
evilgeniusjamie(I'm on 18.04 LTS)00:00
lapagaevilgeniusjamie, did you install unity?00:02
evilgeniusjamiejust with apt install unity, not sure if I need to do anything more...?00:02
lapagaits ubuntu-unity-desktop so I have no idea if install unity is the same thing00:03
evilgeniusjamiebizarrely I get "OpenGL vendor string:   VMware, Inc."00:05
evilgeniusjamiebut I'm not on a vbox00:06
evilgeniusjamiealso "Not software rendered:    no" is likely why I also get Unity 3D supported: no00:06
=== DrWatson_ is now known as DrWatson
=== DrWatson_ is now known as DrWatson
netametaWhat programming language, i could compile and run in most OS? i can compile and run c++ on all but it takes alot longer to do somethign with "windows"00:26
netametac# on the other hand wont run on linux00:27
oerhekspython, perl, java, go, tons of options00:30
netametaoerheks, go is a compiled language ?00:31
MrRzl69am from indonesia00:31
hggdhnetameta: yes00:31
netametai thought python, go, perl all 3 are JIT00:31
MrRzl69you from??00:32
guivercMrRzl69, if you have a Ubuntu support question, please just ask it (ideally in a single line) & be patient waiting for answers00:32
andrew09Hey guys, what's the difference between Automatic (DHCP) addresses only and manual in the network manager?00:33
doug16kandrew09, DHCP means automatically get them from the router, manual means you force the settings unconditionally00:34
oerheksget one ore choose one static00:34
doug16kyou probably want DHCP. if you want static IP then configure your router with DHCP reservations00:35
doug16kDHCP reservation = make the router always give a specific IP to a specific machine00:35
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netametaNice seems go can do what i wanted00:37
andrew09I want to change the dns, it seems by your words that choosing one option or the other isn't concerned with dns because the current one is so slow00:38
ovidnishi, i'm having some troubles with laptop power management. sometimes when it enters suspend it ends up just shutting off entirely. other times upon waking from suspend the screen remains off00:38
guivercandrew09, DNS control is done by the DNS server, which is often a router (esp. for homes), but can be a system service (bind etc) - NM & choosing static or dynamic via NM makes your first question sound like a client?  (& not the server side?) do you mean client or server side?00:42
andrew09guiverc, client00:43
ovidnisu0_a150_: hi00:45
guivercandrew09, the easiest way is clicking NM icon & edit connections (I'm using XFCE so my wording may not match your DEsktop), go to IPv4 (what my lan uses) & change the  DNS servers (you can have more than one, use fastest first).  You only need to select your preferred DNS servers (ie. work out fastest for you, your isp or other)...00:46
guivercandrew09, if it were my network, I'd ssh into my router & view the config & change it there (thus affecting devices using DHCP) and any devices using dhcp would reflect that change when they reconnected (or lease expired, and thus refreshed..)00:48
R27anyone people?00:49
R27i from ocean00:49
ovidnisR27: are you a fish?00:49
R27i human only00:49
R27in here dont people?00:50
pedrocrI seems ubuntu 18.04 is no longer able to resolve local addresses provided by my LEDE/OpenWRT router00:50
pedrocrsomething like mymachine.lan00:50
pedrocrknown bug apparently: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/169966000:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1699660 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-resolve breaks resolution of local network hostnames" [High,Confirmed]00:57
pedrocrsince 17.04 no less00:57
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Pencil2hello _  as soon as i login to ubuntu 10 it flips up side down !!??01:11
HackerIIel oh el01:16
guivercPencil2, Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (2010.April release) had a life of 5 years, EOL was back in 2015.   (sorry I can't help with upside down if a later release, but clarifying your version may help others..)01:24
FaTaL_Gany recommendations for a good program (web browser based) or even cml, to see traffic/network performance realtime through machine nics?01:50
FaTaL_Glike a real realtime nmap01:50
matjamnethogs is cool01:51
FaTaL_Gill peek at it01:51
matjamiptraf is a bit more detailed01:53
plasm0duckFaTaL_G,  https://www.nagios.org/01:54
matjam1) thats more of an alarming tool01:55
matjam2) stop using nagios01:55
matjamjust, stop it01:55
FaTaL_GI do know nagios01:56
Pencil2hello _  as soon as i login to ubuntu 10 it flips up side down !!??01:56
HackerIIconsult your local isp01:57
matjamPencil2: there is no "ubuntu 10". there is 10.04, is that what you mean?01:57
FaTaL_Glol  matjam01:57
Pencil2Sorry  Im typing on a screen that is upside down.01:59
Pencil2Ubuntu 18.0402:01
Pencil2Going toboot  again02:01
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han_I helped Pencil2   His thrid boot worked02:11
FaTaL_Gso I am running ubuntu as a router... vs. pfsense.... I have multiple clients connecting both wired and wireless. Is there a good web based interface to show all connected clients, ip address, machine name, mac, etc. like we do with soho routers?02:12
matjamFaTaL_G: well, they integrate a lot of stuff, but under the hood it's things like dhcpd handing out the dhcp addresses, etc02:17
matjamFaTaL_G: I am not aware of any web UI for that stuff but I'm sure someone has done it02:17
FaTaL_Gthey who? pfsense?02:18
matjamFaTaL_G: but if you just want to set up some way to look at all traffic going through it via a web page, you can use ntopng02:18
backnforth Hi, can someone tell me why I'm getting this when trying to restart php-fpm: Failed to restart php7.2-fpm.service: Unit php7.2-fpm.service is masked.02:27
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oerhekshttps://askubuntu.com/questions/710420/why-are-some-systemd-services-in-the-masked-state .. systemctl unmask php7.2-fpm.service and start it ?02:33
oerheksor maybe the service is removed, that could also be a mask to dev/null02:33
backnforthoerheks,  thanks works now02:35
* linux_user says - Uh, hey, I was like able to do an "apt-get install drupal7" on the 17.10 version of Ubuntu and now I like did a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04 and stuff, and when I do that command, it like fails in a nasty way. Its like Broom Hilda went off and got rid of it in the repos...and you know, Broom Hilda took pdftk with her too!!02:35
* linux_user says I want to file a complaint!02:36
guivercbacknforth, i can't find any drupal7 in any Ubuntu repo for any version; the drupal.org site tells you where to get it (& what is required), but its not from Ubuntu repo's02:41
oerhekstry 8.5 .. https://linuxize.com/post/how-to-install-drupal-on-ubuntu-18-04/02:41
linux_useroh...one sec...lemme go check...it was there before02:42
oerheksyes, drupal 7 was in the repos, no fresh 8.x in the LTS02:42
linux_userI like googlized the artful repos man, version 7 totally there in the flesh...in the bionic beaver (clearly named after someone's X-g/f) repos, it is conspicuously absent and stuff!!02:44
guivercbacknforth - nah sorry, it was there for 17.10 (artful) - my search was wrong (https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=artful&searchon=names&keywords=drupal7)02:45
guivercdrupal7 is in universe - ie. the community has to put it in 18.04/bionic (motu devs etc) which maybe hasn't been completed yet...02:45
linux_userIt's one thing to say well Drupal7 is ancient and is what Dinosaurs install...but then its another to leave no Drupal8 there for the post-Dinosaur beings to install, you know?02:46
* linux_user and then we need to ask Broom Hilda about pdftk...cause, that is like totally GONE!02:47
* linux_user says my friend says it wasnt Broom Hilda, he suspects the Keebler Elves, but, either way, someone needs to put it back man...pdftk is needed.02:47
guiverc'universe' means its community supported - its not there because people in the community who use it haven't got in and helped make it available yet for bionic - don't winge about it, you could pull your sleves up & help :)02:50
linux_userguiverc: NO! I CANT...I am wearing a tank top...NO CAN DO!02:50
FaTaL_Gmatjam; are you up to speed on iptraf? when I run it it gives me lo as the only interface. lol.... I have many more02:51
linux_userthat is it...the next time I Broom Hilda or the Keebler Elves they are going to know what the phrase "head lopped off with a blunt object a slow rate of speed for added pain" really means!!!02:52
linux_usertime I=time I see02:52
linux_userThose elves are going to get a good OSS kicking!02:53
linux_userUh, can we find out like what community member put Drupal7 in before so we can get a letter writing campaign going for 18.04??02:55
oerhekssure you can find out on launchpad with your magic wand02:55
* linux_user sweet! I knew that Harry Potter wand was gonna come in handy! I KNEW IT!!!02:56
Gorodishwhois lexAngeles02:57
FaTaL_Gmatjam; apparently it is a known bug, so iptraf is a wont fix. Have to use iptraf-ng02:58
krytariklinux_user: Debian bug 88492902:59
ubottuDebian bug 884929 in ftp.debian.org "RM: drupal7 -- ROM; Old version; newer version not packagable for Debian" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/88492902:59
Zein26my name is zein live INDONESIA03:02
guivercZein26, this is Ubuntu support; if you have a Ubuntu Support question; please just ask it. ......03:02
=== Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus
Zein26i'm ???03:08
guivercZein26, this is Ubuntu Support, if you have a Ubuntu issue you'd like with, please just ask it (single line please, and be patient as if someone knows the answer, they'll repsond when they can)03:10
guivercs/like with/like help with/\03:11
Zein26i'm sorry _-03:14
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Zein26May I ask WhatsApp you guys (I want to learn about hackers)03:18
ubottuA hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy03:20
guivercZein26, this is Ubuntu Support; your question is general in my (unlearned) opinion, and I don't see the Ubuntu Support issue.03:21
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FaTaL_Gmatjam: apparentlynethogs will not work with my wlp2s0 wireless adapter... go figure03:40
=== anonymous is now known as ralf
=== ralf is now known as Guest51086
Guest51086hello, my homefolder is empty after reboot04:09
Guest51086all data lost04:09
Guest51086i have 60gb hdd and filemanager shows 500mb free space04:10
Guest51086but i cant see all my files04:10
guiverchave you `mount`ed something over it (thus it's not gone, just hidden/shadowed) ?04:10
guivercGuest51086, your non-unique name makes it hard to address you directly...04:11
Guest51086i am online from empty partition04:12
=== tatertots is now known as RoscoePColtrane
ThiagoCMCEncrypted homedir ?04:12
Guest51086i dont know guiverc , filemanager shows free space 500mb from 60gb hdd04:13
Guest51086but there is new empty homegfolder04:13
Guest51086nothing encrypted04:13
Guest51086i was chatting with friends in irc chat and when i loggin new to system i cant login04:14
Guest51086always when i tyoe password it goes back to lognwindow04:15
