTheHackOps: what shows ' lsmod | grep amdgpu ' ?01:42
CountryfiedLinuxAre there any updates for fractional display scaling for Ubuntu 18.04?01:42
RoadRunneroerheks: from my 16.04 box I see 8.22 as well, but from the 18.04 box, Software gives
oerhekssoftware gives snap,  so 18.04 got an updated version, maybe your old version gets updated, i would expect that to happen01:46
RoadRunneroerheks: like I said, don't know if this ver diff is of any significance; myabe your suggestion on autoupdates are more important01:46
RoadRunner*is more...01:47
RoadRunnerin any case, can't say I am crazy about the warning that Skype is unconfined and has access to all documents; anything I can do to sandbox it?01:49
TheHackOpsBashing-om, https://gist.github.com/TheOpenDevProject/dcfaf87b3bffd79b42c24e039f00f51601:50
Bashing-omTheHackOps: "amdgpu 2703360 0" the zero says not being used .. hummm .. is it loaded ' sudo lshw -C display ' ?01:53
TheHackOpsBashing-om, https://gist.github.com/TheOpenDevProject/4367124967397ec449f41e49de2fd8bc01:55
tim167how can I play a midi file by double-clicking01:57
Bashing-omTheHackOps: Well .. not making a lot of sense .. "configuration: driver=radeon" where is expected to be amdgpu . think'n .01:58
TheHackOpsnormally never does make sense on my machine :D01:58
XXCoderradeon is older driver, amdgpu replaces it if card is supported02:00
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RoadRunneranyone knows how to protect documents from Skype?02:02
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Bashing-omTheHackOps: " apt policy xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-amdgpu ' ?02:06
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Bashing-omXXCoder: TheHackOps should be running the amdgpu driver with that R9 card .02:08
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slackinanyone know of a way to play videos from desktop/laptop to chromecast?02:24
oerheks_slackin, i play with chrome to my nexus player, which has chromecast build-in too02:29
oerheks_chromecast has to be setup with login, and your browser too, then you have the cast options02:30
oerheksthank you for flying #freenode02:45
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Two_Dogsflying #freenode03:14
ChetManlyhey why cant I play a dvd?04:38
DrManhattanbecause you gots no VLC?04:38
ChetManlyis the same libdvdcss thing from years ago04:38
ChetManlyyes I do04:39
oerhekseven with that lib, some dvds will still not play04:39
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:39
oerheksVLC does not play encrypted dvds by default, still need this package04:40
ChetManlyI must have fixed before and forgot cause its working now04:41
ChetManlyoerheks: so what do you do then?04:41
ChetManlynot watch them?04:41
ChetManlyoerheks: like to the ones that will not play with libdvdcss04:43
* ChetManly cannot believe I forgot I had done this already, my new job is henious04:43
oerheksif there is no linux solution, you will need to use an other platform04:44
purpleunicornFor some reason when I start using hexchat on Ubuntu it gets glitchy05:01
purpleunicornDoes anyone know why?05:02
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smacktalkwhat's the best dvd player for ubuntu?05:09
lotuspsychjepurpleunicorn: screenshot?05:10
lotuspsychjesmacktalk: best, is an opinion, youc an try vlc or smplayer05:10
oerheks!info gnome-mpv05:10
ubottugnome-mpv (source: gnome-mpv): simple GTK+ frontend for mpv. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.13-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 143 kB, installed size 657 kB05:10
oerheks*best* is an opinion, there are many mediaplayers that can handle dvd formats05:11
smacktalkvlc isnt working...throwing an error05:13
oerheksyou have followed the dvd wiki ofcourse..05:14
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:14
oerhekseven with that lib, some dvds will still not play05:14
purpleunicornI don’t have a screenshot05:28
crnsI am lookin repository for kali to ubuntu05:34
crnshave a new one for this?05:34
lotuspsychje!kali | crns05:41
ubottucrns: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)05:41
lotuspsychjecrns: and not a good idea to add another Os repos05:42
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lotuspsychjepurpleunicorn: printscreen button to the rescue05:48
purpleunicornLol what? lotuspsychje how do I record my screen as a video?05:49
lotuspsychje!info kazam | purpleunicorn05:50
ubottupurpleunicorn: kazam (source: kazam): screencast and screenshot application created with design in mind. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.5-2 (bionic), package size 732 kB, installed size 1693 kB05:50
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nikolamclassic Ubuntu and derivates problem: Wireless network does not connect, before logging in, also disconnects after logging out...06:37
nikolamWnat it to be on upon machine boot and to stay up06:37
hateballnikolam: then you need to tick the box that says "enable for all users"06:38
nikolam(machine also used as a router and a dnsmasq for LAN06:38
hateballnikolam: otherwise the password for the wifi network is unlocked in your keyring upon logon06:38
nikolamhateball, Ok, I enabled it, I will restart it to test.06:38
nikolamI see password is also displayed as a plaitext in config file.06:38
nikolamok, will reboot to see.06:38
mohabakshello folks; where is the location for /var/lib/dhcp/dhclient.leases in ubuntu 18.04 LTS06:40
uwjesqI purged mysql and re-installed but it does not ask me for a root password again. Is there a way to set it up again?06:41
oerheksmohabaks, that is the place, but you need to create it yourself.. http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man5/dhcpd.leases.5.html06:42
mohabaksoerheks: thanks06:42
foo357Hello, will this ISO function as a LiveCD? ubuntu-14.04.5-desktop-amd64.iso06:43
Styilit should06:43
Styilfoo357, that said, you may want to use a newer ubuntu version06:44
foo357Styil: Do you know of a direct download link? (I can't use bitttorrent)06:44
foo357Styil: thanks for the pointer, I'm aware of the ubuntu versions06:44
Styildirect download link for 18.0406:45
Styilactually that isnt it06:46
Styilthat is the direct link06:46
foo357Styil: I am aware that it's an older LTS version I was asking about. I know it's fairly out-of-date, I want it to test a thing.06:49
foo357Styil: I think I managed to find the direct download for LTS 14.04 http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/14.04.5/release/06:50
Styilthat is 14.04.05, if that is no issue06:50
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Guest89917hi is this ubuntu channel ?07:23
SwedeMikeGuest89917: yes.07:24
ducasseGuest89917: yes, for support issues07:24
Guest89917thank you07:26
oerheks npm ERR! 418 I'm a teapot: https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/2079107:42
hellyeahi am connecting ubuntu using putty07:56
hellyeahi enabled x11 forwarding07:56
hellyeahbut i got this error07:56
hellyeahError: no DISPLAY environment variable specified07:56
hellyeahwhat package should i need to install?07:56
ducassehellyeah: are you connecting from windows?07:59
hellyeahi have xming07:59
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Triffid_Hunterhellyeah: does putty know about your x server? I've done that before (X server on windows forwarded over putty), it does work with some fiddling08:02
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b3zineed help?08:31
negevhi, i have this weird issue where a udp packet will spuriously go missing during a dns request, but it only seems to affect 14.0408:31
EriC^^negev: if nobody knows here try asking in ##networking08:31
negevi'm not convinced it's a networking issue08:32
negevbecause if i use a 16.04 client and 16.04 server on the same network it doesn't happen08:32
negevthe problem happens if i have either 14.04 client or a 14.04 server08:32
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zax1morning ubuntuers08:43
zax1i just installed ubnuntu yesterday and started playing with it. i installed citrix receiver to connect to my work's network08:44
zax1but when trying to connect i get an error : cannot connect to app.... <NAME of APP>08:45
zax1not really sure how to troubleshoot it - any ideas ?08:45
zax1anyone played around with citrix access on ubuntu ?08:46
Skaface82if someone has they will answer, just be patient ;-)08:47
zax1i am :)08:48
zax1i guess its mostly americans , on here... probably still ZZZing08:48
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TvL2386hey guys, I'm using the ubuntu-18.04-live-server-amd64.iso and I notice I can only format my /boot as ext4, xfs or btrfs09:06
TvL2386I wanted to format it as ext2, just like all my 16.04 server09:06
TvL2386well, why not?09:07
longwordInstall as ext4, back it up, reformat as ext2, restore, reinstall grub09:09
Styilext4 is a superior filesystem, just saying09:09
longwordAn argument could be made that ext2 is a simpler filesystem with less scope for failure. You'd be wrong, but you could certainly argue.09:11
TvL2386I don't have a good argument... It's just been the default for ages...09:11
TvL2386but, ext4 it is :)09:11
TvL2386new default :)09:11
hellyeahanyone know about supervisor?09:12
TvL2386and now I'm looking how to configure my LVM09:12
TvL2386I don't really like these simplified setup steps09:12
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longwordThe right argument is that boiling down the install options makes it easier for the vendor to validate that all combinations will work on all platforms09:14
TvL2386If you want all the available options to customize disk partitions, raid, etc, you should install Ubuntu using the Network Installer.09:14
longwordAnd that leads to a more reliable Ubuntu for everyone09:14
TvL2386sounds like a Microsoft statement09:15
i_heart_penguinsanyone know how i can imitate multimedia keys using gnome's keyboard settings?09:16
i_heart_penguinsnevermind, seems as simple as change the mm key settings themselves in keyboard settings09:17
DK2/cpu/cp/upd >/dev/null 2>&109:22
