=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless | ||
KingJ | Trying to create a bond through the web UI, but the bond mode dropdown is blank. Has anyone seen this before? Screenshot: https://imgur.com/a/0zPXc4S | 13:55 |
mup | Bug #1774422 opened: [2.5,2.4] Table to create a bridge is not formatted correctly <MAAS:New for deadlight> <MAAS 2.4:New for deadlight> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1774422> | 14:04 |
mup | Bug #1774424 opened: [2.5, 2.4] Table to create a bond is not formatted correctly <MAAS:Triaged by deadlight> <MAAS 2.4:New for deadlight> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1774424> | 14:04 |
KingJ | Heh, either I have exceptionally good timing for asking about this or it was checked and confirmed. | 14:11 |
KingJ | I've no idea how, but I have once managed to trigger the UI to display it properly, but it was down to chance. | 14:11 |
roaksoax | KingJ: let me test | 14:14 |
KingJ | (apologies, context was unclear - the bug that was just opened is my exact issue - wasn't trying to imply that anyone here was sugglish in replying!) | 14:15 |
roaksoax | KingJ: ah gotcha, yeah I can see the bond modes | 14:16 |
KingJ | Hmm. I'm not sure why, but on a different machine I can see the modes - although the table headers are truncated as per https://launchpadlibrarian.net/372591728/2.5-create-bond-bug.png | 14:17 |
mup | Bug #1752687 changed: Quanta D52B-1U unable to PXE-boot in EFI mode <hwcert-server> <MAAS:Incomplete> <grub2-signed (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1752687> | 14:22 |
mup | Bug #1752687 opened: Quanta D52B-1U unable to PXE-boot in EFI mode <hwcert-server> <MAAS:Incomplete> <grub2-signed (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1752687> | 14:25 |
mup | Bug #1752687 changed: Quanta D52B-1U unable to PXE-boot in EFI mode <hwcert-server> <MAAS:Incomplete> <grub2-signed (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1752687> | 14:31 |
Supo | I have been trying to deploy my first machines with Maas with no success. I'm able to commission and test the hardware but when it comes to deploy, it acquires it but releases it in 20 seconds. | 16:45 |
Supo | Has anyone seen this before? am i missing something? | 16:45 |
roaksoax | Supo: have never seen that. SO you say when you click 'Deploy' it goes back to 'Ready' ? | 16:45 |
Supo | gown to acquired first and 20 seconds later goes to ready | 16:46 |
roaksoax | Supo: tail -f /var/log/maas/*.log and try again and see if something comes up | 16:47 |
roaksoax | Supo: i've never seen that happening before | 16:47 |
roaksoax | Supo: also, what version are you using ? | 16:47 |
Supo | repeats this line 2018-05-31 16:20:31 maasserver.preseed: [warn] WARNING: '/etc/maas/preseeds/curtin_userdata' contains deprecated preseed variables. Please remove: main_archive_directory, ports_archive_directory, http_proxy | 16:47 |
roaksoax | Supo: yeah not a reason to fail actually, so you are good | 16:47 |
Supo | 2.4 beta2 | 16:48 |
Supo | and this one 2018-05-31 16:20:53 maasserver.websockets.protocol: [critical] Error on request (385) machine.action: This transaction has already been attempted multiple times; giving up. | 16:48 |
roaksoax | Supo: try upgrading to 2.4.0 (final) first | 16:48 |
roaksoax | Supo: uhmmm yeah please upgrade to 2.4.0 (final) which was released yesterday | 16:48 |
roaksoax | Supo: and lets attempt | 16:48 |
Supo | ok will do | 16:48 |
Supo | beta2 still shows as the latest | 16:55 |
mup | Bug #1774058 changed: [2.4] Creating bcache partitions fails in some situations <cdo-qa> <cdo-qa-blocker> <cpe-onsite> <MAAS:Invalid> <MAAS 2.3:In Progress by blake-rouse> <MAAS 2.4:In Progress by blake-rouse> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1774058> | 17:52 |
xygnal | roaksoax: what version of cloud init needed for static ip on centos? | 18:08 |
mup | Bug #1774058 opened: [2.4] Creating bcache partitions fails in some situations <cdo-qa> <cdo-qa-blocker> <cpe-onsite> <MAAS:Invalid> <MAAS 2.3:In Progress by blake-rouse> <MAAS 2.4:In Progress by blake-rouse> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1774058> | 18:10 |
mup | Bug #1774058 changed: [2.4] Creating bcache partitions fails in some situations <cdo-qa> <cdo-qa-blocker> <cpe-onsite> <MAAS:Invalid> <MAAS 2.3:In Progress by blake-rouse> <MAAS 2.4:In Progress by blake-rouse> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1774058> | 18:17 |
supo | after upgrading to 2.4 still getting the following error when i try to juju bootstrap: Conflict error. Try your request again, as it will most likely succeed. | 19:19 |
roaksoax | supo: ah, you are deploying with Juju, not directly with MAAS ? | 19:51 |
bdx | roaksoax: is there an api call I can make to change the primary rack controller? | 19:57 |
bdx | I think I almost have a successful upgrade | 19:57 |
bdx | but I'm hitting this https://www.dropbox.com/s/hp6jfrr5iapwhvk/Screen%20Shot%202018-05-31%20at%2012.55.44%20PM.png?dl=0 | 19:57 |
bdx | I stopped all the services on my 2.3 region/rack and for some reason I con no longer ssh into it, I may have lost the node for the time being | 19:59 |