guiverci would suggest something like `mount |grep home` and check you haven't accidently/unintentionally mounted something onto there, or check its mounted (as intended) ...04:15
Guest51086i am beginner guiverc04:16
Guest51086i only see new empty folders in home04:16
guivercare you logged in via gui? or text-terminal?04:17
Guest51086all my files are gone but i read that i have 500 mb free space04:17
Guest51086via gui04:17
Guest51086did the new empty homefolder overwrite my old files?04:18
=== daniel is now known as Guest33925
Guest51086gparted shows that more then 50gb is used04:19
guiverc500mb/60gb implies to me you've mounted something over it.. what is the 'old' versus 'new'?  have you recently upgraded your version?04:19
Guest51086someone speaks german here?04:19
Guest51086no i didnt ugrae04:20
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!04:20
Guest51086ok. i will sleep now and ask later in german room04:20
Guest51086thx at first for help04:21
=== u0_a64 is now known as N30
=== N30 is now known as Guest50120
=== Guest50120 is now known as N30_Project
N30_Projectare a man on this channel04:25
N30_Projectplease answer04:25
Butterfly^and woman04:25
Butterfly^1620 people total in this channel04:25
N30_Projectwho you04:25
Butterfly^if you need help, just ask your question, if someone knows the answer, they'll respond04:26
Butterfly^don't just ask if anyone is available04:26
guivercN30_Project, this is a Ubuntu Support channel; whether or not they are male/female does not impact questions or help.04:26
N30_Projectare you can make the some programm04:26
doug16kguiverc, didn't you know that claiming to be female multiplies your help by 5? see stackoverflow, lol04:27
N30_Projectguiverc i am is male04:27
guiverc:) @ doug16k04:28
N30_Projectwhere more members?04:28
strive"I'm a female. How to I update Ubuntu?" "20 reponses in 5 seconds..."04:28
striveOk, back to being a support channel.04:29
N30_Projectstrive. where you state?04:30
striveState of Trance.04:30
striveWe don't do a.s.l here.04:31
striveN30_Project: What's your Ubuntu related issue?04:31
doug16kwhy does my system often pause for 1m 30s "waiting for session 4 <something>" on reboot?04:33
doug16kstopping session 404:33
doug16kwhat do I look at to see what is causing that?04:34
lotuspsychje!details | doug16k please04:35
ubottudoug16k please: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.04:35
guivercdoug16k, i don't know, search online provided this https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/273876/a-stop-job-is-running-for-session-c2-of-user  which too was 90 secs04:36
ThiagoCMCI would download the Ubuntu 18.04 Desktop ISO, boot it and inspect the whole hard drive in read-only...04:36
lotuspsychjedoug16k: ubuntu version? system up to date?04:36
doug16kyes up to date. 18.0404:36
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N30_Projecti comeback :v04:37
doug16kok, I guess I need the exact message. going to reboot now and see if it happens04:38
N30_Projecti will ask.04:39
doug16kof course when I want it to happen it doesn't. :D04:39
N30_Projectin this irssi what we can share file?04:40
N30_Projectwhy the more members just read :v. please respond04:41
DarkAceZthank you sir04:42
DarkAceZwhat role do you play in this channel, if I may so inquire04:43
N30_Projectdarkace you can help me?04:43
DarkAceZprobably not04:43
lotuspsychjeguys, please keep it ontopic04:43
lotuspsychjeonly ubuntu support questions here04:43
DarkAceZk lol04:43
N30_Projectwhat ubuntu can transfer the file04:43
DarkAceZare there language-specific ubuntu support channels? maybe N30_Project should be redirected04:44
N30_Projecti am sorry.04:45
DarkAceZN30_Project: not a problem, you'll just have to be more specific04:45
DarkAceZwe're not sure what you're asking04:45
guivercdoug16k, the link i provided had same 90 sec delay, no fix, but it told you how to reduce timeout delay - it may be useful   (when you have message; you could compare with that provided to ensure its appropriate...)04:46
N30_Projecti am just training this04:46
Doc-SaintlyHi all. I'm having issues with a cron job not starting my app. When I run the same command in the shell it works fine, I've checked the environment variables and it's OK. The only thing I can think is that the shell script has an EXPORT call in it.05:11
Doc-SaintlyAnyone have ideas of where to check about why the cron is failing?05:11
memphistoDoc-Saintly: how does the crontab look like? how does the script look like?05:24
Guest42555who here uses Evolution05:27
Guest42555or maintains it05:27
Guest42555it has a bug - when you enter and add passwd to a key ring sometimes it keeps asking for it again05:28
Guest42555and wont connect05:28
guivercGuest42555, evolution is community supported; https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/evolution/+filebug  to file a bug on it05:30
Doc-Saintlythe script is: https://pastebin.com/dv1Stk7h05:37
Doc-Saintlythe crontab is: * * * * * /usr/bin/sh /home/docsaintly/webapps/myapp/start.sh05:38
arne_Hi. Is ubuntu fine with newer standard laptops? I'm looking to buy something in the <300 dollar range. W10 preinstalled seems unavoidable though >_<05:49
mikeasdfNewer to Linux. I just installed 18.04 about a week ago. Once a day though my whole laptop will freeze up and I have to restart. Is there a log file I can lookup to see what caused the last freeze? I tried looking through dmesg, the only error I saw was [   39.133423] usb 2-4: string descriptor 0 read error: -2205:57
mikeasdfI also checked the md5 checksum and it is correct05:57
mikeasdf700gb free on the hdd, CPU's are running between 5-12%, 45% free RAM. I'm only really using sublime text and firefox/chrome.05:59
Doc-Saintlyarne_: it's all down to the specific hardware and how much you expect it to work out of the box06:01
amdev0arne_: Not sure, and you will pretty much have to try it by yourself. Just keep in mind not everything works perfectly when you install Linux distros on laptops, but for the most part it's fine.06:01
Doc-Saintlyarne_: I think dell sells some with linux option. but may not be in your price mark. many net books are under 300 and proably support linux.06:01
=== Guest42555 is now known as hehehe
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doug16kwhy is my dmesg flooding with this: https://gist.github.com/doug65536/191690d05bb1863983afab2981e6253606:08
doug16kit never happened before 18.0406:09
zerguthello, i've stopped apache2 but it still hanging in process how to shut it down properly?06:09
zergutit is still hanging in processes06:10
doug16kit's a ryzen 2700X with B350 chipset06:11
=== bob is now known as Guest16904
=== squaresandcubes_ is now known as squaresandcubes
Ubu-1604Well I figured out what was causing my computer to keep waking up ... just had to change the 'suspend mode' in the bios from the default S3 setting to S1 ... mouse doesn't light up anymore now either which is good.06:47
Butterfly^great find Ubu-160406:49
zapneadid you try a sincrere apology?06:57
zapneaa real one. like, a pretend medal is worse than no medal at all06:58
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zapneadoes that even compute with you war criminals?06:58
=== mouses is now known as businesscat
Butterfly^XXCoder o/07:01
besiHello I have the program SoundConverter installed now I want to convert my music to AAC but that is not in the program because there are alternatives ??07:16
Ubu-1604I have a simple question ... how do I install software that I got from a .bz2 archive file? ... It's the lastest ver of filezilla .. that 'ubuntu software' icon usually displays OLDER versions of software, so I downloaded the filezilla 3.33 (x86.bz2 file) .. but I don't know how to get it installed.07:29
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guivercUbu-1604, expand it, and there should be a README or INSTALL text file with instructions (otherwise follow instructions where you found it).07:35
ducasseUbu-1604: 'bunzip2 <filename>', but what's wrong with the version in the repos?07:37
Ubu-1604ducasse: well I am VERY new to the linux world so ya my install skills are pretty limited .. the .bz2 file has only 2 dirs ... BIN and SHARE ... I extracted both but can't seem to run/execute the 13Meg  filezilla program from the BIN dir ... a dialog box comes up asking me which  'Open With' application?07:44
Ubu-1604ducasse: the 'repos' version? ... as in repository? .. you mean the 'Ubuntu Software' icon/program? .. it always shows older versions to install .. filezilla for example shows to be version ... but the current one is 3.33 directly from the filezilla site07:46
ducasseUbu-1604: yes,but why do you need the newer version?07:47
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.07:47
Ubu-1604oh ... well usually bug fixes and improved/new gui features .. better question does someone update that repos software versions of INSTALL programs? .. why is it showing version 3.15? ... that could be like 5 years old or something07:50
Ubu-1604probably not that old, but you get what i mean07:50
guivercUbu-1604, bug fixes are backported to supported Ubuntu versions  (if you are up-to-date you're okay)07:51
Ubu-1604yes I check that upgrade everyday now ... works really good07:52
guiverc3.15.0.2 is the supported Xenial version (16.04 LTS)  https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=filezilla&searchon=names&suite=all&section=all07:52
ducasseUbu-1604: new package versions come in new ubuntu releases, so 18.10 will have newer packages than 18.04 etc07:53
Ubu-1604guiverc: yes i SEE that one ... I can simply click INSTALL and it will install .. HOW do I get the lastest version 3.33 that filezilla has for linux though?07:53
Ubu-1604ducasse: ohhhh so it's because of the version of ubuntu i'm running? ... 16.0407:54
ducasse16.04is already two years old, so won't have the latest software. but you might not actually NEED newer versions...07:55
Ubu-1604that's kinda lame if that's the reason though ... unless I can install that older version and somehow it will upgrade itself .. I'll just install the repos version then .. installing sofwtare is REALLY easy though that repos thing :)))07:55
guivercUbu-1604, for stability you should stick with supported versions unless necessary.  if you grab the latest, it won't be updated automatically, & you could have clashes and unusual bugs ... it's a lot of work & usually not necessary (stability beats latest version in my opinion; as fixes ARE backported even if new features aren't)07:55
Ubu-1604ducasse: I just started using this ubuntu seriously in the past 2 weeks .. it came on this computer I bought and i am VERY impressed how well the web browser works .. and that Libre Office suite.07:56
ducasseUbu-1604: good that you're happy :)07:57
Ubu-1604I normally just do DOS and windowz ... I am goinhg to try installing that ubuntu server this weekend on a couple of rack mount machines I have here .. I want to get a ftp server running and was going to try 18.10, but ya currently I just have this one computer running 16.0407:57
=== Have-Quick_ is now known as Have-Quick
Ubu-1604I was wanting to FTP to the ubuntu web/ftp site to see if I can manually download ubuntu server software .. the DOWNLOAD button on the main www.ubuntu download page is for AMD64 chips only ??07:59
