
mupPR snapd#5242 opened: tests: new test for joystick interface <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5242>01:25
jameshzyga: if you wanted to test out the portals code you've been reviewing for me over the last several months, I put together some test instructions here: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/desktop-portal-testing-notes-for-app-developers/571108:08
zygabrilliant, thank you08:08
zygais mvo around today?08:33
pedronisno, still off afaiu08:37
zygaah, ok08:37
pedronismmh, the help for snap info --verbose is not correct since a while I suspect09:13
Chipacapedronis: how so?09:17
Chipacapedronis: incomplete perhaps09:18
pedronisChipaca: well, incomplete means a bit not correct09:38
Chipacapedronis: yes, incomplete is a flavour of incorrect09:38
mborzeckitravis jobs hitting timeouts again?09:53
pedronisChipaca: I'm landing my branch and then will do a follow up to fix that (and couple other silly things related to help)09:56
mupPR snapd#5239 closed: client,cmd/snap,daemon,tests: expose base of a snap over API, show it in snap info --verbose <Created by pedronis> <Merged by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5239>09:57
threshto whoever thought it's a good idea to have backups of snaps in /var/lib/snapd/snaps, thank you10:18
threshhelps debugging a lot!10:18
zygathresh: they are not really backups10:19
zygathey _are_ the snaps10:19
zygabut as for backups, Chipaca here is working on first part of backups (snapshots)10:19
threshwell yeah, but not removing the old ones10:19
zygaah, I see what you mean now10:19
threshI'm actually interested in a kinda timeline10:19
threshe.g. "at that date we had snap rev 100 in stable"10:20
threshit's partially doable looking at the metrics, though10:20
mupPR snapd#5244 opened: tests: shellchecks part 3 <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5244>10:31
mupPR snapd#5245 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: add PathIterator <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5245>10:54
zygamborzecki, Chipaca: ^ perhaps interesting :)10:55
zygamborzecki: review on shellcheck ready11:09
cachiopedronis, you have a vm in google, are you using it?11:21
cachioniemeyer, you too11:21
pedroniscachio: no, some left over from a killed run or something11:24
cachiopedronis, ok11:26
cachiopedronis, deleted, thanks11:27
mborzeckimaybe we should consider switching fedora 28 to manual, at least for a week or so, their repos seem to be under some load right now11:33
zygamborzecki: +111:33
mupPR snapd#5246 opened: spread: switch fedora 28 to manual <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5246>11:37
mborzeckizyga: ^^11:41
cachiomborzecki, yes11:41
cachioit is giving timeout11:41
cachioI'll make the change11:41
mborzeckicachio: it's there already ^^11:41
cachiomborzecki, awesome11:42
cachiothis is fast11:42
cachiomborzecki, you should enable fedora-2711:43
mborzeckicachio: but this would be the same infrastructure11:43
cachiomborzecki, well, it was not giving any timeout when we were using f2711:44
cachiowe started with the timeout errors when we moved to f2811:44
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
mborzeckicachio: pushed a commit enabling fedora 2711:46
cachiomborzecki, tx11:47
* cachio afk11:49
mupPR snapd#5247 opened: cmd/snap: small help tweaks and fixes <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5247>12:01
pedronisChipaca: ^12:02
Chipacapedronis: :-D awesome12:02
jdstrandzyga: hey, before you spend a lot of time on it, I suggest you read https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5241#issuecomment-39385985512:02
mupPR #5241: interfaces/udev: call 'udevadm settle --timeout=10' after triggering events <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5241>12:03
zygathanks, reading12:03
zygaI'd love to see the work towards us being able to "commit" certain things only once in a larger  interface transaction12:05
zygaI think it's simple on our end but terribly complex in snapd in general because of hooks and some, perhaps, implicit assumptions on when the state has settled12:05
jdstrandzyga: yeah12:06
jdstrandzyga: it would definitely help with apparmor loads and speed up refreshes a lot12:08
jdstrandzyga: core refreshes where interfaces change, etc12:09
jdstrandzyga: it would not be terribly helpful for udev with my upcoming PR12:09
zygait might be able to inspect the rules and see if we need to trigger all or just some subsystems12:09
jdstrandzyga: that PR is pretty cool though-- I have a bunch of snaps installed and I udev monitor input events. I refresh and do things to cause snapd to call trigger and no input events are triggered, and no annoying pauses. then I install a snap that slots mir and the input subsystem is only triggered the one time. classic users aren't going to have mir, wayland or x11 slots snaps installed, and what I do for joystick doesn't cause a pause12:11
jdstrandzyga: ehh, we could do that but I think we would want to have the interfaces declare it. again, I don't think we should worry about '3' (only calling affected subsystems) until we see a need12:12
