
Two_Dogskevr: yeah, these days if the thing is not complete and working out of the box(iso) people figure they borked the d/l burn to media00:00
Two_Dogsmy guess00:01
kevryeah, you're probably right :)00:01
Two_Dogsi dont know how one would do a live server00:01
Two_Dogsstare at terminal and do?00:01
kevri dont think its actually meant to be a live boot00:01
kevrits just called -live- for some reason00:01
kevrit has different installer features00:01
kevrgithub bootstrap, etc00:02
kevrwhich are btw, totally busted00:02
kevrone attempt rendered my install completely busted until i figured out that it failed to generate real ssh keys00:02
Two_Dogs!pt sarcastico00:02
kevrafter choosing 'Github' import and installing ssh00:02
sarcasticoTwo_Dogs: yes00:03
sarcasticoTwo_Dogs i´m brazilian!00:03
Two_Dogssarcastico: language aki is english only, sff00:03
sarcasticoTwo_Dogs: sorry!00:03
idzTwo_Dogs, hauahauaa00:03
idzlanguage 'aki'00:03
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=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as phoenix_firebrd
n-iCeGuys, how can I give the correct permission to an external hdd to be able to recieve files like chromium downloads?00:18
n-iCewhen I try to save it to my external HDD says insufficient permissions00:18
xamithanman chown00:19
n-iCeok so I need to add my user to the drive?00:19
n-iCelike, sudo chown -R yourusername: /media/mountpoint00:20
n-iCeis the external hdd will be always the same /media/mountpoint?00:20
xamithanIf it is in the same port I believe so00:21
n-iCehope so, thing is I installed a 240GB laptop SSD did not want to waste my hdd, so I bought an adapter and maked it an external drive.00:22
n-iCeHope the idea works.00:22
n-iCexamithan: no, command did not work00:22
n-iCeused: sudo chown -R user: /dev/sdb00:23
xamithansdb is the partition not the file system00:23
oerheksif it is mounted under media, sounds like fat32 or ntfs00:24
n-iCeyeah baby00:24
n-iCeiti s ext400:25
matjamsdb is the block device00:25
n-iCeworked, worked.00:25
xamithanEr yeah block device,  if it had a number it'd be a partition00:25
n-iCeNow, ssd only for OS, external HDD for files, is it clever?00:25
matjamwhich is an abstraction to a block device that has the size of the partition00:26
matjamif it works for you, sure00:26
matjamjust don't lose the external hdd00:26
matjamdeja dup can do encrypted backups00:26
n-iCelaptop is always at home :p00:27
n-iCein my 32" sony bravia display00:27
matjamI backup my stuff to a nas and encrypt it just in case00:27
xamithanI'd do it as an NFS mount hooked up to my router00:27
n-iCeI don't realle move the laptop that often00:27
n-iCematjam: xamithan may I ask with DE are you using in Ubuntu?00:27
n-iCeI'm in lxde, was thinking in xfce too00:28
matjamI just use default gnome but I configure it with a bunch of themes and stuff to make it look less stock00:28
matjammainly because I need to use gnome online accounts with evolution so I can access the corporate exchange server running in office365 and I found that none of the alternative flavors of ubuntu worked with GOA00:29
xamithanYou can use evolution and gnome-keyring in xfce00:30
matjamI should explain; I used Xubuntu00:31
matjamand GOA definitely did not work, and GOA is not gnome-keyring00:31
matjamevolution-ews is only configurable via gnome-online-accounts so if that doesn't work out of the box I wasn't keen on trying to figure out how to make it work.00:31
n-iCeoh I see00:32
n-iCeI like lubuntu00:32
matjamthe other reason to stick with stock ubuntu, is that the ubuntu guys spend more time testing things in that, so it's more likely to work properly00:32
matjamlubuntu, xubuntu, ubuntu MATE, etc they are all good variants, but I feel they receive less testing00:33
matjamI don't know if that's fair or true00:33
n-iCeDon't think so00:35
n-iCeI think is the same, the only different thing is the DE, isn't?00:35
n-iCeI installed using the minimal.iso00:35
xamithanUnder the hood it gets all the same testing.  and those other DEs change a lot less than gnome00:36
mattflyim getting keyserver receive failed: Connection closed in DNS00:36
mattflywhile trying to run apt-key adv00:36
mattflyon ubuntu bionic00:36
matjameach installer does some things specific to the DE, differently I think, even though the packages are the same, there's differences than if you just install the DE, you end up with leftovers from your other DEs etc.00:36
matjammattfly: can you copy paste your entire command and the output to https://paste.ubuntu.com/00:36
mattflysudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 33D40BC600:37
Two_Dogsmatjam: you can purge out the leftovers mostly00:37
mattflythe output is simply: Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.SYEhkPMoQd/gpg.1.sh --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 33D40BC600:37
mattflygpg: keyserver receive failed: Connection closed in DNS00:37
matjamhttps://u.teknik.io/EyfAh.png is what I am working with at the moment00:39
matjamI'm comfy00:39
oerheksrodeo repo .. maybe this mint answer is any  help, recent post 2018 .. https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=261102#p141125300:40
oerheksthis line only.. sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] http://rodeo-deb.yhat.com/ rodeo main"00:41
matjamoerheks: what are you trying to do?00:42
xamithanThink he was trying to answer the guy that left00:42
oerheksoh, didn't notice that00:43
matjamguy did not use the paste server00:43
xamithanI was going to ask if his DNS was working or if he tried another keyserver00:43
matjamthere's a fair bet that its a dns problem, yeah00:44
matjambut we'll never know00:44
Two_Dogsif the issue was dns how did he manage to get here?00:46
xamithanHe was in brazil so who knows what DNS server was using and if it had missing records00:48
matjama lot of them use etc to get around ISP stuff00:48
matjamand then the ISP blocks it00:48
xamithanCould also be using another system or ssh'd into a server00:48
Battlecan anyone recommend a good guide to follow with regards to installing a mail server on ubuntu 16.04. one that covers spam blocking also00:51
Battlematjam: I finally m anaged to get the networking/kvm sorted00:51
matjamBattle: oh, good00:51
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xamithanIf you find a good spam blocking guide let all of us know.00:52
xamithanThere is plenty of postfix|dovecot setup guides out there though00:52
matjamalmost too many00:52
matjamI'm a fan of Exim, but that's just me.00:53
Battlexamithan: I know, spam is a pain in the ass. i just wonder how the likes of hotmail and these other big time mail providers do it. I get relatively 0 spam on hotmail across all my accounts, yet my own private mail server gets a crapton =s00:53
oerheksa good guide .. https://help.ubuntu.com/16.04/serverguide/email-services.html  still needs 24/7 monitoring00:54
BattleI did find 1 way to block 99% of spam, however it also blocked legit mails on occasion too.... it was checking for invalid hostnames being specified by the sender00:54
xamithanBecause they have full time staff that does nothing but analyze logs and write blocks and signature00:54
matjamthis will help https://wiki.apache.org/spamassassin/UsingRazor00:54
matjamalso, recommend using grey listing00:55
Battlewhats greylisting ?00:55
xamithangreylisting is godly00:55
matjamyou reject email from any sender initially00:55
matjamand if they send again, then you let it through00:55
matjammost spammers don't try twice00:56
BattleI see00:56
Two_Dogsmy dear mother would think me rude if i did that00:56
matjamwell she should be whitelisted :P00:58
matjamyou can even do it with a tempfail00:58
Two_Dogsyou make wise point00:58
matjamand let the sending MTA queue it and retry00:58
matjamshe wouldn't see anything then00:58
matjamthats still pretty effective00:58
[itchyjunk]hey i am following this: https://www.tensorflow.org/install/install_linux00:59
matjamBattle: is this a personal mail platform or is it for an organisation00:59
[itchyjunk]i get this: E: Unable to locate package cuda-command-line-tools00:59
[itchyjunk]i think it's called something else now?00:59
matjam[itchyjunk]: are you installing on the Ubuntu for Windows 10 thing?01:00
matjamAKA windows subsystem for Linux01:01
[itchyjunk]windows 10 thing? i'm on ubuntu01:01
matjamoh I got thrown by the E: thing01:01
Two_Dogshttps://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/16214 [itchyjunk]01:01
matjammust mean "Error"01:01
[itchyjunk]thats what apt-get returns for error?01:01
xamithanI don't think it is in the repos. nvidia has a repo though for it01:02
Two_Dogs[itchyjunk]: where would that package be found if not in default repos?01:02
Two_Dogsyeah, the cuda repo01:03
[itchyjunk]hmm, not sure :s01:03
xamithanThere is an nvidia repo in that link you gave us [itchyjunk]01:03
xamithanJust use that01:03
[itchyjunk]okay, let me try01:03
[itchyjunk]oh the optional part okay01:04
xamithanYeah it is somewhere different though.  I think: http://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/cuda/repos/ubuntu1604/x86_64/01:04
xamithanThat guide says 16.04 and up but lists the 1404 repo,  weird01:05
[itchyjunk]i'm supposed to add a path in .bashrc to fix of of the errors to cuda but i can't find it in /usr/local/ :< https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42013316/after-building-tensorflow-from-source-seeing-libcudart-so-and-libcudnn-errors01:16
guiverc[itchyjunk], .bashrc is in $HOME (your home directory) - i haven't opened your link; but why look for it in /usr/local (do you have many users?)01:27
[itchyjunk]no, only 1 user01:28
[itchyjunk]no i was looking for cuda installation01:28
guiverconly single user I'd suggest ~/.bashrc01:28
nacc[itchyjunk]: we don't know where you installed cuda to01:29
nacc[itchyjunk]: the path you would put in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH depends on that01:30
hotbobbyhow can i get a newer version of network-manager through dpkg with this site https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager01:49
hotbobbyi need to make use of a feature in networkmanager 1.4 but ubuntu 16.04 installs 1.2 by default01:49
hggdhhotbobby: you can (1) search in LP if a PPA has it for 16.04; (2) download the source code, and build your own package (and all necessary pre- and co-reqs)01:55
aroonianyway to get battery countdown time?01:57
hotbobbyis there any way to automate the building process?01:59
hotbobbyto do each dependency would take a very long time01:59
hotbobbyarooni: maybe upower can do it02:02
arooniapparently on 18.04 theres no more time stimates02:03
aroonithatll get me the results on command line02:04
oerheksneither windows10 nor iOS give that time, % is more accurate and usefull02:06
aroonireally?  regardless i like the countdown timer02:15
aroonigives me a rough estimates02:15
oerheksyou will find years of discussions, about how to calculate the remaining time, which is not true and gives false advertisements, so by design it is %02:16
oerheksthere might be a gnome extention..02:17
guiverchotbobby, 1.2.6 is the only tested & supported version for xenial (16.04) on that site.  as i understand it nm high in the stack & thus needs to match kernel/libudev api/abi's (note: i'm a user so have no special knowledge).  you could still download .deb but it could have lots of deps & issues & would not be recommended (https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/network-manager)02:17
guivercsorry for last - my window had paused & i hadn't noticed the lateness & out-of-dateness of my blah..02:17
oerheksdconf gives no option AFAIK02:18
Sircleis there any modern broswer other than firfox and chrom?02:23
hotbobbylynx :)02:24
oerheks"modern" ..?02:25
plasm0duckhow do I install wayland and get it working?02:28
oerhekswith 18.04 you will get wayland too but Xorg is standard, logout, change, login again02:29
plasm0duck4.13.0-43-generic #48~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu May 17 12:56:46 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux02:33
plasm0duckcan I install wayland on this version02:33
arooni so when you login to 'ubuntu' are you using wayland or xxorg02:34
plasm0duckI think im on 16.0402:35
plasm0duckUbuntu 16.04.3 LTS02:35
plasm0duckQuad-Core Intel® Core™ i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz, NVIDIA Corporation GK106 [GeForce GTX 660] (rev a1), 8.1 GB memory, 512 GB SSD storage02:36
oerheksmaybe if tou install gnome-session-wayland , 16.10 was the 1st version with wayland session02:36
oerheksoh, nvidia and wayland, you will need to remove nvidia drivers AFAIK02:37
oerheksyou better upgrade to 18.04 then02:37
plasm0duckOh really? The nvidia drivers don't work with Wayland?02:38
plasm0duckI don't think I can, I'm using ElementaryOS wich is built with Ubuntu 16.04 :/02:38
oerhekswell, good luck then02:39
Sircleis there any modern broswer other than firfox and chrom?02:41
guivercSircle, did you look at the link provided by oerheks earlier?02:42
Bashing-om!browsers | Sircle02:43
ubottuSircle: Some of the Web Browsers in Ubuntu's repositories include: Firefox (XUL, Gecko), Rekonq (KDE, WebKit), Konqueror (KDE, KHTML/WebKit), Chromium (GTK+, WebKit), Epiphany(GTK+, WebKit), Arora (Qt/KDE, WebKit), Midori (GTK+, WebKit), w3m (terminal-based), links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !manpage), edbrowse (terminal-based). Along with many others.02:43
Sircleguiverc,  oerheks Bashing-om any recommendations after fireforx and chrome?02:50
Bashing-omSircle: Depends on what you need/want, light and fast I liked elinks .02:52
SircleBashing-om,  elinks or link2?02:54
* Sircle wonders whats a text based browser02:55
oerheksand no, i give no recommendations, use the one you like02:55
Bashing-omSircle: ' apt show elinks ; apt show links2 ' ,02:57
gfdshbvwe should use gopher instead of browsers02:58
gfdshbvhi consonants capitalised and vowels lowersace03:04
Sirclehow do I start link 2. Its not a UI browser?03:07
BaKKaRSircle: you mean it has no GUI?03:09
BaKKaRSircle: i think you are referring to the terminal browser03:12
BaKKaRit can me launched from your terminal emulator03:12
gfdshbvbAkkAr is how your name looks when i typ it with caps lock on03:13
BaKKaRkonsole for example if you r on kde03:13
BaKKaRgfdshbv: yeah, at least  took 2 seconds to type a name *winks*03:13
gfdshbvi boycotted vowels03:14
gfdshbvour operating system is also known as bnt03:14
DouglasKAfter the last kernel update (, my wifi doesn't work (Broadcom BCM4352).. ideas?03:15
SircleBaKKaR,  lauchned but no controls/butons03:15
DouglasKBoot into the previous kernel and it works fine03:15
cfhowlett!broadcom | DouglasK03:16
ubottuDouglasK: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx03:16
cfhowlettand yes, try the previous kernel03:16
BaKKaRSircle: yes, this is a terminal emulator. it has no buttons. Use command Keys03:16
DouglasKcfhowlett, that's how I'm here... previous kernel works...new one fails.03:16
cfhowlettDouglasK, you might try manually installing as per the link I sent.  (Should not be necessary, but ...)03:17
SircleBaKKaR,  which command key to use to go to some website ?03:17
BaKKaRSircle: i suggest you read the man pages or use the help from within links303:17
DouglasKI'll download the page and packages for offline, try a reconfig on the new kernel package, then boot to the new kernel and try it.03:17
BaKKaRi dont have it now and did not use it for a ong time, so sorry cant really recall the keys03:18
cfhowlettDouglasK, I see the BCM 4352 listed. I have used the STA no internet access method successfully.  It DOES require an ubuntu USB, but I'm sure you have one handy, yes?03:18
SircleBaKKaR,  for now, can you let me know how to open a webpage03:19
BaKKaRi think you press the O03:19
BaKKaRnot sure03:19
DouglasKI'll make sure to have one handy.03:19
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.03:19
theoremI have an old 32bit system03:20
BaKKaR!google links2 browser03:20
ubottuI have no google command, use http://www.google.com/03:20
theoremI'd like to update it03:20
cfhowletttheorem, what ubuntu version?03:20
theoremcfhowlett: VERSION="16.04.3 LTS (Xenial Xerus)"03:21
theoremcfhowlett: I have a long list of packages to update03:22
cfhowletttheorem, 16.04 is supported until 2021.  An03:22
cfhowlettsudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade03:22
dixonI am having problems installing ubuntu MATE onto my laptop. I have tried the isos from the website, and a few different installers (yumi etc). The laptop has 2gb ram, 8gb harddrive, and a 2.0 ghz processor. Regardless of the installation medium, the laptop screen freezes after a few moments during mate installation03:22
dixonSorry forgot to mention I'm using a USB stick to install03:23
cfhowlett2 gb is technically possible but will be very slow, dixon03:23
theoremcfhowlett: https://pastebin.com/5rrup7v703:23
theoremcfhowlett: seems like an upgrade should work, right ??03:24
phockingdixon: i would use a much smaller linux distro like dsl or slitaz03:24
cfhowletttheorem, try sudo apt-get -f install03:24
dixon@cfhowlett, do you have any recommendations? I am simply looking for a word processor I can use03:24
dixon@phocking thank you03:24
theoremcfhowlett: looks dangerous ..03:24
cfhowlettyour options are limited and the packages to be forced are listed.03:24
phockingslitaz is my personal favorite, but it has a bit of a learning curve03:25
cfhowlettdixon, libreoffice word?03:25
theoremcfhowlett: the packages are crucial to every binary in the system -- libstdc is used by most C++ apps on the system, I would wager the kernel too.03:25
phockingtheir rolling distro is 43MiB right now03:25
dixonI meant an operating system to use libreoffice on03:26
dixonthank you for the suggestions03:26
cfhowlettdixon, libreoffice works on all major OS's03:26
xtuhHello, need some assistance with mdadm / fstab . i have 18.04 server, sda for system, sdb and scd as raid0 md0 device. the first problem is after reboot md0 became md127, is it ok? or i need start over?03:26
cfhowlett!server | xtuh might want to inquire of the server channel ...03:28
ubottuxtuh might want to inquire of the server channel ...: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide - Support in #ubuntu-server03:28
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DouglasKcfhowlett, I think I may have found the problem.  build 22 of the kernel is not installing properly.. it's waiting on triggers for linux-update-4.15.0-22-generic, but that package isn't listed in apt.03:44
cfhowlettthat would certainly do it.  GREAT detective work!!@03:44
DouglasKThanks.  I was just too lazy to manually install the modules. :P03:45
cfhowlettfrom such humble motives >>> inspiration!03:45
DouglasKSo, for now I'll just use the -20 release and be happy.. wait for the next kernel release.03:45
