
matjamso package purge/reinstall fixed it?00:14
matjamam glad00:14
matjamwonder what it was that broke00:14
matjamsuper odd00:14
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
wayne7How can I show the messages of other users on a chat channel?04:44
JanCwhat do you mean?04:45
wayne7Thanks. I am using Xchat but whatever channel I join just shows a list of users without showing what they are all chatting about. Can I see all their messages scrool down the screen?04:46
JanCwell, you did see my message, right?04:47
JanCyou only see what they are chatting about in the channel(s) you are in04:47
JanCor when you are chatting with them in private, of course04:48
wayne7Yes, good. But is it only one-on-one chat. I once joined a channel where you coauld see what everybody was saying to each other.04:48
JanCright now we are the only two people saying anything  :)04:49
JanCin this channel04:49
wayne7Oh, thanks. So if I wait, I may see others chatting?04:49
JanCit's Friday night in the Americas, very early morning in Europe, so most people aren't really at their computer chatting right now, I guess04:50
JanCthis isn't really a super-active channel either04:51
JanCbut, yes, you will see others chatting too, if you stay around long enough04:51
wayne7I see. Last night I wentto dozens of channels but did not see any chat. I am in Australia.04:52
JanCit's now afternoon in Australia, right?04:53
wayne7Yes. At last I reached a channel which anwered when I said, hello. But they only spoke German.04:54
JanCmost channels on Freenode are for answering questions or discussing stuff on a specific topic really, although there are some social/offtopic/etc. channels too04:58
wayne7So when I join a channel with names listed down the right column, that does not mean that all those people are present waiting to chat.04:58
JanCit means they are logged in, but they probably have a computer on 24/7 (just like me)05:00
JanCand not everybody sets their status to "away"05:01
JanC(e.g. for privacy reasons)05:01
wayne7Oh, so all those listed are not there waiting to ask you questions?05:01
JanCthey will ask/answer when they have questions/answers _and_ happen to be around05:02
wayne7Thanks, Jan.  I will keep trying try to find a subject or social channel with people chatting.05:03
JanCsometimes answers can come hours after asking (if you stay around)05:03
wayne7Thanks, Jan.05:04
JanCwayne7: in general try to keep questions on-topic for whatever channel you are in though05:04
wayne7I understand.05:05
=== hehehe is now known as Guest42555
Guest42555who here uses or maintains Evolution05:26
Guest42555well wrong question05:26
Guest42555as it is for desktop05:27
=== Guest42555 is now known as hehehe
lordievaderGood morning07:09
Ubu-1604good morning to you as well ... from canada :)07:23
=== lifeless_ is now known as lifeless
Neo4who know how I can connect to the server? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/t33t2TyTCZ/15:39
Neo4without key15:39
Neo4I put ssh -i and any text and neo@ip to connect from vmware15:40
Neo4strange behavior :)15:40
Neo4Warning: Identity file kasdfk not accessible: No such file or directory.15:41
Neo4and connect passed15:41
tomreynlooks exactly as i'd expect15:45
Neo4tomreyn: what?15:52
Neo4when I remove all files from .ssh I can't connect15:53
Neo4key in temp and I do ssh -i alkjsdflasjfs and it connects15:55
tomreynyou will have the key cached in your ssh agent15:58
tomreynactually no, you're entering the password, so that's how you authenticate15:58
tomreynnow what is the unexpected part?15:58
tomreynokay you're probably surpised that you need to enter the password one time but not the other time. that's unrelated to ssh key but just because your password is being cached.16:00
Neo4before it wasn't so16:00
Neo4I remember always entering password16:00
Neo4or key16:01
Neo4on vmware only working so16:01
tomreynrun with -vv if you want to know what is happening16:01
Neo4ssh -vv -i key ?16:01
Neo4this output https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2Qmg7GTphx/16:03
Neo4not understandable, I'd rather test on real comp than on VM16:07
blackflowso what's the problem? you connected fine it seems?16:09
Neo4blackflow: wrong, It shouldn't have connected16:25
Neo4key is not correct16:25
Neo4anyway I lost all my work for today16:25
Neo4overwrited accidantely on old version :( :( :(16:25
blackflowNeo4: it's using the key from the agent:  "debug2: key: neo@neo.ru (0x55872d37b3f0), agent"16:28
Neo4blackflow: where that key is placed?16:29
blackflowNeo4: note that -i does not force only that one key... ssh is trying every key from the configured set.16:29
Neo4and do you know how to recover overwritten files?16:29
Neo4I did scripts that instlal swap and a few others and all removed16:29
blackflowyou can't recover overwritten blocks, only *MAYBE* undelete, assuming nothing was written after the delete.16:31
blackflowsounds like it's time to restore from backups.16:31
Neo4blackflow: I recalled I removed folder vps_install and then load old version, confused16:32
Neo4blackflow: files aren't overwritten, they are removed16:32
Neo4I need soem app that will allow to see removed files on disk16:32
blackflowthere's extundelete for ext filesystems.16:33
blackflow!info extundelete16:33
ubottuextundelete (source: extundelete): utility to recover deleted files from ext3/ext4 partition. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.4-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 56 kB, installed size 154 kB16:33
Neo4I removed folder and put on her place other folder16:58
Neo4the same16:58
Neo4using filezila16:58
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Neo4if you remove file and then put file with the same name it might now show17:26
Neo4testdisk doesn't see even files that is placed to trush17:26
Neo4I removed in filezila, it puts not to trash17:26
Neo4doesn't matter, all disappeared :(. Will rewrite new shell17:27
Neo4my shell script for add/remove swap22:58
Neo4having recreated script22:59
Neo4I am afraid to lost again script22:59
Neo4I did it by following on this instruction23:00
tomreynmaybe you should have backups. and a git repository23:02
Neo4tomreyn: If I put all script on git repository everybody will know how I set up server. This need to keep in secret for security23:06
Neo4open-source and security... What? :) :)23:07
Neo4recalled phrase from youtube video about linux violate community )23:07
tomreynyou need to keep passwords and key material away from prying eyes, but not usually anything else.23:11
tomreynalso, there are private git repositories.23:12
Neo4tomreyn: for private need pay, there free only public23:18
Neo4yes, shell scripts is very important things, Need carefully keep them23:18
tomreynNeo4: you can host private ones yourself, also bitbucket got them for free.23:21
Neo4I have five usb flash, better do offline back up23:23
tomreynusb flash storage is no backup storage. use hdds.23:24
Neo4tomreyn: ok, have desktop computer with 2 hdds23:25

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