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jdstrandand I don't think we'll see it. if we do, it won't be hard to expand on my '2' techniques12:13
mborzeckijdstrand: to add to udev triggered bugs, libinput and gsd seem to not play well with each other, and input settings are sometimes lost, and another one is pulse getting killed and no sound due to sound device changes12:14
jdstrandzyga: note, I also answered your questions in PR 524012:14
mupPR #5240: tests: add test to ensure /dev/input/event* for non-joysticks is denied <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5240>12:14
niemeyercachio: Thanks for the note.. I was using it, but probably won't come back to the problem in the next few hours.. so discarded it and will fire another one when I actually do12:15
jdstrandmborzecki: libinput/gsd would be worked around be my existing PR12:15
jdstrandmborzecki: I can submit that and then perhaps we could do a followup PR for sound12:15
jdstrandme hasn't seen that bug12:15
mborzeckii was able to trigger this by installing ohmygiraffe in a loop ;)12:16
jdstrandI find pulseaudio terribly annoying in general. it forgets stuff all the time when snapd didn't do anything12:16
jdstrands/existing PR/upcoming PR/12:17
mborzeckijdstrand: you can call spread shellcheck locally by issing `./spread-shellcheck <path-to-task.yaml>`12:21
jdstrandah, handy12:21
* jdstrand takes a note12:21
mborzeckipedronis: what do you think about https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5243#discussion_r192378309 ?12:22
mupPR #5243: spread-shellcheck: silly fix & pep8 <Simple> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5243>12:22
zygamborzecki: can you split that so that pep8/shellcheck is in one PR and the ongoing discussion can evolve separately12:23
jdstrandzyga: another interesting idea for running apparmor or udev trigger only once is if we get to that point, we could run trigger first, then apparmor. this would avoid the race where apparmor opens up because it is relying on the device cgroup12:24
mborzeckizyga: i hope to have this resolved soon and avoid opening another pr12:24
zygajdstrand: yeah, that could be easily done by arranging the backends in a specific order (or even making the two calls explicit so that backend order doesn't matter)12:25
jdstrandzyga: really, I want either profile composition in apparmor or inode labelling, then we can drop the device cgroup and have a udev helper that calls out to apparmor in a performant manner (ie, not a full profile reload)12:25
zygawhat is profile composition?12:25
zygaand inode labelling?12:25
zyganote that udev backend is still very useful outside of ubuntu12:26
pedronismborzecki: answered12:26
jdstrandzyga: profile composition is that idea that you parse your profile in different parts and stitch them togther. think of it as we have the entire profile that remains unchanged, we plugin a joystick and need to add a single rule. we compile that single rule, leaving all the rest of the policy alone and stitch it into a new profile to load12:27
mborzeckipedronis: thanks, pushing in a minute12:27
zygajdstrand: that makes sense, is that on the roadmap?12:27
jdstrandzyga: the single rule parse is fast and the stitch is fast12:27
jdstrandzyga: yes12:27
zygajdstrand: I hope we can mainline all of the current stuff first though, it's still a drag that we cannot use apparmor in debian and opensuse fully12:28
jdstrandzyga: inode labelling is where you have a rule that is like: 'file label=foo rw,' then you have a udev helper that adds 'foo' to the inode of the device. no profile recompiles12:29
jdstrand(that rule syntax is made up, but illustrates the point)12:29
zygajdstrand: that looks like selinux12:29
jdstrandzyga: it does in that we are storing labeling information in the inode, yes. note that in kernel, this is all happening already with dynamic labeling12:30
jdstrandie, all files have security labels in the kernel (that's a bit of a simplification of course)12:31
zygamy mind was blown a while ago when I read a bit more apparmor kernel code, the "label" is really a complex object, not just a string that I somehow implicitly expected12:31
jdstrandzyga: dynamic labelling is usually way more flexible (it is how we can do what we do) but there are times when inode labeling is really handy12:31
jdstrandzyga: yes12:31
jdstrandthis is also planned. both composition and labelling have had (upstream) work done on them12:32
jdstrandzyga: you asked about upstream: this is all happening upstream and things are getting closer with each new upstream kernel12:32
jdstrandpopey: I don't know if you saw my comment from 25 minutes ago: 07:11 < jdstrand> zyga: that PR is pretty cool though-- I have a bunch of snaps...12:37
jdstrandpopey: I think you are going to like that :)12:37
popeyI didn't see it, no.12:37
jdstrandpopey: I have a hunch it will even avoid the xorg bug (since the error report indicated issues in the input event handling)12:39
* zyga -> hungry12:39
popeyGood. I have just had another one :|12:39
jdstrandpopey: do you have anything in the logs at the time of the crash?12:39