xtuhcfhowlett: i think mdadm works the same way in both versions03:51
pestkeywhy did ubuntu spill the beans04:08
lotuspsychjepestkey: do you have an ubuntu support question?04:09
pestkeywhat is better ubuntu or manjaro04:10
lotuspsychjepestkey: we dont take polls and dont support manjaro mate04:11
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Guest56694que honda04:44
Guest56694de donde son04:46
oerheksoh wait, this is english only04:47
Bashing-om!es | Guest5669404:47
ubottuGuest56694: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.04:47
usr123Hello, I am new to ubuntu and linux. I see windows machine on my wireless network have no internet issues at all and go upto 20Mbps. However, all ubuntu machines have trouble even opening webpages and don't go beyond 0.5Mbps. Also Speedtest shows Latency Error most times. I am using ubuntu 16.0405:27
unknown-osusr123: what drive you use?05:44
unknown-osusr123: lsmod |grep iw05:45
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usr123unknown-os: I did not get a result with that command. But does this help http://termbin.com/mfvj  ??05:50
mojtabaHello, I am having problem printing with Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (I have a HP LaserJet 1020).05:50
mojtabaI am using CUPS, it shows job completed, but it does not print it.05:50
Two_Dogsmojtaba: no errors shown?05:53
mojtabaTwo_Dogs: Where should I look for it?05:53
barnexHey, so I've been running a 3 monitor setup with nvidia and it worked fine for a very long time. I just restarted X and everything seems dead. Arandr only sees one output, nvidia-settings are empty-ish.05:53
mojtabaI am checking the CUPS web interface, and there is no error shown there.05:53
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barnexseems like I still have nvidia_uvm, nvidia_drm, nvidia_modeset and nvidia modules loaded05:54
barnexany idea what's up?05:54
Two_Dogsmojtaba: does interface show 'errors' menu05:54
mojtabaTwo_Dogs: no05:54
Two_Dogsmojtaba: otherwise look in this folder /var/log/cups05:54
barnexAlso everything display related is super slow.05:55
mojtabaTwo_Dogs: This is the error_log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vbN6X2Q6NG/05:55
mojtabaTwo_Dogs: Any idea?05:57
Two_Dogsmojtaba: i have not looked, perhaps someone here knows cups issues, if not try channel #cups05:58
mojtabaTwo_Dogs: Thanks05:58
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neilduganI have setup a server using the 'ubuntu-server' meta package... I am trying to get netplan to create a bridge with a static IP... the method used in every doc. I have found doesn't seem to work... can anyone help here.06:07
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EriC^^neildugan: try in #ubuntu-server maybe?06:10
EriC^^if nobody knows here they might know there06:11
neildugan#join #ubuntu-server06:14
Two_Dogsneildugan: /join #channel06:15
barnexhttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fytH9y5VyY/ anybody has any idea what are those dpkg errors about?06:15
barnexlines 86+06:15
neilduganTwo_Dogs, thanks,  that was a typing mistake06:15
Two_Dogsneildugan: cool06:15
barnexback, sorry06:19
mousesbarnex: maybe something here that will help?  https://askubuntu.com/questions/969352/uninstalling-and-then-reinstalling-nvidia-384-kills-colord06:23
barnexmouses: thanks06:23
barnexit actually sort of works now, but I still am worried about those dpkg errors and seems there are some issues starting nvidia-persistenced, but I'll google for that some first06:24
Two_Dogsbarnex: is nvidia working correctly?06:24
barnexsort of06:24
barnexdunno where to look for specifics06:25
barnexbut I blacklisted noveau and it's better06:25
Two_Dogsif you cant point to an issue then its working06:25
barnexyeah I'll just see what's the nvidia-persistance is about and if I need it and it's probably fine to last till it explodes06:26
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momomoDon't block me. One line. Looking for a Linux Sysadmin in Europe, for a great job oppurtonity in Stockholm city. Well payed, permanent / temporary (based on your preference). Immediate Accommodation. One crux, has to also know Elastic Search. Need to be filled immediately.06:53
mousesmomomo: might want to try upwork.com06:54
mousesyou'll get far better results than asking in random IRC channels, which seems really shady06:54
cfhowlettmomomo, yeah, not the place for this really.06:54
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tnewmanhey guise, what happened to the 'auto-apt' package in 18.04?07:07
tnewmansaying that package can't be found :<07:07
tnewmanin bionic07:07
lotuspsychje!info auto-apt07:09
ubottuPackage auto-apt does not exist in bionic07:09
lotuspsychjetnewman: ubuntu 16.04 has it, seems like they removed it from the repo07:10
lotuspsychjetnewman: perhaps tell us your end goal, volunteers might know an alternative?07:10
tnewmanwell the ULTIMATE MEGA GOAL would be to create a nginx with mod_pagespeed baked in that IS ALSO somehow compatible with other nginx packages in the ubuntu repos07:11
tnewmani did manage a deb that has vanilla nginx with modpagespeed on a xenial machine07:12
lotuspsychjetnewman: you mean you compile nginx yourself?07:13
tnewmanit does work07:13
tnewmanmiraculously enough07:13
lotuspsychjetnewman: well we dont really reccomend compiling packages, but use the existing ones from official repos, backports or snaps07:14
lotuspsychjetnewman: if you find something not working on a package, consider reporting a new !bug?07:14
tnewmani dont recommend compiling packages either07:14
tnewmanbut if you want mod_pagespeed with nginx, thats your only option07:14
tnewmanapache has a repo with the pagespeed stuff, but nginx requires recompilation07:15
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
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lotuspsychjetnewman: this tut says you can download mod seperatly https://www.tecmint.com/install-mod_pagespeed-to-boost-apache-nginx-performance/07:18
tnewmanfiddlin with it now07:24
chendurMy ubuntu 18.04 installation hangs after netfiler07:26
chendurMy ubuntu 18.04 installation hangs after netfilter core team07:27
chendurMy ubuntu 18.04 installation hangs after ip_tables: netfilter core team07:28
cfhowlett!patience | chendur07:28
ubottuchendur: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/07:28
EriC^^getting more and more detailed by the sentence :D07:29
cfhowlettEriC^^, aka "dropping cookie crumbs" ...07:29
tnewmanhttps://www.tecmint.com/install-mod_pagespeed-to-boost-apache-nginx-performance/ no workie07:31
lotuspsychjetnewman: did you restart?07:31
tnewmanyou do get a module, but nginx isnt happy with /usr/lib/apache2/modules/mod_pagespeed.so07:31
tnewmanthe module that comes in that .deb is made for apache, not nginx07:32
tnewmanwhich is something that guide doesnt seem to have any knowledge of07:32
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tnewmanor things were different when that tutorial was originally made07:32
lotuspsychjetnewman: tutorial mentiones something about the nginx dir, did you read that part07:32
=== TonyWonder is now known as mouses
tnewmanImportant: In Nginx the configuration files of mod_pagespeed typically found under /usr/local/nginx/conf/ directory.07:33
tnewmanits not there07:33
lotuspsychjetnewman: ive seen a bug about wishlist adding pagespeed to nginx-extras not sure if it does..07:35
lotuspsychjetnewman: if i was you, i would checkout nginx channel and file a new bug if you dont find it07:35
lotuspsychjetnewman: seems like a pretty nice module to have right?07:35
tnewmannginx packaging channel?07:36
tnewmanits an awesome module to have07:36
lotuspsychjetnewman: no, ask first in nginx channel if they know a work around07:36
tnewmani think i talked to them about it before07:36
lotuspsychjetnewman: if they dont, try an official ubuntu-bug nginx07:36
tnewmani think they punted me to packaging07:36
lotuspsychjetnewman: dont you have to load the module or so like here? https://www.nginx.com/blog/optimize-website-google-pagespeed-dynamic-module-nginx-plus/07:37
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tnewmanit is possible to create an pagespeed module yes07:39
michael2hi, does anyone know why the `sar -r' command is producing output - for kb used - like: 19052835702308865 ? I know the system doesn't have that much memory!07:40
tnewmanbut the resulting .so file is not compatible with the nginx from the stock repos07:40
tnewmanstock repo nginx wont start with pagespeed .so07:40
lotuspsychjetnewman: thats exactly why i would file a bug for it07:41
tnewmanon the nginx side or the pagespeed side07:41
tnewmanif this is a bug, who's responsible for fixing it?07:41
lotuspsychjetnewman: as your on ubuntu, on the nginx package version from ubuntu repos, for your ubuntu version07:42
lotuspsychje!info nginx bionic07:42
ubottunginx (source: nginx): small, powerful, scalable web/proxy server. In component main, is optional. Version 1.14.0-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 3 kB, installed size 42 kB07:42
tnewmanin my expewrience #nginx on freenode is a support channel07:44
tnewmandistro agnostic07:44
tnewmanbut yes ok bugs07:45
lotuspsychjetnewman: when you file a bug on ubuntu, developers from nginx also see the report07:45
lotuspsychjetnewman: a module should be able to load on every nginx, logically no?07:46
tnewmanthe thing that i saw before was something like07:48
tnewmanthe nginx that was used to create ngx_pagespeed needs to be compiled in EXACTLY THE SAME WAY as whatever nginx the module is going to be used with07:49
tnewmanalso im a noob when it comes to compilation anyway so theres a big possibility i'm borking something07:49
tnewmanthey allude to it here a bit in https://www.nginx.com/blog/optimize-website-google-pagespeed-dynamic-module-nginx-plus/ "The build environment must have the same operating system and version as the production environment"07:51
tnewmani mean i can give it a shot again, making the module and using it with stock repo nginx07:51
quackgyverI'm currently troubleshooting the second brand new laptop that I can't seem to install Ubuntu on (Asus Vivobook E12). I got some troubleshooting help here yesterday to no avail - more specifically regarding trying to set acpi_osi. The issue I'm having is that Live CD is somewhat buggy when running, and the installer always either blackscreens on boot, during install or it's visible but freezes at any point between 20-80%.07:52
quackgyverAny ideas?07:52
quackgyverI'm not even sure if I'll be able to return it, but if I do I'm probably not gonna try to get a third laptop07:52
quackgyverSo can someone please help me?07:52
lotuspsychjetnewman: if nobody ever complains about it on a bug, nothing will ever happen, be the first to help the community :p07:55
tnewmanlol lets give it a whirl07:57
guivercquackgyver, i can't help sorry (heading out to dinner), but you could try another version (eg. if you tried 18.04; try 16.04 or 14.04); then post-install (if that is better), you could try upgrading it to later versions (i do this when I can't find install media or blank usb but know where older releases are)07:58
quackgyverguiverc: Alright, I'll try doing that. Thanks for the suggestion.07:58
tnewmanthats weird08:02
tnewmanso the version number of nginx in the repo is 1.1408:03
tnewmani got it08:03
lotuspsychjetnewman: yeah thats bionics nginx version08:04
lotuspsychjetnewman: feel free to share bug url after08:12
tnewmanlotuspsychje: https://gist.github.com/travnewmatic/8d2982e14ed1388e8f4032af18df78f008:16
tnewmanthis is where things get messy08:16
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afidegnumhello good morning, my Terminal colour just changed to white i don't understand why, here is my bashrc http://termbin.com/5tww08:19
EriC^^afidegnum: maybe this is it? source /root/.drush/drush.prompt.sh08:20
fishcookerwhy we should do manual partition on raid 1 ubuntu server installation?08:20
fishcookerjust like mdadm --create /dev/md0 --metadata 1.0 --raid-devices=2 --level=1 /dev/sd[ab]1  mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/md008:20
fishcooker*#mdadm --create /dev/md0 --metadata 1.0 --raid-devices=2 --level=1 /dev/sd[ab]1  mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/md008:20
amosbirdHi, is it possible to set system proxy for terminals ?08:25
EriC^^amosbird: yes, https://askubuntu.com/questions/583797/how-to-set-a-proxy-for-terminal08:28
amosbirdthat's not the system's proxy08:28
oerheks'system proxy'.. why do you want to set it for terminal, as it should work already incl. terminal?08:29
Khaoticif you are unfamiliar withe tmux, i highly recommend you use08:33
Two_Dogsthis reminds me of 'xmetal', he is infamous for third-person chat, please continue08:36
Two_Dogsamosbird: btw, EriC^^ link is an example, you change it to what ever the proxy is, i am sure will work08:38
coolternethello everyone08:55
coolternetAnyone know where can i buy an original copy DVD of Ubuntu ?08:55
SwedeMikecoolternet: why do you want to do this?08:58
coolternetbecause i want a original copie on media DVD09:00
rpittaucoolternet: this could be the right place https://shop.ubuntu.com/ although I think they don't sell dvd anymore but usb sticks09:02
oerheksor find a local community member, they might have them in stock09:03
oerheksmost of us just burn a dvd09:03
rpittauI hope must of us just do a usb bootable key :D09:04
FribergWhat is the preferred way for installing updates in Ubuntu LTS? Our customer wants to stage updates in different environments, we thought this was possible with Landscape.. Isn't it?09:05
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oerhekslandscape uses upgrade profiles https://landscape.canonical.com/static/doc/user-guide/ch06.html#idm4605511893608009:08
ubottuIt's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.09:08
mousesGuest1328: for the love of all that is GNU, don't IRC as root :)09:11
mousesGuest1328: create a user account and give it sudo permissions, only escalate perms when needed09:11
Fribergoerheks: But update profile is just glorified cron? And it doesn't use staging (like putting changes to one environment one day, then a week later putting the SAME patches to another environment)?09:14
zprdhi, in Calendar I have a shared google ics file I would like to remove, but cannot find a way to remove it, not in the accounts manager09:14
zprdany hint on the matter?09:14
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mouseszprd: drive.google.com it's probably there09:16
darkSeidhi, not sure if this is the right place for it but i've got ubuntu running on a server and im having some issues09:18
EriC^^!details | darkSeid09:18
ubottudarkSeid: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.09:18
zprdmouses: no more creds to that old  account09:20
darkSeidi can get onto the server using ssh just fine (using digital ocean) by `doing ssh -i ~/.ssh/example root@myIPaddress`. however i can't log in with another user. So i just created a user `adduser $USERNAME` and add that user to sudo group `usermod -aG sudo $USERNAME` but now when i try to ssh onto the server as that user, i get `Permission denied (publickey).`09:21
mouseszprd: 99.99% sure the only way you're going to be able to remove a document shared with others via google is going to be by being able to log into that google account09:21
zprdI had an old ics that I remove using the calendar manager in Calendar itself, but this one dones not have a remove button09:21
zprdstuck with it then09:22
zprdnow I have popups prompting for password I don't have anymore, avery 10mn or so09:22
darkSeidthis is literally the first time i've ever tried doing anything like this so I'm sure I've just messed up somewhere obvious and not realised09:23
darkSeidam i right in thinking that up to this point, i _should_ be able to log into my server with the new user i created using a password and not ssh09:24
tnewmanthat dang lotuspsychje dude left09:25
mousesdarkSeid: drop the -i if you want to use a password09:25
EriC^^darkSeid: there's public key authentication and password authentication, if you have password authentication enabled you should be able to just type the password you set and log in09:25
mousesdarkSeid: -i means use identity file09:25
mousesdarkSeid: try ssh -l username ip.address09:25
EriC^^darkSeid: what does "grep PasswordAuthentication /etc/ssh/sshd_config" give on the server?09:26
widonWhere can I report a bug of enca?09:26
EriC^^!bugs | widon09:26
ubottuwidon: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.09:26
darkSeidEriC^^ it gives... nothing?09:27
darkSeidterminal crashed ffs09:28
EriC^^darkSeid: do you want to login using public key or password?09:28
darkSeidPasswordAuthentication no09:28
darkSeidwell, i was expecting to be able to log in using password which is why i wanted to know where i was going wrong09:28
darkSeidim going to eventually set it up using public key09:28
EriC^^darkSeid: ok, set it to "Yes" then sudo service ssh restart09:29
darkSeidalrighty, ty09:30
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nikolamDo I really need to download and install Nvidia driver for graphics card from Nvidia site, to have working OpenCl? (old 9800GT), or I can make it work somehow with existing Nvidia binary driver that is shipped with Ubuntu?09:33
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nikolamI compiled an OpenCL example and it says it can't load kernel, also LiberOffice seems not to be able to utalize OpenCL.09:34
nikolamit's 18.04 64bit09:37
devjangra031i am running ubuntu 18.04 on ACER laptop with Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 wireless card, i am unable to connect to any wifi network since few hours because of authentication failure..09:38
devjangra031How do i debug and find more info on this ?09:39
EriC^^devjangra031: are you sure the key is correct?09:39
EriC^^devjangra031: pastebin any relevant information in "dmesg" after an attempt09:40
devjangra031Definitely, i have connected to same network before the issue started today and everyone else is able to use the same network with same password09:40
EriC^^devjangra031: in edit connections > connection name > wifi security is the right security selected?09:41
nikolamdevjangra031, does it pop up, asking for a password? Check that and also if it is actually connecting to the right AP.09:41
* darkSeid gives EriC^^ a hug09:41
darkSeidty man, that worked a charm09:41
EriC^^darkSeid: great, np09:41
devjangra031Nothing has been changed in settings, if i restart it connects but disconnects again after some time09:42
devjangra031EriC^^: ^^09:42
EriC^^devjangra031: does the router have any white/blacklist filtering enabled?09:43
devjangra031No black and whitelisting09:43
