
zar__where can i download for network driver07:14
zar__where can i download for network driver?07:14
diogenes_zar__, driver manager07:14
zar__where can i find that thing?07:15
diogenes_probably in the menu07:16
zar__no driver manager07:18
zar__im newbie in LUBUNTU OS please guide me07:19
JohnDoe_71Ruszar__: version lubuntu?07:19
zar__cant detect TPLINK 346807:22
JohnDoe_71Ruscheck /etc/default/grub line GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=. need GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="splash quiet nolapic"07:29
JohnDoe_71Ruszar__: paste to https://paste.ubuntu.com/ output ip addr07:31
JohnDoe_71Rusor ifconfig -a07:32
JohnDoe_71Rusens34 is TPLINK 3468?07:37
JohnDoe_71Rusyou got ip07:37
zar__when i connect my cable for internet no connection07:39
zar__do i need driver to install?07:39
JohnDoe_71Rus192.168.1.* is you home net?07:41
quxgyverHow do I report Lubuntu bugs?07:41
zar__192.168.1.* in work sir07:43
JohnDoe_71Rusbut this is your target net. if yes, you no need additional driver to TPLINK 3468 it work07:46
zar__yes sir but why cant connect to internet?07:48
JohnDoe_71Rus:) now you need configure network07:49
zar__how to configure?07:51
JohnDoe_71Rusdo you have ping google.com for example07:53
zar__thank you for guiding me sir johnDoe_71Rus08:01
quxgyverHow do you create a desktop shortcut to a folder with pcmanfm? I've found guides online but none of them work or are applicable.12:12
quxgyverNvm, found out how to do symlinks.12:21
ThedarkbI'm having terrible trouble with sleep.21:28
doopHi folks. I'm installing lubuntu 18.04 on an old PC that I want to give away. Is there a way to install lubuntu so that it only asks to create a user/password on first boot rather than before installing the system? Thanks22:29
krytarikdoop: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_OEM_Installer_Overview22:43
doopkrytarik: thank you22:43

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