popeywhich logs in particular?12:40
popeyI have an xorg crash file as always12:40
jdstrandXorg or syslog/journalctl12:40
Chipacapedronis: wrt snapshot conflicts, should i change it to check task kinds instead of changes'?12:40
mborzeckicachio: fedora 27 looks bad too :/ i'll drop that last commit12:41
pedronisChipaca: that is more typical, but honestly I want to get away from checking kinds (task or change)12:41
Chipacapedronis: what would you rather do?12:41
pedronisChipaca: just have a thing that consider if there's an op on the snap and have at most one op12:42
pedronisChipaca: but it seems you want snapshot level granularity,  is there a deep reasons, or is just nice?12:43
Chipacapedronis: things get weird if you operate on a snapshot in conflicting ways12:44
Chipacaalthough if it were snap-level it would still catch them12:44
pedronisChipaca: because snapshot and snaps are distinct concepts ?12:45
pedronisI mean snapshot has no corresponding snap? or does it?12:45
popeyjdstrand: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jYCVpr8Z3d/ around line 3687. System went pop at 13:18 or so12:45
Chipacapedronis: a 'snapshot-check' running at the same time as a 'forget' for example12:45
pedronisI understand12:45
pedronisI'm asking do this thing have always an associated  snap or not?12:46
pedronisI haven't followed all the details12:47
Chipacapedronis: but if a snapshot operation on a set of snapshots of snaps that include X is an operation on snap X, and thus conflicts with other snapshot operations that include snapshots of snap X, it'll probably work out12:47
Chipacapedronis: a snapshot is of a snap12:47
pedronisok, that's what I would like to go12:47
pedronistrying to understand if snapshots are special12:48
Chipacapedronis: and some snapshot tasks that operate on a snap even add a snap-setup to help the snapstate side of conflicts12:48
Chipacapedronis: (bah, just save and restore, check and forget don't but could easily)12:49
pedronisI mean we can have both snaps and snapshotes as high-level conflict sources12:49
pedroniswhat I think is getting fragile12:49
pedronisis looking at kinds12:49
Chipacapedronis: can we refactor the whole thing after snapshots are landed?12:50
pedronisChipaca: yes  but the change kind thing is not here nor there12:50
pedronisdoesn't mean is wrong but is yet another way to do things12:51
pedronisChipaca: it's also going to be problematic when we start taking snapshots as part of other snap ops12:53
Chipacapedronis: yeah12:54
pedronis(that's why in general we don't look at change kinds,  they tend to be bag of things, except a few in devicestate)12:54
Chipacapedronis: so i should at least change it to check task kind, not change kind12:54
jdstrandpopey: I'm seeing a lot of input devices being added and removed related to your nvidia hdmi/dp (and others). this makes me hopeful that the upcoming pr may help more than just the annoying input pauses during refresh12:56
jdstrandpopey: how often do you see this?12:57
popeyWait. Input devices on display port?12:57
popeyThe crash or hangups?12:57
* zyga just noticed that irc cloud does some magic to show popey's face next to the nickname12:57
jdstrandpopey: all kinds of things show up as evdev devices (/dev/input/event*)12:57
popeyYa. You can set it in your profile in the client zyga12:57
popeyjdstrand: ok. How fun12:58
jdstrandpopey: the crash. I know when the hangups will happen (and I can reproduce those, and have eliminated them in my poc)12:58
jdstrandpopey: I ask about the frequency of the crash cause I can give you a deb that can maybe alleviate some pain13:00
popeyDepends how often I install snaps :)13:01
popeyHappens at least once a week, twice this week13:01
jdstrandok, let me be more direct13:01
jdstranddo you want a deb with my poc?13:01
popeyI only worked 2 days this week though13:01
jdstrandhey, I can wormhole you this time!13:01
niemeyercachio: Trouble connecting?13:02
jdstrandpopey: wormhole is neat. note, this is snapd 'master' as of last night. if you want something based on release/2.33, I can build you another deb13:04
cachioniemeyer, trying13:04
jdstrandpopey: you probably want to 'snap refresh core --stable' so that you continue using the deb13:04
jdstrandpopey: I plan on sending up the PR today, so hopefully next week it'll be in edge, if not 2.33 (we'll see)13:05
popeyAwesome news. Much appreciated13:06
jdstrandpopey: please give negative or positive feedback-- I think you'll be pleased with refreshes and installs13:06
popeyOk. Will beat it up a bit in a dark alley13:07
mupPR snapd#5246 closed: spread: switch fedora 28 to manual <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5246>13:26
zygaPower outage13:27
niemeyerjdstrand: QUick ping on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/classic-confinement-request-communitheme-set-default/5146/1713:39
pedronismborzecki: thx about the heads up about merging master into my PR13:39
jdstrandniemeyer: a design for update alternatives is not going to be a quick call. I won't have time to prepare for said call by this afternoon. we could try for say, tuesday13:43