iseneCan't get syndaemon to work after upgrading to 18.04 (I've tried purging xorg and reinstalling and also installing xserver-xorg-input-all as some have suggested - but to no avail). Any pointers beyond this?09:43
EriC^^isene: did you try sudo apt-get install --reinstall xserver-xorg-input-synaptics ?09:44
devjangra031EriC^^: ^^ this is the journalctl log for networkManager09:45
devjangra031nikolam: Yeah, connecting to the right AP, and it does not ask for password09:47
EriC^^devjangra031: which network card is it?09:47
devjangra031Qualcomm Atheros QCA937709:47
EriC^^devjangra031: not too sure if this helps https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2379273&p=13722812#post1372281209:50
kiromaHow do I install Xorg debug symbols on 18.04?09:50
EriC^^probably not, he just had disconnection issues without authentication issues, nevermind09:51
iseneEriC^^: Tried that now. No change (didn't reboot, though)09:51
EriC^^isene: try to log out and back in09:51
EriC^^kiroma: i think sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core-dbg09:53
EriC^^apt-cache show xserver-xorg-core-dbg   gives more info on the package09:53
kiromaThat package does not exist for me09:53
devjangra031EriC^^: Yeah, that doesn't help because another laptop with same card is connected and my laptop has issues with multiple routers09:54
EriC^^oh, i'm on 16.04 that could be why09:54
EriC^^!find core-dbg bionic09:54
ubottuFound: libosmocore-dbg, r-base-core-dbg09:54
EriC^^!info xserver-xorg-core-dbgsym09:55
ubottuPackage xserver-xorg-core-dbgsym does not exist in bionic09:55
EriC^^!info xserver-xorg-core-dbg09:56
ubottuPackage xserver-xorg-core-dbg does not exist in bionic09:56
kiromaI'm going to have to compile Xorg myself am I?09:59
iseneEriC^^: No change. I have the process running ( syndaemon -i 2 -K -R -d ) but as I type, all mouse movement, tapping and clicking keeps on going10:00
EriC^^kiroma: surely there must be some package, try 'apt-cache search xorg debug symbols' and see what you get10:01
kiromaIt only shows dbg packages for drivers.10:03
EriC^^is there some hwe-16.04 debug package? not sure what those are if they exist for bionic10:06
kiromaYes there are10:06
Captain_HaddockSo I have a HDD with an Ubuntu/Windows dual boot. I also have an SSD with a newer 18.04 Ubuntu install which is now my primary OS. However, the 18.04 SSD is not a boot drive. The old HDD is the boot drive. Now, the old HDD appears to be failing. How can I make the SSD the boot drive now?10:07
kiromaOh wait no10:07
kiromaThere are hwe packages but no -dbg ones.10:07
iseneEriC^^: (soft bump)10:11
EriC^^Captain_Haddock: is it uefi or legacy booting?10:11
EriC^^isene: no idea unfortunately, try repeating the question for the channel to see10:13
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nicholasBPMnothing happens when i edit /etc/nanorc what could be wrong?10:14
nikolamdevjangra031, Try forgetting password and entering it again when it asks you. Other then that, it may be someone is deauthenticating you based on wireless adapter MAC address. It used to be pretending to be an AP by name and deauthenticating a client as an AP password breaking tehnique. Check if BSSID you are connecting to is the BSSID of the actual AP you are connecting to.  Maybe trying to connect with another MAC address or AP10:16
nikolamowner put your wifi adapter MAC address on blacklist.10:16
iseneThanks, EriC^^ -- repeating:10:21
iseneCan't get syndaemon to work after upgrading to 18.04 (I've tried purging xorg and reinstalling and also installing xserver-xorg-input-all as some have suggested - but to no avail). Any pointers beyond this?10:21
Captain_HaddockEriC^^: UEFI I believe. I'm not sure actually.10:23
nikolamdevjangra031, you can change mac address with macchanger command or edit MAC address in connection settings, and see what happens.10:23
Rembohello everyone, how can i find when/if my computer was booted on single mode?10:25
devjangra031nikolam: mac address is not blocked, checked from the router admin page10:26
nikolamdevjangra031, tried forgetting password and entering it again , does it asks you?10:26
hateballRembo: I think "last -x" should show it10:26
devjangra031nikolam: Tried that, it asks for passwork but doesn't connect10:28
devjangra031nikolam: password is correct10:29
nikolamdevjangra031, try deleting connection and theating a new one10:30
iseneEriC^^: Is there another way to accomplish the same (to disable touchpad while typing) that is reliable?10:33
phatcathello, I seem to have a problem with my touchpad.. it works on booting10:36
phatcathowever it suddenly freezes after some time10:37
phatcatthe "touchpad" is not even listed under "mouse & touchpad" in gui, just the mouse10:38
EriC^^isene: this might work https://stackoverflow.com/questions/222606/detecting-keyboard-mouse-activity-in-linux10:45
EriC^^put it in a loop perhaps and disable enable it with a conditional10:45
=== LabMonkey is now known as Mechanismus
pewds11Hi, I'm kinda new here. I had some doubts regarding dual booting my win10 laptop with ubuntu..10:46
EriC^^pewds11: what doubts?10:46
pewds11My system partitioning style is MBR and it already has 4 partitions on it. I'll probably have delete one of my drives to create an extended partition I guess..10:48
pewds11and then install create logical drives and install ubuntu using gparted?I'm not sure how do I go around doing it and I couldn't find a comprehensive guide about it. Also will I be able to create a d drive again in that extended partition10:50
Captain_HaddockSo I have a HDD with an Ubuntu/Windows dual boot. I also have an SSD with a newer 18.04 Ubuntu install which is now my primary OS. However, the 18.04 SSD is not a boot drive. The old HDD is the boot drive. Now, the old HDD appears to be failing. How can I make the SSD the boot drive now?10:50
Captain_HaddockI'm not sure if it's UEFI or legacy boot. I believe it's UEFI.10:50
nikolampewds11, windblows need to be on first partition , it is usually installed on it then Linux's GRUB is recovered after (and it adds to dual-boot Windblows too)10:51
Two_Dogspewds11: you need free space, if avail, otherwise squeeze a partition to create some10:51
EriC^^Captain_Haddock: are you in ubuntu right now?10:53
EriC^^pewds11: yeah you can create a d in the extended partition10:54
Captain_HaddockEriC^^: Yep10:54
EriC^^pewds11: delete the primary one, create an extended one, create the 'd' one with ntfs as the filesystem, and leave the rest of the space unallocated for ubuntu to install itself to10:55
EriC^^Captain_Haddock: type 'ls /sys/firmware/efi' and tell me if you see dirs or get no such file10:55
Captain_HaddockEriC^^: No file or dir.10:56
Captain_HaddockLegacy then?10:56
EriC^^Captain_Haddock: ok, you're using legacy then10:56
EriC^^Captain_Haddock: i forget, you want the ubuntu ssd to take over booting or the opposite?10:56
Rembocan someone help me to find if my ubuntu server was booted in single mode?10:56
EriC^^Rembo: look at /proc/cmdline10:57
iseneEriC^^: Thanks for the pointer. Will explore that path. :-)10:57
Captain_HaddockEriC^^: I want to SSD to take over. Essentially, it should boot up on its own.10:57
iseneEriC^^: You are a really helpful guy. Thank you.10:57
pewds11EriC^^ Thanks and should I go around doing it in gparted via a live usb stick or in Windows'disk management?And does it matter if ubuntu is installed in the beginning of the extended partition or vice versa?10:57
EriC^^Captain_Haddock: aha, you'll need to set that in the bios, change the boot order so it's first in the list10:57
EriC^^isene: no problem :)10:58
Captain_HaddockEriC^^: It doesn't seem to register. The other drive seemed to fail the other day and I was stuck on a blank screen on boot up as it wasn't booting up off the SSD.10:58
Captain_HaddockChanged boot order etc.10:58
Captain_HaddockAnyway I can check if this drive has an MBR oslt?10:59
Captain_HaddockAnd/or install one. Or can I install UEFI? The BIOS does seem to support it.10:59
EriC^^pewds11: i'd do it from windows, and also boot into windows a couple times after the changes so it registers them, it doesnt matter where the ubuntu partition is10:59
RemboEriC^^ , now is booted on normal mode, i reboot it normal, i want to see if it was booted on single mode a few days ago10:59
Captain_Haddock(if UEFI helps, that is. IIRC, it's evil!)10:59
EriC^^Captain_Haddock: oh, type 'sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999' and paste the link it gives you here10:59
EriC^^grub might need to be installed in the mbr11:00
RemboEriC^^ : any ideeas?11:02
EriC^^Rembo: try looking at /var/log/syslog for previous boots maybe?11:02
EriC^^Rembo: actually look at /var/log/kern.log11:03
Captain_HaddockEriC^^: https://paste.debian.net/1027395/11:03
EriC^^it has the grub kernel line11:03
EriC^^Captain_Haddock: ok, type sudo grub-install --recheck /dev/sdb11:04
EriC^^then sudo update-grub11:04
Captain_HaddockEriC^^: done11:05
EriC^^Captain_Haddock: ok try setting the ssd first in the bios and give it a shot11:05
Captain_HaddockOK. Will do :)11:05
Captain_HaddockEriC^^: I'm guessing that I won't see the boot flag set on the SSD partition unless it actually boots off it?11:06
RemboEriC^^ : ubuntu write logs such us /var/log/kern.log on single mode boot too ?11:07
kiromaHow do I get debug symbols for Xorg if xserver-xorg-core-dbg package does not exist in Bionic?11:07
pandaadbHi - I have accidentally cancelled an update of my ubunut 16.04. It then did not start up anymore and told me I need top use fsck my /dev/sda2. I have done that and can restart.11:08
pandaadbI am not getting back to the UI. any apt-get call for update/clear/upgrade etc now ends with "/vvar/lib/dpkg/info/initramfs-tools.postinst: Syntax error11:09
EriC^^Captain_Haddock: nope the boot flag is set in ubuntu from a partition editor, it's good that you mentioned it because some bios require it set on a primary partition for it to boot the drive11:09
EriC^^so that could be it if it still ignores it now11:09
pandaadbI am not sure how to reset this to a working mode. Is there a way to just update/upgrade the system or reset the initramfs-tools script?11:09
pewds11EriC^^: Okay thanks :) and  should I then proceed w install alongside windows within ubuntu installer or go for something else ?11:09
EriC^^pandaadb: did you try sudo apt-get -f install --reinstall initramfs-tools ?11:10
pandaadbThe script is in /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/functions. I tried viming it but there was no info in there either. The end of the upgrade command tells me: Error were encountered while processing: initramfs-tools, linux-firmware11:10
pandaadbEriC^^, I did the -f install, not the reinstall though. will run that now11:11
EriC^^pewds11: personally i would go for something else, it's more control plus i dont trust the installer that much, it kinda burned me once11:11
pandaadbEriC^^, it tells me "no file name for initramfs-tools:amd64"11:12
EriC^^pewds11: you're pretty deep into the whole partitioning stuff at this point, might as well learn the last chunk :)11:14
EriC^^hmm try without the -f11:15
BluesKajHi folks11:15
pandaadbSame error message sadly11:16
EriC^^pandaadb: are you able to remove the package?11:16
pandaadbvia apt purge initramfs-tools ?11:16
pandaadbI haven't tried, just confirming the command :)11:17
EriC^^seems it will remove other stuff too, nevermind11:18
EriC^^pandaadb: what does 'md5sum /var/lib/dpkg/info/initramfs-tools.postinst' give you?11:18
pandaadbwell, didn't work anyway :)11:18
EriC^^you removed it? and the other stuff with it?11:18
EriC^^oh nevermind, you mean it didnt go through :)11:18
pandaadbI ran the command, it failed with: files list file for package "libvo-amrwbenc0:amd64" is missing final newline11:19
pandaadbi will run the md5, 1 sec11:19
EriC^^i feel like the fs got corrupted11:19
pandaadbi think it did11:19
EriC^^i think it's better to backup and reinstall at this point11:19
pandaadbok, so let me type the md5 in :)11:19
pandaadbi had a fear that you would be saying that but i think that is the plan11:20
pandaadbmd5 by the way: (only typing the end, i can't actually copy paste anything) - ...30cb8fb11:20
phatcataaaa, help, I've removed xserver-xorg-input-libinput and it doesn't recognize my keyboard or mouse anymore11:20
phatcatis there a way to install it through the shell11:21
EriC^^pandaadb: mine ends with e7ef81fd11:21
EriC^^initramfs-tools 0.122ubuntu8.11 (from apt-cache policy initramfs-tools)11:21
pandaadbthat would likely be the issue. i mean, i could take those files from a different machine and cp them onto there11:21
pandaadb0.122ubuntu8.11 as well EriC^^11:22
EriC^^pandaadb: the problem is you cant know how much damage actually happened, likely other files are corrupted too, it's pretty compromised, it'll likely be a headache more if you dont reinstall you know11:23
FURIUSI am using Ubuntu Xenial and I would like to install a specifica package of Ubuntu Bionic. Is it possible?11:23
pandaadbEriC^^, thanks that sounds reasonable. After the fsck i executed the dpkg configure command and all other commands broke. And I can't get back into the UI either11:23
pandaadbgood time to upgrade to 18 :) Thank you EriC^^11:23
EriC^^yup, it's perfect timing :)11:24
EriC^^no problem11:24
FURIUSI am using Ubuntu Xenial and I would like to install a specific package of Ubuntu Bionic. Is it possible?11:25
pewds11EriC^^ : Okay :)11:26
BluesKajFURIUS,the likelihood of a successful installation without breakage and dependency problems is not good11:28
FURIUSI know the risc. I would like to try.11:29
BluesKajFURIUS,what's the packasge?11:29
FURIUSUbuntu Xenial has the 0.16.5 and Ubuntu Bionic has the 0.16.9 version.11:29
mousesFURIUS: just build it from sauce11:29
mousesgrab the tarball, extract - ./configue then make then sudo make install11:30
FURIUSI know I could try this...but is it possible or not?11:30
BluesKajFURIUS, what's wrong with the xenial version ...newer isn't necessarily better11:31
mousesFURIUS: using a prebuilt package for 18.04 on a prior version is pretty much totally doomed to fail11:31
mousesand what BluesKaj said - is there some specific feature you need that is not in the older version?11:31
mousesFURIUS: they also have a repo, just add it and clone with git11:32
mousesOh wait, only arch and windows packages there11:32
mousesFURIUS: I would say your best bet if you must have the most recent version for $reasons is to just build from source.11:33
DeathTickle1wtf was just listening on this conversation and checking the Gajim package page and I just noticed I actually now IRL the guy labeled as original maintainer OoOo11:34
mousesDeathTickle1: hahaha small world11:34
mousesFURIUS: to build from source, you'll need to make sure you have everything it depends on - seems well documented, and all listed here:  https://dev.gajim.org/gajim/gajim/blob/gajim_1.0/README.md11:36
DeathTickle1and the Gajim version on bionic is 1.0.1 FURIUS btw11:36
kiromaHow do I get debug symbols for Xorg if xserver-xorg-core-dbg package does not exist in Bionic?11:36
mousesFURIUS: or just use the flatpak!  https://dev.gajim.org/gajim/gajim/blob/gajim_1.0/flatpak/README.md11:37
mousesyou got lots of options11:37
gabriel29121993friends someone cat help me?11:43
gabriel29121993pls help me friends11:44
Captain_Haddockgabriel29121993: What with?11:44
Dlabzhi, all Server 16.04.3 updated node to 10.0.0 breaking some code . How do I downgrade it?11:44
DeathTickle1gabriel29121993: ask your question, dont ask if you can ask11:44
BluesKajgabriel29121993 just ask your question11:45
gabriel29121993haw i cant instal any games or aplication on ubuntu or debian or linux os?11:45
BluesKaj!steam | gabriel2912199311:45
ubottugabriel29121993: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.11:45
Captain_HaddockEriC^^: I enabled the boot flag via fdisk. I couldn't do it via any GUI partition editor.11:46
DeathTickle1Dlabz: you mean you updated the server to 18.04 right?11:46
Captain_HaddockI guess I'll know how things go when I reboot. Thanks for your help :)11:46
DeathTickle1Dlabz: ah you updated "nodejs" to 10.0.0 ?11:46
DlabzDeathTickle1: apt-get update, node is now 10.0.011:46
gabriel29121993And is working and any aplication?11:47
DlabzDeathTickle1: would like it 8.*11:47
DeathTickle1Dlabz: then you arent using the official ubuntu nodejs package11:47
gabriel29121993well i give us A+11:48
Captain_HaddockDlabz: https://askubuntu.com/questions/138284/how-to-downgrade-a-package-via-apt-get ?11:48
DlabzDeathTickle1: i have unofficial running as nodejs and official running as node11:48
DlabzDeathTickle1: Get:47 https://deb.nodesource.com/node_8.x xenial/main amd64 nodejs amd64 8.11.2-1nodesource1 [12.7 MB]11:49
gabriel29121993thanks very much friends11:51
Dlabzthanks, Captain_Haddock11:52
narfinQuestion for you pros11:54
narfinWhat is your recommended ram requirements for Ubuntu 18.0411:55
narfin...Optimal - not minimal11:55
DlabzDeathTickle1: dlabz$ node -v v10.0.0 dlabz$ nodejs -v v8.11.211:55
BluesKajnarfin, optimal for what kind and number of apps open at any one time etc?11:57
DeathTickle1well what can I tell you, I don't know what is in that repository Dlabz11:58
DlabzDeathTickle1: as long as it's not a bug in official repo, I'll fix it, no worries12:00
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empedokles78It says file system only readable with my USB drive (never happened before). What now?12:04
JimBuntuempedokles78, What is "it"? What filesystem is the USB drive using? Have you tried unmounting, remounting?12:05
empedokles78JimBuntu, I don't know. How to?12:06
empedokles78unmount /media/nuc/WALKMAN won't work12:08
JimBuntuempedokles78, you can run `mount` and that should list all devices and their filesystem type. As for unmounting and remounting, you should be able to use your GUI to "eject" the USB drive, remove it, re-insert it and see if it happens again.12:08
JimBuntuempedokles78, What does happen when you try that?12:08
JimBuntuDid you type `umount` above?12:09
JimBuntuer... did you typo above, or is that what you tried running?12:09
empedokles78JimBuntu, I did unmount it over the visual GUI, that doesn't work. It still lets me not delete the files.12:09
empedokles78mount lists : /dev/sdb1 on /media/nuc/WALKMAN type vfat12:09
empedokles78yeah, I tried unmounting it that way.12:10
zprdmouses: for info, I find my way tinkering accounts database, since the account was not visible in the account manager, and deleted records linked to that account12:10
JimBuntu`cd && sudo umount /dev/sdb?`12:10
zprdall hail sqlite12:11
empedokles78JimBuntu, https://dpaste.de/cdjz12:12
JimBuntuempedokles78, Ok, it says it's not mounted, that's probably a good thing. Please paste the results from `mount`12:13
