
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.07:45
daftykinsgood morn :>07:45
daftykinsa client called me over just to type a license key into their own android email app yesterday :(07:57
daftykinsthere is no longer any hope07:57
zmoylan-pidid they hand you the email you sent them with the instructions and licence key because that makes it /funner/07:58
daftykinsthey got the email with the code direct yeah :)07:59
daftykinsthey were on holiday in Spain at the time, i'd sent a message saying "you'll need to paste that key in from the email"07:59
daftykinsnext day i get "it's still asking for the key?"07:59
daftykinsso i respond with "please see last message"07:59
daftykinsand then on arriving back in the island asked me to come over due to an 'email problem' which ended up being still the same thing08:00
=== ChunkzZ is now known as CHiiPM0NK
=== CHiiPM0NK is now known as ChipM0nk
diddledanVoD adverts for erectile dysfunction medication for the win!19:28
diddledanthey know me so well, it's scary19:28
daftykinsyou never could keep those sandcastles up19:29

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