
jameshduflu: do you know where gnome-shell sends its log messages? (if any)05:31
duflujamesh, there are almost no information messages, only errors. All to journalctl05:39
jameshduflu: thanks.  I've got a program saying it loses its connection to the Wayland compositor, and the only output in journalctl is "May 31 13:37:15 scruffy gnome-shell[5322]: setup_framebuffers: assertion 'width > 0' failed"05:40
dufluWhich is annoying because on any other display server you would get some nice information about the hardware etc05:40
duflujamesh, I vaguely recall that's a non-fatal assertion that pops up often05:40
jameshso maybe it is unrelated05:40
dufluProbably. It's never the problem whenever I see it in peoples' logs05:41
* duflu is curious now and goes to find that assertion05:43
duflujamesh, Hah. It's not even hardware-related. gnome-shell/src/st/st-theme-node-transition.c05:44
dufluSo non-fatal05:44
jameshon the client side, the message is just "Gdk-Message: 13:37:36.186: Lost connection to Wayland compositor."05:44
duflujamesh, that also happens often. Xwayland and gnome-shell are co-dependent so if one crashes then the other will too. It's tricky (and often impossible) to find which went down first and why05:45
jameshduflu: I'm not seeing any problems with my other Wayland and X11 apps in the session when this happens05:46
jameshIf the app was doing something that caused gnome-shell to hang up on it, I was hoping gnome-shell would print some diagnostics05:47
duflujamesh, oh I thought the error was from Xwayland. OK in that case it's more weird. Only one app reckons it lost connection? That could happen as a side-effect of memory corruption, or something05:47
dufluSo an application bug05:47
jameshduflu: this is with the xdg-desktop-portal-gtk process05:47
jameshI guess I'll poke around a bit more05:48
dufluI'm not familiar with Wayland connection errors05:48
dufluBut it happens a lot with X05:48
jameshit tries to connect to both X11 and Wayland as needed05:48
duflujamesh, sounds like an application bug. Its maintainer will need to debug that05:49
jameshso it can show windows that are transient for second app's window05:49
jameshI'm wondering if gnome-shell is implementing some kind of security policy to interfere with this05:50
duflujamesh, certainly Wayland is better contained than X. AFAIK you can't easily escape your own sandbox (of which there is none in X)05:51
didrocksgood morning06:35
dufluMorning didrocks06:37
didrockshey duflu06:38
duflujamesh, actually I would hazard a guess that any Wayland client trying to tinker with a client other than itself will fail with protocol errors06:43
dufluMaybe it's a GTK app that used to work in X, but can't work in Wayland06:44
dufluOr worse, maybe it's trying to make X calls while connected via Wayland. That's pretty common06:45
dufluAnd will fail06:45
jameshduflu: there's Wayland specific code in here: it's a D-Bus service that shows a dialog on behalf of another app.  The app passes a string representing the window ID06:45
jameshduflu: if it is an X11 window, the service creates an X11 dialog.  If it is a Wayland window, the service creates a Wayland dialog06:46
duflujamesh, worth noting you need to check for Wayland before X. Because in gnome-shell both sockets are available06:47
jameshduflu: https://github.com/flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal-gtk/blob/master/src/externalwindow-wayland.c#L45 <- it's definitely connecting to the server okay, because I don't see the "Failed to open Wayland display" message06:49
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:49
dufluMorning oSoMoN06:53
oSoMoNhey duflu06:53
duflujamesh, yeah (back to the beginning) it sounds like an application bug - failure to handle some wayland error06:54
dufluOr would that be a gtk bug?06:54
duflujamesh, slightly less likely is that some valid part of the Wayland protocol is not correctly implemented in gnome-shell. But you won't see error messages because people don't tend to predict their own bugs that well06:58
duflu-gnome-shell +mutter06:58
jameshduflu: for what it is worth, this is the stack trace for the disconnection message: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qDQc9VB84w/06:59
dufluGood old Gnome. Let's make assertions non-fatal and recoverable protocol errors fatal07:00
jameshinterestingly, this seems to be a different error to what I saw when running outside of gdb "Error 71 (Protocol error) dispatching to Wayland display."07:02
