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arturo | hey! I need some help when login to launchpad. There seems to be some issue with the SSO. After I press the 'Yes, log me in' button, this happens | 12:18 |
arturo | https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/NM4Bwfrx/lp.png | 12:19 |
arturo | I already sent a detailed email to webmaster@ubuntu.com like 20 days ago with no reply so far | 12:20 |
rbasak | arturo: I'm not sure, but I think SSO is managed by Canonical sysadmins rather than by the Launchpad devs, so try #canonical-sysadmin if you don't get a reply here. | 12:27 |
rbasak | Though | 12:28 |
rbasak | Actually, it looks like SSO is accepting you but Launchpad is not. | 12:28 |
rbasak | So maybe wait here for an answer first | 12:28 |
arturo | ack | 12:28 |
wgrant | arturo: The right address to email would have been something @launchpad.net (usually feedback@launchpad.net); the team managing ubuntu.com is unrelated. | 12:29 |
wgrant | Let me see. | 12:29 |
arturo | I just forwarded my old email report to help@lauchpad.net | 12:30 |
wgrant | arturo: Thanks. If you try logging in again now it should work. | 12:37 |
arturo | wgrant: oh it works, thanks! what was the problem, if I may ask? | 12:40 |
wgrant | arturo: A conflict between the Ubuntu One account you created and a record already in LP from Debian. | 12:42 |
arturo | thanks! | 12:43 |
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