DK2anyone knows what this should be doing?09:22
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DK2i found it in the crontab09:22
TvL2386I'll use the 18.04 mini iso09:23
TvL2386looks familiar, works familiar09:23
TvL2386and gives freedom09:23
zax1any one connecting to citrix with their ubuntu ?09:24
TvL2386zax I am09:24
zax1have you had any issues ?09:24
TvL2386with my ubuntu-18.04 desktop09:24
TvL2386but it works fine now09:25
TvL2386I documented the procedure if you're interested09:25
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zax1when i try to open a published app it gives me a <APP NAME> cannot connect. no such file or directory. verify your connection settings and try again09:25
zax1TvL2386, im very interested - yes09:26
TvL2386one sec :)09:26
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zax1TvL2386, perfect09:33
TvL2386zax1: yw! Good to hear ^^09:33
zax1so the issue was that the apps dont share the browsers certs ?09:34
zax1and that commands coppy the ca certs to the app keystore ?09:34
TvL2386I honestly don't know, first easy was what you had, second issue was missing certs09:34
longwordEach browser does its own thing, separate and apart from the OS09:34
TvL2386yeah it symlinks the certs so Citrix can use them09:34
zax1no you are speaking chinease to me09:35
zax1symlinks ?09:35
TvL2386`ln -s` creates links09:35
TvL2386not copies09:35
zax1create a symbolic link09:35
zax1got ya09:35
zax1another issue.... if you may09:35
zax1so i opened my citrix desktop09:35
bluebfghello, I need to ask a questions regarding the live image. how can I change which system gets mounted in cdrom?09:35
TvL2386I use it for citrix desktop yeah09:35
zax1but it occupied the entire screen with out the black connection bar,09:36
TvL2386unfortunately I must use outlook09:36
zax1naturally, i hit SHIFT-F209:36
TvL2386hmmmm... I do have that black bar where you can switch to window mode09:36
zax1no i am stuck on a terminal window which is also maximised and cant get out of it09:36
zax1the balck bar is not there by design - our citrix admins decreed it should be removed09:37
zax1thats ok09:37
zax1i can handle that09:37
TvL2386oh haha :)09:37
zax1but how do i get out of the terminal window09:37
i_heart_penguinsbluebfg: you can choose advanced boot and, I think, edit grub options09:37
Styilwhat terminal window?\09:37
Styilshift F1 I believe09:37
Styilshift Fsomething09:37
TvL2386my mouse is not confined in the citrix terminal... I always have it windowed, maximized on my right screen09:38
TvL2386shift-f2 doesn't do anything09:38
TvL2386also not I'm using ubuntu-mate-desktop09:38
zax1SHIFT-F1 doesnt work09:38
zax1let me go and ogle it09:38
TvL2386shift+f1 does not work here either09:39
Styiltry all the shift+function keys09:39
Styilits probably one of them IIRC09:39
Styilno harm done if it isnt09:39
zax1my SHIFT-F12 is connected to the red button on my desk..... :(09:40
bluebfg@i_heart_penguins so you say that responsible for changing what is mounted in cdrom dir is grub? (i thought it was casper)09:40
zax1brace yourself09:40
zax1na.. .no shift Fx works09:41
i_heart_penguinsbluebfg: you want to not mount you cd drive when booting from liveusb? i misunderstood09:44
bluebfgi use lvm together with the live image created my own build), my problem is that i have 2 rootfs partitions, and I want to choose when rootfs1 is mounted in cdrom and when rootfs2 is mounted in cdrom09:45
tzafrirI'm trying to understand how netplan+networkd works.09:50
bluebfg@i_heart_penguins any idea?09:50
tzafrirI have a 18.04 server in a VM. it has interfaces lo and ens3.09:51
tzafrirThey show up in the output of 'networkctl list'09:51
tzafrirBut I can't figure out what is the equivalent systemd service name for the network interface ens3 .09:52
tzafrirI don't see any service with a name that ends "@ens3.service" .09:53
TvL2386I'm trying to find out how to disable the boot splash on ubuntu-18.04 server09:55
bluebfgalso, does any one know how can i see the active entwork connection on an ubuntu lxd os?09:56
TvL2386bluebfg: you mean from a container?09:56
bluebfgnmcli connection show09:56
bluebfgreturns empty09:56
bluebfgbut connectivity exists09:57
TvL2386active network connections: netstat -anp?09:57
TvL2386I don't think people use the network manager from within a container09:57
TvL2386all that stuff is done by your container runtime environment (I'm familiar with docker)09:58
TvL2386found it, disabling splash by setting GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="" in /etc/default/grub09:59
TvL2386not sure if it's required, but also did update-grub afterwards09:59
bluebfg@tvl2386 how can I view available wi-fi networks from within a container?10:01
bluebfgLXD not docker10:01
tzafrirTvL2386: ss -np; ip a # ifconfig is no longer installed by default (?)10:02
bluebfgwith ss -np i gt protocol not supported10:02
TvL2386ah check tzafrir10:02
bluebfgand as you know ifconfig provide info on current connection10:03
bluebfgi am talking about listing the available wi-fi networks10:03
bluebfgand receive info on the one you are currently connected to e.g. ssid, bssid, signal strength etc10:03
tzafrirss -ntp10:03
TvL2386but, sorry for being ignorant or something: How should a container know what wifi the host is connected to10:04
TvL2386networking is abstracted away a bit right10:04
bluebfg@tzafrir cannot open socket protocol not supported10:04
TvL2386and it doesn't matter right wether docker or lxd manages the container10:04
TvL2386the container is simply: the isolated process running in it's own env10:05
bluebfgwell for docker you can use the --net host when deploying an image10:05
bluebfgto maintain such networking capabilities10:05
bluebfgis there an equivalent to that for LXD?10:05
TvL2386yeah and what does docker do: it spins up an interface, configures an ip on it, "bridges" the container with it and enables ip forwarding10:06
TvL2386does some iptables shit10:06
TvL2386$ ip a s docker010:07
TvL23866: docker0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state DOWN group default10:07
TvL2386    link/ether 02:42:85:bc:59:61 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff10:07
TvL2386    inet brd scope global docker010:07
TvL2386       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever10:07
TvL2386that's how docker works10:07
BluesKajHey folks10:08
TvL2386bluebfg: https://stgraber.org/2016/10/27/network-management-with-lxd-2-3/10:09
bluebfg@tvl2386 ok thanks will try to figure it out. on another matter maybe you know how I can tell whcih rootfs to be mounted on cdrom? I have made a live image that supports lvm. So for example, I need to mount rootfs1 on cdrom sometimes and rootfs2 another time. Any idea on how can I achieve that?10:09
winem_hey guys, how do you monitor systemd-timesyncd? is there any chance to get more out of it than what timedatectl status provides?10:11
TvL2386bluebfg: not sure about that... I never messed with cd images myself10:11
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TvL2386winem_: I don't :)10:14
winem_TvL2386: well, the last weekend told me that I don't want to rely on the customer any longer. so I thought there might be some cool stuff I just miss10:15
winem_chrony provides some good info but I use that on redhat only and want to stick to the defaults - use systemd timesync on debian / ubuntu10:15
gaussblurinc1Hi! I can not install pidgin 2.13 from official ubuntu repository, is it ok?10:15
gaussblurinc1Ah, yes, I have latest pidgin version 2.10.12 and linux mint 18.310:16
TvL2386so what is it you want to accomplish winem_ ?10:16
BluesKaj!mint | gaussblurinc110:20
ubottugaussblurinc1: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)10:20
QQG3mb3lhas quit10:22
winem_TvL2386: on redhat for example. I have 3 alarms now: status of the conifgured sources (available, unavailable, falseticker), the deviation between the local time and the time on the source and a 3rd alarm that just yells if the local client is not synced at all. on ubuntu, I could just use the 3rd one10:23
TvL2386winem_: I don't know...10:34
winem_TvL2386: no worries, it's fine. was just wondering if it's possible and if I miss anything10:38
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rafhi need help pleasze10:49
Guest26265whats the problem10:50
BluesKajraf, just ask your question10:50
rafI trying to install romstation , for multi emule ; i installed wine , start the romstation download & in z website they write : juste lance the download and at the end unlock the  case10:52
rafSo i does and ...10:52
rafNothing (y) i love it10:52
BluesKajthink we have a translation problem10:55
rafthink to so tired10:56
rafhumm what i had not good explain10:56
BluesKaj!fr | raf10:58
ubotturaf: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.10:58
rafThx but i have a really big problem with french people and ubuntu ... they dont know how to start lol10:59
rafi try it thanks10:59
rafnobody can i try again to explain11:04
capi've encountered an error, don't know how to fix it. here: sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)    and another:    subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 211:09
EscatragTry explaining it, with your words, i'm french and user of Ubuntu, maybe i can help you11:10
hateball!paste | cap please paste the full command you are running to get that error11:10
ubottucap please paste the full command you are running to get that error: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:10
caphateball, i forgot how to do that11:11
capubottu, i forgot how to do that.11:11
ubottucap: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:11
Escatragraf: french people and Ubuntu ? Why ?11:12
rafEscartag ; i had explainon ubuntu11:13
rafAnd look on u'r eyes11:14
rafThat's exemple of our country11:14
rafI dont know but i said and i dont want to learn :')11:14
rafEscartag so can i ask my q ?11:15
rafThat's juste for romstation11:15
EscatragAhah, we just funcking love wine11:15
EscatragYeah, of course11:15
rafmore easy : Is that possible install romstation on lubuntu11:15
rafMe i prefer bear and i leave in massilia ;)11:15