empedokles78After sticking it on my usb again, mount says: https://dpaste.de/iM3i12:15
empedokles78JimBuntu, Nautilus now shows locks on my folders which I can't delete.12:16
JimBuntuYes, because it's in RO (readonly) mode. We will see if we can persuade it to switch to RW. Next time, please don't remove or re-insert unless asked to.12:16
JimBuntu`sudo mount -o remount,rw /media/nuc/WALKMAN`12:17
empedokles78JimBuntu, done.12:17
JimBuntuIs it still RO ?12:17
inflexIs there a GUI tool in 18.04 that lets me control the saturation/brightness of the screen (one screen is fine, but the other is just candy-floss overblown colours12:17
JimBuntuempedokles78, before you go any further... are there files on this drive that you want to keep? If so, probably best to copy those ones off right now.12:18
m27Question: is fail2ban supposed to work out of the box?12:19
empedokles78JimBuntu, I can't delete over nautilus, it says file system only readable, but no locks are shown anymore (like at the first time). I won't keep these files.12:19
inflex( Using fluxbox, so calling up a specific DM tool might not work )12:19
empedokles78don't want to keep these files.12:20
JimBuntuempedokles78, If you don't want to keep any of the files, might be quickest to use mkfs or gparted, unmount the drive (do not remove) then use gparted to format or recreate the partition.12:20
empedokles78The mp3s are in its music folder12:21
empedokles78My player won't work anymore if I do this.12:21
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JimBuntuIf the re-created drive exhibits the same issues, then it would be worth checking dmesg for any errors that may have been occurring at mount.12:21
JimBuntuempedokles78, well, we could try moving right on to dmesg errors... `dmesg | grep -i sdb`12:22
empedokles78JimBuntu, https://dpaste.de/qEpL12:23
nicholasBPMWhen copying text from a terminal window the text gets divided in multiple lines.. any work around?12:24
JimBuntu"Volume was not properly unmounted. Some data may be corrupt. Please run fsck"12:24
mas886I need a bit of help, my Hard Drive is making weird clicking sounds and it takes way longer than usual to boot, I checked the hard drive for erroneous blocks, and also for HDD state with "smartctl -H /dev/sda", all those tools tell me the hard drive is fine (?) Is there any exhaustive tool that I can use to check the hard drive? Because obviously s12:24
mas886omething is wrong.12:24
JimBuntuYou will want to make sure it's not mounted, before you try to repair anything.12:24
JimBuntu^^ empedokles7812:25
empedokles78JimBuntu, unmounted it over nautilus.12:25
empedokles78'fsck' ?12:25
JimBuntuYou will probably want to remove the drive, re-insert the drive ignore nautilus, umount manually, then you can run fsck or something like dosfsck12:26
empedokles78JimBuntu, It be better if you'd give me the exact commands.12:27
JimBuntuSince you don't care about the files... when re-inserted and unmounted manually, then you can run `fsck.vfat -a /dev/sdb1`12:27
JimBuntuempedokles78, it should be ... plug in, if mounted automatically then `sudo umount /dev/sdb?`, then you can use the fsck command I posted12:28
JimBuntuAlso... you mentioned your audio player wouldn't work if you re-partitioned... does the player have a 'format' option?12:28
empedokles78sudo umount /dev/sdb? does give no feedback12:29
empedokles78it is still mounted in nautilus.12:29
JimBuntuempedokles78, you can check if it's actually mounted, with `mount`12:29
JimBuntuempedokles78, Nautilus isn't the brightest star12:29
empedokles78JimBuntu, I see. It's not there anymore.12:30
empedokles78No allowance.12:31
JimBuntuempedokles78, Ok. Then you should be able to use `sudo fsck.vfat -a /dev/sdb1`12:31
empedokles78JimBuntu, https://dpaste.de/21AQ12:32
JimBuntuempedokles78, do not remove the drive, one moment while I type12:32
JimBuntu`mkdir /tmp/buntu1 && sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /tmp/buntu1 && mount | grep sdb1`12:33
empedokles78JimBuntu, https://dpaste.de/F1Hd12:35
JimBuntuwoohoo. Welcome to Read/Write mode again.12:35
JimBuntuempedokles78, now you can safely `sudo umount /dev/sdb?`, pull the USB and plug it back in, should be working again.12:36
JimBuntuempedokles78, looks like you may have lost the MEATLOAF folder and Eye of the Tiger MP312:36
irwisswhat's the proper way to insert nameservers into resolv.conf in 18.04?12:37
bobaHi, what is "git push --force" used for?12:37
JimBuntuIn the future, try to always remember to unmount media before pulling it from the USB port... unmount command (however) and then make sure to give it time and wait for any LEDs on it to stop blinking (if any)12:37
JimBuntuboba, It's called throwing caution (and possibly some commits) to the wind.12:38
Squall5668irwiss: netplan yaml files can have nameservers in them, so that should be the proper way12:39
empedokles78JimBuntu, can this happen over nautilus?12:39
bobaJimBuntu: can something disappear because of git push --force? Like previously added folder?12:39
JimBuntuempedokles78, it can basically happen using anything... all it takes is the user to think the command is finished, before it actually is... sudden power loss... lots of causes12:39
JimBuntuboba, yes, especially if that folder was part of a recent commit that isn't being pushed properly12:40
bobaJimBuntu:  can the folder be recovered?12:40
empedokles78JimBuntu, so it didn't have anything to do with me deleting files over Rythmbox?12:41
JimBuntuboba, I am unsure, I think that depends on many more factors. Do you not still have the folder in your local branch(es)?12:41
JimBuntuempedokles78, It could have, but I don't remember there being any higher risk due to using Rythmbox.12:41
empedokles78JimBuntu, thanks a lot! :)12:42
JimBuntuempedokles78, You are welcome!12:42
bobaJimBuntu: Someone else executed git push --force and because of that the folder disappeared12:42
JimBuntuempedokles78, take some notes on what we discussed as far as how to correct the issue, it may happen again.12:42
bobaJimBuntu: on the remote repository. I am wondering if the folder can be recovered on the remote repository without using local branches12:43
JimBuntuboba, Ok, then you could regress back to before that push... grab the folders and re-introduce them and their files. Or simply regress to before the bad persons commit and let them do it right this time ;-)12:43
empedokles78JimBuntu, good idea.12:43
BluesKajirwiss, nameserver (example)12:43
JimBuntuboba, This might be a good time to look into git bare clones... although the git system is based on revisions and keeping the old fragments... never hurts to have a complete backup of your repos with all info in-tact.12:46
BluesKajirwiss, are you dealing with DNS issues?12:46
irwissi'd like to insert my own server in front of the, seems i have to go full static ip for netplan to pick up the nameservers: [...] part12:47
bobaJimBuntu: thank you for the help12:48
JimBuntuboba, np, you are welcome.12:48
YumSleep[m]hi all i have such problem gcc doesn't see lua headers when i try to compile, i go it like so `gcc app.c -llua` tied also `-llua5.3` but it says ```test.c:2:10: fatal error: lua.h: No such file or directory12:50
YumSleep[m] #include "lua.h"``` please help12:50
Squall5668irwiss: if you are using DHCP, your nameservers should be configured correclty. Check /var/runsystemd/resolve/resolv.conf to see if they are correct12:50
YumSleep[m]forgot to say, yes i install ed `lua5.3` and `liblua5.3` aaand `liblua5.3-dev`12:50
Squall5668that's /var/run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf forgot a /12:50
BluesKajirwiss, netplan works but it's clunky. try ifupdown instead and use a dhcp line like:" iface enp3s0 inet dhcp", in /etc/network/interfaces12:51
irwissi don't need them *correct*, i need my own nameserver in there in front of the dhcp ones12:51
Squall5668BluesKaj: irwiss: you are both missing something, you are not supposed to use /etc/network/interfaces or /etc/resolv.conf in 18.04. Please read up on netplans and systemd-resolved12:52
irwissi'm using /etc/netplan/10-myinterfacehere.yaml12:52
irwissdoesn't pick up nameservers with dhcp on, trying to replicate static config now12:53
BluesKajSquall5668, well, i'm using it and it works well with ifupdown ...no netplan needed12:53
Squall5668irwiss: did you check /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf ?12:53
Squall5668BluesKaj: that's IF you install ifupdown. That's not the default12:54
irwissdrat, it did pick it up, but inside the systemd-resolve12:54
Squall5668irwiss: correct12:54
BluesKajSquall5668, yeah and so is network manager , but it'sd not needed with my setup12:54
GooberHimselfim wanting to update to 18.04... will my backup from 16.04 install correctly?12:58
irwissSquall5668: still doesn't resolve but i think that's the dns server issue now, thanks for the help12:58
RaybenTellurocracy (from the Latin tellus "land" and the Greek κράτος "power") is a type of civilization or state system that is clearly associated with the development of land territories and consistent penetration into inland territories. Tellurocratic states have a certain territory and the state-forming ethnic majority living on it, around which further expansion takes place. The opposite of tellurocracy is thalassocracy (maritime empires), althou12:58
Raybengh in the pure type of a particular state is rarely observed. Usually there is a combination of tellurocratic characteristics with thalassocratic.12:58
GooberHimselfim wanting to update to 18.04... will my backup from 16.04 install correctly?13:00
Cybertinuson Ubuntu 16, what is the name of the service that start the graphical environment?13:02
Cybertinus16.04, to be exact13:02
JimBuntuCybertinus, I think you are looking for lightdm13:03
CybertinusJimBuntu: yeah, that looks like the one, indeed13:05
lelloilpisellochannel irc debian?13:07
ca_cabotagehey all, I'm using zsh on ubuntu and set an environmental variable for openvpn "openvpn --config '/path/to/config' &" the problem is, that this is running on boot - it is not set as an autostart, just an environmental variable. what is going on here?13:08
lelloilpisellochannel irc of porn?13:10
Fuchslelloilpisello: not on this network, no.13:11
qswzwhuch encryption type does ubuntu use (when you can choose it at installation time)13:11
rpittauca_cabotage: I have 2 questions, why setting it in an env variable and not an alias? is the env variable global or local?13:12
qswzis it Dm-Crypt or eCryptFs or encFS13:12
pewds11So while dual booting my win 10 MBR laptop with ubuntu do I need to have /boot and /home partitions along w /mount-point  and /swap?13:13
qswzLVM apparentlu13:13
ca_cabotagerpittau, sry, my bad its an alias13:13
rypervencheqswz: LVM is not encryption.13:13
qswzrypervenche: hmm, ok, and could I just know how would LVM affect performance? because I read that DM-crypt is really fast13:14
rypervencheqswz: If you're doing full-disk encryption, it will use LUKS. If you want home directory encryption, it uses eCryptFS.13:14
qswzbut at my level, I just want to pick the one that impact the least perfs13:15
rypervencheqswz: With LVM, you won't notice any performance degradation. With LUKS, there will be some, it all depends on the ciphers, hashes, etc. being used.13:15
rypervencheqswz: Do you want encryption?13:15
qswzthat's the requiremnt yes13:16
rypervencheqswz: Personally, I use LUKS full-disk encryption along with LVM. There will be a hit in performance, but if your machine is pretty new, then it shouldn't make too much of a difference. I'm not a fan of home directory file encryption. Only causes problems usually.13:16
qswzOk thanks13:17
rypervencheqswz: But if you install using the LVM & LUKS option, you should be fine.13:18
pragmaticenigmaqswz: I would also recommend LUKS, it's been around for a while and has the greatest stability. I don't know about it's performance, though it hasn't bothered an old Pentium 4 machine that I have it installed to.13:18
pewds11Hi, Do I need to uncheck Turn on fast startup while dual booting?13:20
rpittauca_cabotage: where did you define the alias ?13:20
Felonious28Fast startup can cause trouble.13:20
qswzOk thanks you too13:21
qswzI've seen some new SSd have encryption builtin13:21
qswzah I can't type13:21
pewds11Felonious28: Okay and while dual booting my win 10 MBR laptop with ubuntu do I need to have /boot and /home partitions along w /mount-point  and /swap?13:21
RaybinMaritime history is the study of human interaction with and activity at sea. It covers a broad thematic element of history that often uses a global approach, although national and regional histories remain predominant. As an academic subject, it often crosses the boundaries of standard disciplines, focusing on understanding humankind's various relationships to the oceans, seas, and major waterways of the globe. Nautical history records and interprets past13:21
Raybinevents involving ships, shipping, navigation, and seafarers.13:21
pragmaticenigmapewds11: It is recommended that you disable dual boot. Otherwise windows will always boot13:22
qswzI keep dual boot13:23
Felonious28When I installed Ubuntu on my laptop a year ago, it came with the GRUB boot manager. When you're installing make sure to always have the boot manager option ticked.13:23
qswzand set time to 0 or 113:23
pewds11pragmaticenigma : Disable dual boot?13:23
qswzbut I quite never used windows13:23
pragmaticenigmapewds11: No, disable fast boot13:24
pewds11Felonious28 : Okay..13:24
rpittauca_cabotage: anyway, one thing you should try, and this is valid for all aliases in general, is to use single quotes ' instead of double quotes " to define the alias13:24
pragmaticenigmapewds11: sorry... didn't catch my typo13:24
pragmaticenigmapewds11: thanks for checking :-)13:24
RaybinMaritime history is the study of human interaction with and activity at sea. It covers a broad thematic element of history that often uses a global approach, although national and regional histories remain predominant. As an academic subject, it often crosses the boundaries of standard disciplines, focusing on understanding humankind's various relationships to the oceans, seas, and major waterways of the globe. Nautical history records and interprets past13:24
Raybinevents involving ships, shipping, navigation, and seafarers.13:24
pewds11pragmaticenigma : no worries13:25
Felonious28pewds11: Always keep GRUB. But make sure that you don't choose the option to overwrite the disk, because that's a common mistake which entirely overwrites their Windows installation.13:25
Felonious28pewds11: Also, make sure you have adequete disk space for another partition.13:26
mIk3_08any op alive?13:26
leftyfbmIk3_08: try #ubuntu-ops13:28
mIk3_08Thnaks a lot leftyfb13:29
pewds11Felonious28 : yeah , I actually had 4 primary partitions and out of which I deleted d drive which had 800gigs of free space. so currently having close to 800gigs of unallocated memory13:30
pewds11Felonious28 : I have turned off fast boot and created a live USB stick.I plan to create an extended partition and install ubuntu on logical partitions within it.13:32
maschool(Failed to run "arduino-arduinoide.desktop"Failed to execute child process "/home/maschool/Arduino/arduino-1.8.5/arduino" (No such file or directory))13:34
maschoolerror message that ubuntu shows us when we try to open arduino... Anyone to help us?13:35
kiromaHow do I get debug symbols for Xorg if xserver-xorg-core-dbg package does not exist in Bionic?13:37
iseneTrying to get syndaemon to work (stopped working after upgradet to 18.04). I think I've found the why - but I don't have a solution yet. It seems syndaemon is disabling the wrong device (see my xinput list here: http://dpaste.com/0KK85TR). Xinput lists two touchpads (oddly). Running syndaemon in verbode mode shows it is registering that I type and responds by disabling something (presumably the wrong touchpad13:48
iseneentry). How do I make it disable id=12 instead of id=17?13:48
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iseneOh - found this: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=231624013:53
iseneThat did solve it :-)13:56
ruby32a friend of mine is experiencing this from the ls command: %%%%%%%%%%@ 1 xxxxxx xxxx  1.3M Feb 11 12:46 file.dat13:59
ruby32what does %%%%%%%%%%@ mean?13:59
ruby32can't find anything on the ls manpage, wiki page, or unix file type wiki page13:59
james1138Can I ask a question about Pidgin and Ubuntu here or is there a channel for Pidgin?13:59
leftyfbruby32: create a new user and login as the new user. See if it still happens. If not, I'm going to guess they messed with the PS1 settings in .bashrc13:59
ruby32leftyfb: what does %%%%%%%%%%@ have to do with PS1 settings?14:00
leftyfboh right, it's ls14:00
leftyfbsorry, multitasking ... didn't use my brain :)14:00
ruby32the command was: $ ls -lh \ total 556814:01
JediMasterHi guys, is there a safe & secure way I can create a user with no password that can only login via the console? (This is for both physical machines and VMs within a datacenter that has hugely strict physical security in place, and console access is only via encrypted VPN & other authentication). This is for a backup if SSH connections aren't available14:01
ruby32whoops, without the "total"14:01
leftyfbJediMaster: no14:01
=== Richard is now known as Guest48323
mnr200Hello, I'm trying to install this golang package https://github.com/proglottis/gpgme, but I'm getting an error while trying to get it with  go get github.com/proglottis/gpgme:14:13
mnr200Error: ../../proglottis/gpgme/data.go:4:20: fatal error: gpgme.h: No such file or directory14:13
pavlosruby32: the flags -l (long format) and -h (human readable format, in MB/GB)14:14
mnr200I'm not sure which package to install to get this working14:14
mnr200I tried installing this package gpgmepp-dbg, but didn't work14:15
mnr200Can anyone give me the idea how do I solve this?14:15
seeremnr200: try libgpgme-dev14:16
Nia777How to fill a figure that is drawn with lines in Draw LO?14:16
Nia777How to fill a figure that is drawn with lines in Draw LO?14:16
Nia777PLEASE HELP14:16
ruby32pavlos: i know what the flags are, i do not know what  %%%%%%%%%%@ means in the context of unix file descriptors14:17
ruby32i am also unable to find any information about it14:17
Nia777How to fill a figure that is drawn with lines in Draw LO?14:19
mIk3_08Nia777: what you mean LibreOffice Draw?14:21
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sandstromI'm upgrading from 16.04 to 18.04 and wrestling with systemd-resolved. I need to forward requests under one FQDN to a local DNS server, all other requests should go to the DNS acquired via DHCP. I had this working with dnsmasq previously, but doesn't work after upgrading. Is DNS forwarding per FQDN/domain possible with systemd-resolved? Or do I need to disable it and use dnsmasq only?14:23
