[02:42] I have never used this before [02:42] welcome glenn [02:43] Thank you [02:44] I've been using Mint, I'm thinking of changing to Ubuntu. [02:45] I'm a long time user of Xubuntu myself [02:45] but with Ubuntu going back to Gnome shell, a lot of people are giving it another chance [02:47] I'm not familiar with Xubuntu, is it different from regular Ubuntu? [02:48] yeah, it uses the Xfce desktop manager instead of Unity or Gnome [02:51] I've been using Gnome in Mint, I haven't tried anything else. I've used Mint for a few years tho, mostly for news, mail and that sort of thing. [02:51] * pleia2 nods [02:52] I've been using Xfce for... almost 14 years [02:53] I'm thinking I'd kind of like to learn a little command line info. [02:59] When I first started using a computer the OS was DOS 2.1, and it wouldn't do a lot. There were no word processors or such, but it was good with math problems. [03:05] Well gotta go. Bye.