guivercUbu-1604, if you are learning; I'd suggest using a released versions, not a [in] development version07:59
guiverc18.10 = 2018.October release - due out October this year :)07:59
ducasseUbu-1604: if you are a new user you should probably stick to a finished release, as guiverc says08:00
Ubu-1604well I didn't know that the repos ONLY shows verions that were for a paticular version of ubuntu ... anyway, I just installed filezilla from the repos and it's running now ... its SO easy to install sftware on this ubuntu :)08:02
Ubu-1604anyway .. is there a FTP site I can connect too, so I can go find what files I need to download to get a ubuntu server running?08:02
ducasseUbu-1604: you can get them via http from releases.ubuntu.com, nobody uses ftp anymore08:04
Ubu-1604nevermind I'm in ...08:04
Ubu-1604I do :D .. I am a nobody then i guess :\08:05
Ubu-1604I guess I'll have to ask in the server channel, but is this ver 18.x only for 64bit CPUs? .. the computers I want to try this on are older Xeon chips and pentium308:08
Ubu-1604all rackmount machines08:08
ducasseUbu-1604: v 18.x dropped support for 32-bit, iirc - but you can try the lubuntu 'alternate' image08:11
guivercUbu-1604, x86 servers made last ~20 years should be x64_64  (esp. rack mount).  older versions support 32bit, and upgrading (i believe), so you could install an older Ubuntu Server version..08:11
Ubu-1604reading .. ya sorry my knowledge of what x86 chips really mean is limited ... I would rather run the newer versions, I'll download what I can and try installing it08:18
guivercsorry my ~20 years was incorrect; 2003 onwards were x86_64 generally..08:22
Ubu-1604guiverc: ya I think it won't run on these P3 racks, but thats ok ... hay I do see a 'cosmic' directory on that FTP server .. perhaps thats the cosmic cuttle fish version (18.10)?08:29
guivercyeah cosmic means 18.10 to me...08:30
ducassethat's 18.10, yes, but it's really not intended for regular users08:30
mr_fresh__I wanna ask: Will there be a 32bit version of ubuntu 18.04 LTS?08:31
Ubu-1604fresh : ya that's what I was wondering08:32
jcduttonI am sticking with 16.04.   Waiting for future ubuntu versions to have the global menu08:32
mr_fresh__I also wonder will it have option to set a DSL connection...08:32
Ubu-1604jcdutton: I want one with a better launcher bar ... mines totally full of icons08:33
mr_fresh__Im anxious about the fact that i never saw a gnome shell based distro to have a dsl connection setup :(08:35
Edistoanyone having issues with 18.04 radomly crashes and found a fix?08:36
Ubu-1604random crashes are not good ;)08:36
Edistotell me about it08:36
jcduttonmr_fresh__, dsl connection ?08:36
Ubu-1604So if I download the ISO image (of i386 version), I can just unpack it to a USB stick and I should be able to boot the install process? .. I have never installed Ubuntu before, that's what I'm trying todo this weekend.08:40
Guest65840hello. I've installed Ubuntu 18.04 and I'm having trouble configuring something. On the dock (please forgive if I'm naming things wrong) there's an icon which is a launcher for Firefox. I'd like to configure it to launch firefox with parameters. However right-clicking there doesn't give me any options. Can anyone help me achieve that?08:41
poutineGuest65840, accessories, main menu08:42
poutineand click the internet, then firefox, and then properties08:42
poutineErr, I guess the more universal answer would be click that thing with the 9 dots at the bottom left, and type "main menu"08:43
poutineand then follow my 2nd line of instructions08:43
Guest65840poutine, ok so clicking the 9-button square brings up a screen containing icons of the (most commonly used?) apps, with a "Search" bar at the top center. Top left there's Apps and Menu (if I click Menu, I get something similar to a traditional Start menu with apps categories and lists). If I navigate there to Firefox, right-clicking it actually launches it. I cannot see Properties anywhere.08:45
poutineGuest65840, I said "type main menu"08:46
poutinefollow the instructions exactly08:46
Guest65840poutine, I tried that but thought I did something wrong. Clicked the 9-button thing and typed Main Menu (lower case as well). This typing goes directly into the search box (top center), and brings no results.08:47
poutinethat's what you're looking for, right Guest65840?08:48
poutinehmm, really08:48
Guest65840poutine, I'm very familiar with the screenshot you shared, this is something I'm used to on Linux Mint, but I can't find it here. To note that during installation I chose the "minimal" version, so maybe the package is missing?08:49
poutineGuest65840, Try installing "Main Menu" from the application center or whatever they call it08:50
Guest65840poutine, yes I only have Synaptic and "main menu" brings up a million unrelated packages :)08:50
poutineGuest65840, https://i.imgur.com/5Tk6WxW.png08:51
poutinethat's the one that provides that application for me08:51
poutinesudo apt-get install alacarte08:52
poutinewould work also08:52
Guest65840ok installing. Sweet package name.08:53
slimetraphow do i set the location where print screen/screenshots are saved?08:55
Edistowelp that's the last crash I can handle >.<08:55
slimetrapin bionic08:55
Guest65840poutine, this works, thank you.08:57
=== wesley is now known as Guest53436
blip99hi all, I upgraded xubuntu 16.04 to 17.10 (1 direct upgrade) - after reboot I cannot graphically log in.  The login manager accepts my password, shows a black screen then returns to login.  Logging into tty1 works fine, although I do get a flood of messages in the console saying "ata3 irq_stat 0x0000000040, connection status changed.  SERROR: {DevExch}".  My files/filesystem seem look fine.  Are those 2 issues related?  Somebody once suggested kernel09:00
blip99i haven't had access to my linux desktop for a month now, would be great if you can help09:00
spikebike blip99: I suggest logging in on console09:00
spikebikeadduser <newusername>09:01
blip99spikebike, im in :)09:01
spikebikepassword <new password>09:01
spikebikethen try a graphical login to the new account09:01
poutineblip99, If you boot into single user mode and check the syslog and kernlog, do you see anything amiss?09:01
blip99spikebike, no luck. same behavior09:01
poutinewell I guess it doesn't need to be single user mode, just a non graphical mode09:02
spikebikeblip99: what is your GPU?09:02
blip99poutine, is that with systemd.unit=multi-user.target? Can you please say where I find those logs09:02
blip99spikebike, nvidia. but i removed all nvidia packages09:03
spikebikeblip99: I'd add in the nvidia ubuntu packages, then reboot09:03
spikebikenoveau is hit or miss09:03
poutineblip99, they're in /var/log09:04
blip99thanks.give me a few mins please to check logs09:05
maxcell_somebody here that manages to make a ps4 controller works as it should on ubuntu?09:05
blip99poutine, sorry for the dumb question, but is single user mode meant to be graphical?  cos it ended up booting text-based, but then opening the graphical login manager09:09
blip99(appended 'single' to kernel boot params)09:09
blip99ill try init=/bin/bash09:10
poutineyou don't really need single user mode if you can get to a console09:12
poutineeither vty, ssh in, whatever09:12
blip99poutine, oh ok :)09:12
Ubu-1604question : how easy is it to upgrade from 16.x to 17.x ... will the icons I have made in the launch bar still be there? .. Like the software I have installed will still be on this computer? .. I have not done an upgrade before09:14
blip99Ubu-1604, scroll up lol09:14
blip99dont upgrade in big jumps even if its; supported, go one minor version to the next Ubu-160409:15
blip99my system has been broken for a month09:15
Ubu-1604blip99: Well I just tried changing the software updater to 'Any new version' and I guess I can upgrade this computer ... I think it would be better if I keep this 16.x box though so nevermind09:16
maxcell_somebody here that manages to make a ps4 controller works as it should on ubuntu?09:16
tomreynUbu-1604: if you are currently on 16.04 LTS and like your system to be very stable then i'd wait for the opportunity to directly upgrade to 18.04, which should become possible starting late july.09:17
tomreyn16.04 LTS, that is.09:18
tomreynand 18.04 LTS.09:18
blip99poutine, any hints for keywords to search logs for?  there's so much output :)09:19
Ubu-1604tomreyn: hello again Tom ... yes I won't upgrade this computer .. it runs really fast with 16.04 .. actually it keeps upgrading all the time so it's 16.04.4 and firefox upgrades too and it's at 60.0.1 ... perhaps maybe i should just kepp using 16.x on any computer I install ubuntu on.09:20
tomreynblip99: /var/log/syslog* /var/log/Xorg.*09:20
Ubu-1604tomreyn: I did figure out why the suspend mode was waking up this computer .. easy change in the BIOS did the trick.09:21
blip99tomreyn, no i meant what kinds of errors to watch out for, relating to my failed graphical logins09:21
poutineblip99, Well if you go to the end and go up from there, you should be able to see something, you could post it if you make sure you don't have any sensitive data in it09:22
Ubu-1604blip99: oh hahahah I read back ... you just upgraded from 16.x to 17.x? ... ya perhaps I shouldn't upgrade ;)09:23
tomreynUbu-1604: firefox it special, it gets rolling updates indeed. and the trailing 4 in 16.04.*4* indicates a generation for this 16.04 release. these numbers will automatically increase while you install security patches and bug fixes (which you should indeed do).09:23
Ubu-1604tomreyn: yes the rolling update for both firefox and Ubuntu itself I do daily ... it's nice that updates for 16.X happen almost daily .. seems to be almost every day :D09:25
tomreynblip99: look for '(EE)' lines in Xorg.* and for any issues about graphics, video, vga, modesetting, acpi or any other errors in syslog.09:25
tomreynUbu-1604: you should definitely upgrade 16.04 before it is no longer supported. but you have a good while left. https://www.ubuntu.com/info/release-end-of-life09:28
Ubu-1604I think it's not until 2021 though09:28
Ubu-1604that's probably a typo by then .. it's actually until the year 20021 :)09:29
tomreynright, but only for packages from "main"09:29
tomreyn2021 is correct,09:30
Ubu-1604tomreyn: I have not tried the 'server' version from any ubuntu version .. I am wanting do setup a FTP server as I had discussed before ... can I run a ftp server (or even a web server) on the DESKTOP version of Ubuntu, I don't really understand the differences between the desktop and server versions.  I am just wondering since I am going to have to use the i386 distros since 18.04/18.10 only are for the newer 64bit  (AMD64)09:32
Ubu-1604and the GUI itself for 16.04 is Unity and not gnome ... that's a pretty big difference and to me the unity one seems extremly stable09:33
blip99spikebike, using nvidia instead of nouveau didnt help sadly09:36
blip99tomreyn, thanks. im on checking logs now in detail09:36
spikebikeblip99: weird.  Did you try nvidia and new user?09:37
spikebikeReboot after the nvidia install?09:37
spikebikedid you blacklist noveau?09:37
