
seditionhuh. for some reason the user declarations that work for cent dont work on amazon linux. 'failed to create user'00:09
smosersedition: /var/log/cloud-init-output.log and /var/log/cloud-init.log probably have more info.01:16
seditionits getting far enough in the process for the ec2-user account to be gone01:16
smosermgerdts: you still there?01:17
smoserhm.. sedition well, if you have other access then go in that way. other wise, i think youprobalby need to just make a image that you have another into, or detach the ebs volume and re-attach01:18
smoser:-( sorry thats a pain.01:18
mgerdtssmoser here now01:19
smosermgerdts: so what i recommend for you to do for trusty is to use 'git ubuntu'01:20
smoseryou can use 'snap install git-ubuntu'01:20
seditionsmoser: its all good01:20
smoseror skip that and just use git without the porcelin that it provides01:20
seditionim just debugging01:20
seditioni wanna know why the same rendered template craps out on amazon linux but works on cent7 when its just adding users01:20
smosergit clone -o pkg https://git.launchpad.net/~usd-import-team/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init ubuntu01:20
smosercd ubuntu01:21
seditionand installing vim01:21
mgerdtsdo that on trusty, xenial, bionic, or something else?01:21
smosermgerdts: so... focus on what you have there. you'll see branches for 'pkg/ubuntu/trusty-devel'01:21
smoserthat is what you want to base yourself off of.01:21
smoserwhen you make chnages in this way you have to actually put your changes into debian/patches/some-patch.diff01:22
smosermgerdts: i'm wrtining some more ... hopefully will get you ont he right step.01:24
mgerdtsok, thanks.01:25
mgerdtsI'm involved in a couple other conversations at the moment and won't pick this up until the morning.01:26
smosermgerdts: going there.01:28
smosermgerdts: i'm goign afk. feel free to ping tomorrow.01:44
mdt[m]hi, i need some help how to investigate a problem. cloud-init does not work in an image i provided (debian) while another image (centos) works fine in the same environment. where can i start to dig? i found the logs and the only warning message is "Used fallback datasource" but no hint why.08:33
smosermdt[m]: there is probably something else, another WARN in /var/log/cloud-init-output.log13:26
smoserand running cloud-init collect-logs is a start to collect what we would need13:26
smoserphilroche: that image has been booted before13:42
smoserphilroche: ping when you get a chance.13:58
smoseri *think* what happened is that the first boot did not for some reason run cloud-init.service . only cloud-init-local.service run.13:58
smoserwe dont seem to have a journal from that failed run14:01
smoserif we did i suspect it contains the words 'ordering cycle' and 'Breaking'14:02
smoserwe have a journal from the second run, and the second run seems happy14:05
philrochesmoser: I will mount the failed launch to get some more logs for you. I should probably create a bug for this14:38
smoserphilroche: i mounted the failed launch. there is no journal there. only the second boot you did.14:42
philrochesmoser: My bad. I meant to upload the clean image. I have done so now https://private-fileshare.canonical.com/~philroche/cosmic-dailies/20180530/14:44
mgerdtssmoser - the backport of my fixes to trusty is a bit of a mess because there's been a lot of change.  How distasteful would it be to backport at least '0b3e3f8 initial commit of rework' and perhaps all/most of these: https://hastebin.com/ivotoyirac.sql ?15:24
smosermgerdts: well, i'm fine with ou basically just having one patch that replaces the old file in SmartOS with what you want15:32
mgerdtsI like the way you think.15:32
smoseri like that you use hastebin :)15:32
smoserand you just lucked in to .sql extension :)15:33
mgerdtsAre all of the interfaces it uses/exposes likely to be compatible?15:35
mgerdtsI avoided later changes that touched DataSourceSmartOS and other files because of feared incompatibility15:36
smosermgerdts... much of it the same... i do expect there are some significant differences though.15:40
seditionanyone happen to know what's so custom about cloud-init for Amazon Linux?15:40
smosersedition: youc an get their source... i'mmve not compared them in some time. they do have some patches and fixes, but i believe they are largely getting those things upstream.15:41
seditionso odd15:42
seditioni still cant figure out why user declarations wont work15:42
hatifnattIs there any place where meta-data format is described? I can't find any good documentation anywhere.18:16
hatifnattWhat difference between OpenStack metadata and EC2 metadata? AWS have at least some docs about metadata https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-metadata.html but can't find nothing helpful about OpenStack metadata.18:19
smoserhatifnatt: https://docs.openstack.org/nova/latest/user/metadata-service.html19:26
hatifnattsmoser: Thanks I have read this already, but that is not a reference, it's very superficial description of meta data service. I mean something like table with a detailed description like in EC2 docs https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/ec2-instance-metadata.html#instancedata-data-categories19:51
hatifnattFor example I have line in configdrive meta-data file '"network_config": { "content_path": "/content/0000" }' where except source code I can find reference what does this mean?19:54
smoserhatifnatt: well, what it means is that at the entry point of the metadata service19:57
smoserunder /content/0000 is the content of the network config.19:57
smoserits basically a blob store location and reference to that.19:58
hatifnattsmoser: so any parameter can be stored separately and referenced by 'content_path' or it's specila for network_config? As I can tell by source code https://github.com/cloud-init/cloud-init/blob/master/cloudinit/sources/helpers/openstack.py#L298 "network_config" is special one.20:15
smoserhatifnatt: well, its not special to that.20:15
smoserother things can too20:15
smoserthe reason is config drive.20:16
smoserthey duplicate the versioned/ data on the disk20:16
smoserand they did not want to duplicate all the things that were the same20:16
smoserand no symlinks or such in standard iso966020:16
smoseror vfat20:16

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