[13:32] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: CentOS Linux 7 Receives Important Kernel Security Update That Patches Six Flaws @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/centos-linux-7-receives-important-kernel-security-update-that-patches-six-flaws-521361.shtml (by Marius Nestor) [14:29] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: BlackArch Linux Ethical Hacking ISOs Refreshed with More Than 60 New Tools @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/blackarch-linux-ethical-hacking-isos-refreshed-with-more-than-60-new-tools-521362.shtml (by Marius Nestor) [14:31] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Ubuntu Podcast from the UK LoCo: S11E13 – Thirteen Reasons Why - Ubuntu Podcast @ http://ubuntupodcast.org/2018/05/31/s11e13-thirteen-reasons-why/ === oerheks__ is now known as oerheks [16:01] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Linux Lite 4.0 "Diamond" Launches Officially Based on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/linux-lite-4-0-diamond-launches-officially-based-on-ubuntu-18-04-lts-521363.shtml (by Marius Nestor) [16:29] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Linux Mint 19 Beta Will Arrive on June 4, Final Release Expected at End of June @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/linux-mint-19-beta-will-arrive-on-june-4-final-release-expected-at-end-of-june-521364.shtml (by Marius Nestor) [19:50] hello c001 , I am on the phone, then I need to leave for a few minutes but we are glad you are here and you can talk to krytarik and Bashing-om to help you get started [19:57] Wild_Man: c001 :) .. but I not be much help to sign onto Gdocs or the wiki :( [20:05] I had a pretty busy couple of weeks with travel and then cold, I think there are a couple outstanding things for me, can you remind me? [20:06] pleia2, you were going to give us admin rights to the mailing lists so we can two it over [20:06] two/take [20:06] ok, can do [20:06] if possible krytarik and I would both like to handle it [20:09] I will be back in a few minutes, c001 if you will pm me an email address hopefully gmail then I can add you to be able to edit the gdoc [20:15] Wild_Man: email sent (pm) [20:43] c001, I sent the invitation to your email [20:56] c001, will you please subscribe to the following mailing list, one Friday evenings when the gdoc is ready we send out the email for summary writers so they can begin writing the summaries, they have the weekend to write them [20:59] c001, let us know how what you want to do, like be able to add the letter to the wiki page, write summaries, editor, and the links to the gdoc, we really need summary writers but it is up to you, if you want to be able to add the letter to the wiki page do you have a launchpad account? are you a member of the wiki editors team? [21:00] Just so everyone knows my home internet is down and has been for two days I am not sure when it will back working again so I am using my cell phone hotspot but it does make me a little less available [21:02] c001: A long process to get access to all you need for complete participation - blame the spammers ! - Piblication. once you know the proces is pretty well straight forward .. We have the forebears to thank for the ease we enjoy now . [21:03] publication* [21:14] Wild_Man, I can try summary writer this weekend. Where is this mailing list that I need to subscribe to? [21:16] c001, I thought I posted it, to many things going on at the same time, here it is ubuntu-news-team@lists.ubuntu.com [21:51] c001, you having internet issues? [21:52] trying to set my timeout [21:52] okay [21:53] where are you located c001 ? [23:27] -SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Atari VCS, the Linux-Powered Games Console, is Available to Preorder @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=131800 (by Joey Sneddon)