guivercthe main differences between server & desktop are (1) different installer, (2) different packages installed by default including no desktop, office or gui software on server...  Expect some config differences, but most packages will be the same, you could remove desktop & like software to make desktop = server, or visa versa... (expect server to have openssh-server [package] installed by default; desktop version only has09:38
guivercclient installed etc)09:38
blip99spikebike, rebooted. lsmod showed nvidia loaded, and no noveau.  didnt try new user though09:39
guivercUbu-1604, my last was for you...09:39
spikebikeUbu-1604: yeah ftp server will run on all flavors of ubuntu, server and desktop alike09:39
spikebikeUbu-1604: what chipset do you have that's i386 only?09:40
dabblerIf I'm trying to run a java app (in a jar) that's described as "requir[ing] GTK", what package should I probably be looking to install? gtk? merely libgtk-something?09:41
spikebiketry apt search libgtk09:41
dabblerspikebike: thanks. that returns quite a lot09:43
dabblerit looks like libgtk2.0-0 is already installed09:45
spikebikeso it doesn't run?09:45
Ubu-1604guiverc: ya ok I understand what you mean .. I think I will just stick to the desktop distros then, gotta have a gui since my linux/unix skills are pretty low :|09:47
tomreynUbu-1604: server and desktop versions are really the same thing nowadays, they just install different packages. so, yes, you can install an ftp serve ron your desktop installation.09:47
Ubu-1604spikebike: the computers I am wanting to install on are dual P3 and dual Xeon chips (older ones)09:48
jcduttondabbler, what is the java app called?09:48
Ubu-1604tomreyn: awsome .. then that's what I will do ... this 16.04 isn't all that bad really, runs darn fast :D09:49
tomreynUbu-1604: unity -> ubuntu gnome is not visually a huge step but several things change under the hood, yes.09:49
spikebikeUbu-1604: impressive, that's pretty old09:49
tomreynUbu-1604: 18.04 also runs fast (maybe more so if you don't use the default desktop). but you can always give it a try (using the live iso) once upgrading becomes possible.09:51
Ubu-1604spikebike: well I got these rackmount units some time ago (dell and ibm), but they should work well .. I just wanted to avoid installing windows server on them09:51
blip99poutine, tomreyn, spikebike:  Log analysis results:09:51
blip99(EE) /dev/dri/card0: failed to set DRM interface version 1.3: Permission denied09:51
blip99(EE) modeset(GO): glamor initialization failed09:51
blip99syslog:  no errors showing up from the process of trying to graphically log in (and failing). but millions of messages saying "unreadhead[273]: unreadhead:sdb Ignored relative path"09:51
dabblerjcdutton: biglybt09:51
spikebikeblip99: ls -alt in your home dir and see what error files show up, there's often someting like .xsession-errors09:52
dabblerit runs in console mode, but in its startup is included an error09:52
dabbler"SWT check failed with: No GTK3 found. java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: Could not load SWT library. Reasons: [omitting here]"09:52
blip99and this unreadhead message has many variants. unreaedhead:ata6 unreadhead:usr unradhead:devices unreadhead:sys ....09:52
tomreynblip99: you can ignore those ureadahead ones, those are normal.09:52
dabblerso i guess try installing libgtk-3-0?09:52
blip99tomreyn, oh wowthat's a relief!  I thought my hdd was dying09:53
tomreynblip99: nah, that's unrelated. i hope this log spill will be reduced in future patches.09:54
tomreynblip99:now the (EE) ones from Xorg.*.log.* may be something you need to tackle.09:55
blip99tomreyn, do you think this relates to the followed message i used to see regularly whilst in console mode:  "ata3 irq_stat 0x0000000040, connection status changed.  SERROR: {DevExch}"09:56
blip99spikebike, .xsession-errors hows some settings being applied (dbus-update-activate-environment) - and on the last line "/etc/X11/Xsession.d/99x11-common_start: line5: /sbin/upstart: no such file or directory"09:58
tomreynblip99: *this* message is about a communication error from sata controller to attached sata storages. this can be due to loose connection of sata cables, or broken sata cables, broken disks, broken controller.09:58
spikebikeyeah the ata error looks nasty, and an upgrade/reinstall can expose disk issues that were hidden09:59
spikebikeQuite a few times have I thought linux was borked, only to find it was a hardware problem09:59
dabblerhmm still that error, except without the "No GTK3 found." sentence in it. the rest of the line is the same09:59
tomreynblip99: could also be an incompatibility of a very old drive: https://askubuntu.com/questions/109180/mysterious-hard-disk-failure10:00
Ubu-1604youtube showed me some cool things I can add .. I just installed that Unity tweek tool ... very nice :)10:00
blip99tomreyn, spikebike aha!!  very interesting.  I've been using this disk for a month since the upgrade (browsing it from Windows which i boot from another disk) - I guess even though it's browsable, some sectors are potentially ying10:03
blip99let me go and backup everything as a first step10:03
blip99i badly need to recover my firefox open tabs - hopefully firefox sync has them backed up online10:04
dabbleri think it might be an architecture mismatch. i'm gonna ask the app devs. thanks for reading10:04
tomreynblip99: backup is a good plan. once your backup is done, look into s.m.a.r.t.10:04
ubottusmart is Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology, a monitoring system for hard drives. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools10:04
blip99i think i checked smart from windows side, it didnt provide any warnings, but will do again10:04
tomreyndabbler: you probably need swt bindings for this java version10:04
tomreyndabbler: such as libswt-gtk-3-java10:06
blip99tomreyn, spikebike:  plan of attack->  1) backup everything 2) clean case, reseat all relevant cables on MB and hdd 3) check SMART output 4) run fsck10:07
tomreynif you "apt search swt" you'll find more similar packages10:07
tomreynblip99: sounds like a plan, good luck.10:08
blip99tomreyn, spikebike: one more thing: will fsck surely detect dying hdd? or better stop using it for safety.  btw TJ- once mentioned that my errors may be related to kernel regression10:09
dabblertomreyn: well, two of the lines under "Reason" in the error are:10:10
dabbler/home/ubuntu/.swt/lib/linux/arm/libswt-gtk-4757.so: /home/ubuntu/.swt/lib/linux/arm/libswt-gtk-4757.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory (Possible cause: can't load IA 32-bit .so on a ARM-bit platform)10:10
dabblerCan't load library: /home/ubuntu/.swt/lib/linux/arm/libswt-gtk.so10:10
dabbleri'm not sure, but the app may have put ~/.swt there10:10
dabblerfile says that libswt-gtk-4757.so is for 80386, but this is an ARM machine10:11
dabblerthe arm directory containing it suggests that may be a mistake10:12
tomreynblip99: i could not comment on a kernel regression, way too little info for this. but it's always possible with very old hardware. fsck will not reliably indicate on whether disks are dying. s.m.a.r.t. may be able to indicate more or less reliably.10:13
guivercblip99, fsck is file system check; it checks for logical error in file system, and has nothing at all to do with hardware; smart looks at hardware (chips on drive) & ignores data/fs - they are different; fsck doesn't include smart or hdd failure detection in it (it's not its job)10:13
dabblerI guess I could try installing libswt-gtk-3-java with apt-get, then renaming that ~/.swt and see if that works?10:14
tomreyndabbler: yes i guess you should try to rename ~/.swt and see if you can find a package which provides libswt-gtk.so for your platform.10:16
blip99tomreyn, spikebike: sorry, one LAST question: (my desktop is 5 years old, so not very old hw. SATA2 hdd).  Anyways, how is it possible that dying hdd would allow console login but not graphical?  lightdm is just hitting some bad sector somehow?10:18
tomreyndabbler: no exact match, but similar: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=xenial&arch=arm64&mode=filename&searchon=contents&keywords=libswt-gtk10:18
tomreyn(you could try creating a symlink at /home/ubuntu/.swt/lib/linux/arm/libswt-gtk.so pointing to these)10:19
tomreynblip99: if your disk was falling apart, with any data or software required for the graphical desktop to work being stored in bad sectors, that could explain it. but it may as well be some other issue.10:21
NaspherEndeHi, have normal release but upgrader sees only lts releases even if update rules are set to normal only.10:22
tomreynblip99: if you've upgraded to any newer ubuntu release (i'm not sure whether ever discussed which one you're on) this would explain this message: /etc/X11/Xsession.d/99x11-common_start: line5: /sbin/upstart: no such file or directory10:23
NaspherEndeI am on 17.10 and want to upgrade to 18.04. But only 18.04 lts is found.10:24
guivercNaspherEnde, currently the latest release is 18.04 LTS - 17.10's next step is 18.04, what are you running?10:24
tomreynblip99: newer releases don't come with upstart. and *maybe* this message also explains why your desktop wot start, or thewy have a common root cause, namely that you have outdated configurations from an earlier ubuntu release still inplace which break things on this newer release.10:25
guiverc18.04 is an LTS release; as was 16.04, 14.04 - even numbered year & april release = LTS; it is the normal release for even.0410:25
tomreynblip99: this is just theories, though, since i don't know what you're working with (sorry if you discussed it previously and i missed it)10:25
NaspherEndeSo all the .04 are lts only?10:25
blip99tomreyn, indeed that sounds like it, i made a big jump from 16.04 to 17.10 in one go.  Anyways before anything, i'll do the steps we talked about.  Cya later :)10:26
dabblertomreyn: thanks! i was just wondering how to find a package supplying such a file. it's the ~/.swt/[…]/libswt-gtk-4757.so file that links to libswt-gtk.so, though, so if I just get ~/.swt out of there I shouldn't actually need that exact file name. if it instead finds the libswt-gtk-3-java package you pointed me to, hopefully it'll all be taken care of. about to try it10:26
guivercno 14.04 LTS, 16.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS (only even years are LTS, 17.04 wasn't so is EOL already)10:26
blip99poutine, tomreyn, spikebike: thanks for the help guys.  i'll be back after backing up etc :)10:27
tomreyngood luck blip99 + dabbler10:27
guivercNaspherEnde, once you release-upgrade to 18.04 - you can stay on LTS release, or make jump to 18.10 & return to every release (making same decision again in 2010 when on 20.04)10:28
tomreyndabbler: note that you can "Search the contents of packages" on https://packages.ubuntu.com/ - or using apt-file (available as a package, and, when installed, as a command) to search for files and which packages provide them.10:29
dabblertomreyn: thanks!10:30
dabblerafter renaming .swt to something else, that path is still appearing in the error message. it seems the app recreates it if it doesn't exist10:31
dabbleri'm just gonna ask the devs what gives :p10:31
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BluesKajHiyas all10:38
Ubu-1604ok almost 5am here .. sun comming up ... time for some sleep .. thanks for all the help .. ttyl :D10:41