niemeyerjdstrand: That works as well, thanks!13:44
zygaBreak for lunch13:45
mupPR snapd#4767 closed: interfaces: disconnect hooks <Critical> <Squash-merge> <Created by stolowski> <Closed by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4767>13:50
jdstrandcachio: fyi, PR 5240 should be ready for another review14:03
mupPR #5240: tests: add test to ensure /dev/input/event* for non-joysticks is denied <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5240>14:03
cachiojdstrand, sure, I'll do, tx14:04
mupPR snapd#5243 closed: spread-shellcheck: silly fix & pep8 <Simple> <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5243>14:04
pedronispstolowski: #5162 is red, haven't looked, might need a master merge14:05
mupPR #5162: overlord/hookstate: support undo for hooks <Critical> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5162>14:06
pstolowskipedronis: The job exceeded the maximum time limit for jobs, and has been terminated - after starting fedora14:07
pedronispstolowski: yea, need master (where I think fedora has been put to manual temporarely)14:08
Chipacazyga: i just noticed opengl stopped working here14:11
Chipaca_just_ missed maciej14:11
pstolowskipedronis: ah, ok, doing14:17
cachiojdstrand, ready14:30
mupPR snapd#5240 closed: tests: add test to ensure /dev/input/event* for non-joysticks is denied <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5240>14:31
jdstrandcachio: thanks! :)14:34
zygaStill lunching14:38
pedronismmh, didn't seem to help, still timeout14:47
pstolowskiyeah something is not quite tight14:50
popeyjdstrand: your snap breaks my package manager, because  ubuntu-core-launcher : Depends: snapd (= 2.32.8+18.04) but 2.33~rc1 is installed14:55
popeyI'll live...14:55
jdstrandpopey: remove ubuntu-core-launcher14:55
popeynot needed?14:55
jdstrandpopey: it is a transitional package and doesn't ship anything14:56
mupPR snapd#5248 opened: tests: add test to ensure /dev/input/event* for non-joysticks is denied - 2.33 <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5248>15:02
pedronispstolowski: yes,  all fedora is manual but things are still timing out15:06
zyga49 minutes :/15:06
pedronisit's a bit hard to tell when it started15:08
pedronislots of red runs also yesterday for master15:08
cachioniemeyer, the key name is kill_timeout_hs15:10
cachiois it ok?15:10
cachiodo you prefer just timeout?15:10
cachiodefault to 215:12
pedronisnot super clear what is slow, but for example snapd-snap tests say "running late"15:30
cachiozyga, we got a timeout now building 16.0415:31
cachioit iw weird15:32
pedroniseverything setupish seems to be running late15:32
cachiopedronis, perhaps another dependency is working slow15:33
cachio8 build reds in a row15:34
cachio26 <kill-timeout reached> on https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/386691952/log.txt15:36
zygaI will retry jobs at night15:45
Chipacabrb, need to reboot15:47
niemeyercachio: This is "kill-timeout: 2h" in spread already.. we can just use the same syntax for both key and values16:00
cachioniemeyer, sure, kill-timeout will be16:00
cachioI already was testing the snap16:01
cachioit works properly16:01
cachioI'll make this change16:01
pstolowskizyga: are you going to kick all failed jobs at night? i'd be interested in landing #5162 (in any case i'll take a look at it tomorrow and retry it if necessary)16:08
mupPR #5162: overlord/hookstate: support undo for hooks <Critical> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5162>16:08
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
niemeyercachio: Oops, minor tweak: this is actually halt-timeout16:46
cachioniemeyer, ok, np16:46
cachioI'll update it16:46
niemeyercachio: kill-timeout is the time for individual tasks to be killed16:46
niemeyercachio: warn-timeout for warns, and halt-timeout for system halting16:46
cachioniemeyer, we are gonna need an specific service account for this16:51
cachioor you prefer to use yours?16:51
zygapstolowski|afk: yes, I will restart everything16:55
pstolowski|afkzyga: k, thx16:55
cachioniemeyer, I need to leave now, I'll update the gce-cleaner snap an leave an instance running in gce when I am back17:03
cachioniemeyer, I'll monitor this one for a time to see if it works properly and then you can take it17:04
niemeyercachio: Nice, thanks!17:07
* cachio afk17:08
mupPR snapd#5249 opened: interfaces/home: remove redundant common interface assignment <Simple> <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5249>17:20
=== tedg_ is now known as tedg
=== sergiusens_ is now known as sergiusens
mupPR snapd#5250 opened:  interfaces/udev,misc: only trigger udev events on input subsystem as needed <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5250>20:07
jdstrandpopey: that one's for you buddy ^20:07
jdstrandit may need some iterating20:08
niemeyerjdstrand: Replied on https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/auto-connection-of-gtk3-themes-icon-themes-and-sound-themes-interfaces/5118/1720:12
jdstrandniemeyer: thanks, that sounds reasonable. when they respond, I'll issue it20:21
niemeyerjdstrand: Thanks!20:31

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