
=== signed8bit is now known as signed8bit_Zzz
quxgyverHow do I report a bug? I have a launchpad account, but I don't know where to go from there.07:58
acheronukcjwatson or wgrant: could you please increase ppa:kubuntu-ci/stable to say 60GB? have been meaning to ask for a while while we have builds for multiple LTS releases going, but kept forgetting, and we are now at the limit :/08:09
cjwatsonquxgyver: What are you trying to report a bug against?08:36
cjwatsonacheronuk: done08:38
acheronukthank you08:38
quxgyvercjwatson: the Lubuntu installer, the ubuntu installer, the lubuntu operating system and launchpad itself.09:06
quxgyverSo far.09:06
cjwatsonquxgyver: For bugs against Ubuntu and its flavours, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs (the installer package name is 'ubiquity', and 'ubuntu-bug ubiquity' should generally work; I don't know about the Lubuntu installer which IIRC is different nowadays)09:07
cjwatsonquxgyver: For bugs against Launchpad itself, https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad09:07
quxgyvercjwatson: What I mean is, where in the launchpad system do you click to actually report a bug09:17
quxgyverI registered an account and can't find what to do next09:18
cjwatsonquxgyver: So I mean both of the links above answer that question ...09:23
acheronukquxgyver: top right of project/source package pages there is a "Report a bug" link09:23
cjwatsonReporting bugs in Ubuntu (and flavours) is a bit more elaborate and using 'ubuntu-bug' is generally preferred where possible, just because the bug flow is so high and it really helps to have a tool that gathers relevant information in advance so developers don't have to go back and forth to collect it09:24
cjwatsonBut yes, for reporting bugs against Launchpad itself, for example, you can just go to the link I gave you and click on "Report a bug"09:25
quxgyverAlright, the problem was that I was visiting launchpad.net/lubuntu rather than bugs.launchpad.net/lubuntu09:48
cjwatsonboth of those have a "Report a bug" link, mind :)09:50
quxgyverYeah, maybe it was some other page.09:55
quxgyverBecause I did a ctrl+f and the word "bug" wasn't present on the page.09:55
quxgyverIn either case, appreciate the help. :-)09:55
meenao/~ hi folks o/~10:07
meenaso, i'm trying to install some debug symbols from a PPA — any PPA: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash#Installing_dbgsym_packages_from_a_PPA10:07
meenabut it seems that none of the necessary files are created by ppa.launchpad so the result always looks like this: https://gist.github.com/0478f9ae326860d2c0db894f89446fc110:08
cjwatsonWhat that doesn't say (I'll fix it in a moment) is that this is a feature that has to be enabled by the PPA owner10:09
cjwatsonOh, though that output is not quite that problem10:09
meenacjwatson: the -dbgsym packages are created — but not the generation of the files necessary to find them.10:10
cjwatsonAre you sure this isn't a red herring?  None of the files being complained about in that paste are relevant.10:10
cjwatsonPerhaps you could pastebin/gist more complete output?10:10
cjwatsonThat said, http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/firefox-next/ubuntu/dists/bionic/main/debug/binary-amd64/Packages.xz does appear to be empty despite {build,publish}_debug_symbols being on for that archive10:13
meenacjwatson: that is the only output https://gist.github.com/5474db0709865ce8244c79d9b3e5b09c10:13
meenacjwatson: that's what i said too :O10:13
meenajust in case i did this wrong, here's the source.list: https://gist.github.com/aba0ca3341b5d2a943231c597527170210:14
cjwatsonmeena: Could you please file a bug against Launchpad itself?  I agree there seems to be something odd going on here, but it's a bit more than I can debug right now.10:15
meenacjwatson: where?10:17
meenahttps://launchpad.net/~launchpad ?10:17
meenahttps://launchpad.net/launchpad oh… "Launchpad itself"10:19
meenacjwatson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/177461810:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1774618 in Launchpad itself "Generated main/debug/<arch>/Packages.xz/gz files are empty" [Undecided,New]10:29
=== signed8bit_Zzz is now known as signed8bit
=== signed8bit is now known as signed8bit_Zzz
=== signed8bit_Zzz is now known as signed8bit
=== signed8bit is now known as signed8bit_Zzz
=== signed8bit_Zzz is now known as signed8bit
=== signed8bit is now known as signed8bit_Zzz
=== signed8bit_Zzz is now known as signed8bit

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