jameshthat's probably just the disconnection being detected at a different point in the code though07:02
duflujamesh, https://developer.gnome.org/meta/stable/running-mutter.html07:03
jameshthanks.  I'll give that a shot on my laptop to see if it shows anything useful07:05
didrockshey oSoMoN, jamesh!07:15
oSoMoNsalut didrocks, ça va bien?07:17
didrocksça va, et toi ?07:17
oSoMoNtrès bien07:19
didrockshey Laney!08:02
didrockshow are you?08:02
duflusup Laney?08:04
dufluMorning willcooke08:04
oSoMoNgood morning Laney, willcooke08:06
didrockshey willcooke08:06
Laneyhey didrocks duflu willcooke oSoMoN!08:10
didrocksLaney: small question for you, I think bug #1774354 and bug #1771976 needs a FFe in addition to the SRU process, correct?08:13
ubot5bug 1774354 in ubuntu-report (Ubuntu) "Delay reporting of system metrics when there is no network while running g-i-s" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177435408:13
ubot5bug 1771976 in ubuntu-report (Ubuntu) "Collect physical screen size" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177197608:13
Laneydidrocks: feature freeze doesn't exist after the release08:13
Laneyyou need to talk to the SRU team08:14
Laneymaybe by just uploading and seeing what happens08:14
didrocksLaney: ok, I didn't know what was the process as we only starting doing this recently :)08:14
Laneythe release team doesn't have any involvement in stables really08:15
didrocksyeah, that's what I was thinking, but better to double check first :)08:16
dufludidrocks, I've been thinking for a long time that screen size and other graphics info should be always logged by gnome-shell/muttter, like other display servers do.08:31
dufluWe have a bug open about gnome-shell not logging enough08:31
didrocksduflu: yeah, I think that should be part of the dbus API to request them08:31
willcookeHm.  My server crashed at around 1am local time, nothing in syslog - any ideas on what I could look at to tell me why it died?08:42
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
dufluwillcooke, you mean the login?08:44
willcookeduflu, dead dead.  Didnt even respond to pings.  I had to power it off and back on again.  #ithelpdesk08:45
dufluwillcooke, If not /var/crash then check to see if it was already reported (instructions in bug 1766148)08:46
ubot5bug 1766148 in gnome-control-center (Ubuntu) "Add a link/button to https://errors.ubuntu.com/user/..." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176614808:46
willcookemeh, probably just one of those things08:46
didrocksyeah, without crash or logs…08:46
dufluwillcooke, that web page is empty initiallly. Give it a few seconds to populate08:47
dufluThe old gnome-shell #1 crasher was converted into an exit without crashing (upstream's choice). But it should at least log that the connection to Xwayland was lost08:52
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willcookenothing in there08:57
willcookethis feels more like a hardware / driver issue08:57
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=== doko_ is now known as doko
* didrocks is confused about g-c-c branch for bionic…09:05
didrockswell, there is no branch, but changelog for cosmic contains gnome-control-center (1:3.28.1-0ubuntu1.18.04.1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium09:05
* didrocks will do his fix for cosmic now and see later what seb intended to do (I think backporting some patches)09:05
didrocksLaney: do you have any instructions on converting a branch to git with importing the first tarball?09:08
Laneydidrocks: no, what I would do is clone the debian repo and make an ubuntu/master branch starting at the last time we based on Debian (1:3.27.92-1), then gbp import-dsc --debian-branch=ubuntu/master our_current_dsc09:14
didrocksLaney: ok, will give it a try then :)09:15
Laneythen after that is done add a commit on top to fix the Vcs-* and gbp.conf09:16
* Laney did that one yesterday09:16
Laneyyou can see the branch layout and stuff there09:16
didrocksLaney: thanks! I will follow this09:16
didrocksLaney: you didn't push the debian branches on purpose, correct? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+git/gnome-terminal09:19
didrocksok then :)09:19
Laneyyou can add the salsa.debian.org remote if you want those09:19
Laneywhich you probably do09:19
didrocksyeah, and it will be always out of sync if we push them to launchpad, agreed09:20