bdx | but my database migration worked | 19:59 |
bdx | and 2.4 seems to be happy | 19:59 |
bdx | other then the fact that it cant assume primary | 19:59 |
roaksoax | maas $PROFILE vlan update $FABRIC_ID $VLAN_TAG dhcp_on=True \ | 19:59 |
roaksoax | primary_rack=$PRIMARY_RACK_CONTROLLER | 19:59 |
bdx | awesome, thanks | 20:00 |
bdx | roaksoax: when I run that command | 20:06 |
bdx | $ maas admin vlan update fabric-1 200 dhcp_on=True primary_rack=rxyyr6 | 20:07 |
bdx | {"primary_rack": ["Select a valid choice. rxyyr6 is not one of the available choices."]} | 20:07 |
bdx | should I need to add it as a secondary ? | 20:07 |
roaksoax | bdx: not really | 20:08 |
roaksoax | bdx: try secondary_rack='' | 20:09 |
roaksoax | and see what happens | 20:09 |
roaksoax | ? | 20:09 |
bdx | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VK2x89XbBj/ | 20:09 |
bdx | it doesn't look like the empty string had any affect | 20:10 |
roaksoax | bdx: i meant: primary_rack=rxyyr6 secondary_rack='' | 20:10 |
bdx | ok | 20:10 |
mup | Bug #1774495 opened: [2.5] Clicking on Zero of 15 ready for the default pools filters to undefined <resource-pools> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1774495> | 20:11 |
bdx | $ maas admin vlan update 1 200 dhcp_on=True primary_rack=rxyyr6 secondary_rack='' | 20:11 |
bdx | {"primary_rack": ["Select a valid choice. rxyyr6 is not one of the available choices."]} | 20:11 |
bdx | $ maas admin rack-controllers read | pastebinit | 20:12 |
bdx | http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/y9H6jN2hnV/ | 20:12 |
bdx | shows it to indeed be a rack controller | 20:12 |
roaksoax | bdx: is the rack controller on the vlan ? | 20:15 |
bdx | yes | 20:15 |
roaksoax | bdx: look at the interface set, the 'vlan' is null | 20:16 |
bdx | ubuntu@maas-region-rack-01:~$ ping -I vlan.200 | 20:16 |
bdx | PING ( from vlan.200: 56(84) bytes of data. | 20:16 |
bdx | 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.207 ms | 20:16 |
bdx | 64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.070 ms | 20:16 |
bdx | ooh | 20:16 |
bdx | roaksoax: how can I change that ? | 20:18 |
roaksoax | bdx: check the interfaces of the rack controller and make sure they are correct, if not correct that | 20:24 |
mup | Bug #1774186 changed: curtin does not recognize / partition created in MAAS <cdo-qa> <cdo-qa-blocker> <cpe-onsite> <foundations-engine> <curtin:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1774186> | 20:32 |
bdx | roaksoax: it looks like I added the vlan200 interface after I had installed maas | 21:39 |
bdx | when I removed it, and reinstalled with the vlan200 interface pre-existing, I was able to get past the error | 21:39 |
bdx | but now another | 21:39 |
bdx | roaksoax: https://imgur.com/a/yitXnRk | 21:40 |
bdx | any idea on what I might do here? | 21:43 |
bdx | can I force the removal somehow? | 21:44 |
bdx | it errors similarly from the cli | 21:44 |
bdx | $ maas admin region-controller delete hhwcfn | 21:44 |
bdx | {"pool": ["Can't assign to a resource pool."]} | 21:44 |
mup | Bug #1774529 opened: Cannot delete some instances of model 'Domain' because they are referenced through a protected foreign key <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1774529> | 22:17 |
roaksoax | bdx: you try to remove a region-controller and it tells you you can't assign to a resource pool ? | 22:43 |
bdx | thats correct | 22:53 |
bdx | at least my env is stable now to some degree | 22:56 |
bdx | I need to rid that stale controller, but all the things seem to be working on the new 2.4 controller | 22:56 |
bdx | minus the sync status | 22:56 |
bdx | I'm thinking that will clear when I rid the old controller from the db | 22:57 |
bdx | roaksoax: would you like me to compile a tar of logs for you for this? | 23:02 |
bdx | https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DBMXsdpYrr/ | 23:07 |
bdx | here's the full regiond.log http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wNCy8c4n2c/ | 23:10 |
roaksoax | bdx: ok, so let me udnerstand this right. the controller you are trying to delete no longer exists | 23:14 |
roaksoax | bdx: the machine is gone one | 23:14 |
roaksoax | gone gone | 23:14 |
roaksoax | bdx: this is a region controller | 23:15 |
roaksoax | bdx: but when you try to delete it (i assume both api/ui) it throws you that error ? | 23:15 |
bdx | roaksoax: exactly | 23:15 |
bdx | its a region+rack | 23:16 |
roaksoax | bdx: could ytou please file a bug and attach that log e.g. "Trying to delete a region/rack that no longer exists, results in {'pool': ["Can't assign to a resource pool."]}' | 23:16 |
roaksoax | bdx: i wont be able to attempt to reproduce today | 23:16 |
roaksoax | but will look into it tomorrow | 23:17 |
roaksoax | but someone on my team will probably pick it up | 23:17 |
bdx | sure thing | 23:17 |
bdx | np | 23:17 |
bdx | great, thanks again | 23:17 |
mup | Bug #1774538 opened: Trying to delete a region/rack that no longer exists, results in {'pool': ["Can't assign to a resource pool."]} <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1774538> | 23:23 |
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