BluesKajcap if you used the terminal just scroll up, copy and paste the command and the resulting lines in pastebin, then after submitting copy the url and paste it here.11:15
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:16
Escatrag+1 BluesKaj11:16
capBluesKaj, hateball https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VrxshDXQYB/11:16
caphateball, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VrxshDXQYB/11:20
hateballcap: so you're using Elementary and not Ubuntu?11:21
BluesKajpantheon is meant for elementary not ubuntu afaik11:23
caphateball,  yes.11:34
capits not just about the pantheon-terminal. every time i do an update, the same error is displayed.11:35
BluesKaj!elementary | cap11:38
ubottucap: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.11:38
BluesKajcap ^11:39
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capBluesKaj, elementary channel is pretty much dead.11:51
JimBuntuThat's not the problem of #Ubuntu though11:55
JimBuntucap, you could also try ##linux ( for general support )11:55
hateballcap: the issue is we have no idea in here, what type of packages etc elementary might have11:59
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
motaka2hello in ubuntu 16.04 the terminal doesnt open neither by ctl alt t or clicking on the icon12:02
ioriamotaka2, try  alt+f2  and run  gnome-terminal12:03
motaka2ioria: no it doesnt work either12:08
ioriamotaka2,  xterm works ?12:08
motaka2ioria: yes12:08
ioriamotaka2,  ok, open xterm  and run gnome-terminal12:09
motaka2ioria: lots of errors etc12:10
ioriamotaka2,  we would like to see them12:10
EriC^^!paste | motaka212:10
ubottumotaka2: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:10
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motaka2EriC^^: it seems I cant coppy any thing xterm12:13
ioriamotaka2,  start xterm in this way from alt+f2:  xterm -ls -xrm 'XTerm*selectToClipboard: true'&12:14
motaka2ioria: it open VLC media player12:15
ioriamotaka2,  ok  open xterm and run   xterm -ls -xrm 'XTerm*selectToClipboard: true'& , the close the first12:15
EriC^^motaka2: try 'gnome-terminal 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999'12:15
motaka2ioria: there is a warning icon on top left tray says "there is a problem occured when checking for updates "12:16
motaka2EriC^^, ioria: this problem, i think happend after I tride to install pytorch12:16
ioriamotaka2,  what is that and from what source ?12:17
motaka2\ioria I think the last command I ran were:12:17
motaka2pip3 install http://download.pytorch.org/whl/cu91/torch-0.4.0-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl12:17
motaka2pip3 install torchvision12:17
ioriamotaka2,  did you run the EriC^^  cmd ?12:19
EriC^^motaka2: what does "sudo apt-get -f install" give?12:19
EriC^^and sudo apt-get update12:20
motaka2install says 0 new etc12:21
motaka2update says some packages were not full downloaded12:21
ioriamotaka2, apt broken ?12:25
EriC^^motaka2: run "sudo apt-get update 2>&1 | nc termbin.com 9999" give the link it12:26
motaka2ioria: there are several problems12:26
ioriamotaka2, try to install lxterminal  ,is very similar to the gnom-term12:27
beterrabauys, I have 2 HDs. I'm currently unable to do anything in one of them because it's now a 'Read-only file system'. I'm afraid the system is self-protecting against bad writing. Would you have any suggestions on what to do?12:28
beterrabaI though on unmounting it, and then mounting again. But I'm not if that would make any sense12:28
EriC^^beterraba: worth a shot yes12:28
EriC^^beterraba: did you run a smart test on the hdd?12:29
beterrabasmart test?12:29
EriC^^beterraba: sudo apt-get install smartmontools && sudo smartctl -a /dev/sdX   (replace X)12:29
beterrabaok, let me try that12:31
beterrabaJust fyi, I've just tried this, with no success:12:32
EriC^^tried what?12:32
beterrabalucas@inspiron:/$ sudo mount -o remount,rw /data Remounting is not supported at present. You have to umount volume and then mount it once again.12:32
nKnhi! I'm having some bigger issues on ubuntu18.04 - we have a custom apt repository which we signed with a GPG key, which is also imported on the clients (I can see it with apt-key list). However, when running apt-get update the command fails with "Release: The following signatures were invalid: [...]". However, the same signature doesn't fail on ubuntu 16.04. The key is rsa2048 FWIW. Any idea on how to debug12:33
nKnthis so I can trace what's wrong?12:33
EriC^^beterraba: try to unmount it then mount again12:33
beterrabaI meant that my hd is not mounted in /dev/sdX, but in /data12:33
ioriabeterraba, can you paste 'mount' ?12:34
EriC^^beterraba: mount | nc termbin.com 9999    give us the link back12:34
beterrabanice hack!12:35
ioriabeterraba, yes, it' read only ...12:36
EriC^^beterraba: sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda | nc termbin.com 999912:36
ioriabeterraba,  mmm, umount /data12:37
beterrabawithout sudo?12:37
beterrabajust like that?12:37
motaka2ioria, EriC^^: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U3WCP4RyPlYPPs-9--Bw3oj7FLVpHOvX/view?usp=sharing12:37
EriC^^beterraba: /dev/sda not data12:38
beterrabaumount: /data: umount failed: Operation not permitted.12:38
beterrabaumount: /dev/sda: not mounted.12:38
ioriabeterraba,  with sudo ?12:39
beterrabalet me try that12:39
beterrabaok, done!12:39
EriC^^motaka2: use | nc termbin.com 999912:40
ioriamotaka2, those are just ppa erros, nothing to do with your first issue12:40
beterrabahow may I mount it again? lol12:40
ioriabeterraba, wait ...12:40
beterrabasure, no problem12:40
ioriabeterraba, are we sure it's umounted ?12:40
beterrabai think so.. no errors returned12:41
ioriabeterraba,  mount | grep sda212:41
ioriabeterraba,  what fs on nthat partition ?12:41
motaka2are there anything elese I can do ?12:42
beterrabaprevious result from `mount` says:12:42
beterraba /dev/sda2 on /data type fuseblk (ro,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,blksize=4096)12:43
ioriabeterraba,   lsblk -f12:43
ioriamotaka2,  if you have copy/paste problems with xterm,use lxterminal12:44
EriC^^motaka2: try removing the ppa that isn't found or see in launchpad12:44
motaka2EriC^^: How can I do that ?12:46
EriC^^!ppa-purge | motaka212:47
ubottumotaka2: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html12:47
beterrabaioria: https://pastebin.com/JAqagZLn12:47
motaka2EriC^^: Can you please paste me exactly what I need to run in terminal ?12:47
ioriabeterraba,   ok, ntfs ...   sudo fsck -f /dev/sda12:48
motaka2ioria: it doent open either12:48
ioriabeterraba,   err...    sudo fsck -f /dev/sda212:48
LetoPuhHello. I have question about installation Ubuntu server 18.04.. i cant install it because cant skip configure network step... click in "Done" dont help... is it not possible to install it without network connection?12:48
ioriamotaka2, lxterminal,you mean ?12:49
EriC^^motaka2: sorry i very rarely use it, look at 'man ppa-purge' it's pretty self explanatory12:49
beterrabaioria: https://pastebin.com/jGGfci0p12:49
motaka2ioria: yes12:49
ioriabeterraba,   sudo  fsck.ntfs   /dev/sda212:50
beterrabasudo: fsck.ntfs: command not found12:50
beterrabaioria: found this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/86086/fsck-cant-find-fsck-ntfs12:51
beterrabayet, command not found12:52
ioriabeterraba,   sudo  fsck    /dev/sda2       did you specify  '2' ?12:52
beterrabait worked now12:53
motaka2ioria, EriC^^: I can see this errors in update manager12:53
beterrabai see /data12:53
beterrabacan't write on that yet though12:53
ioriabeterraba,   i didn't tell you to remount it12:54
beterrabai didnt..12:54
beterrabadont know how to do it tbh12:54
ioriabeterraba,   it mounted by itself ?12:54
beterrabaprobably so12:54
beterrabai though those commands were doing that12:54
ioriabeterraba,  mount | grep sda212:54
beterraba /dev/sda2 on /data type fuseblk (ro,relatime,user_id=0,group_id=0,default_permissions,allow_other,blksize=4096)12:55
ioriabeterraba,  sudo umount /data and recheck12:55
beterrabaioria: now it`s empty12:56
ioriabeterraba,   sudo  fsck  -f  /dev/sda212:56
capwhy do i always get the message 'can't send to channel' when i chat in the linux channel?12:56
beterrabaioria: no errors12:57
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beterrabacap: probably because you should have a registered user12:57
ioriabeterraba,   the output ?12:57
beterrabaioria: none12:57
beterrabafsck from util-linux 2.31.112:57
beterrabaonly that12:57
capbeterraba, okay12:57
ioriabeterraba,   shoud be a permission issue then.... check /data permission12:58
beterrabadrwxr-xr-x   2 root root          4096 abr 26 14:44 data12:58
ioriabeterraba,  did you remount ?12:59
beterrabano no12:59
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ioriabeterraba,  sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda2  /data  -o uid=myuid  gid=mygid13:00
ioriabeterraba,  get the uid/gid  from 'id' output13:01
beterrabaioria: mount: bad usage13:05
ioriabeterraba,     sorry  the coma,  sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda2  /data  -o uid=myuid, gid=mygid13:07
beterrabaioria: still bad usage friend13:07
ioriabeterraba, sudo mount -t ntfs  -o uid=1000,gid=1000    /dev/sda2   /data ( i assume you have no line in fstab for that)13:08
beterrabaomg! finally some clues13:09
beterrabaof what might be wrong13:09
beterrabathis is a dual boot system.13:09
beterrabamaybe windows have shut down wrongly. i should restart it properly maybe13:10
ioriabeterraba, maybe you should reboot in  win and check the fs and shutdown properly13:10
beterrabaok, i will have to disconnect now13:10
beterrabathank you for the support13:11
ioriabeterraba, but ...13:11
beterrabai`ll be back soon to report13:11
beterrabaioria: yes?13:11
ioriabeterraba,  the win partition should be under /media13:11
ioriabeterraba,  and automounted13:12
beterrabawell indeed13:13
beterrabaanyway, let me reboot13:13
ioriabeterraba,  you can  check  your  /etc/fstab13:13
beterraba1 sec13:13
beterrabaioria: https://pastebin.com/CMjkAjg313:13
