[00:46] lol what [00:50] I don't think they even understand what Kali OR Pentesting is. [02:29] JimBuntu, isn't Pentesting what you do to ensure you [fountain] pen has ink in it - ie. scrawl shapes or lines? [02:30] i'm really with it time-wise today :( [02:31] wave it around your fresh white shirt [02:32] * oerheks loves fountainpens [02:32] :) [03:37] good morning to all [03:55] lotuspsychje: good night :-) [03:57] hey hggdh how are you mate [03:58] life is good [04:00] it surely is with ubuntu :p [04:48] morning oerheks Bashing-om [04:49] hi lotus [04:51] morning all [04:51] hey hey [04:51] oerheks was just about to server us slagroomsoesjes with coffee [04:52] :D [04:52] niice [04:53] bueno [04:53] si [04:54] lol [04:54] lotuspsychje: :) Morn'm . [04:56] anyone else got a slow login to desktop load on bionic? [04:57] i cant be the only one in the world :p [04:57] and my bug weirdly doesnt get interest [04:58] Startup finished in 6.624s (kernel) + 1min 35.007s (userspace) = 1min 41.631s [04:58] graphical.target reached after 34.785s in userspace [04:59] canonical promised faster boot, but cant find any related systemd news on it yet [05:09] systemd-analyze blame shows anything? [05:09] "it's the booze and laziness" [05:09] if pc's had hamster's for cpus :D [05:09] how's your hamster btw? [05:10] its guinea pig lol [05:11] lotuspsychje@R00TBOOK:~$ systemd-analyze blame [05:11] 3min 37.718s apt-daily-upgrade.service [05:11] 1min 30.216s apt-daily.service [05:11] 29.505s plymouth-quit-wait.service [05:26] breakfast [06:15] good morning [06:37] hey ducasse [06:38] morning lotuspsychje [06:39] hey [07:09] !info auto-apt xenial [07:09] auto-apt (source: auto-apt): package search by file and on-demand package installation tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.24 (xenial), package size 40 kB, installed size 204 kB === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ [11:15] Hi folks [12:55] BluesKaj, you picking fights again? lol [12:56] heh, defending a setup that works [12:57] "I don't know what you are talking about sir, I have been using this set up with 18.04 for nearly a year now... without issue." [12:57] Just messing with you, sir. How is your day going so far? [12:57] a user thinks he needs to go static, but he really doesn't need to [12:57] I agree... better yet, maybe that DHCP server should be passing out the updated info... [12:57] ok here, much needed rain [12:58] JimBuntu, how about you ? [12:59] I am good, helped a little, already well into my work... looks nice out right now, but I bet it will be hot and humid. The weather is odd some years. [13:00] it was 31C/88F here yesterday and humid...too uncomfortable for us "Northerners" :-) [13:02] It was about the same here. That's not terribly hot... but stand or work in the Sun for a bit and it sure feels like it. [13:02] cooled off to 20C today..nice relief [13:05] We are already a few C above that and the sun hasn't fully finished rising... but I don't think it will be 35 or anything quite that bad [13:08] yeah, 35 is a bit much [13:16] antway guess that user went with the "defualt advice" ...probly best if he wants to use netplan ...definitely not my idea of an efficient networking configuration [13:19] meh. I barely trust DHCP. [13:30] yeah, i ran static IP for many yrs before systemd mucked it all up [13:31] one has to wonder what they need with an op [13:34] pragmaticenigma, possibly to get rid of Raybin. I already posted in -ops [13:35] ah, okay [13:42] why him? [13:43] Appears they were repeatedly posting history articles to the room [13:44] some kind of "cause" I suppose [14:44] https://twitter.com/JobSnijders/status/1002183216382578690 === czesmir_ is now known as czesmir === oerheks__ is now known as oerheks [15:53] evening all [16:10] goeiemorgen jonguh [16:10] ehh, hi dude, goodmorning [16:10] 2 dogs @ my feet, after a happy meal [16:11] both 1 eye open, to spot if i am in for a walk [16:18] :D [17:11] 322. That's how many 'trusted ad partners' you have to disable - ONE BY ONE .. https://imgur.com/gallery/8DczqlX [17:11] " Note that the 'Manage options' is grey and the 'OK' is nice and big and blue. " .... [17:11] jilarious [18:50] good evening to all [21:11] sometimes i think linux just isn't for everyone, B1ack0p [21:17] :D [21:21] yes , oerheks [21:24] heh [21:25] nacc: have to agree