[13:27] ops, Raybin in #ubuntu spamming off-topic, seems like a bot. [13:27] Pici - you out there? [13:30] any one can help [13:41] mIk3_08: whats up? [13:42] nothing so serious. can you change my cloaking thing to ubuntu cloak? [13:43] mIk3_08: whats your launchpad ID? [13:44] mlk3-08 [13:44] https://launchpad.net/~mlk3-08 [13:47] mIk3_08: were you approved through a membership board? I don't see an ubuntumembers group on your page. [13:47] !membership [13:47] Ubuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community. For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/NewMember [13:51] im still under review for approval from Ubuntu-membership-boards [13:52] mIk3_08: okay, once that is approved we can move forward with the cloak process. Membership is a prerequisite for ubuntu cloaks// [13:52] thanks a lot. [13:52] np :) [13:54] Thanks Pici. atleast you know me already.