[03:37] when browsing the local network with thunar, is there a way to make it automagically use my current user credentials to connect, ie: username/password? === Israphel is now known as Guest86627 === Israphel_ is now known as Israphel [08:02] hi there, can some1 pls tell me the recommended way to upgrade from xubuntu 16.04 to 18.04? [08:04] !upgrade [08:04] For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade [08:10] thx. as I understand this, the official way of upgrading is not available until 18.04.1 which will be beginning of August? [08:51] rauldux, that's correct [08:53] thx, what a shame. I'm a bit curious [08:53] i mean you *can* do the upgrade before that but unless you have a good reason you normally shouldn't [08:55] you right, I won't do that. Don't wana generate myself avoidable work [08:56] the point release isn't that far away anyway :) [08:56] july 26th is the scheduled day for 18.04.1 [08:59] but anyways is dist-upgrade the right way to do this? [08:59] no, that just updates your packages within the release [09:00] if you want to run the upgrade from the command line, you'd need to use the do-release-upgrade tool [09:02] good to know, the name suggest a distro upgrade [09:03] well i guess... [09:03] used to do updates with apt-get update && apt-get upgrade [09:04] https://askubuntu.com/questions/194651/why-use-apt-get-upgrade-instead-of-apt-get-dist-upgrade [09:05] the first answer explains the difference; dist-upgrade has some "release upgrade" like features [09:10] this is useful thank u knome, wan't aware of that [09:28] np [18:41] Hello, guys [18:41] How are you? [18:41] I probably installing xubuntu === Israphel_ is now known as Israphel === paolo_ is now known as paolo [18:57] I need some help. Just did a fresh install of xubuntu core via the minimal iso. Everything went fine, but cannot login with my password when prompted by the xubuntu login screen. I keep receiving "incorrect password" but I know the password and username are correct. How can I get into my desktop? [18:59] What about the keyboard layout on the screen? [19:01] Krytarik: can't select on screen keyboard from panel [19:05] Ok, that might have been a little ambiguous, I just mean the one of the normal keyboard. :P There should be an item on the panel too with which you can choose its layout. === TheMaster is now known as Unit193 [21:54] hello [21:54] what is the simplest way to change the cpu governor to performance [22:45] hey :D, I installed on my xubuntu machine the package "gnome" and gnome (wayland) works perfectly, but gnome on xorg will not boot, any ideas? [22:46] brechbohne92, I would think if you wanted gnome you would go with regular ubuntu [22:47] lapaga, the regular ubuntu got some gnome tweaks, which I really dont like [22:48] lapaga, I like the "stock" gnome, but the ubuntu additions make me crazy [22:48] and I like to switch between xfce and gnome, just my preference