[19:14] wooooo: https://lists.debian.org/debian-devel-announce/2018/05/msg00006.html [19:14] that's good news [19:15] Yep. :D [19:15] 'I accepted an invitation for Debian to join the KDE Advisory Board' - Chris Lamb [19:16] * tsimonq2 asks someone who might know who at Canonical represents the company [19:16] um [19:16] I met him at Akademy, and he was in our kubuntu-devel chan for awhile, but..... name escapes me [19:17] Irish guy [19:17] really helpful [19:17] Ah. [19:19] Gerry Boland "greyback" [19:20] OH. I've heard the name. [19:20] He's also here. ;) [19:21] hey Gerry!