ioriabeterraba,  yes UID=8060EB8D60EB886C /data           ntfs    defaults,umask=007,gid=46 013:14
beterrabaioria: dude, it's working now.13:20
ioriabeterraba,  good job13:20
beterrabahad to do with bad windows shutting down13:20
beterrabathank you very much for helping me finding the issue!13:20
ioriano prob13:20
beterrabajust out of curiosity, where you from?13:21
ioriabeterraba,  nowhereisland13:21
motaka2ioria, this was the problem https://askubuntu.com/questions/780626/terminal-wont-lauch-ubuntu-16-0413:21
motaka2ioria: thaks a lot for your help13:22
ioriamotaka2, ok13:22
OlofLIm getting this error installing ubuntu 18 04 on vmware machine. https://imgur.com/a/bqGblGH suggestions?13:22
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sylv255Hi all I have this question please : http://answers.opencv.org/question/192538/extract-leaflets-of-a-leaf/13:39
sylv255excuse me I mistake the channel13:41
jmgb4So anybody else have an old version of ssh going? Seeing as they removed anything less than 2.0 recently?13:42
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oerheksjmgb4, likely we do not. not sure what your issue is, but older versions are, ofcourse, no longer supported13:53
jmgb4oerheks, I figure I would ask. I seem to be fighting nonstop with apt to allow an old version of ssh14:00
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ande_  /join #ubuntu-ru14:25
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osp2noob question: do I need to update ubuntu versions (I'm currently on 16.04)? Is that something that can be done easily? I have ubuntu boot off an ssd and I have most of my files on my hdd14:33
JimBuntuosp2, You are on LTS... you can't update to the new LTS until in July when the point release... you could move to a beta/etc though.14:36
JimBuntuTechnically, you *could* upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04, but that's not suggested.14:37
Oolosp2: you can keep U 16.04 until april 202114:38
MortezaEI need some color picker app, like old gcolor. Any suggestion (18.04)14:38
geniiosp2: If you have no immediate need to upgrade, just wait until the 18.04.1 arrives and your Xenial will give the option to upgrade to it directly automatically14:38
osp2oh nice14:38
osp2I didn't know there were automatic upgrades14:38
osp2ok I'll wait for that then14:39
MortezaEFound gpick, thx14:39
osp2thanks all!14:39
* JimBuntu is waiting.14:39
osp2genii, according to that link Ool just posted, 18.04 was released last month14:39
BSaboiahello guys14:40
osp2oh wait my mistake, didn't see you had 18.04.114:40
JimBuntuosp2, New LTS releases don't trigger an auto-update message until the point release14:40
BSaboiaI just installed a fresh ubuntu 18.04. it was working good, but now I try to login, and then the screen is black for a while, then it's black again14:40
geniiosp2: Correct. But LTS to LTS upgrade will not be an option automatically until 18.04 point release of 18.04.1, in July14:40
Oolosp2: yes but First release 18.04 is not 18.04.114:41
Oolarf too slow :)14:41
BSaboiagreping /var/log/syslog for gnome-shell, I find some errors14:41
BSaboiaactually, warnings14:42
BSaboiabut they are not very useful14:42
ioriaBSaboia,  have you restarted ?14:43
TrelIs there any tutorial on creating a snap package from binaries, not sources?14:43
BSaboiaioria, yeah14:43
ioriaBSaboia,  you  login with the correct passwords and  fails ?14:44
ioriaBSaboia,  fresh install you said ?  when stopped working exactly ?14:44
BSaboiaI installed docker14:45
BSaboiathen just did a reboot14:45
BSaboiaafter that14:45
BSaboiait was the first reboot of the system14:45
BSaboiaI installed ubuntu around 5 hours ago.14:45
ioriaBSaboia,  how did you install it  ?  i don't use it ,to be honest14:45
BSaboiaioria, usb stick14:46
EriC^^BSaboia: upload /var/log/Xorg.0.log14:46
ioriaBSaboia,  no,  i mean docker14:46
BSaboiaEriC^^, I read some systemd-logind got pause for ...14:48
BSaboialet me see how to upload it14:48
sobczykis there a way to fast test a kernel? I need to find a regression between 4.15 and 4.13 and builing a full deb seems like a waste of time14:48
EriC^^BSaboia: sudo cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | nc termbin.com 999914:48
EriC^^sobczyk: why dont you use the mainline .deb's?14:49
EriC^^!mainline | sobczyk14:49
ubottusobczyk: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds14:49
BSaboiaEriC^^, nice trick... http://termbin.com/fe7g14:49
sobczykI know 4.13 worked, 4.15 doesn't,bisecting the kernel repo seems to be the solution14:50
sobczykhow does the mainline kernel deb help?14:50
m5amyHi everyone can i ask question , could any one help me ?14:50
EriC^^BSaboia: what happens if you log into a tty, then run "DISPLAY:=1 startx xterm" ?14:52
whooliganm5amy: just ask14:52
EriC^^*DISPLAY=:1 startx xterm14:52
BSaboiaEriC^^, I don't have xterm installed14:54
BSaboiabut startx starts X server normally...14:54
EriC^^BSaboia: anything in ~/.xsession-errors ?14:55
BSaboiamaybe I should install xterm then?14:55
BSaboiaI run my terminal here14:55
EriC^^no it's fine14:55
BSaboiait seems od14:55
BSaboiaEriC^^, http://termbin.com/gi3414:55
ioriaBSaboia,  how did you install docker ?14:57
BSaboiasudo apt install dockeri.io14:58
BSaboiaEriC^^, I think I solved it14:58
BSaboiamy first line of ~/.bashrc had a exec zsh14:58
BSaboiaI removed it, now I can login normally14:59
EriC^^BSaboia: oh ok, cool thanks for sharing14:59
BSaboiaEriC^^, no man, thanks for your help14:59
EriC^^no problem14:59
gpapHello everybody15:32
gpapi have a question about my server. On this machine when i connect via ssh the prompt has this type  name ~: meaning i can not see my user name at prompt, "name" is declared into my server configuration before the dot15:34
leftyfbgpap: https://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-linux-unix-bash-shell-setup-prompt.html15:36
JimBuntugpap, are you using bash, do you have a ~/.bashrc file ? If so, check the PS1 variable15:36
gpapokies leftyfb: jimBuntu: thanks for responding i wanna check your resources provided15:38
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danilhi everybody15:51
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luxioWhat is "Cloned Address"? https://i.imgur.com/cYyRp7R.png15:59
longwordMAC address that's different to the hardware address of your card.16:02
luxioso it changes what my mac address appears as to the network?16:02
Rembohello everyone, if i boot on single mode it will appear on syslog log file?16:04
longwordShould remain blank unless you have good reason to dislike your hardware MAC address, under instruction from your network administrator16:04
Rembolongword: did someone shutdown or it simply did automaticaly shutdown from load or other issues : https://hastebin.com/itonukoxol.erl16:06
Rembocan someone help?16:08
longwordI'm not qualified to give you a forensic answer, but when rsyslogd is not running it tends not to write to files16:09
Rembolongword, can you please tell me if ubuntu linux can automaticaly shutdown if the load is high or something else?16:12
longwordI don't think I can give you the answer you want. It is possible to craft such a policy in a number of ways, but I don't believe there's anything in there by default16:13
gpapone more question i hope you are not getting tired with me :), anyway why the gnome terminal has autocompletetion of commands and directories and the terminator has not? Ubuntu 16.0416:21
lotuspsychjegpap: try history and tab completion16:21
EriC^^gpap: is it loading your .bashrc ?16:22
gpapi just installed the terminator to hande many terminals, everything esle is by default, gnome terminal autocompletes, terminator not16:23
EriC^^gpap: try "source .bashrc" then see16:23
gpapEric: sorry for asking is this a terminator setting?16:23
EriC^^gpap: no, it's a terminal command16:24
gpapok i wanna try thank you16:24
gpapEric: OMG you fixed and my previous question with this command, thanks a lot16:27
lotuspsychje!cookie | EriC^^16:27
ubottuEriC^^: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!16:27
EriC^^gpap: great, np16:28
gpapEriC: one answer two questions solved i am impressed cookie | Eric^^16:30
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Sven_vBI'm trying to preserve my finally-working combination of an old wine with a windows-only audio generator, in a way that makes it easy to use it in future Ubuntus with newer versions of wine. would it be a good idea to dockerize it?16:38
Sven_vB[future Ubuntus] +that ship+ [with newer … wine]16:38
mdemois it a real time thing or no?16:39
lotuspsychjemdemo: what is?16:39
mdemoSven_vB's audio generator16:39
Sven_vBmdemo, I'm not sure. it doesn't need to run with realtime privileges, but it can only play audio to the standard soundcard (which maps to my PulseAudio), not to a file.16:40
mdemothat's what I meant, if it was sending audio to speaker or to disk16:41
Sven_vByeah I need to figure out how to exfiltrate the sound output in a future-proof manner16:41
Sven_vBI'll search for ways to make wine send the wave to sth. other than PulseAudio16:43
mdemoI've heard of people using VSTs with wine and whatnot, I haven't heard of people running audio stuff from docker. Not sure what latency is like on top of whatever wine introduces16:43
mdemomaybe start with making a backup of the working system, which is always a good idea anyway :)16:44
Sven_vBI have triple redundancy atm, that's almost as good as backup.16:45
Sven_vBand it works on xenial LTS, so I have at least a year to properly preserve it16:46
Sven_vBthe wine FAQ has options AUDIODEV=/dev/dsp4 MIXERDEV=/dev/mixer1, does that look useful?16:48
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mdemonot sure what you mean, but I think if you try to incorporate docker into your DAW or audio workflow or whatever you'll be on a not-so-well-worn path16:48
mdemoand imo, if you want to do something creative with audio, you want as few technical distractions as possible16:48
Sven_vBit's not really an "audio workflow", just text-to-speech, and it already has about two seconds delay.16:48
mdemooh, hrmm.16:49
mdemoI was thinking DAW16:49
