
=== victorbjelkholm_ is now known as victorbjelkholm
=== akxwi-dave_ is now known as akxwi-dave
xubuntu14iInstalling Xubuntu 18.0401:52
xubuntu14iGoing to check progress.01:53
rud0lf!find libpulseaudio-plugin.so01:55
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 225 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libpulseaudio-plugin.so&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all01:55
Unit193!find libpulseaudio-plugin.so01:55
ubottuFile libpulseaudio-plugin.so found in xfce4-pulseaudio-plugin01:55
Unit193rud0lf: Likes me better. :301:55
Unit193Because the plugin sometimes screws up and one just needs to try that again.  Also note that you can install 'apt-file' and do the same thing.01:55
Unit193`apt-file find libpulseaudio-plugin.so`01:55
rud0lfi'm planning to alter the plugin a bit01:55
Unit193In what way?01:58
rud0lfthere's a small issue.. when there's local music playing, libpa shows << II >> (previous, pause, next).. but when i listen to online stream, pause is grayed-out, instead of placing stop in place01:59
rud0lfi know it's a tiny thing but still01:59
rud0lfi'm known of studying new programming language basics just to fix something i don't like :)01:59
Unit193bluesabre: ↑ No idea if you care, I don't really know because I don't use it. :302:00
=== drleviathan is now known as leviathan
nova_ive enabled the default "homes" sharing in samba, and im trying to connect with thunar, but thunar connects anonymously without prompting me for credentials or using the current user account.  Is there a way to make it use my current user credentials more like windows would?05:21
XubunterHi! I've recently upgraded to Xubuntu 18.04 and now have two problems. The first one is baloo_file_extractor which takes about a Gbyte of RAM and 5 Gbyte of cache (?) disk space. As far as I understand it's a KDE thing. Is it even useable in xubuntu? What software could have brought it with itself (I haven't installed KDE fully)? Should I just remove it and how to prevent it from returning?10:14
Xubunterok, I see baloo stopped indexing and I removed it.10:36
XubunterThe more serious problem is system freezes which happen several times an hour: the cursor works, but all interface elements in all programs don't. Sometimes I can switch between windows, sometimes a freeze is complete and nothing works at all. Another thing is that Xorg has been taking a full processor core (25%) for about  an hour, but now it doesn't (1% or less). It's probably connected?10:36
XubunterI don't have a dedicated video card, the processor is intel core 2 Quad q6600. I tried to use 4.16.12 kernel, but now switched to 4.15.18 and nothing seems changed.10:36
=== hycer__ is now known as hycer
Ctrl_Alt_Deliciuhi, anyone help me please? about gconf-editor14:08
GridCube!ask | Ctrl_Alt_Deliciu14:11
ubottuCtrl_Alt_Deliciu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:11
Ctrl_Alt_Deliciumy gconf-editor have only 2 items14:12
Ctrl_Alt_Deliciutheres'nt / desktop gnome interface14:12
Ctrl_Alt_Deliciuand I not view icon in application menu in xubuntu14:14
Ctrl_Alt_Deliciuexcuse my english, I'm italian14:14
GridCubeCtrl_Alt_Deliciu: well xubuntu uses xfce, not gnome14:16
GridCubeso why are you expecting it to have a gnome desktop?14:16
Ctrl_Alt_Deliciubut, I using this solutions in xubuntu from xubuntu 10.04 to xubuntu 17.1014:17
Ctrl_Alt_DeliciuIt's only solution to view the icon in all application menu14:18
Ctrl_Alt_Deliciutoday I've install Xubuntu 18.0414:18
GridCubei still don't understand why you need the gnome editor, you should be using the one in xubuntu14:19
Ctrl_Alt_Deliciuin xubuntu, at appearance tool, the voice are selected14:19
Ctrl_Alt_Deliciubut I don't view the icon... only text14:20
Ctrl_Alt_Deliciuis there another way?14:20
GridCubei still don't understand what you want to do14:21
GridCubeso i don't know14:21
Ctrl_Alt_Deliciuok gridcube14:21
Ctrl_Alt_DeliciuI try to explain myself :)14:22
Ctrl_Alt_Deliciuin xubuntu, i don't view the icon on application menu (ex: libreoffice writer - File menu, Edit menu etc...) there aren't icon, but only text (ex: paste, copy, cut, eccc without icon))14:24