sandstromIf I do disable it, how can I ensure that dnsmasq is setup with the DHCP-acquired dns-server (which I assume may change from time to time)?14:23
pavlosruby32: what shell do they run? zsh?14:24
Nia777Draw is a vector editor in the office suite Libre Office14:24
ruby32pavlos: how can i ask them to identify their shell?14:25
pavlosruby32: ps will output the shell14:26
ruby32thank you14:26
mnr200seere, libgpgme-dev, giving me this error: E: Package 'libgpgme-dev' has no installation candidate14:26
pavlosruby32: example 22568 pts/0    00:00:00 bash14:26
ruby32pavlos: ok, i asked them to identify their shell14:26
ioria!info libgpgme11-dev | mnr20014:26
ubottumnr200: Package libgpgme11-dev does not exist in bionic14:27
mnr200ubottu, Then how do I install it or which package should I install14:28
ubottumnr200: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:28
seeremnr200: exists in bionic, according to https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/libgpgme-dev14:28
mnr200seere, I tried this sudo apt install libgpgme-dev14:29
seeremnr200: which ubuntu version are you trying this on?14:29
pavlosmnr200: apt search libgpgme*14:29
seeremnr200: it'libgpgme11-dev in 16.0414:30
mnr200pavlos, apt search shows this libgpgme++2v5/xenial 4:4.14.10-1ubuntu2 amd6414:30
mnr200  c++ wrapper library for gpgme14:30
mnr200libgpgme11/xenial,now 1.6.0-1 amd64 [installed]14:30
mnr200  GPGME - GnuPG Made Easy (library)14:30
mnr200libgpgme11-dev/xenial 1.6.0-1 amd6414:30
mnr200  GPGME - GnuPG Made Easy (development files)14:30
ioriamnr200, are you on xenial or bionic ?14:31
k0ns0leHey All, I'm having some issues with my volume being to low using a hyperX 7.1 ch headset. Subwoofer is perm on full and sound is to low otherwise14:31
k0ns0lecan somebody help me14:32
seereioria: on xenial, he told above. Should be libgpgme11-dev there14:32
adroit_machine_Hi, I'm using ubuntu 14.04 kde. and in the bluetooth menu it says"No Bluetooth adapters have been found". I need to tether my device with my laptop. Need help please. And my laptop does have a bluetooth adapter14:32
k0ns0lesorry using 18.0414:32
k0ns0leand it only happened after latest update14:32
mnr200ioria, I think I'm on xenial14:32
ioria!info libgpgme11-dev  xenial | mnr20014:32
ubottumnr200: libgpgme11-dev (source: gpgme1.0): GPGME - GnuPG Made Easy (development files). In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.0-1 (xenial), package size 256 kB, installed size 1124 kB14:32
ioriamnr200,  apt install libgpgme11-dev14:33
mnr200Ok, let me try14:33
mnr200OK the error is gone after installing libgpgme11-dev14:34
sheepyhey fam14:34
mnr200Thanks guys!14:34
sheepyoh wrong channel14:35
sweinHas anyone else had weird checkerboard pattering when moving windows really fast or with fast moving video? Using intel nuc skylake i7, I've installed the 2018 01.org graphics recipe on 4.16 kernel. Before and after the recipe still has this issue. 16.04 did not14:37
k0ns0leHey Guys, I'm having issues with my sound after the latest update, It's all distorted, low and my subwoofer setting is on full when I use analogue 7.1ch. could anybody help me?14:40
qswzreminds me this14:46
qswzk, I'm out :)14:46
aguardienteanyone here happen to know why neither of my USB drives show up in the usb-creator app?14:47
qswzwhy shuldn't it?14:47
aguardienteno idea14:47
aguardienteusually this isn't an issue14:47
aguardientei'm going to try out of a VM and see if that might have something to do with it14:47
aguardienteif i'm lucky that's the problem heh14:47
aguardientei think my buddy has a lubuntu laptop sitting around somewhere14:48
tigefa!info pulseaudio-equalizer | k0ns0le14:48
ubottuk0ns0le: pulseaudio-equalizer (source: pulseaudio): Equalizer sink module for PulseAudio sound server. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:11.1-1ubuntu7 (bionic), package size 42 kB, installed size 225 kB14:48
aguardientecrucially it just hangs on the 'Installing' popup box14:49
aguardientethats another thing it does14:49
aguardientei open the app and that comes up14:49
aguardientejust looks like it freezes on a progress bar that never sees any progress14:49
k0ns0letigefa, I can't seem to install it14:50
aguardienteok, tried usb-creator-gtk instead of usb-creator-kde which it seems like the ubuntu software store installed for some odd reason14:51
aguardientenow the 'installing' dialog box goes away14:51
aguardientebut still doesn't see my drives. mounted or unmounted14:51
adroit_machine_Hi, I'm using ubuntu 14.04 kde. and in the bluetooth menu it says"No Bluetooth adapters have been found". I need to tether my device with my laptop. Need help please. And my laptop does have a bluetooth adapter14:53
tigefak0ns0le: sudo apt-add-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8 -y && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y pulseaudio-equalizer14:56
k0ns0letigefa, it's stuck on 0% not doing anything i've already tried14:58
k0ns0lecould not get au archive is the error I'm getting14:58
xirganyone know why i'm getting a fuzzy grey screen while trying to vnc through ssh tunnel to my ubuntu desktop?14:59
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k0ns0leI've tried everything i know15:01
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k0ns0leit just hangs on this 0% [Connecting to au.archive.ubuntu.com (]         16.7 kB/s 0s15:03
leftyfbk0ns0le: your school it running you through a proxy15:07
leftyfbk0ns0le: that proxy isn't properly forwarding the traffic to/from archive.ubuntu.com15:08
k0ns0leI'm at home :/15:08
k0ns0lewith no proxy configured15:08
k0ns0lesetting disabled :/ i'll try hotspot my phone15:08
leftyfbk0ns0le: oh, I see, nm15:08
JimBuntuI can't access http://au.archive.ubuntu.com/pub/ubuntu/releases/16.04/15:08
leftyfbmissed the au. at the en15:08
c0nsoleok so now on my hotspot15:11
c0nsolei get this error, E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)15:11
c0nsoleE: Unable to lock directory /var/lib/apt/lists/15:11
leftyfbc0nsole: use sudo, or wait a moment or find what's got dpkg locked15:11
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c0nsoleyeah i did, all good now, however still hanging on 0% [Connecting to au.archive.ubuntu.com (2001:388:30bc:cafe::beef)]15:13
JimBuntuThey actually end up pointing to the AARNet mirror anyway... and it seems to be down right now, I can't get a response from anything it mirrors.15:13
JimBuntuc0nsole, There are a few local mirrors listed here that you *could* try... I see a few of them are up and responding. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AustralianTeam/LocalAptMirrors15:14
xirgoh wait it could be i don't have enough RAM to run a desktop environment15:18
c0nsolei'm fairly new and trying to figure out how to change mirrors15:20
c0nsoleJimbuntu, could you please help me?15:20
JimBuntuI believe that link I gave has step by step instructions15:21
c0nsolei know, it does. however, it doesn't actually let me make changes because i'm not the owner of the file15:21
JimBuntuOpen Dash, type in Software Sources, in the Ubuntu Software Tab there is a 'Download From' dropdown... choose Other... you will be presented with a list of mirrors15:22
JimBuntuI suggest using the Griffith University mirror, as I saw it was up and running and doesn't appear to be additionally metered/unmetered15:23
JimBuntuchu, why you sleeping?!15:23
JimBuntuc0nsole, yw. I hope this works out well for you.15:23
c0nsoleI'm struggling to learn but i'm getting there15:24
venmxhi, do i have to open port 11371 for udp/tcp if i want to install a php key from a key server?15:25
sylv255Hi do you know a simple program to draw arrows, text and ellipses on an image in Ubuntu 16.04 please ?15:25
JimBuntusylv255, like Gimp?15:25
sylv255Gimp is not simple for that15:25
venmxlibreoffice draw?15:26
FuchsGimp is made for exactly _not_ that15:26
sylv255ok I test15:26
Fuchsyou can use something like tuxpaint, kolourpaint and the likes15:26
Fuchslibreoffice also seems a bit overkill15:26
JimBuntuand yet, it has the arrow function built in... true, you have to draw your path first... but it's there15:26
venmxthere's a few saas out there too i think15:27
sylv255I test and tell you the one I think is the most simple15:28
c0nsoleJimBuntu, I got it to work. Anyway of knowing why my sound is all messed up on and low15:29
c0nsoleI tried to sudo apt-add-repository ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8 -y && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y pulseaudio-equalizer15:29
c0nsolebut it's already at the latest version15:29
c0nsolethis was fine before updatre15:29
c0nsolei tried to use previous kernal with no success15:30
JimBuntuc0nsole, Sorry, I'm not very good with that stuff any more.15:30
c0nsoleok, thank you15:30
JimBuntuyw c0nsole ... wait a bit, someone else will probably be able to help15:35
sylv255tuxpaint is for children and kolourpaint have no arrows built-in only segments15:40
sylv255but I found on Google Inkscape I try15:40
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Fuchsinkscape is for vector based graphics15:48
BluesKajc0ncealed1, check alsamixer in the terminal turn up the the relevant vol ctrls15:48
Fuchssylv255: you could use krita, but to me that sounds like overkill15:49
EriC^^hello Linuxmun15:53
LinuxmunHey, what's up15:53
EriC^^not much you?15:53
Linuxmunsame old same old15:53
Linuxmundoes anyone know where I can find sysadmin tutorials for Ubuntu15:56
Linuxmunsweet, thank you15:56
EriC^^digital ocean has a ton15:56
LinuxmunAre you a sysadmin?15:57
EriC^^i'd recommend the linux admin guide and gnu command line summary from tldp, short and good reads15:57
EriC^^no just a hobbyist15:57
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LinuxmunA lot of people joining and leaving15:59
xirgi cannot figure out why i'm getting a grey screen with a black x for my vnc session16:00
xirgthe mouse is a black x16:00
xirgit's as if lxde isn't even starting16:00
sylv255inkscape is not very simple but it works16:00
sylv255it wins16:01
leftyfbxirg: try x11vnc for your vnc server16:01
Linuxmunso... How do you guys feel abou t Stallman?16:03
naccLinuxmun: totally offtopic.16:03
LinuxmunAh, ok16:04
Linuxmunthis chat room is kinda slow for me16:06
LinuxmunI'm heading out, ;ater guys16:06
anonbeat       fgedteuuhj16:12
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hackishI'm trying to run a server on boot as root. Is there a best method to do this? I tried writing a shell script and sticking it in /etc/inet.d but it doesn't seem to run on bootup.16:32
hackishNot sure if I missed a step or not16:32
hackishalso, I'm not sure if the script is expected to exit or not16:34
EriC^^hackish: easy method is to use root's crontab, "sudo crontab -e" then add an @reboot /command.sh16:36
xar-hackish: why not create a custom systemd service?16:36
EriC^^the environment might be different so keep that in mind for variables and such16:37
hackishEric^^ didn't know crontab could be used to start something once on boot16:37
Southern_Gentlemhackish,  what service16:38
hackishsouthern, it's just a node.js server I wrote.16:40
hackishterribly dirty running it as root, but its an embedded device so it's not going to have actual users.16:40
hackishI'm just trying to get this to boot up with a web browser and run the node server in the background so the browser can connect to it16:41
xar-there's much to gain using the systemd subsystem compared with antiquated cron16:41
xar-granted there's a time and a place for cron, but I'd challenge you to consider encapsulating your node implementation in a formal unit16:42
hackishwhat do you mean formal unit?16:42
xar-giving you a rundown of systemd basics is arguably outside the scope of this channel :)16:44
hackishmore simply then what advantages would it give?16:44
xar-in short, systemd has unit categorization that corresponds to the type of resource you're describing, like services, sockets, mounts, targets etc16:45
hackishyou mean so the system can make sure nothing else binds to port 80 for example?16:46
hackishor that it is started after all prerequisites?16:46
xar-it's a full fledged manager, so, in short, yes, systemd has a concept of "directives" where you can define relationships to other units16:47
flaiDumb question, can I set ubuntu 18.04 to switch the workspaces on both my monitors when navigating around?16:48
hackishok that's fair. Maybe for the future then. This is a set and forget type deal. I hope to never have to touch/upgrade it once its working.16:48
xar-for instance, let's say you use cron and your process dies; how do you respond to that failure? code your own logic? systemd has primitives to allow you to coordinate actions around failure modes (for instance)16:49
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flaiLike I looked in the options and found nothing16:49
flaiIIRC 16.04 had the "switch both monitors" behavior16:49
hackishxar- this program has no bugs and will never die! Ha. I expect if it craps out, someone will probably pull the plug and plug it back in. Ugh.16:50
pewds11hi, how do i go around creating an extended partition while installing ubuntu16:51
xar-hackish: also, doing a formal encapsulation gives you access to fun things like more specificity around cgroups, resource management, you get to leverage the journal, on and on and on16:51
eFfeMHi, I just installed 18.04 on an old laptop (T4200/3Ghz/128G Crucial MX300 SSD) but the startup is very slow. From dmesg:16:51
eFfeM[    3.976097] [drm] Initialized radeon 2.50.0 20080528 for 0000:01:00.0 on minor 016:51
eFfeM[   36.265443] EXT4-fs (dm-0): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: (null)16:51
eFfeMAnyone an idea what could cause this?16:51
eFfeMBTW I have chosen LLVM while install. Could that be the bad guy?16:51
hackishxar- I'll definitely look at it for the next version. Linux is a big foreign to me so there are many things done different from other unixes.16:52
nacceFfeM: neither of those dmesg entries really tell us anything, and  you mean "LVM" not "LLVM"16:53
eFfeMoops, that is T4200 (dual core 2 Ghz) with 3 GB of memory16:53
eFfeMnacc, yes Indeed LVM16:53
nacceFfeM: `systemd-analyze blame` may tell you what is taking a long time16:53
eFfeMnacc the question is, what is it doing in the 34 seconds between these two messages. They are adjacent in dmesg16:54
eFfeMnacc, will try,  back in a bit16:54
eFfeMnacc good suggestion: top 316:55
eFfeM         20.852s plymouth-quit-wait.service16:55
eFfeM          6.299s NetworkManager-wait-online.service16:55
eFfeM          2.457s dev-mapper-ubuntu\x2d\x2dvg\x2droot.device16:55
eFfeMI don't even have an idea what plymouth is16:56
xar-Plymouth is the application which provides the graphical "splash" screen when booting and shutting down an Ubuntu system.16:58
nacceFfeM: aiui, it is running in parallel there, while it waits for other stuff to finish, so it's not the issue16:58
xar-man google search is getting good these days >_>16:58
darahi, i formatted my usb stick and now it isn't recognised by ubuntu16:59
donofrioconverting an mp4 to gif?  what command line do I run?17:01
naccdonofrio: https://askubuntu.com/questions/648603/how-to-create-an-animated-gif-from-mp4-video-via-command-line17:02
naccdara: what did you formt it as?17:02
daranacc ms-dos17:02
darai think17:02
naccdara: you mean vfat (fat32)?17:02
darai formatted it in gparted and from the terminal17:03
daranacc ^17:03
naccdara: if you unplug and plug the usb drive, does dmesg see the disk?17:03
daranacc: yeah, it says attached removable disk17:03
naccdara: and what name (e.g., sda)?17:04
daranacc [ 1529.204775] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdb] Attached SCSI removable disk17:04
naccdara: ok, and what does `sudo fdisk /dev/sdb` then 'p' say? (use a pastebin)17:05
daranacc: which pastebin should i use ? ( i haven't been on irc in a good while)17:06
nacc!pastebin | dara17:06
ubottudara: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:06
daranacc: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/D5c2bQfYFk/17:07
darathanks dude17:07
naccdara: it does not see any partitions ... there's no output after that last line?17:08
daranacc: no just the command line17:08
EriC^^maybe it formatted the whole thing without a partition17:09
daraEriC^^ i thought i had partitioned it in gparted17:10
EriC^^give it a go with fdisk17:10
EriC^^press 'n' and use all default values17:11
naccEriC^^: yeah that seems likely17:11
EriC^^dara: then run sudo mkfs.fat /dev/sdb1 and try mounting sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt17:12
daradara@dara-HP-Pavilion-dv6000-RP983EA-ABU:~$ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/sdb117:13
darasudo: mkfs.fat: command not found17:13
EriC^^dara: i forgot to mention, after 'n' press 'w' to write the new table, and run sudo partprobe to let the kernel read it17:13
EriC^^dara: what's the output of 'sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb' now?17:14
EriC^^dara: sudo apt-get install dosfstools    to get mkfs.fat installed17:14
DeathTickle1hey guys, is unity-control-center using 97.1 GiB of virtual memory for you? Is it normal if I have this? I know it's just virtual memory which isn't used, the number just seems huge17:16
ioriadatajerk, i think you don't have a PT17:16
ioriadara, i think you don't have a PT17:16
EriC^^dara: did you write the partition table earlier with 'w' ?17:17
daraEriC^^: i put in fdisk then w and i didn't see anywhere to enter w17:17
daraerr... n17:18
EriC^^dara: type 'sudo fdisk /dev/sdb'17:18
xirgleftyfb, x11vnc worked, but why doesn't tightvncserver or vncserver work?17:18
EriC^^press 'p' do you see a partition?17:18
xirgwhoops sry accident17:18
Kirejirunning 16.04 LTS.  apt says open-vm-tools needs updating, held back. pushing it with explicit install says it needs to install libxmlsec1 libxmlsec1-openssl... why? I don't want or need VM or "VMware" support. however, when I do an apt-get remove, it says it will also remove ubuntu-server ??!? seriously? we have to keep VMware support installed, and install anciallary packages, or we have to remove17:18
Kirejiubuntu-server?  This seems broken.17:19
daraEriC^^ yes i see it17:20
EriC^^dara: ok, cool17:20
daraEriC^^ /dev/sdb1            2048    15138815     7568384   83  Linux17:20
EriC^^exit fdisk and type "sudo partprobe /dev/sdb"17:20
seereKireji: ubuntu-server is a meta-package. It just contains 2 files and is used to pull in a whole bunch of other packages. IMO it is save to remove.17:21
daraEriC^^ done, still can't see it17:22
darado i have to restart ?17:22
EriC^^dara: does it mention anything after partprobe?17:22
daraEriC^^ no it doesn't say anything17:22
EriC^^try "cat /proc/partitions" anything there?17:22