Sven_vBwhere can I read about what /dev/dsp* and /dev/mixer* is expected to be? maybe I can bridge them via TCP to the host system16:51
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ncsI could use some help with 18.04/LDAP/Cached credentials.17:10
LogitechI have a laptop provided to me from my company.  I want to be able to also use it for my personal needs (pay bills online, youtube, school work, emails, etc).  Nothing major or gaming anything like that.  But the company records everything in Windows that it does.  I don't wanna mess with installing a dual OS.  Is there an OS I can run solely from a USB drive?  Just plug it in, run from USB,17:11
Logitechand then obviously save all my work on that USB.  I don't want it to run as a fresh install each time, it needs to save what I'm doing each session.  Any suggestions?  The laptop's specs are like i5 and 8gb ram.   Preferrably be able to run ubuntu programs.  Not sure if ubuntu can run in this manner.17:11
nacc!persistent | Logitech17:15
ubottuLogitech: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent17:15
LogitechThanks Nacc17:19
LogitechI wonder if it'd be better to have lubuntu as an install, lighter17:19
naccLogitech: probably reasonable17:22
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Guest26528i am trying to configure postfix, stunnel, ssmtp i did everything but when i send email i get error as 3CD0E380C4A: to=<sunitabarve@gmail.com>, relay=none, delay=0.02, delays=0.01/0.01/0/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to[]:11125: Connection refused)17:56
Guest26528can someone help me to sort it out on ubuntu what exactly i need to correct17:56
Guest26528i am trying to configure postfix, stunnel, ssmtp i did everything but when i send email i get error as 3CD0E380C4A: to=<sunitabarve@gmail.com>, relay=none, delay=0.02, delays=0.01/0.01/0/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to[]:11125: Connection refused) [23:27] <Guest26528> can someone help me to sort it out on ubuntu what exactly i need to correct18:02
pavlosGuest26528: would this help? https://www.linode.com/docs/email/postfix/configure-postfix-to-send-mail-using-gmail-and-google-apps-on-debian-or-ubuntu/18:03
Guest26528i donot want to use gmail server but other server18:04
Guest26528i wish to use stunnel18:04
SporkWitchGuest26528: postfix has native TLS support; why stunnel? seems like it's just adding an extra point of failure18:05
Guest26528in my stunnel.conf i have added [smtp-tls-wrapper] accept = localhost:11125 client = yes connect = mail.gov.in:46518:05
leftyfbGuest26528: why not use the TLS/SSL built into postfix?18:05
Guest26528i wish to use our mail server which will use that mail server login and passwd and mails will be delivered18:06
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Guest26528which means i can use tls/ssl with localhost:11125 and use my mail.gov.in login and passwd18:07
Guest26528if i use gmail my mail from will have gmail address and i dont want to have gmail in mail from18:08
Guest26528i wish to use our institute mail18:08
leftyfb!register | Guest26528   Also <18:09
ubottuGuest26528   Also <: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.18:09
SporkWitchGuest26528: sorry for the annoying format, i can't find the original document anymore.  This is a lab i co-authored for my old uni. It covers setting up postfix and dovecot with TLS. https://www.slideshare.net/slideshow/embed_code/key/ICYqye7ywbocNH18:10
SporkWitchGuest26528: note that you can replace the certificate generation and signing portion with letsencrypt (and should)18:12
Guest26528i am trying now18:13
Guest26528what is letsencrypt18:13
DeathTickle1its a free automated SSL/TLS certificate18:14
DeathTickle1saved you a click18:14
* SporkWitch grumbles about handing out free fish18:15
tgm4883!google | SporkWitch18:19
ubottuSporkWitch: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.18:19
SporkWitchtgm4883: we're not talking about someone that couldn't come up with a good search string, we're talking about the query itself BEING the obvious search string18:20
tgm4883fair enough18:21
SporkWitchtgm4883: it's also why i DON"T just say "google it"; i provide them a lmgtfy link with a good string.  sometimes it actually IS tricky to come up with the right string, in which case i'll skip the lmgtfy and say "try this string".  it's not a dismissal, it's providing the skills that will help them in the future.18:23
B1ack0pi am getting error when i try to update18:23
SporkWitch(and usually i'm providing it after CHECKING that the string seems to produce relevant results)18:23
B1ack0pE: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/xenial-updates/main/binary-amd64/by-hash/SHA256/e0e66e3b1aacf57778bae364c82f9d1a50c2b4af35b7e6922eec2ed2664a91f7  Hash Sum mismatch E: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.18:23
B1ack0phow can i fix this?18:24
SporkWitchit means what it says; something's corrupt.  have you already googled the main portion of the error? (the portion after the URL)18:24
B1ack0pyes i did search18:25
B1ack0pi did what suggested but doesnt work18:25
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SporkWitchB1ack0p: please pastebin the output of those commands and the new attempt to update the package lists18:26
B1ack0pSporkWitch: just this : Err:21 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial-updates/main amd64 Packages   Hash Sum mismatch18:27
SporkWitchB1ack0p: please pastebin the output of those commands and the new attempt to update the package lists18:27
B1ack0pSporkWitch: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/25y7jzZY5s/18:28
bartzylocales driving me crazy: I’m running locale in terminal and I get tons of variables, some of them are not en_US.UTF-8 but I have no idea why and how to change that?18:30
bartzyI just want everything to be en_US.UTF-8.18:30
SporkWitchB1ack0p: what i'm seeing in some other cases is that it's a legitimate issue on the repo.  you can try pointing to a different mirror or simply waiting to see if they resolve it; removing the local copies _should_ fix it if the issue is local corruption18:30
SporkWitchbartzy: commands and output are appreciated18:30
bartzydpkg-reconfigure locales and choosing only en_US.UTF-8 generates en_AU, en_BW, en_GB etc (all the en_*) for some reason.18:30
B1ack0pbtw it is ubuntu bash on win 1018:30
leftyfbB1ack0p: has this ever worked?18:31
paul98is there any mssql tools already installed on 18.04? want to connect to a ms sql server to run a query18:31
B1ack0pleftyfb: what worked?18:31
B1ack0pi didnt face that error before18:31
leftyfbB1ack0p: did update/upgrade ever work?18:31
B1ack0pleftyfb: well the thing is i uninstalled bash and reinstalled now18:32
B1ack0pbefore uninstallation it was working fine18:32
B1ack0p1-2 months ago18:32
bartzySporkWitch: Where do the system knows about which locales do I use?18:32
B1ack0pbut now it doesnt work18:32
leftyfbB1ack0p: check the date/time in the instance18:32
bartzyI mean, how does `locale` check what is my locale? Why do I have he_IL there...18:32
leftyfbB1ack0p: in bash, type: date18:33
ChunkzZwhat's the command to install opera's web browser under ubuntu 18?18:33
B1ack0pleftyfb: it shows correct time and date with my computer18:33
Styilhow do I remove ubuntu's splash screen18:34
leftyfbChunkzZ: https://www.opera.com/computer/linux18:34
Styilforgot google existed for a moment18:34
pavlosbartzy: /etc/default/locale18:34
bartzypavlos: /etc/default/locale has only LANG and LC_ALL and both are en_US.UTF-8.18:34
ChunkzZleftyfb, yeah I seen that and want the command to install it from ubuntu's repos.18:35
Jordan_U!ubuwin | B1ack0p18:35
ubottuB1ack0p: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide18:35
ChunkzZnot the .deb file leftyfb18:36
pavlosbartzy: so where do you see he_IL ?18:36
nacc ChunkzZ: opera is not in ubuntu's repos18:36
bartzypavlos: When running locale18:36
ChunkzZnacc, that's all I wanted to know, thanks!18:36
bartzyI see he_IL.UTF-8 in LC_PAPER and other variables...18:36
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SporkWitchJordan_U: what does that abomination have to do with his issue? lol18:37
naccSporkWitch: B1ack0p is running the bash on windows thing18:37
oerhekshassum mismatch ... just wait a minute, your mirror can be in update progress itself18:38
Jordan_USporkWitch: It means that we don't support Ubuntu on Windows here, but they do at #ubuntu-on-windows.18:38
SporkWitchah, i went looking for it, but i missed that line above, it had just scrolled off lol18:38
B1ack0pyes windows thingy18:38
oerheksas it is just one hash,  i do not worry18:38
B1ack0pJordan_U: i did that already18:38
pavlosbartzy: look at /etc/locale.gen ... all should be commented out except en_US18:39
oerheksare you trying to install a desktop, B1ack0p ??18:39
SporkWitchB1ack0p: WSL is HORRIFICALLY bad; have fun lol.  I spin up a whole damn VM, it's less headache, and can actually DO things.  I've found most basic stuff doesn't work in WSL, not even stuff like dig (it literally never returns any records; no such issue in a VM)18:39
B1ack0pi disabled automatic updates on windows 10 that might cause this issue?18:39
SporkWitchB1ack0p: totally unrelated18:39
B1ack0poerheks: no i just wanted to run sudo apt update18:39
B1ack0pon bash18:39
B1ack0pwas working before :S18:39
B1ack0pok i will uninstall it18:39
B1ack0pi already have dual boot just wanted to install bash18:40
SporkWitchB1ack0p: it's possible it's just a temporary issue with the repo itself, and not your computer / WSL18:40
B1ack0pok then i wait18:40
bartzypavlos: All is commented out except en_US.UTF-8, but locale-gen —purge still generates all the en_* … :| I don’t get it18:40
B1ack0p_i am on bash - irssi now :p18:41
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pavlosbartzy: generate new ... sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8, logout/login18:41
higherorderHi! Quick question: why does Ubuntu 18 ship with Gnome 3.28, and not a more recent version?18:46
oerheks18.04 is LTS, stable18:47