Doc-SaintlyI was having issues I assumed were with Cron, but I'm starting to think it's a script issue10:42
Doc-SaintlyI'm trying to run a .net core app from cron to make sure it's always running, but when I run the command alone it shows that it's running and says "press ctrl-c to stop"10:43
Doc-Saintlyso I guess that the cron does not leave it running?10:43
dabblertomreyn: thanks so much for your help :)10:44
BluesKajDoc-Saintly, why not just check the processes in top or system monitor to see if the cron job starts it10:45
Doc-SaintlyBluesKaj: I'm not sure how to test if it has started it at all, but it's definitely not running right after the job10:45
BluesKajhow do you know for sure10:46
Doc-SaintlyI odn't know, but don't know how to check either10:46
BluesKajwell,  try my suggestion10:46
Doc-Saintly:S I don't think it's possible I'm going to see it in top10:47
Doc-SaintlyI wait for every minute when it fires, and see if it jumps to the top of the "top" list and disappears?10:47
BluesKajwhat about system monitor?10:47
Doc-Saintlyok, I did see the "lsof" command run which is part of the script10:48
Doc-Saintlybut that's just the check, so perhaps the check is failing in the cron environment so I'm removing it to test10:49
lesshasteI have to give a talk and it is just 5 png's. Is there a simple way to stick these together into one file?10:56
Doc-Saintlyzip file? Don't understand the question :S10:57
lesshasteDoc-Saintly,  so that I can stand up and go through the images one after another10:57
jcduttonlesshaste,  eog -f *10:58
lesshastejcdutton,  sadly the computer I will have to use is windows :(10:58
lesshastejcdutton,  so I want to make the talk on linux but present it on windows10:58
jcduttonlesshaste, create a PDF with them.10:59
lesshastejcdutton, ah.. how would I do that?10:59
CoJaBowhat do most people use for VMs/whole-OS containers?10:59
jcduttonlesshaste, libreoffice, create a document, then export to PDF10:59
lesshastejcdutton,  you mean in libreoffice load the pictures one page at a time?11:00
Doc-Saintlylesshaste: well, yea, there's powerpoint or the libreoffice alternative11:00
jcduttonCoJaBo, virt-manager11:00
* zndy 11:00
Doc-Saintlylesshaste: or just use the default picture viewer, left and right progresses through pictures in a folder11:00
lesshasteDoc-Saintly, interesting.. I have never tried libreoffice for this sort of thing11:00
memphistolesshaste: what are you trying to do? to create pdf from multiple images do in the folder (CLI) convert *jpg file.pdf11:01
Doc-Saintlylesshaste: well they have a version for each thing, I don't recall what their version of slides is, but really, if it's on windows just the photo viewer will do it11:01
jcduttonlesshaste, another option is to do it with html.11:01
lesshastememphisto, thanks! I will try that11:01
lesshasteDoc-Saintly, but how will "page down" get me to the next image? I mean how would I order them?11:02
Doc-Saintlylesshaste: just the arrow keys, I assume the pgdn and pgup also map to that. let me test11:02
Doc-Saintlyyep, pgup, pgdown, left or right all move around the images11:03
jcduttonlesshaste, put the pages in landscape and not portrait11:03
Doc-Saintlyor a full screen pdf as someone else suggested11:03
lesshasteDoc-Saintly, but how do you control which image comes next?11:03
Doc-Saintlylesshaste: it goes in the order of images in the folder11:03
Doc-Saintlyso name them 1,2,3, sort by name, click 1.png, it opens full screen in the picture viewer11:04
Doc-Saintlybut feels a bit off topic so I'll shut up now :D11:04
memphistolesshaste: https://itsfoss.com/convert-multiple-images-pdf-ubuntu-1304/11:05
lesshastememphisto, thanks!11:05
lesshasteDoc-Saintly, ok thanks :)11:05
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alexandrрусский канал есть?12:05
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.12:07
Tecanquick question, i upgraded my hd to bigger size. now grub wont load unless i use supergrub, i did system upgrade and now it asks me where to install grub. do i want to put it with /dev/sda or /dev/sda3  /12:36
Tecani dont want to wreck windows efi boot12:36
xantoppehi everybody can I ask help question about installment of the new ubuntu at this channel?12:40
xantoppeAfter loading the live cd at boot i got  the following message: No Irq handler for vector.... Could not find/resolve named package element....12:47
xantoppeInstall went fine anyway... but am I missing something?12:48
doug16kxantoppe, I get "no irq handler for vector" too. seems harmless, other than flooding dmesg and pushing all the boot messages off the top eventually13:05
xantopperead something about a warning that a micro update could not be installed13:07
xantoppeubuntu seems to work fine though13:07
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syntaxfree(on 16.04 LTS) is it possible to assign the middle-mouse button to act like the ctrl (or alt, or esc) key? globally across all programs.13:35
syntaxfreeI should mention I'm using spectrwm. But as far as I understad it Unity is still there looming large, in the greeter/GUI login screen, etc.13:36
B1ack0phi there13:51
B1ack0pi am about to install ubuntu 18.04 again13:51
compdocpractice is goodd13:51
B1ack0pi have iso downloaded after it first released is it ok or should i download again?13:51
compdocas long as its the released version, use it13:52
B1ack0pyes released but is there any update applied on the iso?13:52
B1ack0pi would like to install current one13:52
compdocI think there have only been a few updates released since13:52
B1ack0p38 minutes to download iso13:53
B1ack0pok i wait it13:53
compdocit will be the same one13:53
B1ack0phow much swap area should i define?13:53
B1ack0pi have 8gb ram13:53
compdocthey dont add every new update to the iso13:53
B1ack0ptomreyn: are u there?13:54
compdoclet ubuntu define swap. with 18, the swap is a file13:54
tomreynB1ack0p: sometimes13:54
compdocno more partitions13:54
B1ack0pcompdoc: well as i remember it asked me to define partitions13:54
B1ack0pfor / and swap13:54
tomreynB1ack0p: why do you ask?13:54
B1ack0ptomreyn: i am about to re-install ubuntu as i faced low disk space of root if you remember other day13:55
B1ack0pand i want to install it correct way13:55
B1ack0pabout partitions13:55
tomreynB1ack0p: i see. you probably don't strictly need *me* to assist you there, i bet a lot fo people here could and would be happy to, as long as you'll explain what you are trying to do and what is not clear / does not work (and how you know it doesn't).13:56
BluesKajgive your root partition at least 10G if not more13:56
B1ack0pBluesKaj: lol i gave 11gb and it is warning low space13:57
B1ack0ptomreyn: thanks13:57
BluesKajthe you need to to run sudo apt-get autoremove and autoclean13:57
B1ack0pBluesKaj: i have about 60gb total i can give to ubuntu13:57
BluesKajB1ack0p, are you using separate / (root and /home partitions?13:59
B1ack0pBluesKaj: well i dont know what to make it better13:59
B1ack0paccording to the link they suggest13:59
B1ack0p 10-20gb14:00
B1ack0p10-20gb for /14:00
B1ack0pand /home14:00
B1ack0p(Optional) Create separate partitions for /boot, /tmp and /var14:00
compdocthats crazy talk14:01
B1ack0pshould i create seperate partition for /home or not necessary?14:01
BluesKajmanual is the way to go if you have experience with partions but if you just need to install ubuntu without any other OSs present then auto install should work, B1ack0p14:01
B1ack0pBluesKaj: i am dual booting with win1014:01
B1ack0pi have 240gb ssd and i can give only 60gb to ubuntu14:02
compdocdont need that much14:02
BluesKajhaven't dual booted with windows since before UEFI so I can't advise you, altho I have heard it shouldn't be too difficult if you you prepare your partitions previous to tryin the installation14:05
B1ack0pi know it is not difficult14:05
B1ack0pjust i am not sure how to partition during format section14:06
BluesKajuse gparted first to setup our partitons and formats etc, then you won't need to do that during th einstall14:08
B1ack0pgparted before i boot installation?14:08
B1ack0pok bbl14:13
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de-factohow do i toggle auto mute in alsa mixer? it seems it expects his user knows a hidden secret magic keypress14:24
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skink@find pomp circumstance march14:25
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B1ack0pHelp. I am having grub rescue error14:56
lotuspsychje!recovergrub | B1ack0p14:56
ubottuB1ack0p: Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub14:56
ikoniaread the link B1ack0p15:00
B1ack0pReading and i dont understand much15:01
ikoniawhat don't you understand ?15:02
B1ack0pI will try live cd now15:02
B1ack0pAnd just do update grub15:02
B1ack0pWill see how it works15:03
ikoniawhy would you do that15:03
ikoniayou've not explained the problem15:03
ikoniayou've not explained what you don't understand15:03
ikoniawhy would you expect update-grub on the livecd to work ?15:03
B1ack0pI dont wanna mess with partition15:03
ikoniayou dont have to mess with the partitions15:03
B1ack0pI faced this before15:03
ikoniayou have to explain the problem if you want help15:03
B1ack0pLink explains too confusing15:04
B1ack0pI saw simple way before but i dont remember where it was15:04
lotuspsychjeg0th: welcome, how can we help you?15:09
g0thI have an nvidia GTX 670 and I'd like to enable opencl support for it (so that it's listed in clinfo)15:09
g0thwhich packages do I need to install?15:09
B1ack0pWhat is sda3 for? https://unsee.cc/1e2ea586/15:10
g0thI installed nvidia-opencl-icd-384 but it's still not showing anything under clinfo15:11
Guest85755what do you mean sda3?15:14
Guest85755partition ?15:14
B1ack0pYes guest please check screenshot https://unsee.cc/1e2ea586/15:14
tgm4883B1ack0p: it's so you can have more than 4 partitions15:14
B1ack0pSda1-2 windows related15:15
B1ack0pI created swap sda5 and 4 for root15:15
B1ack0pI didnt create 315:15
lotuspsychjeGuest85755: can we help you?15:15
Guest85755u have space on your hard disk that u didn't use when installing the system15:15
B1ack0pIs it something default?15:15
Guest85755it's basiclly unformatted space15:15
tgm4883Guest85755: no it's not15:16
lotuspsychjeg0th: apt-cache search opencl can help you somehow?15:16
B1ack0pWell after 1-2 it should give me 3 but it gave 5 for swap and 4 for root15:16
Guest85755ow it extended not unallocated15:16
Guest85755my bad15:16
Guest85755messed up on that one xd15:16
B1ack0pI didnt see 3 in partition list during installation15:16
compdocB1ack0p, what did you boot to create those partitions?15:16
tgm4883B1ack0p: an extended partition holds logical partitions. The limit for primary partitions is 4 on a MBR formatted disk15:17
B1ack0pTgm yes but i didnt create it how does it exist?15:17
g0thlotuspsychje: how does that help?15:17
tgm4883B1ack0p: so if you want more than 4 partitions, you need to either have an extended partition that holds the other partitions or format your disk GPT15:17
g0thit lists like 50 packages15:17
tgm4883B1ack0p: it was likely created by default when you set your partitions up with the assumption you may want more in the future15:18
tgm4883B1ack0p: if you has set 1 giant partitions you wouldn't have it15:18