Ctrl_Alt_Deliciuin appearance tool of xubuntu, in setting session, there are the possibility of view that icons, but I still do not see them14:26
Ctrl_Alt_Deliciufrom my first xubuntu (10.04) the only way to view that icon next to the text, was to install gconf-editor and ability two options to desktop settings14:28
Ctrl_Alt_Deliciuit worked well until xubuntu 17.1014:28
Ctrl_Alt_Deliciutoday, i've replaced my hdd and I've istalled xubuntu 18.0414:29
Ctrl_Alt_DeliciuI've installed the gconf-editor, but on start it show only 2 voices14:29
GridCubeCtrl_Alt_Deliciu: is this a clean install?14:30
GridCubeif it is i would recommend re-installing14:30
Ctrl_Alt_DeliciuI was wondering then, is there any reason why gconf editor only shows some entries? is it possible to view these icons in some other way? thanks for your patience14:31
GridCubeif not you can change the name of the .config folder in your home directory and restart14:31
GridCubeall the configuration files should regenerate and you should see a desktop as if it's the first time you log in14:31
Ctrl_Alt_Deliciuyes, clean install14:31
GridCubeand it would populate the starting menu with all the launchers14:32
Ctrl_Alt_DeliciuI try ... thank you GridCube... See you soon14:33
ChunkzZdoes Xubuntu 18 have the "night light" like Ubuntu's 18?17:06
genii!info redshift | ChunkzZ17:31
ubottuChunkzZ: redshift (source: redshift): Adjusts the color temperature of your screen. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.11-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 77 kB, installed size 419 kB17:31
ChunkzZgenii, what and how do I use it? it's already in Ubuntu's default... not in xubuntu...18:59
flocculantChunkzZ: install it - if you don't see it in Software you can use a terminal to do it with sudo apt install redshift19:01
ChunkzZflocculant, it's installed now but don't know where it's gone/how to use it?19:02
ChunkzZI searched for it, it enables and my screen flickers like it's on/off... lol19:06
flocculantno idea - never used it I'm afraid19:06
geniiYou might need redshift-gtk for some GUI to it19:11
ChunkzZgenii, my screen's flickering... could it be I'm using xubuntu's gfx driver instead of one from intel?19:14
geniiChunkzZ: Sorry, that's above my pat scale19:15
flocculantChunkzZ: does it carry on flickering - here it does that (Iassume while it sets itself) then stops19:16
ChunkzZit's carrying on flocculant19:16
flocculantwell it works ok here19:16
flocculanthave an icon in panel?19:17
ChunkzZthe gui just makes my screen flicker19:17
ChunkzZyeah flocculant19:17
flocculantno real idea then - sorry - you could try in #ubuntu - more people around19:17
geniiChunkzZ: It works for me with Kubuntu 16.04 and the additional graphics drivers installed from the graphics-drivers PPA19:17
ChunkzZflocculant, thanks anyway. genii it's not working here, xubuntu 18.04...19:19
ChunkzZNavigate to Settings --> Screen Display --> Night Light to switch this feature on as shown on the screenshot below.19:21
ChunkzZwhy isn't that included with xubuntu?19:21
flocculantbecause Xubuntu isn't Gnome19:21
ChunkzZso it's a gnome feature and not just ubuntu?19:22
flocculantyea pretty sure19:24
flocculantChunkzZ: have a look at https://itsfoss.com/night-shift-flux-ubuntu-linux/ - might help you19:28
ChunkzZseen that already but thanks :)19:31
Gr1nchhello guys21:32
Gr1nchI need some support here... to a simple task...21:32
Gr1nchUpgrade an Xubuntu instalation from:21:33
Gr1nch17.04 CODENAME=zesty "Ubuntu 17.04"21:34
Gr1nchto the most recent.21:34
knome!eol | Gr1nch21:34
ubottuGr1nch: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:34
Gr1nchas far I understood I need first to setup the /etc/source.list and put the correct repositories21:35
knomeobviously, take backups before upgrading..21:35
Gr1nchoh thanks I will check this link21:36
xubuntu81ikto govorit po russki22:30
knome!ru | xubuntu81i22:30
ubottuxubuntu81i: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.22:30

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