pavlosbartzy:  "sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8" generated just one locale. also I did not see a purge option in man locale-gen18:47
SporkWitchis .1 out yet? if not, i'd say the stable definition is a LITTLE loose lol18:47
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thewaspskneesdoes anyone have any idea why my xhci_hcd (i.e. USB 3.0) keeps stalling? It's only happened since updating to kernel v4.15? I have to go in rebind the endpoints myself in /sys/bus/pci/drivers/xhci_hcd18:48
oerheksand what newer version do you want to see? higherorder18:48
higherorderoerheks: Appologies in advance for my ignorance, but basically I am running ubuntu in a VM on OS X and the scrolling (trackpad) is staggered, not smooth. I read somewhere that gnome 3.4 has smooth scrolling18:49
higherorderIs the scrolling being staggered expected?18:50
oerheks"read somewhere" .. gnome 3.4 ???18:50
SporkWitchsounds to me like a mix of 1) touchpad drivers, 2) VM headaches18:50
higherorderoerheks: https://help.gnome.org/misc/release-notes/3.4/#rnusers.smooth-scrolling18:51
higherorderSporkWitch: ah, shit :/18:51
higherorderSporkWitch: everything else seems to be working fine though18:51
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SporkWitchyou installed guest additions, right? (or the equivalent for w/e hypervisor you're using)18:51
higherorderyep I did18:51
higherorderI am using VMWare Fusion18:52
SporkWitchdoes the issue present with mouse scroll as well?18:52
higherorderSporkWitch: let me try; just a sec18:52
higherorderMouse scroll will be staggered by default though18:52
higherordersince the mouse wheel has ticks18:52
SporkWitchdepends on the mouse and settings18:52
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higherorderSporkWitch: mouse scrolling is what I would expect; it makes jumps of 30-50px or so18:54
higherorderbetween each tick18:54
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SporkWitchif it's behaving identically to touchpad, i suspect the VM is passing it as a normal mouse scroll rather than a touchpad.  touchpad can also just be flaky; even natively installed, the elan1200 in my laptop is jerky in KDE, when it works at all18:55
DeathTickle1hey all, since I used the Unity tweak tool on ubuntu 16.04 to change some colors and stuff, the desktop is missing the file icons, clicking and dragging doesnt produce a selection box, pressing the super key doesnt pop up the search -> lots of desktop failings. Anyone can help me find the source ?18:55
SporkWitchnot related, but why not paralels? always heard that was AWESOME for running VMs on Mac, just access them like another virtual desktop18:55
higherorderSporkWitch: mmh ok, thanks. At least that gives me a lead!18:55
higherorderSporkWitch: perhaps I should try paralels then; I just picked VMWare without thinking18:56
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SporkWitchhigherorder: i use qemu-kvm on linux, vmware on windows, but i've always wanted to try paralels. it just looked really slick.  the fact that it behaves like the VM is just another virtual desktop was really nice, because it makes it like a much more "native" experience, instead of a nested windows situation like you have with others18:57
oerheksMarch 28, 2012 release GNOME 3.4 .. so it is an regression?18:57
higherorderSporkWitch: I'll try parallels then; thanks a lot :)19:03
james_Hello. I have a weird issue where ppa's (chrome & steam) are removing each other when installed19:07
prettypleaseHi there everybody!19:08
prettypleaseI have just a small question...19:08
prettypleaseUUID=519CB82E5888AD0F  /media/Data  ntfs-3g  defaults,windows_names,locale=en_US.utf8  0 019:08
prettypleasewhat does windows_names mean here19:08
prettypleaseI am trying to mount a windows partition automatically19:09
james_i can probably help19:09
prettypleaseHi james_19:10
james_here is some info i found for your problem19:10
leftyfbjames_: contact the chrome/steam team about issues with their PPA's19:11
james_fat, ntfs19:11
james_    Linux filesystems have a larger set of allowed characters in filenames. windows_names restricts the set of allowed characters for the volume to only those acceptable by Windows. Note: though FAT/NTFS are the most common use case, this feature is not specifically restricted to those filesystem types.19:11
james_leftyfb, i was hoping to come across a solution myself, but I wouldn't know where to start looking for it.19:12
james_prettyplease, did you figure out your solution?19:13
prettypleaseIt seems so.. So I should just leave it [windows_names] since it tells the system that it's a windows name basically. I thought I might have to enter something instead of it19:14
james_windows_names essentially means "don't use special characters like *, {}()[], or % in file names"19:16
james_prettyplease, are you dualbooting?19:16
higherorderSporkWitch: bingo, smooth scrolling works on parallels19:16
prettypleaseYes james_19:17
james_i used to, until windows kept trying to fight for the system clock19:17
james_now I do GPU passthrough using libvirt19:17
james_if your system is capable of it, it's a great way to use windows when you need to19:18
prettypleaseI just use W10 for one game basically james_19:19
compdocprettyplease, which game?19:20
prettypleaseCompany of Heroes 219:20
compdocI play bf419:21
james_COH runs natively on linux!19:21
james_I have it on steam right now!19:21
prettypleaseIt does19:21
prettypleaseBut not many players on Linux unfortunately19:21
prettypleasePlus friends use Windows machines19:22
james_are you running the steam version?19:22
tgm4883Company of Heroes 2 has cross platform multiplayer https://steamcommunity.com/groups/maclinux/discussions/0/528398719787800607/19:22
james_^ this guy googles faster than I can19:23
james_Does anyone else do GPU passthrough in here?19:23
tgm4883james_: I'm a pro19:24
prettypleasetgm4883: crossplatform for OSX and Linux19:24
tgm4883james_: I've not done it in a long time. You might get more responses if you post your question though19:24
james_I don't have a need for help with my vm, i was just curious who else did19:25
prettypleasewould it be fast enough to run W10 on a VM for gaming?19:26
james_what's your hardware?19:26
N3X15What games and what hardware19:26
tgm4883james_: ah, well then you're better off in #ubuntu-offtopic19:27
N3X15if it's a modern 3D game, no19:27
prettypleaseCompany of Heroes 219:27
james_COH is native, though19:27
james_no need to dual boot for it19:27
xirgsooo if I'm having trouble using VNC on port 59xx how can i configure to use another port19:27
james_tgm already noted the cross platform MP19:27
tgm4883james_: yea but prettyplease is right. It's just linux/mac that's cross platform, not windows. I misread it19:28
james_why are you having trouble using it on those ports?19:28
james_well dang.19:28
xirgjames_, probably firewall policy which is beyond my reach19:28
james_winehq says it runs, with an older version of wine19:28
james_ssh tunnel, maybe?19:28
xirgi can use ssh just fine, can I use VNC through an SSH tunnel?19:29
james_i think you can :)19:29
xirgoooo interesting19:29
compdocdoes ssh limited speeds?19:29
prettypleaseSo I will try to mount these ntfs hard drives automatically. thanks for your help guys, it was fun using irc after years and years19:29
two_dogs_yes you can , and you can dabble with the bandwidth some19:30
xirgirc is the best consultant19:30
hanasakiis this a valid url?   http://host/a/b?/api/v2/getNames/419:30
xirgdepends if there's a host named host on your network19:30
two_dogs_hanasaki: test it yet?19:30
two_dogs_hanasaki: share a pic of the page on susepaste, pls19:31
=== marbleOS_ is now known as marbles
_floodso i am just building out my new 18.04 template and for whatever reason /etc/network/if-post-down.d doesn't exist, i created /etc/network/if-post-down.d and /etc/network/if-down.d and my scripts don't run on shutdown, i've googled/etc, cannot find a way to execut a script on shutdown to save my firewall rules, can anyone give me an clues?19:35
hanasakiI think the URL is fine... the lib I am using to call it requires a "/" at the end of the base URL... that is outa spec. right?19:35
EriC^^!systemd | _flood19:35
ubottu_flood: systemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units19:35
_floodEriC^^: thx, have been using these scripts since 12.04->16.04 with no issues, will check that, thanks!19:36
ioria_flood, you know /e/n/interface not working by default 'cause netplan in 18.04, right ?19:37
_floodioria: no i didn't . . .19:37
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ioria_flood,  you need some changes if you  want to use it; install ifupdown, resolvconf, stop/disable systemd-resolved and dpkg-reconfigure resolvconf  (at least)19:39
ioria_flood,  you also might need to backup all the .yalm files in /ect/netplan19:40
_flooddamn, all i want is a way to save my iptables rules on shutdown and reload them on start up19:40
_floodi have two scripts that have worked forever19:40
DraconiatorI think I've fallen in love with Linux as a secondary OS.19:44
SporkWitch!iptables-persist | _flood19:44
SporkWitchbah, how do i tell it to look up a package? lol19:44
SporkWitch_flood: google "iptables-persist" its' a package the does precisely what you're asking for, without you needing to manually create a cron job or the like19:45
_floodSporkWitch: thank you!!!!19:45
SporkWitch_flood: it's also one of the first things that comes up in a search for anything along the lines of "iptables reboot linux" :P19:45
_floodi was just searching for script reboot ;)19:45
_floodi'll be more detailed, thanks a bunch!19:46
SporkWitch_flood: in a way it's taht you were too detailed that you ran into the issue.  You already had a solution in mind, so you searched for that, with little luck because it's not the "right" way to do it these days.  Start with the goal, or if it's a response to an error, the error itself.19:47
_floodSporkWitch: many thanks ;)19:47
=== SysGh_st is now known as SysGhoost
SporkWitch_flood: not trying to give you a hard time, btw, just offering advice on how to get good results :)19:47