g0thlotuspsychje: I think my issues is:15:18
g0th7:13:53 ~$ nvidia-smi15:18
g0thFailed to initialize NVML: Driver/library version mismatch15:18
lotuspsychjeg0th: im trying to widen your options15:18
B1ack0pTgm4883 ok the thing is i will reinstall ubuntu now15:18
g0thlotuspsychje: well I already know how to search for package names15:18
tgm4883B1ack0p: why reinstall?15:19
B1ack0pIt asks erase current ubuntu and install again15:19
B1ack0p2 install in windows15:19
g0thlotuspsychje: any idea what the mismatch is?15:19
g0thi.e. what is mismatched with what?15:19
B1ack0pAnd something else15:19
B1ack0pWhen i click on something else it asks me partition15:19
Zein26how install crackers emulated15:19
B1ack0pThere is sda1 2 for win1015:20
B1ack0pHow should i create partitions for ubuntu?15:20
g0thI try a reboot15:20
Zein26ahahaha your sleep15:20
B1ack0pShould i create swap area or sda3 already swap?15:21
Zein26do you want to me ?15:21
lotuspsychjeZein26: no hacking topics on freenode please15:21
Zein26help me ..15:21
B1ack0pAnd do entire available partition / location?15:21
Zein26how install crackers emulated15:21
lotuspsychjeZein26: you have joined the ubuntu support channel15:21
tgm4883B1ack0p: does you linux partition already work?15:21
Zein26how install crackers emulated15:21
lotuspsychje!ops | Zein2615:22
ubottuZein26: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax15:22
B1ack0ptgm it was not working well so i decided to reinstall15:22
B1ack0pFormat and clean install15:22
tgm4883B1ack0p: well you could blow away partitions 3-5 and install a new sda3 partition15:23
B1ack0pI will take a screenshot there15:23
compdocB1ack0p, what did you use to create the bootable installer?15:23
tgm4883B1ack0p: depending on your system, I'd probably just do a large partition and use a swap file15:23
B1ack0pCompdoc it is CD15:23
lotuspsychjeKingdomX: only ubuntu support here please15:23
compdoca dvd?15:24
B1ack0pYes sorry a dvd15:24
tgm4883compdoc: what does that have to do with anything?15:24
KingdomXspeak indonesia15:24
compdocit matters15:24
tgm4883compdoc: that's not an answer15:25
B1ack0pOk screenshot is here https://unsee.cc/790970dd/15:26
B1ack0pIt doesnt list sda315:26
B1ack0pI freed up space -> https://unsee.cc/bd0ce37d/15:27
B1ack0pSo can u tell me why does it create sda3 and why cant i see it here?15:28
maxcell_my PS4 controller aren't working on ubunut15:30
maxcell_somebody manage to do it/15:31
B1ack0pOk got it, it creates another partition after swap15:34
sla3kHi, all of a sudden my vhosts stops working in apache2 and both the websites are pointing to the default /var/www/html15:41
sla3kAny idea what might've changed? I've checked the configuration of both the sites and they are fine.15:42
lotuspsychjesla3k: perhaps ##httpd channel might be more of help?15:42
tomreynis it about apache httpd though?15:46
grillonhi I think I have installed opengl lib : freeglut3 freeglut3-dev libgl1-mesa-dev but I still git a message saying I dont have opengl lib : https://ptpb.pw/iO8I16:01
grillonwhat can I do?16:02
tomreynread the documentation provided by the developers of the software you are trying to build.16:03
hggdhgrillon: at the end of the config -- you are missing mesagl16:05
ullf09721hello,I'm trying to install armitage on ubuntu 16.04 but I can't get it.I already installed metasploit.I need it for practice16:06
ullf09721in learning16:06
BluesKajgrillon, have you installed the recommended GPU driver? if not run sudo ubuntu-drivers list, to find it16:06
oerheksullf09721, pentesting is not supported here, try the metasploit/kali channels?16:08
grillonhi BluesKaj and hggdh it's a kvm under ubuntu 18. I did nothing about gpu16:19
grillonBluesKaj ubuntu-drivers list show me nothing(empty list)16:20
BluesKajgrillon, oh, kvm, dunno much about VM setups..never had much success trying them16:23
oerheksgrillon, what are you trying to build?16:27
oerheksand/or what guide do you follow?16:27
grillonI need ride16:28
grillonit's a graphical interface for robotframework16:29
grillonthat graphical interface use an old lib wxpython2.8. so I have to build it from source16:29
rbohello. ;)16:30
grillonhell rbo16:30
tomreyngrillon: is this actually about ubuntu?16:30
rboHas anyone ran into the issue where you try to launch a very specific application from terminal and get the following "[screen is terminating]" I've googled it and I have not been able to get anything useful.16:30
grillonhave opengl visible is about ubuntu16:30
grillonI don't know what package to install to have opengl lib and I need it to build my package16:31
CarlFKgrillon: what's the thing you are trying to build?  URL16:31
tomreyngrillon: also which architecture (uname -m)? which release? lsb_releas -ds16:32
tomreyngrillon: also which architecture (uname -m)? which release? lsb_release -ds16:32
grillonI'm trying to build that package : https://sourceforge.net/projects/wxpython/files/wxPython/
tomreynrbo: somehow you or the application must have entered "exit", "logout" or just ^D, causing the screen session you were working in to quit.16:34
grillonon kvm x86_6416:34
zerabatcould you give me some help?16:34
tomreyn!ask | zerabat16:34
ubottuzerabat: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:34
grillonI'm running ununtu 18.0416:34
rbotomreyn: seems to be pretty strange, I've pretty much re-imaged the ubuntu laptop (14.04LTS) a few times and I am getting this error, it's also happening on more than one laptop. I'm not entirely sure what or why it is happening.16:35
ioriagrillon, why you cannot use python-wxgtk3.0 from repo ?16:35
oerheksthe code is not python3 ready ..16:36
grillonbecause ride still use the version 2.816:36
oerheksand 18.04 dropped python 2.7 .. it is still optional16:36
grillonyes they are working on it for version 416:36
lesshaste I have a video I want to cut out the first 20 seconds of. That I can do but I would like the sound to fade out, rather than just stop abruptly. Is that possible with ffmpeg or some similar tool?16:36
grillonbut it's still in progress16:36
rbotomreyn: guess I'll have to keep hacking things up to figure it out.16:37
tomreynrbo: without more information on the application you are launching and how you're launching it, even speculating will be difficult.16:37
CarlFKgrillon: I mean the robot framework16:37
grillonrobotframework could be used in command line without wxgtk2.816:37
oerheksgrillon, maybe pip or easyinstall is a solution,  don't use sudo then https://github.com/robotframework/RIDE/wiki/Installation-Instructions16:38
CarlFKlesshaste: http://shotcut.org/16:38
rbotomreyn, no worries, thanks for your help! Even that bit helps-- it's a very internal application I can't give out any debug just due to the NDA / proprietary of it all.16:38
lesshasteCarlFK,  thanks! I had never heard of that16:38
zerabatQuestion: I use Ubuntu 18.04 with GNOME. Out of the box GNOME doesn't include any way to control behaviour when battery is low, and by default GNOME isn't doing anything like shut down or suspend, so notebook keeps on until it suddenly turn of out of energy, and that damages my HDD. Is there a way to set system to suspend when battery is in a critical energy level?16:38
grillonyes Oatmeal, I could install ride and all but I still need wxgtk2.8 and I must build it that's my problem16:39
CarlFKlesshaste:  get the latest ver. downloads, find the tarball, untar it, find the docs on how to run it.  there is no sudo install.16:39
lesshasteCarlFK, sudo add-apt-repository ppa:haraldhv/shotcut16:40
lesshastesudo apt update16:40
lesshastesudo apt install shotcut16:40
ioriagrillon, what fails configure or make ?16:40
zerabatQuestion continues: when I'm using desktop I can see notificaciton and suspend when battery is very low, but if I'm using a fullscreen app I can't see notification.16:40
grillonioria : configure because opengl is missing16:41
CarlFKlesshaste: neat - didn't know about that.16:41
blackflowzerabat: you sure there's nothing under Settings' power management to go suspend / shutdown when the battery is low?16:41
grillonioria : here the output https://ptpb.pw/iO8I16:41
lesshasteCarlFK, it might not be the very latest version.. seems to give you Shotcut version 18.03.0616:41
blackflowzerabat: the latter makes sense. fullscreen apps are usually exclusive owners of the display.16:41
lesshasteCarlFK,  so how do you do the fade out in shotcut?16:42
CarlFKlesshaste: close 18.06.0216:42
CookieMthat’s the 'beauty' of fullscreen mode, many announcements and gadgets turn invisible16:43
zerabatblackflow: there is nothing16:43
ioriagrillon, it buils ok on xenial ...16:43
CarlFKlesshaste: drag the clip into the timeline, click filters, add, audio fadeout16:43
lesshasteCarlFK, nice.. let me try that16:43
zerabatonly automatically suspend after certain time of inactivity, but not due to low battery16:43
blackflowzerabat: well, gnome. dunno. I use KDE.16:44
blackflowwith recent reduction of functionality in gnome, wouldn't surprise me there isn't anything in power options.16:44
guest2d09f8sI'm having trouble with Ubuntu snaps, at random snaps are breaking and I have to uninstall then reinstall or they won't launch. This results in data loss and I can't continue dealing with this.16:44
zerabatyeah, kde is more complete while gnome devs keeps taking away core functionalities16:44
guest2d09f8sSee: https://gist.github.com/nsuchy/8ff7920bddea811b58253a9556317db9 for terminal output when trying to launch Signal Desktop on Ubuntu Snaps16:44
grillonioria I think I just need opengl lib16:45
rbotomreyn using an IRC browser? :D nice16:46
guest2d09f8sI was told my question asking for help is ridiculous and that I should use Google on AskUbuntu so I'm askig here in hopes someone will have a better idea16:47
oerheksguest2d09f8s, just launch the Signal Desktop from your menu?16:47
guest2d09f8sIt doesn't work16:48
guest2d09f8snothing happens16:48
guest2d09f8swhich is why I tried laucnhing from terminal to see what happens16:48
guest2d09f8sand it shows a permission error16:48
guest2d09f8sthe same happened with chromium and a reinstall fixed16:48
guest2d09f8sbut I don't want to keep losing data16:48
guest2d09f8ssignal doesn't sync message history, at least Chromium Syncs to S Suite16:49
guest2d09f8sG Suite*16:49
oerheks"at random snaps are breaking" .. maybe something else is going on16:49
guest2d09f8s@oerheks I'm sure something more is going on16:50
guest2d09f8sThat's the best way I knew how to describe it16:50
guest2d09f8sIs their anyway to fix my snap so it'll launch16:50
hggdhguest2d09f8s: on the URL you provided, there is a permission error on the file. Who owns the file and directory?16:50
oerhekshmm, just installed it, nothing starts indeed :-D16:50
oerhekssudo snap install signal-desktop16:51
lotuspsychjesome snaps need argument to start?16:51
guest2d09f8sThat's the output of permissions16:51
grillonok I guess my mystake is using kvm16:52
grillonI could not use opengl lib with kvm?16:52
hggdhguest2d09f8s: now look at what /snap/signal-desktop/40/bin/desktop-launch is trying to do. The error is at line 2316:55
