
azelotalguien q hable español?10:15
diogenes_!es | azelot10:15
ubottuazelot: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.10:15
valentinohallo, kann mir jemand helfen eine appimage zu starten? habe im internet geschaut. komme aber nicht weiter.10:32
valentinohello, can someone help me to start an appimage. i was looking in the internet, but it doesnt work.10:33
diogenes_valentino, what appimage10:36
valentinoits cura3.3.1.   3d printing software10:38
diogenes_valentino, start it in terminal and see what error do you get10:39
valentinoim totaly new to ubuntu. you know a good page with all the terminalcommands10:40
diogenes_paste here the full path to the file10:41
diogenes_together with the full name if it10:41
valentinohome valentino Downloads10:43
diogenes_and name of the file10:44
diogenes_now open the terminal10:44
diogenes_run: cd $HOME/Downloads10:44
valentinono command run found10:45
diogenes_no no pay attention10:45
diogenes_you have to run only what's after :10:45
valentinooh ok10:46
valentinooh ok10:46
diogenes_now run: chmod +x Cura-3.3.1.Appimage10:46
valentinoah yes now i see what i did wrong. thank you very much10:47
diogenes_so did it start?10:47
valentinoits loading10:47
diogenes_ok good10:47
valentinolinux its like to be an engineer :), but fun when you know what to do.10:48
diogenes_you will learn it with times, linux means constantly learn and acquiring useful knowledge10:49
colpinje ne peux pas regler ma resolution d'ecran sur ubuntu mate sur raspberry pi11:38
billybigriggeranyone know why samba/windows networking doesn't work anymore on a fresh 18.04 install?17:56
sixwheeledbeastsamba not installed? Not tried on 18.04 yet18:01
TechChristophjoin #&avr19:02
szusihi guys19:15
TechChristophhi szusi19:15
szusiCAn someone help me?19:16
TechChristophwhat is your problem _19:16
szusiI want to install wine but i always get error19:16
TechChristophwhat kind of error _19:16
szusisudo apt-get install --install-recommends winehq-stable19:19
TechChristophsudo apt-get install wine19:20
szusiand I get a message winehq-stable:i386: it depends: wine-stable:i38619:20
szusiwont install19:25
sixwheeledbeastit would be "wine32" or "wine64" depending on your arch?19:28
szusi32 i think19:29
szusii have rpi 3 B19:29
sixwheeledbeastthat will be why. Don't think wine is made to work on armhf19:33
szusithen how can i install utorrent?19:34
szusii have utserver.tar.gy19:35
sixwheeledbeasthere are notes for wine on arm https://wiki.winehq.org/ARM19:35
szusiwhat can I do?19:37
sixwheeledbeastUse transmission that comes with ubuntu19:39
szusiCAn I remote the transmission with mz phone?19:40
szusianother network19:40
sixwheeledbeastThey are all just BitTorrent clients AFAIK.19:43
lafleurdubienare there plans to offer an 18.04 ubuntu-mate installation image for raspberry pi?20:34
sixwheeledbeastI believe so yes. Likely around the time 18.04.1 drops20:38

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