=== dc76 is now known as dc76__ [00:11] Hello :-) [00:12] hey [00:13] I'm attempting to root my android device. Should be fun [00:13] i want to use the most current kde apps on ubuntu 18.04.x, which of the kubuntu ppa should i use, not so much factory repo === phoenix_firebrd is now known as phoenix_firebrd_ [00:15] and ppa where i could get my hands on breeze dark, i am using qt5ct on ubuntu gnome-shell === phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as phoenix_firebrd [00:16] :0 [00:16] when I try to install kubuntu 18.04 on workstation 14 player when I get in the windows to install kubuntu is not showing up [00:16] Are there other servers I can connect to? [00:17] channels ... I meant [00:18] whois === yoshi is now known as Guest1309 === Guest1309 is now known as yoshi__ [00:19] How lively lol :-) [00:19] who is [00:19] this chat [00:24] welcome [00:24] I made cookies :-) [00:59] Hi, there is a progress bar, visible all the time in my Kmail. When I see its details, it says Mail Filter Agent, which is forever stuck at 0% [01:00] How can I fix this? === himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf [03:35] I'm trying to install but at the page "download updates during install" this open is checked and greyed out so I can't uncheck it and my computer just freezes when I try to continue to the next page [06:24] Hi - I just installed 18.04 and I'm trying to switch to using the proprietary nvidia driver, but the tool seems to fail as even after it finishes doing the update, a reboot gives me the nouveau driver [06:25] Is there anything I can do to debug this? [07:57] Hello. May someone know how to run Xmind on kubuntu 18.04?? === M is now known as Guest70865 [09:17] hello anyone here?? [09:19] Sure [09:19] !ask | pavel_ [09:19] pavel_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [09:20] pavel_: if I google Xmind it seems like an application for iOS? You do not run that on Linux [09:22] hateball: no it is mindmap app for desktop https://www.xmind.net/ [09:23] linux version can be find here https://www.xmind.net/download/linux/ [09:26] Does anybody audio skipping on kubuntu 18.04 when the system is under high load? This didn't use to be an issue with 16.04 [09:27] pavel_: It's not a program found in Ubuntu repos so sadly not supported here. It's also not free by the looks of it, so one can't even try to see what is wrong === vincent is now known as Guest15147 === Guest15147 is now known as vincent__ === vincent__ is now known as ShishKabab === miguel is now known as Guest62304 [10:20] pevel_: Linux version does not work!!! [10:21] At least on Kubuntu 18.04 [11:15] Hi folks === vincent is now known as Guest42242 [12:52] hey all, I'm using zsh on kubuntu and set an environmental variable for openvpn "openvpn --config '/path/to/config' &" the problem is, that this is running on boot - it is not set as an autostart, just an environmental variable. what is going on here? === vespertatia is now known as vespertatia_ === vespertatia_ is now known as vespertatia === Guest42242 is now known as ShishKabab === tom is now known as Guest14321 === Kristine_ is now known as Kristine [15:02] Hi! I'm trying to do a fresh install of Kubuntu 18.04 and am having a difficult time. Bottom line, I would like to be able to either get to a shell prompt during install or be able to manually enter a hidden SSID for my WiFi network. === mkv is now known as m4v === kubuntu is now known as Guest10171 === oerheks__ is now known as oerheks [15:40] hi [15:41] I installed geforce drivers in kubuntu 18.04 and all the font scaling of kde got messed up [15:41] anyone knows this scaling issue fix? [15:42] gtx 1050 [15:42] To fix font dpi issues with NVidia, use Force dpi in System Settings->fonts [15:43] thanks IrcsomeBot1 I'll try that [15:47] it worked [15:47] thanks again [15:49] np. :) === himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf === kubuntu is now known as Guest24784 [18:40] hey, just some little help here [18:41] i accidentally hit som shortcut that toggled a screen magnifier and i would like how to turn it off [18:43] no audio on kubuntu 18.04 fresh install only updates and drivers [18:43] nvidia drivers [18:44] what should I do(hdmi port of nvidia gpu) [18:57] mattfly, open system monitor and type it in the process table tab search then right click on the process choose send signal then kill [19:00] oherro, open alsamixer in the terminal and make sure all relevant ctrls are unmuted (00) instead of (MM), also disable automute on the far right [19:57] Hi guys can someone help me with a wifi issue on my alienware r17. The wifi driver works when I suspend and turn the computer back on there is no wifi. I believe the wifi was working correctly in gtk so I might just need a different network manager (maybe?). Can someone help me out I'm a bit lost. [19:57] wifi doesn't work does it then? [19:57] it does, but it doesn't when I come out of suspend. [19:58] I am currently on the laptop with using wifi. I updated all drivers, rebooted and tested again but there is still no wifi after suspending. [19:59] Sounds like it might be USB based ( some laptop ones are) and doesn't come back from power saving/ suspend [20:00] Does it show up in lspci or in lsusb ? [20:02] If with lsusb then use the method for 16.04 given here https://askubuntu.com/questions/185274/how-can-i-disable-usb-autosuspend-for-a-specific-device (the solution is for a mouse, but will work with anything USB ) [21:49] anyone else having problem with kwin? It's crashing everry multi-desktop change at this point :9 [21:49] :( === fat is now known as fat_rat === naught101_ is now known as naught101