Battleanyone familiar with mail servers, ive gone one setup with postfix, amavis,clamav and spam assassin. everything appears working, even get a "mail delivered" e.t.c , i can send mail outbound fine too, however, when i login to webmail or via my phone for example, the inbox is not showing new mails that been sent in. however, if i goto webmin an click on 'REad user mail' i can see all the emails in the inbox there16:55
guest2d09f8sSee: https://gist.github.com/nsuchy/67fb65356bd793907bc73384dc50f1f3#file-launch-L2416:56
lotuspsychje!postfix | Battle can this help?16:57
ubottuBattle can this help?: postfix is the default !MTA and !MDA on Ubuntu. For help, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Postfix and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PostfixBasicSetupHowto - See also !MailServer16:57
hggdhhum. guest2d09f8s perhaps you need to install this snap with --classic? Otherwise it will have restrictions changing files16:57
hggdh(which *should* be documented for the snap)16:58
guest2d09f8sthe thing is16:58
guest2d09f8sit happened with chromium too16:58
guest2d09f8swhen installing from the GUI Software CEnter16:58
lotuspsychjeguest2d09f8s: if you find a bug in a snap, you can contact the maintainer of the snap16:59
B1ack0pback with newly installed ubuntu17:00
B1ack0pi am getting grub rescue mode everytime i restart17:01
B1ack0phow can i fix it?17:01
hggdhguest2d09f8s: insterestingly, I just installed signal-desktop from the soft store, and it works. Ubuntu 18.0417:01
B1ack0pi do set root=hd0,msdos3  set prefix(hd0,msdos3)/boot/grub then insmod normal and normal17:02
B1ack0pit boots after those commands but after restart it happens again17:02
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
Battlelotuspsychje: that first link fixed it for me, i did suspect it was the mailbox directory location which was set correctly in dovecot, but figured there must be another one somewhere...because its deliverying mail succesfully just not to where i want it... or it would throw an error surely. so postfix appears to have its own mailbox things too, after setting htat, mail delivered perfectly. :D17:06
grillonok let's try beeing more specific17:06
lotuspsychje!yay | Battle17:06
ubottuBattle: Glad you made it! :-)17:06
Battlehave to say, im quite liking ubuntu so far. I've used CentOS ever since i can remember... prior to that was gentoo but that was only when i first started using linux under the suggestion or friend when i had 0 knowledge of linux as a whole. from wha ti recall, not a lot of supported things for it, without difficulty anyway. So been on centos ever since, due to coming into a problem i couldnt resolve, i opt'd for ubuntu and 17:08
lotuspsychjeBattle: glad you found us mate, and welcome to the ubuntu community17:09
Battleso far.... ubuntu is a bit more complicated vs centos and installing packages a bit slower than centos, but once you get it done, it so far seems pretty solid...a few things that stand out for ubuntu over centos was how easy it was to actually get kvm going (once you understand a bit of the networking side) with centos you dont learn that, you hit a button and it does it for you which is both good and bad...17:11
Battlegood becaue it makes life easier but bad because you're not learning how it works...and when problems arise you have no idea how to resolve them...a t least not easily...17:11
Battleso overall, im glad i made the switch :D17:11
Battleplus, the reason i needed kvms was to run things that CentOS couldnt actually run....17:12
Battleso its like killed two birds with one stone lol17:12
lotuspsychjeBattle: try to keep this channel ubuntu questions only mate17:12
Battleoh sorry, ill be quiet17:12
lotuspsychje!discuss | Battle if you like :p17:12
ubottuBattle if you like :p: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!17:12
jxcodemonkeyBattle: what do you use to install packages on centos, yum or dnf?17:12
lotuspsychjejxcodemonkey: offtopic17:12
Battle+ that ^17:13
Battlepm me if you want i dont mind :)17:13
jxcodemonkeythanks :)17:13
grillonok I got it, I installed opengl lib well but the search path was wrong17:14
onurHi guys, I am planning to buy a new laptop PC. I found a nice model but it has Radeon 530 GPU on it. Back in the days ATI support was horrible on Linux. Did it improve?17:29
Androidcan this be read publicly17:33
humm8Android: yes17:33
tomreynonur: yes17:33
oerheks530 supported as of 17.04 https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver17:34
Androidwhat is the location of trump17:34
humm8trump? what's that?17:35
DJonesAndroid: Can you be a bit clearer? Which App etc17:36
AndroidApparently he needs to call forth the militia to backup my attorney and execute the laws of the union17:36
oerhekswrong channel dude17:36
Androidapp , attorney17:36
DJonesAndroid: Do you have an Ubuntu supprt question? Thats what thios channel is for17:36
Androidkeyword ALL17:36
CarlFKonur:  it has improved.  also  https://certification.ubuntu.com17:37
Androidwait for my app to show up17:37
DJonesAndroid: So you don't have an ubuntu support question?17:37
Androidcheck the logger what is the url17:37
DJonesAndroid: /remove Android Bye17:37
CarlFKthank you DJones17:38
GoldenPhysicsHello, I've been having some trouble getting an ubuntu usb drive to boot. It's on a usb drive with three partitions, one for general storage, one for swap, and one for ubuntu itself. I can't even seem to get grub to start. I'd be happy to supply more info if it'd help. Any ideas?17:49
tomreynGoldenPhysics: how did you create it? how does your computer boot (UEFI, CSM/Legacy BIOS, BIOS)?17:51
GoldenPhysicsI'm pretty sure it boots with UEFI. Windows boots fine as does a second usb drive with live ubuntu on it. I created it with rufus from windows a couple months ago.17:53
tomreynuse the ubuntu live usb to create the persistent installation on this usb drive.17:54
GoldenPhysicsOn the second usb? I've tried running the install ubuntu utility, but when it gets to the where to install part, it doesn't show that second usb drive, just the first usb and all the other normal drives in the computer.17:55
tomreynhmm, strange, maybe one of your usb ports is broken?17:56
GoldenPhysicsMaybe. I have both the usb drive plugged into front io on the case. I think I'll try plugging them into the back straight into the motherboard rear io and see if that helps.17:57
tomreynor maybe just one of them on the back, yes17:57
tomreynit may also be a matter of power, in case neither have their separate power supply.17:58
GoldenPhysicsSeparate power supply? Why would two usb drives need a separate power supply?17:59
tomreynwell if the power supply of your computer doesn't provide enough current to power two usb devices in parallel, this would be why there can alaos be usb ports which are not meant to provide to attached devices at all, expecting them to provide their own power supply.18:00
GoldenPhysicsAh. I mean usb flash drives rather than usb external hard drives if that makes a difference. I rebooted and missed the uefi prompt, got into windows and it could see both usb drives.18:02
onurthanks CarlFK looks like laptop I've been looking is certified. thats great18:02
GoldenPhysicsThe second usb drive still isn't showing up in the ubuntu install thing.18:04
RoadRunner|2problem with floppy: can read the files on floppy disk and copy them to hd but can't copy from hd to floppy, mod a file on floppy or create a new file on floppy (ie: can't write to floppy)18:05
GoldenPhysicsI can see it as /dev/sdf, though.18:05
kk4ewtGoldenPhysics,  that is strange18:06
oerheksGoldenPhysics, to install on a 2nd usb, boot in live mode first, then hit 'install'18:06
kk4ewtshould be in /dev/floppy18:06
GoldenPhysicsYou mean the install icon on the desktop after booting the live ubuntu, right? That's what I've done.18:07
tomreynGoldenPhysics: do you mind loosing data on what is /dev/sdf then?18:08
GoldenPhysicsI'd rather not, but there's nothing that's particularly important on there.18:09
GoldenPhysicsWait, on sdf, no, nothing import at all.18:09
slice107Hello im new to using linux and i need some help pls im using bodhi casue its all i have at the moment but im trying to acces my windows hdd and i get this message18:09
slice107Error mounting /dev/sda1 at /media/bodhi/E6B4D73BB4D70CC5: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=999,gid=999" "/dev/sda1" "/media/bodhi/E6B4D73BB4D70CC5"' exited with non-zero exit status 14: Windows is hibernated, refused to mount.18:09
slice107Failed to mount '/dev/sda1': Operation not permitted18:09
slice107The NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown18:09
slice107Windows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume18:09
slice107read-only with the 'ro' mount option.18:09
GoldenPhysicssde is the first usb drive I'm trying to recover. sdf I don't care about at all.18:10
RoadRunner|2kk4ewt: ?18:10
oerheksslice107, boot your windows and choose the filecheck utility18:10
tomreynGoldenPhysics: if /dev/sdf is the usb storage you created with rufus, which wont boot now, do "sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdf bs=1M count=1" from the the live ubuntu nowm, then reboot the live usb and see if you can install to it then.18:10
TiliaDisable fast startup in windows18:10
TiliaDoes anyone know why paper-gtk-theme doesn't exist? [https://snwh.org/paper/download]18:12
GoldenPhysicsAre my messages showing up? I can't see them.18:13
ioriagrillon, have you solved ?18:13
oerheksTilia, for what ubuntu version?18:13
tomreynGoldenPhysics: you just wrote "Are my messages showing up? I can't see them." and "sde is the first usb drive I'm trying to recover. sdf I don't care about at all." before that. if you'd like a better IRC user experience, you should use a dedicated IRC client, such as hexchat.18:14
oerheksTilia, contact the author, there seems to be an icon theme only https://launchpad.net/~snwh/+archive/ubuntu/pulp?field.series_filter=bionic18:14
oerheksor build it yourself https://github.com/snwh/paper-gtk-theme18:14
grillonioria unfortunately not solved18:14
GoldenPhysicsI tried posting twice that /dev/sdf will boot, but neither messagae showed up.18:14
GoldenPhysicsI think the problem was that I started the message with /. I'll try a dedicated irc client at some point.18:15
ioriagrillon,  same the same 'opengl not available' in ./configure ?18:15
grillonioria it's ok for opengl but now python could not find headers file18:15
tomreynGoldenPhysics: right, lines starting with / are considered irc commands18:15
GoldenPhysicsAh. Should have known.18:15
ioriagrillon,  sudo apt install python-opengl18:15
ioriagrillon,  and run ./configure --with-opengl again18:16
RoadRunner|2kk4ewt: don't have /dev/floppy, have /media/floppy0 but trying to do an operation from there yields the same result18:16
GoldenPhysicsAnyways, /dev/sdf is the live ubuntu created with rufus, but I can boot to that fine.18:16
TiliaI'll build it. Thanks guys18:16
grillonioria I did configure with opengl well, make, then mak install now I cannot do python setup.py install because wx/stc.h is needed. It's in ../contrib but I don't know how to add it in my search path18:17
GoldenPhysicsI just can't install ubuntu on that for some reason. /dev/sdf isn't showing up as an option for the install utility after I've booted into live.18:17
grillonioria ./configure --with-opengl works fine now18:17
