
ssarah_Hi. On xubuntu 18. Just installed eclipse from apt. Doesn't start. Anyone else experiencing the same?02:57
nikolamAnyone knows how I can make lightdm appear at the same resolution as with log in and use, if screen is locked - lightdm is displayed in very low resolution when entering password after screenlock , instead10:53
nikolamI solved it by installing xscreensaver and setting it to spare monitor from working by turning off power if not used.10:53
pmjdebru1jnthat's quite strange11:15
pmjdebru1jnlight-locker does change vt11:15
pmjdebru1jnwhich graphics card do you have?11:15
pmjdebru1jnhave you looked in /var/log/Xorg.0.log if anything pops up?11:15
nikolamnvidia 9800gt11:18
pmjdebru1jnpresumably you're using the nvidia binary blob driver?11:18
nikolampmjdebru1jn, yes 340 from Ubuntu repo11:25
nikolamusing xscreensaver made it behave11:26
nikolamI just can't get OpenCL to work11:26
pmjdebru1jnno xscreensaver didn't make it behave at all11:33
pmjdebru1jnxscreensaver doesn't do the same thing11:33
pmjdebru1jntherefore you don't see the issue11:33
pmjdebru1jnthe nvidia blob driver probably doesn't handle the console switch properly11:33
pmjdebru1jnpresumably because it has no drm counterpart11:33
pmjdebru1jnthough i'm not an expert11:33
pmjdebru1jnbut it's probably nvidia fault11:33
pmjdebru1jnyeah sorry I'm not spending my time on nVidia mess :)11:36
pmjdebru1jndon't have much time to begin with11:36
pmjdebru1jnat least you have a pointer now :)11:36
pmjdebru1jnbut again, I'm hardly an expert11:36
nikolamWould try Nvida driver form nvidia site, because I don't see OpenCL is working11:37
pmjdebru1jngenerally I wouldn't recommend it11:37
pmjdebru1jnthe packages are there for a reason11:37
nikolami'll keep using xscreensaver11:37
pmjdebru1jnnikolam: stick around, maybe someone else can be more helpful11:54
nikolamNo idea how to make OpenCL working. Researching11:54
xubuntu51di can't apt-get update it's stuck at 0%12:02
Javabeani can't help, but i know that they would need to know what server is in the /etc/apt/sources.list12:04
xubuntu51d###### Ubuntu Main Repos deb http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial main  deb-src http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial main   ###### Ubuntu Update Repos deb http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial-security main  deb http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial-updates main  deb-src http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial-security main  deb-src http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ xenial-updates main12:05
nikolamI have set to download form "Main server in software-properties-gtk, it helps with problematic mirrors. Even better is to put bug report on your mirror maybe12:12
nikolamit's archive.ubuntu.com after setting to Main server12:12
james1138Can I ask a question about Pidgin and Ubuntu here or is there a channel for Pidgin?14:01
pmjdebru1jnjames1138: you can ask questions about applications, though the knowledge level for any particular application here may very well be lower than any application specific channel14:07
pmjdebru1jnjames1138: what support oppertunities there are for any particular you, you'd need to check their particular websites14:07
james1138I only found a german IRC for Pidgin. I upgrade to Xubuntu 18.04 and Pidgin will not launch. Has anyone got Pidgin installed and running on 18.04?14:14
pmjdebru1jnjames1138: what do you see when you start pidgin from a console14:16
pmjdebru1jndoes it segfault? do you see any error14:16
pmjdebru1jndoes mv ~/.purple ~/.purple.old allow pidgin to start again?14:17
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james1138sorry for the delay. nothing happens when I click to startup Pidgin14:30
james1138Using PSI+ in the meantime but in the past used Pidgin also for messaging Facebook friends.14:33
pmjdebru1jnjames1138: you didn't answer any of my questions14:42
james1138Sorry. Last night fed up and removed pidgin from system.14:47
pmjdebru1jnjames1138: what is your purpose of being here then?14:47
pmjdebru1jngave you me the impression you wanted to troubleshoot the issue?14:47
james1138I started Xubunu less than a month ago and shall need insight from time to time.14:48
Schterni need some fast help22:21
SchternI installed 18.04 LTS and my mistake formatted /home22:21
Schterni of course intended to keep it, just make a clean install22:22
Schternsince only the ext4 headers have been written and I havent written anything else, I should be able to restore it as it was22:22

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