[14:57] hello there [14:58] anyone? [15:00] ask a question and wait [15:00] people are not always looking at their irc screen. [15:00] And not everyone knows everything [15:04] Ga! was already gone... [15:41] Lame. :( [20:16] Hello. Complete beginner here, is anyone into facepalming today after I ask my questions, or am I on my own with this one? :) [20:17] Question is related to jack, by the way. [20:18] Just ask it. :) [20:20] well, it all boils down to I cannot start jack on qjackctl, I tried modifying the interface from default to anything else, worked for a while, but stopped finding the server after I started ardour [20:22] killed pulseaudio as well while I tried to start jack, I get --- start DBus exception: org.jackaudio.Error.Generic: Failed to open server [20:24] I amcurious why that might happen [21:34] I would guess that jackd is running already...