didrocksso no real need09:20
Laneybut they probably just get out of date09:20
Laneyoh yeah I forgot you have to also update the default branch too https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+git/gnome-terminal/+edit09:21
Laneybecause it's not called "master"09:21
didrocksahah, nice trick! yeah, "ubuntu/master" ;)09:21
Laneywould be good to write this down on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/git09:22
didrocksyep, let me do it first, then, I may update it :)09:22
willcookehm, server has crashed again.09:23
* willcooke looks at livepatch09:23
willcookeoh, no this time its turned off.09:24
* willcooke looks at children09:24
Laneyenable persistent journal and then you can do journalctl -b -109:25
didrocksargh, 1:3.27.92-1 didn't use pristine tar…09:36
didrocksthat makes it a little bit harder :p09:36
Laneydidrocks: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/FbntSK5rRk/09:44
Laneysome extra things in there like getting the tag format right09:45
LaneyI think you don't actually need upstream at this stage as upstream/3.28.1 already exists but if it didn't you would09:45
didrocksLaney: the issue is that you end up with a debian/ only repo09:45
* didrocks has to go bbl09:46
didrocksdon't worry, I'll have a look09:46
Laneynot here I don't09:46
didrockshum, I'll recheck, thanks!09:47
Laneyit starts out like that, but import-dsc imports the source from the tag09:48
Trevinhooh, wow, freedekstop moved to gitlab too... :)10:56
* Trevinho updates the bot10:56
kenvandinetkamppeter, did you see my ping yesterday about bug 93429113:44
ubot5bug 934291 in cups-pk-helper (Ubuntu Bionic) "Deleting or stopping print jobs does not work" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/93429113:44
didrockspopey: willcooke: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-report/+bug/1774395/comments/214:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1774395 in ubuntu-report (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-report doesn't capture GPU on virtualbox" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:48
willcookedidrocks, testing14:53
didrockswillcooke: basically, if you don't have (rev .*), on the line, this is the same bug14:54
willcookedidrocks, confirmed14:54
willcookeno rev14:54
didrockslet me duplicate the bug thus14:54
willcookethanks didrocks14:54
didrocksthen, the SRU team needs to be bragged :)14:54
* didrocks duplicates popey14:54
willcookeI thought it was prolly regex, but didnt see that existing bug14:55
popeywat wat14:55
willcookepopey, you gpu issue is a known (and fixed waiting for SRU team)14:55
Nafallodidrocks: send the copy to Sweden please. haven't had beers with popey since 2011 I think...14:56
didrocksNafallo: you know, this isn't the only function that popey can do :)14:57
popeyThis pleases me greatly.14:57
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Nafallopopey: pleased about the idea of Swedish beer? :-D14:58
kenvandineor just beer14:59
popeyI haven't been to Sweden for ... *years*14:59
didrocksyeah, I think popey is more interested in the b than in the S, sorry Nafallo :)15:00
popeywho should I poke about xorg bugs?15:20
didrocksoupssss, I didn't setup ccache on my new machine…15:36
didrockspopey: tseliot, maybe?15:36
tseliotpopey: or tjaalton, it depends on the driver15:37
popeybug 1760104 specifically15:37
ubot5bug 1760104 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGSEGV" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176010415:37
tseliotpopey: that would be me then, assuming it's the nvidia driver that is causing the problem15:54
tseliotpopey: can you reproduce the problem when using the nouveau driver?15:55
tseliotpopey: also, does the 390.58 driver from this PPA solve the problem for you? https://launchpad.net/~albertomilone/+archive/ubuntu/nvidia-glvnd-temp16:03
popeytseliot: i am unlikely to install nouveau, simply because it's no good for what I use my pc for16:04
popeyand i need to have it installed for a week or more to trigger the issue16:04
popeyhappy to try your driver ppa though16:04
tseliotpopey: oh, so it's not something that you can reproduce consistently?16:05
popeyit has happened enough times, but I can't forcibly trigger it, no16:06
tseliotpopey: ok, see if the new driver helps16:17
popeyOk, installed that driver, lets see.16:41
willcookenight all17:58
oSoMoNgood night all18:32

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