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Ian_Corne21:50:20 < enyc> Hrrm...  Will a PPA ever re-build for an additional architecture switcred-on, or will this only ever happen if new source uploaded?05:34
=== Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er
BluesKajHi folks11:15
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=== CHiiPM0NK is now known as ChipM0nk
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naccIan_Corne: not sure where that is being asked, not really a topic for this channel, but no it will not rebuild existing sources (afaik16:04
Ian_Corneenyc asked that, and I was wondering if he had an answer, maybe I should've pmed him/her16:34
enycI think i since found ut #launchpad is pbetter place to ask17:24
enycand eventually got answer =)17:24
naccenyc: yes, that would have been  my recommendation17:26
enycI was looking for #ubuntu-ppa etc etc ;p17:30
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