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daraEriC^^ https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rH4r7FtYzT/17:23
darathanks dude17:23
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EriC^^dara: sudo apt-get install dosfstools17:24
daraEriC^^: ok installed17:24
EriC^^dara: you should now have mkfs.fat, sudo mkfs.fat /dev/sdb117:25
Kirejiseere: ah oj, thank you.17:25
Kireji, erm ok17:25
Kirejiseere: thank you17:25
daraEriC^^ sudo: mkfs.fat: command not found17:26
darai've installed dosfstools but it can't see mkfs17:26
EriC^^dara: what does "echo $PATH" give ?17:26
naccseere: Kireji: I disagree with that statement. metapackages are used to ease upgrades and transitions.17:26
daraEriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/G9w68ZmMrh/      i haven't had path problems before17:27
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EriC^^dara: hmm it looks ok, what does 'ls /sbin/mkfs.fat' give?17:28
eFfeMnacc: reporting back. I found a web page on askubuntu from someone with the same question. The answer he got was to add noresume to the grub options; I tried that and now the 30 sec delay is gone17:28
nacceFfeM: interesting17:28
daraEriC^^: dara@dara-HP-Pavilion-dv6000-RP983EA-ABU:~$ ls /sbin/mkfs.fat17:28
darals: cannot access /sbin/mkfs.fat: No such file or directory17:28
daraEriC^^: i'm using an old version of ubuntu i don't know whether that makes a difference17:29
EriC^^which version?17:29
daraEriC^^: how do i find that out ?17:29
EriC^^dara: what about "dpkg -L dosfstools | grep mkfs.fat" ?17:29
ioriadara, cat /etc/issue17:29
eFfeMnacc https://askubuntu.com/questions/1030867/ubuntu-18-04-how-to-diagnose-fix-very-slow-boot?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=google_rich_qa&utm_campaign=google_rich_qa17:30
ioriai bet on lucid17:30
daraEriC^^: Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS \n \l17:30
naccdara: that's eol ... and has been for some time17:30
EriC^^aha, that's end of support, you need to upgrade to at least 14.04 or 16.04 preferrably17:30
EriC^^dara: what does "dpkg -L dosfstools | grep mkfs.fat" give?17:31
daraEriC^^: I can't upgrade, the graphics card is too old to support modern linux, the computer is really old17:31
naccdara: you're running an unsupported and insecure version of ubuntu17:31
daraEriC^^: it doesn't give me anything17:31
EriC^^dara: 14.04 is actually quicker than 12.04 and kind of simpler graphics effects wise17:31
EriC^^did you try a 14.04 live usb? or 16.04?17:32
zetheroo1on my 16.04 laptop I haven't received any notifications to upgrade to 18.04 :/17:32
nacczetheroo1: won't happen until 18.04.117:32
daraEriC^^: i got a graphics error reply when i tried to update17:32
EriC^^dara: aha, it must be part of some other package for 12.0417:32
eFfeMnacc, oops got disconnected. apparently during install I did not create swap17:32
EriC^^!find mkfs.fat17:32
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 225 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mkfs.fat&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all17:32
zetheroo1nacc: ah ok17:32
EriC^^dara: try typing only "mkfs.fat" without sudo and see what package suggestions it gives17:33
EriC^^dara: did you try a live usb though?17:33
eFfeMhmm no, disks says I have 1G of swap; anyway problem is (more or less) solved17:33
EriC^^upgrading is a mess most of the time, clean installs are way easier17:33
naccEriC^^: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=precise&section=all&arch=any&keywords=mkfs.vfat&searchon=contents claims it's in dosfstools17:34
daraEriC^^: No command 'mkfs.fat' found, did you mean:17:34
dara Command 'mkfs.vfat' from package 'dosfstools' (main)17:34
EriC^^oh, it's called mkfs.vfat in 12.04's version17:34
daramaybe you meant to type in mkfs.vfat instead ?17:34
EriC^^thanks nacc17:34
EriC^^dara: yeah, type sudo mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb1 :)17:34
naccEriC^^: np17:34
ioriadara, what's your video card ? maybe we can come up with something17:36
daraEriC^^: that did it dude, thanks a whole bunch17:36
darait works17:36
EriC^^np, i'd recommend to follow ioria 's advice17:36
lol768Where's my CVE-2018-11235 fixed package?17:36
za1b1tsuI just tried to boot Ubuntu Gnome on a macbook pro from work and everthing works flawlessly: touchpad, sound, brightness/volume buttons, hibernation, hidpi etc. Is this because of Gnome or because of ubuntu? Could I go with an ubuntu server install with openbox and everything will just work?17:37
EriC^^using an eol release is kind of like that game with the chairs, you dont want to be the one with no chair left when the music stops :D17:37
pewds11EriC^^ : Hey, I have been able successfully dual boot ubuntu. Thanks a lot man!17:37
JimBuntuza1b1tsu, Did you try the webcam?17:37
EriC^^pewds11: great! no problem17:37
daraEric^^: one more thing while we're at it, when i try to eject the usb drive safely , it says the device is running17:37
za1b1tsuJimBuntu: not yet, will try17:37
EriC^^dara: try to manually unmount it, sudo umount /dev/sdb117:38
JimBuntuza1b1tsu, To answer your question, it's because of the support or the community.17:38
Insanity1I have a small issue. Through my amp/dac (USB) I only get sound through one earphone (left), but can not seem to figure out why (it does work both sides with speakers)17:38
oerheks<lol768> Where's my CVE-2018-11235 fixed package? https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2018/CVE-2018-11235.html17:38
Insanity1Alsamixer shows only one 'channel' though, maybe it is being transformed to mono and send to only one earphone17:38
lol768Debian managed it :/17:38
oerheksyes, yesterday, so hold on tight17:39
za1b1tsuJimBuntu: I understand, but the configurations are from Gnome or Ubuntu?17:39
oerhekslol768,  is this you? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/git/+bug/177406117:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1774061 in git (Ubuntu) "git: CVE-2018-11235 arbitary code execution via submodule names in .gitmodules" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:39
daraEriC^^: it processes fine, it doesn't show an error yet the usb is still mounted17:39
oerheksfor the time being; use the ppa https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/git/+bug/1774061/comments/517:40
EriC^^dara: what does 'lsblk' show?17:40
lol768I'll follow the workaround for now though17:40
EriC^^dara: did it give the command prompt back?17:40
EriC^^(the umount command)17:41
JimBuntuza1b1tsu, both. More Ubuntu than Gnome, much more.17:41
daraEriC^^: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/25FzPhbBfb/17:42
darayeah, it gave the command prompt back17:42
DeathTickle1Another bug I have is when using my bluetooth wireless headphones: when I turn them on, the OS tries to connect to them but fails, and tries this in succession 3-4 times then stops17:42
JimBuntuza1b1tsu, Example, the only problem I ran into with 16.04 was the webcam not working OOB.17:42
za1b1tsuJimBuntu: what mac?17:43
DeathTickle1when I use bluetoothctl I can see the device getting disconnect and connected again but it is not stable. And then when I type connect to the device using bluetoothctl all works fine17:43
JimBuntuMid-2015 MBP, za1b1tsu17:44
za1b1tsuJimBuntu: Retina 15 inch? I got the same mac :). Did you manage to fix the webcam?17:45
EriC^^dara: hmm, try "sudo umount /media/24B0-6470 && lsblk"17:45
JimBuntuYeah, Retina 15". za1b1tsu , previously I did by following instructions online. I didn't bother when I reloaded fresh last time as I don't need it on that machine. I seem to remember it was basically a simple task of building the module.17:46
daraEriC^^: that's ok, thanks for the help dude, it's people like you that make using linux such a great experience :-)17:47
za1b1tsuJimBuntu: ahh cool, may I ask you some questions? Did you try other DE? Or tried WM only setups? How do they work? Do you use TLP for battery life? Any tips?17:47
JimBuntuI stuck with the default DE. I don't use anything special for battery life, although I do notice that my battery never seems to reach 100%, it does last an awefully long time given it's age. I don't like the KB and touch... so I normally use it as part of a larger system of machines with a single KB/trackball for them all.17:49
JimBuntuza1b1tsu, We are straying from support, want to move to #ubuntu-offtopic?17:49
za1b1tsuJimBuntu: cheers, moving17:49
iseneEriC^^: This solved the syndaemon issue: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=231624017:50
EriC^^isene: cool, thanks for sharing :)17:53
watermarkHello. I'm pulling my hair out over netplan. I have a fresh install of ubuntu 18.04 server and it cannot get DHCP. Can anyone help point me in the right direction.17:59
nikolamwatermark, is it 64-bit? Server is now 64-bit by default18:02
nikolamnetwork config is in /etc/network/interfaces , anyway18:03
nikolamand ifconfig would say what interface it is for auto watermark18:03
watermarknikolam: 18.04 introduced a whole new network config stack, it's not configured in network/interfaces anymore18:04
Bashing-omnikolam: watermark :: Netplan/server configs now under /etc/systemd/network/ .18:06
oerhekswatermark, is this bare metal, or wsl/vmware something else?18:06
nikolamhuh, so what docs say, then18:07
watermarkoerheks: it's vmware.  adapter is vmxnet 318:07
watermarkBashing-om: This is a fresh install and "/etc/systemd/network/" is empty18:08
nikolamcongratulations on systemd takeover, btw18:09
oerhekswhole post on vmware .. https://github.com/vmware/open-vm-tools/issues/24018:09
oerheksvmware-tools issue, wait for their update18:09
Bashing-omwatermark: network mamager intalled to this server ? ' dpkg -l network-manager ' .18:09
watermarkBashing-om: no. If I recall, that's the gui manager?18:11
Bashing-omwatermark: true for network-manager .. just checking which way you went .18:12
nikolamisn't using proprietary vmware, like shooting yourself in the foot, anyway. So many other options, with support.18:17
oerheksnikolam, i wonder why a server needs dhcp18:19
oerheks"Yaml files are very picky about correct indentation. Place two spacebars before the bridges keyword and the error message should go away." https://askubuntu.com/questions/1039646/netplan-complains-unknown-key-bridges18:20
watermarkDid another fresh install using alternative installer and it's happy. Don't know why the first install borked18:24
watermarkoerheks: using server as a minimal install, so it's not a real server. VMWare because we started using it before there were other viable alternatives (the wheels of change spin slow here)18:25
Bashing-omwatermark: :)18:25
_KaszpiR_slow is usually stable....18:36
s77When I do a command I want to force a 'y' with it. In order to avoid typing y to proceed. Any tips?18:49
ioriathere a command for that : try man yes18:49
oerheks-f -y .. awesome18:51
granjerohi, i got a question. Ubuntu server 18.04. I see /etc/network/interfaces is gone.  I'm reading about netplan. I got a file on /etc/netplan called 50-cloud-init-yaml. Is the only file in that directory. It has a comment that says that changes on that file will not be persistent. I want to fix a static ip address.18:52
granjeroDo i have to delete that file and create a new one with sudo netplan generate?18:53
empedokles78Someone helped me to delete my files of a mp3walkman earlier, the music is there and it's playing in rhytmbox. Unfortunately not by the mp3 player anymore. there are a bunch of files inside my main folder now: FSCK0000.REC up to FSCK0005.REC. Do they have anything to do with the issue?18:53
Buoy172I have access to a Caddy server. How can I check if php is installed18:56
Bashing-omBuoy172: Try as ' apt policy php ' .18:57
lotuspsychjegranjero: check #ubuntu-server channel perhaps18:57
granjerook lotuspsychje thnx18:57
Buoy172thanks guys18:57
ioriaempedokles78, most probably those files are result of a rescue on the devoce fs19:01
empedokles78ioria, shall I delete them and see if it works?19:05
Two_Dogsempedokles78: what is 'it'? works19:06
ioriaempedokles78, i have no experience with mp3walkman ; what kind of fs it supports/wants ?19:07
empedokles78Two_Dogs, my sony walkman. maybe it says data error when I try to play a song currently.19:07
empedokles78However in my computer I can play files on it.19:08
Two_Dogsempedokles78: your external device 'walkman' is broken?19:09
DeathTickle1Does anyone know if it is possible to mount an ecryptfs (the Private directory in my home) on a Windows or Mac OS, in case my Linux system fails ?19:09
empedokles78Two_Dogs, I'm not sure (if it's broken why does the mp3 play on my local computer?)19:10
ioriaempedokles78,  'cause it uses it as a simple storage device19:10
Two_Dogsempedokles78: the player on the installed ubuntu system is working correctly, yes?19:10
Southern_GentlemDeathTickle1,  keep a live usb around in case of emergency19:10
ioriaempedokles78,  like a usb pen19:11
DeathTickle1Southern_Gentlem: and if I want to have an encrypted filesystem accessible from multiple OSes at the same time ? is that possible19:12
empedokles78ioria, I'm not sure if the player is more than a usb-pen. :)19:13
empedokles78so shall I delete those FSCK0000.REC up to FSCK0005.REC now?19:13
empedokles78or do they have nothing to do with it?19:13
empedokles78mp3s are in a folder /MUSIC on my player.19:14
ioriaempedokles78,  ok, if you unplug the device and try to play some mp3 ... does it work ?19:14
empedokles78and these mentioned are inside the root folder.19:14
empedokles78ioria, no, it states data error.19:14
ioriaempedokles78,  as i said19:15
Two_Dogsroot folder mp3's :)19:15
mdsaddamhow i install ibus avro19:15
empedokles78Two_Dogs, https://imgur.com/a/9p7qRVI19:16
empedokles78ioria, you said "most probably those files are result of a rescue on the devoce fs", not sure if I can delete these.19:17
empedokles78the guy who helped my di something with fsck because I couldn't delete files anymore.19:18
Two_Dogsempedokles78: the img is the innards of an external device19:20
empedokles78Two_Dogs, it is.19:20
ioriaempedokles78, if you ask me,the point is not those .rec files ,but your device  been corrupted and need to be reseted  to defaults  (probably  with the software it comes with)19:20
AuroraAvenueHello , I am looking for a little lock for my laptop satchel, but don't know where to look, as I have searched amazon, and cannot find one ?19:20
lotuspsychjetnewman: did you got any further?19:21
empedokles78ioria, does it hurt to delete them before I go into factory reset?19:21
pavlosAuroraAvenue: do you mean a Kensington lock?19:21
ioriaempedokles78, to be honest, no idea; but save your files, reset with its own sw and smile19:22
AuroraAvenueNope - not to lock the laptop in-place, but actually to lock up the laptop bag.19:22
oerheksAuroraAvenue, call jeff bezos, this is ubuntu linux support19:24
AuroraAvenueokay oerheks I shall stop now, if you've no other suggestions.19:25
naccAuroraAvenue: it's offtopic for this channel, regardless of other suggestions.19:29
empedokles78That didn't help. But how to factory reset a WALKMAN NW-WS410 Series? I only see MAC/WINDOWS steps: https://www.sony.ch/de/electronics/support/digital-music-players-nw-nwz-ws-series/nw-ws41419:30
lotuspsychjeB1ack0p: welcome, what can we do for you?19:31
B1ack0pI cant login to ubuntu. It is doing something like this : https://unsee.cc/a28b8a24/19:31
B1ack0pThx lotuspsychje19:31
Two_Dogsempedokles78: you are in the wrong place19:31
jnewtneed help scanning a document with simple scan.  it quit working and i've been unable to fix it.   I can select the scanner, but when i try to scan, it says unable to connect to scanner.19:32
lotuspsychjejnewt: your system up to date, wich ubuntu version?19:33
ioriaempedokles78,  you might need wind*/mac whatever   system  it requires19:33
empedokles78ioria, well I didn't require it so far.19:33
Two_Dogsjnewt:  copy/paste & execute via terminal> journalctl --dmesg --pri=3 ## anything related to scan19:33
lotuspsychje!patience | B1ack0p19:34
ubottuB1ack0p: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/19:34
EriC^^B1ack0p: no image for me there19:34
EriC^^oh ok, nevermind19:34
ioriaempedokles78,  because so far the device had no need to be reseted ? (as i said idk WALKMAN NW-WS410 )19:35
B1ack0pIt is hanging there, nothing running19:35
EriC^^B1ack0p: what happens when you press ctrl+alt+f2 ?19:35
lotuspsychjeB1ack0p: ubuntu version?19:35
B1ack0pNo idea what it is19:35
B1ack0pUbuntu 18.0419:35
EriC^^B1ack0p: try ctrl+alt+f1 or ctrl+alt+f719:35
xirgleftyb, any explanation why x11vnc worked but other vnc servers didn't?19:35
B1ack0pEric nothing19:35
lotuspsychjeB1ack0p: upgrade? clean install?19:36
B1ack0pLotus clean install19:36
B1ack0pYesterday i installed Bleach to make cleanup19:36
EriC^^it's got to show something on f1 or f7, maybe you need to press Fn ?19:36
AuroraAvenuethank-you bye [ jnewt try  https://www.hamrick.com/vuescan/vuescan.htm  ]19:36
lotuspsychjeB1ack0p: perhaps try a recoverymode19:36
B1ack0pI chose all of the options and some of them warned me very slow process19:37
B1ack0pAlso it warned that root has low space19:37
B1ack0pIs it related?19:37
EriC^^B1ack0p: hmm seems like it's waiting for snapd to fully seed or something19:37
B1ack0pI waited half an hour bur nothing happening :/19:38
EriC^^B1ack0p: yeah something is wrong for sure19:38
EriC^^B1ack0p: try booting into recovery mode19:40
B1ack0pEric how?19:40
EriC^^do you get the grub menu currently?19:40
B1ack0pWith installation image?19:40
B1ack0pYes i get grub19:40
B1ack0pI am dual booting with win 1019:41
EriC^^ok, go to advanced then choose the latest kernel with recovery mode19:41
jnewtlotuspsychje: 16.04 LTS19:41
B1ack0pIn grub menu there is memtest19:41
jnewtTwo_Dogs, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/4g2kdMYV2p/ nothing related to scan that I can see19:41
EriC^^B1ack0p: what about advanced?19:41
B1ack0pOk found recovery19:41
EriC^^ok cool19:41
B1ack0pStill same19:41
jnewtAuroraAvenue: would like to fix what I'm used to here as opposed to just abandoning and starting over.19:41
B1ack0pOk i got recovery menu19:42
B1ack0pResume - clean - dpkg - fsck - grub - network - root - system summary19:42
B1ack0pWhich one?19:42
memphistoB1ack0p: try clean first; you said root is full19:43
Nach0za/w 9419:43
tomreyni'd start with fsck, then clean19:43
EriC^^B1ack0p: resume19:43
B1ack0pDid clean19:43
EriC^^yeah do what tomreyn said19:43
B1ack0pI am on root now19:43
EriC^^try to resume19:44
B1ack0pScreen flackering19:44
EriC^^did you get the login screen?19:45
B1ack0pNo luck19:45
oerheksdual booting with win 10 .. disabled fastboot and the other intel stuff?19:46
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:46
