
cmaloneyGood morning12:29
cmaloneyHow's the day so far?14:28
cmaloneyLooking forward to convincing^Wtalking about Mastodon at the next MUG meeting. :)14:33
cmaloneyEspecially a little bit about Peertube, which is pretty exciting14:33
cmaloneyrick_h_: Loving the pictures of the puppers14:44
rick_h_cmaloney: 9 days!14:45
cmaloneyCan't wait to see this out in the wild as well: https://pixelfed.org/14:45
cmaloneyWhat's her name?14:45
rick_h_cmaloney: Kona14:45
Scary_Guywait, is peertube still a thing?  or am I thinking of something else?14:46
rick_h_cmaloney: definitely want this Portland trip to go fast so I can get home and pick baby Kona up14:46
cmaloneyScary_Guy: I think you're thinking of something else.14:47
cmaloneyrick_h_: Awwwwww.14:47
Scary_Guyhttps://hooktube.com  is good, but that wasn't it.  must have been some other service14:51
Scary_Guysounds good though, I'll keep an eye on it14:51
* greg-g yawns15:12
* DrDaemonEye offers greg-g coffee15:14
waldo323what is hooktube?20:10
* DrDaemonEye shrugs20:11
DrDaemonEyeI have yet to click the link20:11
waldo323ah, removes tracking, ad revenue etc for youtube20:14
waldo323i still didn't click20:14
waldo323so correct me if i'm wrong20:14
=== JonathanD is now known as KC3LON
=== KC3LON is now known as JonathanS

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