
bluesabreUnit193: would you mind refreshing https://code.launchpad.net/~unit193/lightdm-gtk-greeter/+git/lightdm-gtk-greeter master so I can mirror it?09:48
bluesabreAlso asked the lp devs if translation syncs with git are possible09:57
Unit193Yes, and good.10:01
bluesabre6:21 AM <cjwatson> bluesabre: Not yet, sorry.10:22
bluesabre6:21 AM <cjwatson> One of the remaining gaps.10:22
Unit193Bah, quite unfortunate..10:23
Unit193bluesabre: What got merged by slang?10:23
bluesabreUnit193: seed changes into cdimage10:23
bluesabreseed bzr -> git10:23
Unit193Wondered, cool.10:24
bluesabreRealized when I did community-artwork that I haven't been pushing the exported git tags10:26
bluesabreSo get to go back and do that with everything tonight10:26
bluesabreUnit193: thanks. Will swap that in tonight.11:09
Unit193Sure, glad it was useful.11:10
Unit193I have the xubuntu-docs sync too.11:10
onefallenHello slickymaster and flocculant decided to see what is happening here.16:41
flocculanthello onefallen 16:43
slickymasterWorkhi onefallen, welcome16:46
onefallenlet me know how I can help here  (aka 1fallen)16:48
flocculant\o/ I guessed right then :p16:48
onefallenyes using 1 is not good on IRC16:48
flocculantat the moment - nothing much is going on - don't know if you're subscribed to the dev mailing list? I mostly talk to people there - also I mail the LP team, so you could get prompts via that16:49
onefallenThanks kev I'll do that then ;)16:50
flocculanthttps://launchpad.net/~xubuntu-testers is the lp team16:50
onefallenGreat Thanks for the link16:51
flocculantwe're doing dailies obviously - just not told anyone that yet16:51
flocculantand milestones this cycle - are not alpha1,2/beta1 - just some 'testing weeks' and 1 final beta16:51
onefallenGood to know :)16:52
flocculantI see you joined -testers :p16:56
onefallenjoined the team under Rick S16:57
flocculanthttps://docs.xubuntu.org/contributors/ and https://wiki.xubuntu.org/qa/new_tester_start 16:59
flocculantbut I would suspect the latter was teaching granny to suck eggs for you16:59
flocculantpretty much the first as well I would guess17:00
flocculantanyway - not sure what sort of irc setup you have - we do the major part of our talking here17:01
flocculantand we offtopic chat in #xubuntu-offtopic17:01
* flocculant goes back to sorting things after getting home from work17:02
onefallenreading both links now17:02
flocculantonefallen isn't likely to find much new :p17:03
onefallenstill it dose not hurt17:04
flocculantof course :)17:06
willemonefallen, hi - I may be one of those granny's sucking eggs for you at https://wiki.xubuntu.org/qa/new_tester_start, as I helped write some of those pages. :-) If you do have a look there, and find something lacking, missing or wrong, or know of tricks to make life easy for new testers, I'd be most interested.18:15
flocculanthey willem :)18:18
onefallenthanks willem :18:19
willemflocculant, hi. Had a nice bank holiday?18:19
flocculantyup I surely did :)18:19
flocculantwillem: hey - you know that you could fix your bug here now :D bug 175868218:22
ubottubug 1758682 in Ubuntu Manual Tests "To be asked to open Thunar suggests the end user knows the name of the application" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175868218:22
willemcool; will do so. Won't be today though18:23
flocculantno problem :)18:23
willemBTW: there's a flip side to this test case; I checked over at xfce.org: Thunar *should* apparently show up when the user types in Thunar: https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1432618:29
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 14326 in General "Thunar should show up by name, if user searches the app by typing in 'thunar' in whiskermenu" [Normal,Resolved: wontfix]18:29
flocculantbluesabre Unit193 ^^18:32
flocculantprobably worth reporting to Launchpad and then adding the xfce bug to it - if you don't know how I'll show you18:33
willemflocculant, will do that18:36
flocculantif I add thunar to generic name - it comes up18:36
flocculantwillem: on that bug - click the Also affects project button - put in the xfce bug url :)18:43
flocculantoh - you did already \o/18:43
flocculantconfirmed it btw18:44
willemflocculant, yea, as I said: I like to first try and fail myself before asking some one else ;-) Was going to ask you to have a look if I done well... 18:49
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flocculantyou did :D18:54
flocculantI also added it to the 18.10 bug blueprint18:54
willemflocculant, ta18:57
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
Unit193bluesabre: Also pushing xfconf now would be a bit early.  xfdesktop would need to be updated, which would need the new thunar, which would need all the patched plugins.20:37
bluesabreUnit193: alrighty, good point. Do we want to decide on a go/nogo date for xfconf and everything else?21:45
Unit193No idea.21:46

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