_floodit is most appreciated :)19:47
nacc!info iptables-persist | SporkWitch19:57
ubottuSporkWitch: Package iptables-persist does not exist in bionic19:57
naccnot an ubuntu package?19:58
nacc!info iptables-persistent | SporkWitch: ah that's why...19:58
ubottuSporkWitch: ah that's why...: iptables-persistent (source: iptables-persistent): boot-time loader for netfilter rules, iptables plugin. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.4+nmu2 (bionic), package size 6 kB, installed size 42 kB19:58
nacc_flood: --^19:58
SporkWitchnacc: thanks :)19:58
naccSporkWitch: np19:58
SporkWitchi need to port some irc bots to discord; actually get something useful on there instead of this legion of made-to-useless-and-annoying like music bots and mee6 >_< lol20:00
_floodjust installed, i am back in business ;)20:00
DraconiatorIs there a WINE package for Ubuntu?20:01
SporkWitch!wine | Draconiator20:01
ubottuDraconiator: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu20:01
YumSleep[m]yes there is20:02
SporkWitchnote that between a combination of changes made by game devs to popular games, and a shift in focus by wine devs, a lot of stuff that worked a year ago is currently broken20:02
SporkWitchi actually just reinstalled windows, because literally NOTHING that ran fine for me a year ago would even install now :'(20:03
YumSleep[m]but on default in ubuntu repos there is stable release, for more up-to date one you have to use official winehq repo (or perhaps if you need to squese every bit of performance even to look up projects which embed csmt patch as well as other patches to wine)20:04
jmp56Has anyone ever tried changing the Hugepagesize value in 16.04?  No matter what value I set in the kernel command line parameters it stays at 1024 kB20:05
oerhekscheck out pol = play on linux, that gives the scripts and newer wine AFAIK20:09
guideXI'm trying to install safesquid, but I keep getting this during the setup.sh https://pastebin.com/raw/eMzgWHBC20:09
guideXI have tried to install the libgmp but it still comes up20:09
oerhekshttps://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libgmp-dev too, perhaps?20:10
guideXI did install the libgmp-dev20:11
oerheks'old issue .. https://www.safesquid.com/html/viewtopic.php?t=327120:12
guideXI get the unable to locate package libgmp3c220:12
guideXmaybe at this point, there's a different package to get20:13
guideXthat is from 200920:13
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guideXI wish they'd just tell you what you need20:14
ubottuapt-file is a program that can tell you which package(s) contain(s) a given filename. To install it and generate the database it needs, run "sudo apt-get install apt-file && sudo apt-file update"20:15
oerheksah, you need to pay them first? https://www.safesquid.com/20:16
guideXoh hmm, on the windows side, there's no charge, I didn't know that20:17
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rkan001Hi! How do i find a channel i used to connect to? (years ago) ?20:23
rkan001Hi! How do i find a channel i used to connect to? (years ago) ?20:24
Bashing-om!alis | rkan00120:24
ubotturkan001: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"20:24
rkan001sorry, I think i double posted the same msg20:24
rkan001thanks @ubottu20:24
rkan001What if the channel is on another server? :'(20:25
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Styilwont work then20:25
oerheksrkan001, then you are trolling the wrong server20:26
leftyfbrkan001: you want #freenode20:26
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rkan001it was an spanish channel related to Debian Topics20:27
rkan001i used to pass by and talk to ppl20:27
leftyfbrkan001: you want #freenode20:27
rkan001oh, okey20:27
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bobaHi is _usr_lib_cups_filter_hpps.7.crash a serious crash on Ubuntu 16.04?21:02
syborgboba, cups is a printing service21:03
syborgso probably not, unless your ubuntu 16.04 is being used as a print server21:03
Vic2If it says something like "missing <openssl/***.h> header", you will need to make sure you not21:04
Vic2only have the dynamic OpenSSL libraries installed, but also the header files.21:04
Vic2On Linuxes, they are sometimes distributed in a different package from the21:04
Vic2main OpenSSL and are called something like "OpenSSL-development" or21:04
Vic2"OpenSSL-sources-and-headers" or something like that - look around.21:04
Vic2Can someone possible give some input as to what package I am looking for based on that note?21:05
bobasyborg: I see. Thanks. I was trying to configure a printer and that ended with an error. So, I can delete this crash file from /var/crash so that I do not get pop ups about this crash every time I boot into ubuntu?21:05
syborgyeah by all means boba, if it crashes again a new report will be generated and you can use that for troubleshooting. Deleting crash reports is fine21:05
bobasyborg: thank you very much. :)21:06
syborgnp :)21:06
matjamVic2: libssl-dev is what you need21:11
syborggah matjam21:12
syborgI just found that21:12
syborgand you beat me to saying it by seconds :)21:12
Vic2:)  Thank you both! :)21:12
matjamVic2: in future do something like "apt search openssl" and look for the -dev packages for header files21:13
matjamVic2: note that they don't actually mention openssl anymore in the package description, its annoying.21:13
matjambut an apt show libssl-dev gives you more information.21:13
guideXhow do you usually deal with dependencies in ubuntu when installing things21:15
guideXit's really confusing to me, I don't deal with linux or ubuntu everyday21:15
Vic2I tried packages.ubuntu.com but there was only one which mentioned headers and that one did not make much sense.... hence why I asked here. :)21:15
enycguideX: package bmanager deals with installing them for you ;p21:15
guideXoic.. I find myself chasing down dependencies to get things installed, but then how do you even know what the dependency to install is21:16
enycguideX: 'how' are you going about 'isntalling' something?21:16
guideXusing apt install21:16
enycguideX: .deb packages will have list of dependencies in them21:16
enycguideX: surel ywhen yo udo that, it tells you "ntese extra pcakages willbe installed" and sort itsolf out ..????21:17
syborgunless something weird happened dependencies should be automatically installed guideX21:17
syborgdid you bork your ubuntu? o_O21:17
guideXit's a brand new install, but maybe21:18
syborgso what are you trying to install and what error are you getting21:18
matjamguideX: if it's in a repo, apt install will install the dependencies. If you install a dpkg, it will tell you that there are missing dependencies, and you run apt -f install and it will download the dependencies.21:19
tgm4883matjam: you should use apt instead of dpkg to install .deb files as it will get the dependencies at that time21:19
matjamdoes apt handle .dpkg files now too?21:19
matjamapt-get used to not21:20
tgm4883matjam: apt has handled .deb files since it's existance I believe. 'apt install ./debfilename'21:20
matjamah, neat, TIL.21:20
cerebr0Hi everybody21:21
mattflyaudio problem on ubuntu bionic after using jack and suspending21:21
mattflyon my usb headphone21:21
mattflym having this isue and im unable to use my usb heaphone after suspending, this is what syslog shows https://pastebin.com/jFSVTt0X21:22
luxioAll of my "other locations" are read only21:26
luxiohow can I remove this restriction21:26
oerheksdepends what is in your 'other locations'.. 'Computer' needs root to be able to write, but carefull with that .. else what is there mounted, is it mounted correctly, or is it 'dirty'  with errors, that would prevent r/w mounting too21:29
aaronsmattfly: you may need to create a custom udev rule.21:29
oerheksand what is the filesystem?21:29
luxioI've had access to it before21:30
henry_I'm having a problem running an executable, I'm getting the error "cannot execute binary file: Exec format error" but when I run file on it, i see that it is a 64 bit executable, Mach-O 64-bit x86_64 executable, flags:<NOUNDEFS|DYLDLINK|TWOLEVEL|PIE>, and I am pretty certain I am running 64 Ubuntu (uname -i gives x86_64). I am on Kubuntu 18.0421:30
pavlosluxio: can you pastebin the output of "mount | grep sda"21:31
henry_Is there any other reason I might be getting that eror?21:31
oerhekssudo ntfsfix /dev/<device name>21:31
Two_Dogshenry_: whats the rest of the errors shown?21:32
Two_Dogshenry_: whats the rest of the errors shown? when you execute via terminal  i mean21:32
henry_that's the only error, as far as I know. just "bash: ./program_name: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error"21:33
Two_Dogshenry_: that binary a part of a ubuntu repo package?21:35
henry_It's a program that someone in my research group wrote. Is it just a faulty program? I don't know why but that didn't occure to me until just now21:36
yuppiehey guys21:36
yuppieanyone know how to preseed ubuntu to do auto-dhcp using networkmanager?21:36
Two_Dogshenry_: you wont make friends but yeah sounds borked21:36
Two_Dogshenry_: you ran the thing from terminal, yes?21:37
henry_Thank you21:37
DeathTickle1henry_: sounds like the binary format is wrong21:37
Two_Dogshenry_: you on 32bit install?21:37
DeathTickle1henry_: try the 'file' command on it21:37
henry_file gives Mach-O 64-bit x86_64 executable, flags:<NOUNDEFS|DYLDLINK|TWOLEVEL|PIE>21:38
DeathTickle1welp we got it21:38
Two_Dogshenry_: you on 32bit install?21:38
henry_I don't believe so. uname -i gives x86_64, and in system info it says i am running 64 bit OS21:38
tsarompyhai #ubuntu21:39
Two_Dogsits borked, tell friend21:39
DeathTickle1henry_: Mach-O binary format is a binary for Mac OS X21:39
DeathTickle1unless I am mistaken21:39
matjamit is21:39
henry_everyone else in the lab has macbooks21:39
henry_that could make sense?21:39
matjamhenry_: well, where did you get the binary from?21:39
Two_Dogshenry_: those dont work on linux21:40
henry_They uploaded it to a shared drived21:40
henry_*drive. So just downloaded21:40
DeathTickle1henry_: you would need to compile the thing yourself on a linux machine or have them cross-compile it21:41