bionicbonehi all, anyone know if the ubuntu keyserver is rate limited or something? I uploading a pub signing key ok, then later revoked it and pushed it again. I create a new key with diff uid and it wont show up.19:46
memphistoB1ack0p: what did you...- clean -fsck; did you do dpkg?19:46
=== sambagirl is now known as taking
bionicboneeven though i get no errors when i push the new key19:46
B1ack0pIt says failed to start mysql server19:46
B1ack0pAnd screen flickering19:47
B1ack0pNo i did clean and then resume19:47
sylv255thank you very much to you because grace to you I will succeed my application !19:47
sylv255a last question :19:47
B1ack0pCan mysql be problem?19:48
memphistogo back in rescue mode and try fsck, dpkg and resume19:48
B1ack0pFsck now19:48
B1ack0pDoes it take long time fsck?19:48
tomreynbionicbone: i'm not sure whether it takes submissions from anyone or just a chosen few. maybe there's some integration with launchpad. i'd ask in #canonical, preferrably during UK during business hours (after checking any available documentation online).19:49
B1ack0pStarted Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status.19:49
bionicbonetomreyn: it accepted my first key upload without any special permissions19:49
bionicboneor creating an account of any kind19:49
tomreynbionicbone: so the key you submitted initially would show up on a later search for it?19:50
tomreyn(it might have been silently discuarded when you posted it)19:50
tomreynB1ack0p: fsck doesn't usually take long, at least if there's no major corruption going on.19:51
bionicbonetomreyn: yes, I uploaded RSA pub signing key, then I could see it in keyserver search and also download it from keyserver. I later revoked that, pushed the update and generated a new key with different UID.19:51
bionicboneIt wont let me push the key with new uid, not sure if its because the email is the same as original revoked key or what.19:52
takingis the ubuntu tablet os still available to play with on this convertable i have here?19:52
tomreynbionicbone: i see. i wouldn't know thern, seek support with canonical staff who maintain this infrastructure (i assume)19:52
=== taking is now known as sambagirl
B1ack0pStill waiting19:53
sambagirlis the ubuntu tablet os still available to play with on this convertable i have here?19:53
sambagirlsorry about that19:53
B1ack0pNothing happening19:53
tomreynbionicbone: if it's linked to the SKS keyserver network you could also submit your updates to any other sks keyserver in any of the hks pools (see https://sks-keyservers.net)19:53
sambagirlseveas are you around?19:54
tomreyn!phone | sambagirl19:54
ubottusambagirl: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch19:54
sambagirlthanks tomreyn19:54
sambagirlchanel is empty19:55
pnwiseHow do you pass list of names from file to find?19:55
tomreynB1ack0p: is it still at "Load/Save RF Kill Switch Status" then?19:55
B1ack0pYes tomreyn19:55
tomreynsambagirl: :-/ well this project is no longer driven by canonical, so i don't know what it's status is now.19:55
B1ack0pI think it is fked up19:56
memphistoB1ack0p: sorry, where are you now...you did fsck ?19:56
B1ack0pMemphis it is stuck in fsck load save rf kill status19:57
tomreynBlackDex: reboot (ctrl-alt-delete), do recovery again, then fsck, then network, then root, then type: df -h 2>&1 | pastebinit; apt-get update 2>&1 | pastebinit19:57
B1ack0pI cant pass fsck yet19:58
tomreynB1ack0p: yes you. oh it gets stuck during the fsck you ran from the menu?19:59
B1ack0pYes from menu19:59
tomreynB1ack0p: is this a hard disk drive?19:59
B1ack0pTomreyn yes ssd20:00
tomreynB1ack0p: you said it's a dual boot ubuntu + windows, right?20:00
bionicbonetomreyn: that might be it, its listed as red/down and not in the pool in that listing20:00
memphistoB1ack0p: are you able to boot windows?20:00
B1ack0pYes memphis20:00
tomreynB1ack0p: boot into windows, download the ssd vendor's utility to check the ssd for defects and run it, doing a full test cycle.20:01
bionicboneill check if i can find my key on a different server first, if it is on another server that means it must have been in the pool earlier when I added my key20:01
tomreynB1ack0p: if it confirms that the ssd is fine then (unless you'll loose data this way) reinstall ubuntu.20:01
B1ack0pWhen i run fsck at first line it says there s no such directory20:01
B1ack0pI cant read it well because it scrolls down fast20:02
memphistoreboot the pc, go to rescu20:02
memphistodrop to root and do the fsck manually20:02
memphistoto see whats going on20:02
memphistofirst do lsblk20:03
tomreynB1ack0p: this is a freshly installed ubuntu system you said, right? or did it every work properly?20:03
memphistoso we now how it looks like20:03
B1ack0pTomreyn i said i clean installed not upgrade. I was running fine since it was released20:03
bionicboneI was searching for the wrong term, searching by email now shows all my keys and the revocation cert.20:04
tomreynB1ack0p: so it stopped working suddenly, without you making any major changes?20:04
B1ack0pI am on root20:04
B1ack0ptomreyn i installed mysql yesterday20:05
B1ack0pThen It warned there is low space in root dir20:05
B1ack0pThen i installed bleach to make cleanup20:05
memphistook, so what does df -h looks like20:05
B1ack0pIt was working fine yesterday20:05
tomreyndf -h | pastebinit20:06
B1ack0pToday i couldnt login20:06
B1ack0pI am on mobile here20:06
robotoanyone: Ubuntu 17.10. Audio and Video, I can get test sound. Have no sound anywhere else. This just started today. Ideas?20:07
memphistoits full20:07
tomreynB1ack0p: right, so / is full. maybe it's why it wont boot.20:07
B1ack0pWhat can i do?20:08
tomreynB1ack0p: fsck -f /dev/sda620:08
tomreynand show another screensht when it's done.20:09
=== roboto is now known as roboto-home
tomreynB1ack0p: also this imagebin is terrible, i don't need your ip address as a watermark.20:09
B1ack0pOh does it show my ip? :o20:10
roboto-homeanyone: Ubuntu 17.10. Audio and Video, I can get test sound. Have no sound anywhere else. This just started today after I rebooted after updates. Ideas?20:10
B1ack0pImgur is blocked in my location so what do u suggest?20:10
memphistoits fine ..its visible20:10
roboto-homeshows no output devices found when clicking the speaker icon in the taskbar20:12
gunixis 16.04 defaulting to xorg or wayland ?20:12
memphistoapt remove mysql you were trying to type20:13
memphistoplease also try this...20:13
oerheksgunix, xorg, 16.10 was the 1st release with wayland option20:13
memphistocd /20:13
memphistofor i in $(ls);do du -s $i;done20:13
gunixoerheks: thank you!20:13
tomreynB1ack0p: actually this site watermarks with the ip address of the accessing web browser, so it shows mine in my case. https://pasteboard.co/ seems to be ok (but i have an ad blocker, YMMV)20:13
roboto-homeok. time for new distro. bye20:14
B1ack0pMemphis i dont get it20:14
memphistojust type20:14
memphistofor i in $(ls /);do du -s $i;done20:14
memphistoand make a screenshot20:14
B1ack0pMemphis https://unsee.cc/b10f9717/20:16
B1ack0pHow can i scroll up?20:17
memphistoshift+page up20:17
memphistobut you go in root folder first20:17
memphistocd /root20:17
memphistoand just do a ls20:17
memphistols -al20:17
B1ack0pI am in root already20:17
memphistook, type ls -al /root20:18
memphistoand screenshot20:18
memphistodu /root20:19
memphistorm -rf /root/.cache20:21
memphistodu /root20:21
B1ack0pRm cannot remove20:21
B1ack0pRead only file20:22
memphisto mount -o remount rw /20:22
tomreynmount -o remount,rw /20:22
tomreynWITH the comma20:23
B1ack0pNothing happened20:23
tomreynrm -rf /root/.cache; du /root; # screenshot20:23
tomreynbe very careful with the rm -rf command, though20:24
tomreynB1ack0p: ^20:24
tomreynas in typing it as given20:24
B1ack0pI wish i know what i am doing20:24
memphistoyou should type the following now20:25
memphistorm -rf /root/.cache; du /root20:25
B1ack0pIsnt it correct?20:25
memphistoand send a screenshot20:25
JimBuntuYou are remounting the partition in read/write mode... then they have your clearing out a cache directory to return the 1,113,504 it was consuming20:25
JimBuntuand to clear out any settings/configs/etc that may have been cached there, I presume.20:26
tomreynhere's a slightly improved receursive du again: for i in $(ls /);do du -sx /$i 2>/dev/null;done | sort -n | pastebinit20:26
B1ack0pJim thx20:27
tomreynB1ack0p: why are we focussing on /root ?20:27
B1ack0pTomreyn because it was full i guess20:27
memphistodo now20:27
memphistodf -h /20:28
tomreynB1ack0p: 1 GB, yes, ok.20:29
B1ack0p11 gb20:29
memphistonow do the for loop that tomreyn wrote and take a screenshot20:29
tomreyni ean /root had ~ 1GB data (now much less)20:29
B1ack0pI think i made mistake by giving specific partition to root while installing ubuntu20:29
tomreynactually i'd just retry booting now.20:30
memphisto1GB free should be enough to make a system bootable20:30
tomreynB1ack0p: sorry i didnt actually mean to ask *you* that 'why are we focussing on /root' question but memphisto. but it's clear now.20:32
B1ack0pTomreyn i did your long command20:33
memphistolose the last |20:33
tomreynB1ack0p: you missed the trailing "pastebinit". but if you'll use your camera to screenshot you can just omit the trailing " | pastebinit"20:33
B1ack0pIf i can go back to root20:33
tomreynB1ack0p: what memphisto said20:33
tomreynpress ctrl-c20:34
tomreynB1ack0p: not sure what you have in /opt (it's empty by default), but i'd sa yjust reboot now20:38
B1ack0pGood news20:39
B1ack0pI am in now20:39
B1ack0pThank you guys !20:39
B1ack0pMemphis and tomreyn20:39
tomreynis it coming up fine then?20:39
B1ack0pI will reboot normally and try again20:39
memphistohow much of your disk has been reserved for windows and how much for linux20:40
B1ack0pYes it comes normally now20:40
tomreynB1ack0p: to prevent such issues in the future, when you'll run server type services such as mysqld, which store data in /var, have both a separate 7home and /var partition.20:40
B1ack0pMemphis my ssd is 240gb20:40
B1ack0pI gave about 170 for windows and 60 ubuntu20:40
B1ack0p8 for swap 11 for root rest is home20:41
B1ack0pIt warned again20:42
memphistoid put 2G for swap; at least 20GB for root (/); and rest home20:42
tomreynB1ack0p: "again"? so it warned before, and *someone* ignored this warning? ;)20:43
B1ack0pLow disk space on “filesystem root”20:43
tomreynB1ack0p: that is correct.20:43
B1ack0pWhat can i do?20:44
Besihow install the Nvidia 390.59 driver ????20:44
B1ack0pI wish i didnt attend partition for root20:44
memphistowhy didn't you use suggested partitioning scheme in installer ?20:44
pavlosdo you need /opt20:44
B1ack0pMemphis i read somewhere it is better to atten specific partition for root home tmp boot etc20:45
tomreynB1ack0p: as pavlos suggested, choose "examine" and see what's in /opt20:45
tomreynB1ack0p: can be and can be not, dpends on use case. with little overall space it may be better to have only few or just one partition for increased flexibility.20:46
memphistowell 11GB for all the apps, all the temp files20:47
Besihow install the Nvidia 390.59 driver ????20:47
memphistosee the picture you sent...4.6GB for user data20:47
B1ack0pI gave 60 for all ubuntu what happened that?20:47
memphistoyou gave 60GB for home partition20:47
memphistoplace where you put pictures, movies20:48
B1ack0pFor documents?20:48
B1ack0pDamn :/20:48
memphistoif you don't have anything on linux now, just do a clean install and let the installed partition it20:48
B1ack0pCan i change ? Or should I reinstall ubuntu?20:48
B1ack0pOok got it20:48
memphistoeasier to reinstall20:48
B1ack0pIt is a lot of work :/20:48
B1ack0pChange theme install everything again20:49
B1ack0pOk then i will just give swap area and /20:49
B1ack0pNo more specific partition20:49
memphistojust leave the automatic20:49
tomreynB1ack0p: the other option *can* be to download and boot from gparted live and do it that way. but this can also break the installation.20:49
B1ack0pIt is not automatic20:50
B1ack0pIt asks me what to do20:50
tomreynB1ack0p: how did oyu install?20:50
tomreynwhich iso did you download20:50
B1ack0p64bit from ubuntu web?20:50
tomreynubuntu 18.04 amd64 desktop installation?20:51
tomreynthen it surely offers fully automatic partitioning20:51
memphistoBesi: download from https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1035485/b/t/post/5260307/#526030720:51
memphistopresuming you are running 64bit version then download Linux x86_6420:52
Besimemphisto ok i Downloaded that ??20:52
memphistochmod +x file_name20:52
memphistoand follow the instructions20:52
memphistono, talking to Besi20:53
B1ack0pOh ok20:53
memphistoBesi: there is a README also ...https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1035485/b/t/post/5260307/#526030720:53
memphistofollow it20:53
tomreynB1ack0p: can you open a terminal and run: lsblk | pastebinit20:53
tomreynB1ack0p: this should return a url, please post it20:54
pavlosB1ack0p: you could add the -fs flag ... lsblk -fs20:55
watermarkfyi, pastebinit isn't part of the base install20:55
tomreynwell i do care about sizes, pavlos20:55
Besimemphisto    ERROR: nvidia-installer must be run as root ??? how i get the Root Rights20:56
tomreynoh snap, i guess we'll get to see such more commonly nowadays20:56
=== BlackOp is now known as B1ack0p
nacctomreyn: what is being seen? (sorry no context)20:56
tomreynnacc: plenty of loop storage devices20:57
nacctomreyn: ah yes20:57
tomreyn(and much wasted space)20:58
nacctomreyn: but that in and of itself isn't an issue -- is there a bug or something?20:58
memphistoBesi; sudo su - to become root; then try running init 3 (don't know if it will work....) you will be without X (no GUI, no windows); then go to folder where you downloaded and run the file as previously mentioned20:58
tomreynnacc: no, just my lack of comfort with snap, that's the only issue20:58
nacctomreyn: :)20:58
naccmemphisto: `sudo -s -H` has some benefits over `sudo su`20:59
tomreynB1ack0p: so you could (download and wriote to usb stick and) boot from gparted-live and shrink /home (sda4) and and extend / /sda6)21:00
pavlosB1ack0p: dont use the fs flag, just lsblk | pastebin so we can see sizes21:01
B1ack0ptomreyn: does it harm any partition?21:01
Besimemphisto not working this is  complicated for my brain21:01
tomreynB1ack0p: you could additionally shrink swap (sda5), but that's not strictly mandatory nad might introduce issues.21:01
B1ack0ptomreyn: i better clean install it21:01
memphistoBesi: wait for it to be in the repos ...its easier21:01
B1ack0pbut not today21:01
B1ack0palso i dont know how to partition the hdd21:02
matjamnacc: I tend to use sudo -i21:02
B1ack0ptomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6pd9f5KW6b/21:02
tomreynB1ack0p: it should not harm your parition table, aprtitions or file systems (and the data stored on them), but you should always be sure to have full, proven restorable, remote backups before experimenting with shuffling around and resizing artitions and file systems.21:02
memphistoB1ack0p: good, but for now just remove some software to free up some space21:03
B1ack0pthere are duplicated apps21:03
naccmatjam: yeah that's also reasonable21:03
B1ack0psuch as skype and gimp21:03
B1ack0pwhy is that?21:03
tomreynB1ack0p: that's the same link you posted previously.21:03
naccB1ack0p: two versions of the snap21:03
B1ack0pso i want to uninstall one of them21:04
naccB1ack0p: it's not super important, but is how snaps work21:04
tomreynB1ack0p: you can remove the old verison if you dont need it21:04
memphistono thats just snap version of the program21:04
naccB1ack0p: they aren't taking up space in practice, just memory21:04
B1ack0pi do sudo apt remove skype but doesnt find it21:05
memphistocause its a snap21:05
naccB1ack0p: it's not a deb packge, it's a sanp21:05
Besimemphisto    but here come another Error   ERROR: An NVIDIA kernel module 'nvidia-drm' appears to already be loaded in            your kernel.  This may be because it is in use (for example, by an X            server, a CUDA program, or the NVIDIA Persistence Daemon), but this             may also happen if your kernel was configured without support for               module unloading.  Please be sure to exit any programs that may be   21:05
B1ack0pso how can i remove it?21:05
naccand you don't want to remove it, as that will remove both versions, B1ack0p21:05
naccB1ack0p: why do you care?21:05
pavlosB1ack0p: I think the name is skypeforlinux21:05
naccB1ack0p: what are you actually trying to solve right now -- that both versions are mounted is completely irrelevant to you as a user21:05
B1ack0psudo snap remove skype worked21:06
memphistonacc: he wants to free some space21:06
tomreynB1ack0p: apt manages debian (deb) packages, snap manages snaps. the graphical ubuntu software center installs snaps whereas synaptic would install deb's21:06
naccmemphisto: then that's the wrong place to look21:06
naccB1ack0p: snaps don't take up on-disk space21:06
B1ack0pit is confusing..21:06
memphistosnap is image; it takes some space21:07
naccmemphisto: not the mounted thing21:07
naccyou are both confusing two different things21:07
memphistobut he is removeing snap software21:07
naccalso i'm 99% sure removing the snap doesn't necessarily delete it from the local cache21:08
naccwhich means the disk is still used21:08
naccB1ack0p: if you are low on disk space, snaps are not relevant21:08
B1ack0pso what makes it full?21:08
naccB1ack0p: what was the purpose of pasting that again?21:08
naccB1ack0p: makes *what* full?21:08
B1ack0pwhat makes space full?21:08
naccB1ack0p: ... what space is full? you need to start over and be clear.21:09
tomreyn /21:09
B1ack0pnever mind21:09
naccB1ack0p: use `du -h --max-depth=1 /`21:10
B1ack0pi will clean install everything soon21:10
tomreynthe root partition is pretty full21:10
pavlosbased on the recent df, / is 11.2G and 900MB free21:10
naccB1ack0p: snaps are mounted in /snap and do not use any physical disk in /21:10
B1ack0pso it uses from ram21:10
pavlosiirc, /opt is about 1.5G ... can you clean that?21:11
B1ack0pwhat is opt btw?21:11
nacc!fhs | B1ack0p21:12
ubottuB1ack0p: An explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview  see also: man hier21:12
B1ack0pthx nacc21:12
pavlosa dir where apps install things ... ls -l /opt | pastebin21:12
stacks88On ubuntu 18.04, any time i install packages, It stalls on Processing triggers for  for like 3-5 minutes, then finally completes. How can I fix this?21:12
stacks88So it does work in the end but, theres this weird delay all the time21:13
memphistostacks88: you wait21:13
stacks88on ubuntu 16.04 i wouldnt have to weait to install 1 tiny program21:13
stacks88less than 1 mb in size21:13
stacks88now it finished21:14
stacks88I just thought other people were experiencing this. I guess not21:14
B1ack0ppavlos: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cPXF2B4hxm/21:14
B1ack0plampp and office 1.5gb it seems21:15
pavloslibreoffice6 in /opt?21:15
B1ack0pno idea pavlos21:15
B1ack0pwhy it is there21:15
memphistoits a snap image21:16
B1ack0pi installed libreoffice later21:16
B1ack0pit was not installed in ubuntu21:16
naccmemphisto: what?21:16
naccmemphisto: the thing in /opt is unrelated to the snap21:16
naccB1ack0p: is this your system?21:16
B1ack0pnacc: yes mine but i am newbie on ubuntu21:16
naccB1ack0p: saying "no idea" when you had to do thing as root on your system, is really bad :)21:16
naccB1ack0p: you should 100% know what you are doing as root, and why. And know how to *undo* them, as well..21:17
B1ack0pwhile installing ubuntu i chose empty installation21:17
B1ack0pwithout preinstalled apps21:17
B1ack0pnacc: i am learning21:17
B1ack0pthis channel is taught me many things about ubuntu so far21:18
B1ack0pif you had 240gb ssd how much would you give to win10 and ubuntu?21:18
B1ack0pi want to buy 500gb ssd but it is expensive..21:18
B1ack0pi have 1tb harddrive but ssd is much more faster than it21:19
naccB1ack0p: that is not  question we can answer. You only know how much you use data in each, etc.21:19
memphisto240 for ubuntu21:19
B1ack0plol memphisto21:19
B1ack0pi wish but i need win sometimes unfortunately21:19
B1ack0pand damn win needs more space :/21:19
pavlosB1ack0p: how much data in /home? ... du -s /home21:20
B1ack0ppavlos: du: cannot read directory '/home/m/.dbus': Permission denied21:21
matjamsomeone used sudo21:21
pavlosB1ack0p: so there is 4.7GB used out of 38.8G in /home21:23
B1ack0pok i will reinstall it soon21:24
B1ack0pi better sleep now21:24
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memphistocan you go into /opt/libreoffice6.021:24
memphistoB1ack0p: can you list the files there21:25
B1ack0pmemphisto: yes21:25
B1ack0pall office is there21:25
B1ack0p8,563 items, totalling 579.2 MB21:26
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memphistoand what is in /opt/lampp21:27
memphistoand do you need it ?21:27
B1ack0pmemphisto: i want to learn some php sql stuffs so i installed it21:28
memphistohow big is it21:28
B1ack0papprox 7--800mb21:29
B1ack0pstill counting21:29
B1ack0pi gotta sleep21:29
memphistogood night21:29
B1ack0pthx memphisto for everything today and tomreyn and others too21:30
B1ack0psee ya later21:30
Jerrywhats up21:30
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oerheks!info whatsap21:32
ubottuPackage whatsap does not exist in bionic21:32
fightthe1alrushello, I ran apt-get dist-upgrade to update the kernel and the process has hanged on "Setting up linux-headers-4.15.0-22-generic (...)"21:40
fightthe1alrusshould I Ctrl+C kill it and run something like dpkg --reconfigure or similar?21:41
fightthe1alrusMore importantly, will this brick the system? It's stuck there for a good 30min21:41
naccfightthe1alrus: well, the headers won't brick your system, but other pakcages that were upgraded in the same process might21:42
naccfightthe1alrus: someone else complained of sommething similar yesterday21:43
Two_Dogsfightthe1alrus: i would reboot, if you see hang then reboot into last good kernel21:44
fightthe1alrusnacc: reading the log, it seems that mooooost of the packages already got installed, that seemed to be one of the last. I guess I'll try to fix straight with dpkg21:46
fightthe1alrusTwo_Dogs: would you reboot immediately, or try to do something then reboot?21:47
fightthe1alrus(and what would that something be)21:47
Two_Dogsfightthe1alrus: iwould be more concerned about the kernel just because, so i boot and if kernel loads fine then the rest is just cleanup21:48
Two_Dogsfightthe1alrus: the dpkg thing you brought up i mean21:49
fightthe1alrusTwo_Dogs: ok, guess I'll do that as soon as I finish some work here21:50
fightthe1alrusnacc: you mentioneed that somebody had a similar problem yesterday... can you remember what was the fix?21:51
naccfightthe1alrus: sadly no, you could check the log21:53
Two_Dogsfightthe1alrus: do you have more than two active kernel?21:55
Two_Dogsfightthe1alrus:  copy/paste & execute via terminal> dpkg -l linux-image*21:55
fightthe1alrusoh, that's a handy command to check packages, Two_Dogs22:00
* fightthe1alrus makes a note to `man dpkg` later22:00
fightthe1alrushere it is mister https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/F9kwfjVh9d/22:01
pavlosfightthe1alrus: I think the command should be, dpkg -l | grep linux-image22:02
Laki_anyone any good with awk? I'm trying to get it to fire any sort of command when a line contains the string as shown:   tail -f test.txt | awk 'Disconnected or forced to leave {print hello}'22:02
fightthe1alrusso... I guess for anyone else wondering about the problem, I think I just solved everything.22:02
fightthe1alrusWhat I did was kill the dpkg process (plain `sudo killall dpkg` worked just fine)22:03
fightthe1alrusthen I ran `sudo dpkg --configure -a` and it bootstrapped from there22:03
fightthe1alrusThat was the solution for me. Maybe other people can profit from this.22:04
fightthe1alrusThanks goes to nacc and Two_Dogs for the hints.22:04
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BesiGuys any Teamviewer alternative ???22:08
Two_DogsBesi: 'nomachine'22:09
oerheks2xgo, x over ssh22:10
tgm4883!ot | Besi22:10
ubottuBesi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:10
oerheksunless you run a wayland session, then you have to wait for a solution22:10
Two_Dogsthats gonna be difficult on the ipad ^^22:10
tgm4883also, unable to answer the question unless you specifically state what part your trying to use22:11
tomreynBesi: which functionality do you seek to replace?22:11
Laki_anyone any good with awk? I'm trying to get it to fire any sort of command when a line contains the string as shown:   tail -f test.txt | awk 'Disconnected or forced to leave {print hello}'22:12
l__qmaybe someone knows22:15
tomreynBesi: maybe this helps https://alternativeto.net/software/teamviewer/?license=opensource&platform=linux22:15
tomreynLaki_: wouldn't grep be a better match for it?22:16
Laki_tomreyn: yes but you can't execute anything from grep if there's a match?22:16
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tomreyntail -f test.txt | grep -qF 'Disconnected or forced to leave' && echo 'String was matched' || echo 'String was not matched'22:17
tomreynLaki_: ^22:18
BesiTomreyn Thanks22:19
tomreynit would be more precise to evaluate grep's exit code properly, though.22:19
Laki_tomreyn: hmmmm this only does it once though and closes tail when its triggered?22:19
tomreynLaki_: right, you wanrt ro run a command each time a matching line is found?22:20
Laki_tomreyn: Yeah that'd be spot on heh22:21
Laki_awk seems to be the way to go, apart from the fact it just doesnt work22:21
naccLaki_: afaict, your awk has a syntax error22:25
Laki_nacc: yea ive tried loads of things with it now and it's just not budged22:25
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l__qis that issue with openssl?22:26
Laki_nacc: simply trying to get it to read a tail -f and execute when it finds a word...22:26
naccLaki_: tail -f test.txt | awk '/Disconnected or forced to leave/ {print "hello";}'22:26
naccLaki_: works fine here22:26
Laki_nacc: literally just done that, it's not doing anything ._.22:27
naccLaki_: and i did as well and it works fine.22:28
naccLaki_: how are you testing?22:28
Laki_nacc: program is running (./myprogram > test.txt) and then tail -f test.txt | awk  on another terminal22:29
naccLaki_: and it's definitely emitting on stdout and not stderr?22:29
Laki_nacc: if I just tail -f test.txt , it ofcourse shows it all, so awk should be able to see it22:29
naccLaki_: also that's a a terrible test.22:29
naccLaki_: run the tail -f | awk22:29
Laki_nacc: I have no idea if its stdout or stderr22:30
naccLaki_: then in a shell do `echo "Disconnected or forced to leave" >> test.txt`22:30
naccLaki_: then you should probably be doing >test.txt 2>&122:30
Laki_nacc: tail -f test.txt | awk just returns to shell22:30
naccLaki_: obviously the regex we are talking about...22:31
Laki_nacc: im not quiet familiar with what stdout and stderr are22:31
naccLaki_: `tail -f test.txt | awk '/Disconnected or forced to leave/ {print "hello";}'`22:31
Laki_nacc: again, nothing, its listening, but nothing22:31
naccLaki_: then perhaps this is not something you need to be doing :) it's a pretty basic concept22:31
naccLaki_: right, now in a separate shell, like i *just* said, append the string into the file22:32
pavlosLaki_: echo Disconnected >> test.txt from another term22:32
naccit will need to be the full string with the version I suggested22:32
Laki_nacc: whilst it's listening yea?22:32
naccLaki_: ...yes22:32
nacc"listening" is really the wrong term, but ok22:33
Laki_nacc: mkay, nothing happend again captain22:33
naccLaki_: what did you, exactly, type?22:33
Laki_nacc: echo Disconnected >> test.txt and then echo "Disconnected" >> test.txt22:33
naccLaki_: no.22:33
Laki_the listening awk didn't budge22:33
naccLaki_: as I just said, you need to use the exact string22:33
naccLaki_: echo "Disconnected or forced to leave" >> test.txt22:33
Laki_nacc: done, nothing22:33
naccLaki_: are you in the same directory in both shells?22:34
Laki_nacc: yep, ofcourse22:34
tomreyndid you add the forward slashes to your awk command?22:34
Laki_nacc: deffo went into the test.txt22:34
Laki_nano'ing / tails on it shows it all up, yet awk still did nothing22:34
tomreyni guess concrete command input and output is needed to assist you further.22:35
naccLaki_: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/V4NhrvRM6f/22:35
naccLaki_: are you actually on ubuntu?22:36
Laki_nacc: yes lol22:36
pavlosopen a term, echo bob >>text  another term, tail -f test | awk '/bob/ {print "hello"}'22:37
tomreyntext or test, not the same22:37
pavlosopen a term, echo andy >> test22:37
pavlosmy mistake22:38
naccLaki_: what version of ubuntu?22:38
Laki_nacc: 18, does this help? https://i.imgur.com/rqCZkQ4.png lol22:38
naccLaki_: you can do what pavlos is saying, or alternatively, let's break it down further22:39
naccdrop the awk22:39
naccand just tail -f in one terminal and see if your echo's show up22:39
Laki_righto, not a problem. XD22:39
naccLaki_: fwiw, i'm also on 18.0422:40
Laki_nacc: https://i.imgur.com/Fa7YO5P.png here you go!!22:40
Laki_mad isn't it?22:41
naccLaki_: i'd try pavlos' suggestion, fully independent of your program22:42
Laki_righto ill go do that one sec :)22:42
Laki_thanks for taking your time to help me out by the way!22:42
Laki_nacc: pavlos https://i.imgur.com/EhJYAPX.png I'm lost for words.22:44
pavlosLaki_: repeat in term 4 the echo, it will appear on term 322:46
Laki_pavlos: nacc https://i.imgur.com/VckTghq.jpg22:47
greatgatsby hey Laki_:  I was having the same problem as you, it wasn't doing anything.  I had to do "tail -f somefile.txt | awk -W interactive '{whatever goes here}'22:47
Laki_greatgatsby: And todays hero award goes toooo....................22:48
Laki_greatgatsby: that sorted the #@£$er out! thanks dude! my god22:48
greatgatsbyyou weren't doing anything wrong22:48
greatgatsbyjust different awk versions???22:48
Laki_greatgatsby: I would tell you but awk seems to have next to 0 bloody --HELP OPTIONS :(22:48
greatgatsbyI only knew because grep needs --line-buffered for it to work, so thought awk might have something similar22:49
pavlosmy awk is 4.1.422:49
Laki_welp, today I've found my most hated piece of software on linux, Awk has taken the cake by storm22:49
Laki_you know you're software is good when it takes users an hour+ just to make it look for a bit of text22:51
Laki_anyway, thanks nacc pavlos and greatgatsby for your time and help! Super appreciated! :)22:51
greatgatsbyit's actually a symlink to mawk on my machine (through /etc/alternatives)22:51
naccit gawk by default on ubuntu i'm pretty sure22:52
naccand that option is not necessary on my machine22:52
naccLaki_: there is almost certainly something else going on, tbh22:52
Laki_very strange, some dark magic is lurking somewhere for sure22:52
greatgatsbyjust lurking in here on a raspbian machine at the moment :-)22:52
naccLaki_: areyou using a non-standard shell by any chance?22:53
Laki_nacc: nope, just the good ol' default one in ubuntu :)22:53
Laki_nacc: this machine is literally all default other than having docker installed and that's it, so... yea hah22:54
greatgatsbymaybe a change in 18.04?22:54
Laki_perhaps, though nacc was testing on 18.04 too?22:54
Laki_i think the awk devs need to sort their program out is all imma say, no -h or --help options, blahg22:55
Laki_it does have a man page though thankfully22:55
greatgatsbyLaki_: when you "man awk", is it gawk or mawk?22:55
Laki_greatgatsby: Mawk22:56
greatgatsbyok - interesting.  Anyway, glad it's working for you either way.  Good night all.22:56
Laki_greatgatsby: thanks again! Goodnight! :)22:56
* HackerII can hear everyone scratching their heads22:57
Laki_I think that's the steam coming off as we all cool back down22:57
pavlosLaki_: https://imgur.com/a/1YHnX0O22:57
Laki_pavlos: awk --version isn't even an option for me, so yea, awk's abit inconsistent to say the absolute least. xd22:58
naccLaki_: oh you're using *mawk*?22:58
naccLaki_: i thought you said earlier gawk, sorry -- use gawk.22:58
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
Laki_nacc: apparantly so, there's mawk, gawk, awk, and who knows what else, im sure having a variety of versions with different commands and hiding the prefixes away makes it 100x less confusing as we've found out22:59
Laki_good decision by the devs there I'm sure lol22:59
naccLaki_: there are good reasons for doing it. I'm fairly sure you had to choose to install mawk manually.22:59
naccand/or make the default mawk, i mean23:00
Laki_nacc: nope, never even heard of awk until tonight, ubuntu let me use awk without installing anything23:00
naccLaki_: did you extract your example from `man awk`?23:01
Laki_this machine is only 5 days old and I can assure you i've not installed anything other than docker, xvbf, and libs for teamspeak23:01
naccLaki_: it's only in `man gawk`, not in `man mawk`23:01
naccwhich implies mawk is probably not POSIX compliant by default23:01
Laki_nacc: no entry for man gawk, only awk which says its gawk23:01
naccLaki_: you just said awk was mawk?23:01
Laki_oh yea, mawk sorry23:02
Laki_see how easy and not confusing this is already lol?23:02
naccLaki_: awk is a programming language23:02
naccLaki_: there are multiple implementations, you can choose whichever one you want23:02
Laki_anyway, we've sorted it now, I pray i never have to touch it again23:02
pavlosLaki_: whereis awk23:03
pavlosLaki_: /usr/bin23:03
Laki_pavlos: yea /usr/bin23:03
naccpavlos: fwiw, awk is an alternatives-provided binary23:03
nacc`update-alternatives --display awk` is probably the easiest thing to use23:04
Laki_yea, s'all good now, I'll know for next time, but thank you guys for going full on at this, your time is appreciated. :) nacc pavlos23:05
Laki_I'm going to get a nice cold drink and take a break from linux for 5 minutes, 12am here in the uk haha23:06
=== gr33n7007h is now known as al2o3-cr
spotteranyone know how to run a for loop over ssh (i.e. on the remote side. I'm tearing out my hair trying to figure out how23:17
spotteri.e. this shell snippet works fine locally, but can't figure out how to run it on a remote system via ssh23:17
spotterfor i in `systemctl list-units | awk '{print $1}' | grep .service`; do echo $i; done23:18
naccspotter: ssh bash -c "..."23:18
naccwell, ssh <host> bash -c "..."23:18
naccspotter: also, why are you grepping and echoing? you don't need the loop, do you ?23:19
spotterI tried23:22
spotterthe echo is simplified23:22
naccspotter: pretty sure you just want `ssh <host> bash -c "systemctl --no-legend --type=service list-units | awk '{print $1;}'"23:23
spotterits more like echo "$i:" ; systemctl cat $i | head -123:23
spotteri.e. unit name and file23:23
spotteras need that for generated units that are symlinked to a template file23:23
spotterecho -n $i: ; systemctl cat $i | head -1 to be more exact23:24
naccok, you can keep the for loop if you want, but the the above is still better (don't grep out services, just only ask for services)23:24
spotterjust can't figure out how to run a for loop remotely23:24
naccspotter: bash -c, as I said23:25
naccspotter: start a shell, which is what actually is running the for loop23:25
spotterthe issue is the variables23:26
pavlosspotter: ssh USER@HOST bash -c "  systemctl list-units | awk '/.service/ {print $1}'   "23:26
naccspotter: what variables?23:27
naccspotter: did you actually try what I said?23:27
spotterI'm trying it now23:27
spotterthe loop variable23:28
naccthe type of parentheses may matter too, e.g., i'd prefer bash -c ' ... ' so that the local shell does not interpret the string23:28
spotterso, I've tried it23:29
spotterand for whatever reason the options to systmctl are being ignored when passed to /bin/sh -c23:30
naccnot /bin/sh!23:30
spottertried both23:30
spottersh and bash23:30
naccspotter: pastebin the exact command and output.23:30
spotterlet me login to another irc session, this is over vnc, too painful to copy things in23:30
spotter_example: ssh user@host "systemctl --no-legend --type service --state running | awk '{print \$1;}'" works as expected23:33
spotter_but add in a /bin/bash -c after the host, and it doesn't23:33
=== Laki_ is now known as Laki
naccspotter: plese please use a pastebin.23:36
naccspotter: with exact commands and outputs23:36
naccspotter: fyi, systemctl --no-legend (not -no-legend)23:47
transhumanhi can anyone recommend a gui program that is good at zooming video kdenlive and openshot leave something to be desired in this area, thanks23:48
spotter_fixed that23:48
spotter_i.e. /bin/bash -c 'for i in `systemctl --no-legend --type service --state running | cut -f 1 -d " "`;  do echo -n $i: ; systemctl cat $i |head -1 | cut -f 2 -d " "; done' works fine23:48
spotter_ssh user@host /bin/bash -c 'for i in `systemctl --no-legend --type service --state running | cut -f 1 -d " "`;  do echo -n $i: ; systemctl cat $i |head -1 | cut -f 2 -d " "; done' fails with a syntax error23:49
transhumanI basically want to take about 50 frames and repeat them like 50 times only showing half zoomed in23:49
spotter_nacc, https://pastebin.com/pbvTWV45 updated pastebin with 2 commands I've run23:54
spotter_nacc, got this to work ssh user@host 'UNITS=`systemctl --no-legend --type service --state running | cut -f 1 -d " "`; for i in $UNITS; do echo -n $i:; systemctl cat $i |head -1 |cut -f 2 -d " "; done'23:58
spotter_but add a /bin/sh or /bin/bash -c to it and it fails as systemctl doesn't obey the --no-legend23:59
spotter_or any of the other filters23:59

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