michael2hi all. My 16.04 laptop one day just started consuming alot more battery when suspended (with the lid down) is there any way to diagnose why this is happening?21:41
henry_Sweet, that makes sense21:41
henry_Thank you very much.21:41
Two_Dogshttps://goo.gl/ncerbr henry21:42
DeathTickle1michael2: do you know if the laptop is actually suspended when the lid is down ?21:43
Two_Dogsthe apple wine layer21:43
Wafficus91hi there, total linux noobie here, can someone help me install linux based drivers to install a MIDI keyboard for my laptop?21:43
Wafficus91I did the "rules" section already. Not sure what to do with the make folder section, or the .cpp files included in the Git hub download for the main branch21:44
henry_Two_dogs: Thanks, that should be useful here21:44
Two_Dogshenry_: good luck21:45
aaronsWafficus91: I looked at the github and it looks like you just need to go the the directory that contains the Makefile and run make and then make install21:48
yuppieanyone know about pxe boot without using an NFS server?21:51
naccyuppie: you don't need an NFS server to pxe boot, so suer.21:55
naccyuppie: in other words, ask your actual question :)21:56
Jordan_UWafficus91: Before you try to build that project... What MIDI keyboard do you have? What MIDI software have you tried so far?21:57
Wafficus91I've only tried LMSS22:00
Wafficus91I literally have a firewire to USB cord from the Novation Ultranova going into the laptop22:00
Wafficus91on my windows rig22:00
Wafficus91I have Reaper installed22:00
Wafficus91and because of the Windows drivers from Novation, its pretty much plug and play22:00
Wafficus91which is nice, because I can totally affect VST synths with it like this22:01
Wafficus91this isn't the biggest bother, because I might just give up and use headphones for the synth itself, and ignore vsts until I bring my dekstop computer over here with windows22:01
Wafficus91I just wish it would be easy as plug and play to be honest. Even for somewhat of a knowledgable user like myself, the hassle of trying to build that driver with no background at all sounds daunting22:02
Wafficus91if you have a better idea, I'm totally all ears22:02
michael2DeathTickle1: yes, the laptop is going into a suspend mode.22:05
Jordan_UWafficus91: Start by running "sudo apt install build-essential" if you haven't already.22:05
mattflywhat is happening? how can i fix this: https://pastebin.com/uXWhYGBD22:10
Jordan_Uwodencafe: cd into the directory containing the source code. If you'd like help doing that, feel free to ask.22:11
Jordan_UWafficus91: ^^22:12
Wafficus91jordan I'm back22:19
Wafficus91so i'm in the directory22:19
Wafficus91what should I do?22:19
Jordan_UWafficus91: And build-essential installed without error?22:19
Wafficus91no errors for that command22:20
Jordan_UWafficus91: Run "make"22:20
Wafficus91whats the pastebin?22:20
Wafficus91I have a huge error list I need to pastebin to show you22:20
Jordan_U!pastebin | Wafficus9122:20
ubottuWafficus91: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:20
naccWafficus91: you are missing all of the dependencies for building that software22:23
pavlosWafficus91: here's the mutex.hpp file ... https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/boost/thread/mutex.hpp22:23
naccWafficus91: I think I mentioned this to you before22:23
naccfor boost, you're missing the boost-dev or something package22:23
naccprobably need libjack-dev22:24
naccand liblo-dev, et.22:24
Wafficus91so where should I still Mutex.hpp?22:24
Wafficus91ah so should I include that in the same directory as the makefile folder?22:28
Jordan_UWafficus91: "sudo apt install libjack-dev" then try "make" again.22:28
naccWafficus91: for mutex.hpp you need libboost-dev22:28
ubuntu-mateNumber 15: Burger king foot lettuce. The last thing you'd want in your Burger King burger is someone's foot fungus. But as it turns out, that might be what you get. A 4channer uploaded a photo anonymously to the site showcasing his feet in a plastic bin of lettuce. With the statement: "This is the lettuce you eat at Burger King." Admittedly, he had shoes on.22:30
ubuntu-mateBut that's even worse.22:30
ubuntu-mateThe post went live at 11:38 PM on July 16, and a mere 20 minutes later, the Burger King in question was alerted to the rogue employee. At least, I hope he's rogue. How did it happen? Well, the BK employee hadn't removed the Exif data from the uploaded photo, which suggested the culprit was somewhere in Mayfield Heights, Ohio. This was at 11:47. Three minutes later at 11:50, the Burger King branch address was posted with wishes of happy unemployment.22:30
ubuntu-mate5 minutes later, the news station was contacted by another 4channer. And three minutes later, at 11:58, a link was posted: BK's "Tell us about us" online forum. The foot photo, otherwise known as exhibit A, was attached. Cleveland Scene Magazine contacted the BK in question the next day. When questioned, the breakfast shift manager said "Oh, I know who that is. He's getting fired." Mystery solved, by 4chan. Now we can all go back to eating our fast22:30
Jordan_UWafficus91: You shouldn't be placing any files anywhere. The source files are already where they should be. When nacc says that you need libboost-dev they mean that you need to run "sudo apt install libboost-dev", then your system will have Mutex.hpp, you won't need to move any files anywhere. Most projects tell you what they depend on, this small project does not, so we need to make educated guesses.22:31
Wafficus91makes sense22:33
Wafficus91let the terminal install it for me22:33
Wafficus91here's my recent pastebin:22:33
naccWafficus91: did you install liblo-dev ?22:34
Wafficus91this is after the two apt install commands you guys suggested for libboost and libjack-dev22:34
Wafficus91just did liblo-dev too, here's the recent error:22:35
pavlosWafficus91: see line 3 of your paste22:35
naccWafficus91: you also need libboost-system-dev22:36
kevrwhy is it that php-fpm doesn't have a php-fpm general referred package like php does?22:36
naccWafficus91: only line 22 is an error, the others are warnings22:36
nacckevr: what do you mean?22:36
nacc!info php-fpm22:36
ubottuphp-fpm (source: php-defaults (60ubuntu1)): server-side, HTML-embedded scripting language (FPM-CGI binary) (default). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:7.2+60ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 3 kB, installed size 12 kB22:36
kevrInteresting. On trusty, it can only be referred to by 'php5-fpm'22:37
nacckevr: yes, that's on trusty, which you didn't say :)22:37
nacckevr: iirc, there's no 'php' on trusty either22:37
nacckevr: there's 'php5'.22:37
kevrSorry. I figured it would remain the same throughout the upgrades22:37
kevrHmm.. I see22:37
Wafficus91cool, I didn't get an error this time22:37
Wafficus91just warnings like you said22:38
Wafficus91probably we're good to go then, gonna check this out later with my actual keyboard.22:38
kevrnacc: okay, old news is old news then, thanks for clarifying22:38
Wafficus91appreciate it so much, thanks man!22:38
naccWafficus91: gl!22:38
kevrslash informing22:38
nacckevr: np22:38
nacckevr: 16.04 was the first release with the php bits ... shoudl be there from now on22:38
lennyhow can i search if certain program is running or not?22:40
lennyby name22:41
kevrlenny: `ps aux | grep 'name'`22:41
lennykevr, thanks22:43
kevrif you are running a script that tests if it exists, pgrep might be a better option22:45
kevryou can do like `pgrep name`22:45
lennyi'm beginner in ubuntu ... no scripts at the moment. :)22:46
brechbohne92is there a cross platform teamviewer alternative?23:03
pavlostv is avail for win,mac, and lnx23:04
brechbohne92I know23:05
brechbohne92pavlos teamviewer does not support wayland23:06
brechbohne92thats why I need an alternative23:06
FaTaL_GSo I havent tried very heavily to solve my isc-dhcp-server startup issue, since I started having issues, if I ran a "sudo systemctl start isc-dhcp-server" it isnt started when I run "service --status-all" its still not running23:07
FaTaL_Gnot sure what log to look at, and is there anything I can do to "validate" my dhcp.conf?23:07
naccFaTaL_G: did you look at `systemctl status isc-dhcp-server` ?23:08
FaTaL_Gnacc, didnt know I could...23:08
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mattflywhere can i find libssl.so.1.0.0 and libcrypto.so.1.0.0  on ubuntu bionic?23:20
FaTaL_Gnacc, wellthat tells me more... but not enough... hahaha23:21
matjammattfly: use updatedb & locate; I found libssl in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.023:25
FaTaL_Gso my second question... is there a tool to validate my dhcp.conf?23:27
FaTaL_GI dont see anything wrong in it23:27
FaTaL_Gps: it does say I have a config issue23:27
matjamFaTaL_G: can you put your config in pastebin or something23:29
matjamFaTaL_G: also the logs23:29
studio-user343Hello, I have been using Ubuntu Studio for some time and just updated to 16.04 and I have a problem mapping a server network drive. This server has been around for years and I am presently connected to it with my desktop running Linux Mint. But, with this latest Ubuntu Studio I get "mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting...". I have googled and not found a solution. My fstab settings (which I use on all Linux machine23:39
studio-user343Sorry my fstab entry was cut off - " /mnt/cd_flac nfs   rsize=8192,wsize=8192,timeo=14,intr 0 0"23:40
luxioWhat package contains bzlib.h23:41
oerheks!find bzlib.h23:41
ubottuFile bzlib.h found in libbz2-dev, libghc-bzlib-doc, tbb-examples23:41
matjamstudio-user343: make sure your IP is allowed on your nfs server, and check the logs there.23:41
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alan1I am having dns hostname resolution problems. I can resolve internet hostnames, but not names on my local network. Connection with an IP address works fine. dig myHost @my.router.lan.ip.address yields the correct IP in the answer section. What's up?23:53

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