GoldenPhysicsTrying now with selecting install from the grub menu.18:17
GoldenPhysicsSame thing from the grub menu. /dev/sdf doesn't show up as an option.18:18
=== ubu is now known as UbU
grillonioria I have added /usr/lib/x86-gnuXXXX in SEARCH_LIB in the configure file18:18
tomreynGoldenPhysics: you can't install ubuntu to the same stick you have booted from18:20
GoldenPhysicsThat would make sense. Can't believe I didn't think about that.18:20
GoldenPhysicsIs it the same if I try to install ubuntu from the grub menu?18:21
grillonioria my problem when I do python setup.py install : https://ptpb.pw/hF2k18:21
grillonioria if I do "pip install ." : https://ptpb.pw/GNZP18:21
tomreynGoldenPhysics: depends on where the uubntu is which you'll boot from then.18:22
GoldenPhysicsSame drive? The ultimate problem is fixing ubuntu on /dev/sde2. Do I need a second installation of ubuntu in order to fix that? Or can I fix it with just live ubuntu?18:23
tomreynGoldenPhysics: you will need any ubuntu system which was booted from a different storage.18:24
tomreynwhether that'S the live / installer usb stick or some other  installation does not matter18:24
GoldenPhysicsAlright. That sounds like booting into live should work, then. I'll look at that link.18:25
GoldenPhysicsAnd before I forget, thanks for all the help and patience.18:25
tomreynGoldenPhysics: welcome. if you have additional questions later and soemone else will respond to you, you can make their lives easier by first picking specific names for these storages you are working with, and keep using the same names whenever you discuss the storages later.18:27
RoadRunner|2can't write to floppy (if its permissions - don't see how to change it)18:28
GoldenPhysicsLike samsung drive for the main 128GB /dev/sde and Lexar for the 16GB /dev/sdf? Since those are the brands.18:28
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tomreynGoldenPhysics: yes this would work. anything which can identify them uniquely is fine.18:30
ioriagrillon,  no idea, sorry18:30
GoldenPhysicsAlright. Thanks.18:30
grillonioria thank you anyway18:32
ioriagrillon,  if you can't find a solution, you could install trusty in vm and install wxwidgets2.818:33
ioriagrillon,  i mean 'python-wxgtk2.8'18:36
newsrhello all18:37
Hamb_Hello everyone, I am trying to dualboot Ubuntu 18.04 and Windows 10. I shrunk the partition where Windows 10 is installed and should have around 50gb unallocated space on my HDD. I then burned a dvd off the iso and booted into the live session thing. However when I try to install the space is marked "unusable". System information on Windows show that my BIOS version is Legacy. Been reading up a bit, I think I need to boot the dvd in Lega18:37
B1ack0pook now ubuntu works good18:38
UbUhow bout a virtual machine?18:40
UbUtry to use virtual box and create the two os...18:41
Hamb_UbU: I wan't to have a permanent studio invironment alongside Windows 10, I don't know how virtual machines work. Can you point me in the right direction?18:41
Hamb_I'll look into that18:42
UbUyes try on youtube :)18:42
Hamb_Thank you sir18:42
UbUur welcome...18:42
UbUgood news is virtualbox is frre and u just have to set some few settings then u r done18:43
Hamb_Sounds good, looking at some youtube videos now18:44
UbUok my friend...18:44
RoadRunner|2sorry if my question is too basic to be interesting but I am still stuck and would really appreciate help with it...18:45
UbUdepending of ram availible just slit in two for assigning that to the virtual enviroment18:47
iamamI have a jupyter notebook that generates graphs periodically. I use these graphs to tweak a part of another script manually by hand. Is there a way to capture a screenshot of the "window" running jupyter notebook ?18:56
iamamTLDR; How are windows managed in ubuntu ? How can I screenshot a specific window ? Any resources/help is much appreciated.18:57
oerhekssure, gnome screenshot can do all, whole screen, window, or selected part18:57
iamamoerheks: Oh, I forgot to mention an important constraint. Since, I don't want to keep looking at the window, I want to write a script to automatically capture the screenshot given the identity of the window. Can I use gnome screenshot as a part of this script ?18:59
oerheksgnome-screenshot -h >> gnome-screenshot -w(indow)19:03
oerheksthat takes the focussed active window, AFAIK19:04
mattflymaybe someone could help me on my thread: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/ubuntu-63/unable-to-hibernate-ubuntu-bionic-kernel-4-15-0-22-generic-after-installing-nvidia-drivers-4175630492/19:16
UbUthis chan has intresting threads...  and you sure can find  valid help for your question...19:21
UbUbut before doin that try to squeeze  the internet  u wont be disapointed.19:22
B1ack0pwhy am i getting this error while i try to install mysql-server on 18.04 ? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JJZ9N59r8Q/19:22
mattflyyeah ive posted a ubuntu bug related to that questions but im not getting any feedback19:23
UbUy dont to try try copy and paste of the error and goiogle it?19:23
UbU*dont u try19:24
mattflythe problem is basically that i am unable to hibernate after installing nvidia drivers on a dell laptop19:24
UbUgoogle*  excuse me i need glasses :)19:24
petroavB1ack0p: looks like the configure script as part of the installation process is dying19:25
petroavB1ack0p: see if you can enable verbose logging when installing the package; currently you can't tell why configure fails19:26
B1ack0ppetroav: how to loging verbose?19:27
UbUcomputer users should be able to walk without be taken by the hand19:27
petroavB1ack0p: not sure how you can see the output of the configure script19:29
mattflys2disk gets stuck on the snapshooting disk message and i have to force shutdown19:29
mattflyis there a way to debug s2disk and find out what the problem is?19:30
petroavB1ack0p: another possibility is tha tyou have a currently running mysql instance; so make sure mysql is not running before starting installation19:30
B1ack0pi guess mysql installed into ubuntu by default?19:30
memphistoB1ack0p: didn't you install LAMPP already19:34
B1ack0pE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)19:36
B1ack0pmemphisto: today i reinstalled ubuntu19:36
B1ack0pwell that error again while trying to install virtualbox19:37
memphistonice.how does the partition table looks like now19:37
B1ack0pmemphisto: what was the code to check partitions?19:37
B1ack0pjust a min19:37
memphistowhats sda419:38
B1ack0pmemphisto: no idea it created auto after i created swap area sda519:39
B1ack0phow can i fix this error? E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)19:41
memphistoits extended partition19:41
memphistoi'll try to install mysql myself and ill get back to  you19:43
B1ack0pthank you. but that error happened again after i was trying to install virtualbox19:43
B1ack0pstill related with mysql19:44
memphistodo apt remove mysql-server to fix it. and then install virtualbox19:45
B1ack0pi am having problem with remove command also19:46
B1ack0pfor every package i try to remove19:46
B1ack0ppurge works only19:46
memphistomysql-server, not mysql19:46
B1ack0poh sorry19:47
SebaKHello everyone! I have a problem with grub bootloader installation in EFI mode - whenever I install in manual mode, it leaves me with an unbootable system that just drops to a text-only grub console after reboot. Installation only works when I let the installer partition automatically, which is not what I want. Checked every post I could find already and I don't see what could still be wrong. Anybody here proficient in that?19:47
lesshasteI have a presentation in pdf format which I need to make presentable using powerpoint. Is it possible to do the conversion using libreoffice or similar?19:47
B1ack0pmemphisto: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rfZBn44HY7/19:47
memphistoB1ack0p: please run dpkg -l |grep -i mysql19:50
B1ack0pmemphisto: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cNdGxDwpt5/19:51
memphistoi'm still installing mysql in a VM19:52
memphistowill try removing it and check19:52
B1ack0pok thx19:52
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memphisto've installed it but i have 5.7.21 and you 5.7.22...newer...thats nice19:57
memphistoand i've removed if with no issue19:57
B1ack0pwhat can be the problem?19:57
memphistoso...my guess....it has to be something in the package since you have exits in the install/removal script19:58
memphistocan you do apt update && apt upgrade ?19:58
memphistodoes it fail?19:58
B1ack0plet me check19:59
memphistolesshaste: try pdfimages19:59
memphistoand then put images in powerpoint19:59
B1ack0pmemphisto: it fails20:00
memphistoSebaK: when installing manually you have to choose where to put grub20:00
B1ack0pThis installation of MySQL is already upgraded to 5.7.22, use --force if you still need to run mysql_upgrade20:00
memphistowhere did you put it20:00
SebaKmemphisto: I put it on /dev/sda (the disk I am using and the only one in the PC); it has a dedicated EFI System Partition20:02
memphistoB1ack0p: try dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq mysql-server20:02
B1ack0pm@uthink:~$ sudo dpkg --remove --force-remove-reinstreq mysql-server20:03
B1ack0pdpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove mysql-server which isn't installed20:03
memphistoSebaK: don't have uefi system now, but maybe try putting to /dev/sdaX where X is number of your boot partition20:05
humm8Are there any 100% fully supported laptops which are also FAST, currently?20:07
Bashing-omSebaK: A thought; Are you booting the installer in EFI mode ?20:07
bluekeysHello. I would like to make an Ubuntu Live distribution from mini.iso. What packages are needed for this?20:08
memphistoB1ack0p: can you apt remove any pkg with mysql name in it20:08
memphistothe list you sent20:08
MortyTSugh guys i was having some "unable to write to ..." errors when i booted my kubuntu 16.04, it prevented things like opening the browser and most anything else. i rebooted and now i end up with a BusyBox shell. I tried booting a live cd and running boot-repair but that didn't help20:08
bluekeysAlternatively, is there a stripped down version of Ubuntu that can boot into a live system, without all the bloat that comes with Ubuntu normally? (ie. Aislerot, Rhythmbox, etc)20:08
Lukehey is there a snapcraft channel?20:09
SebaKmemphisto: I tried that, but it behaves the same way - by the way, mounting the system from a live install and repairing the bootloader according to various tutorials always succeeds with no errors...20:09
Bashing-omhumm8: Check out Dell's new line: https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/05/dell-precision-3530-ubuntu20:10
memphistoMortyTS: filesystem corruption, or failing disk20:10
memphistosounds like that20:10
MortyTSsounds bad. advice?20:10
B1ack0pmemphisto: how remove with mysql name in it?20:10
SebaKBashing-om: I think I am - how would I verify that?20:10
B1ack0pmemphisto: i just removed virtualbox20:11
memphistoi meant remove the pkgs from the list you sent http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/cNdGxDwpt5/20:11
memphistoone by one20:11
B1ack0premoved but gave same error on terminal20:11
memphistoSebaK: succeeds but unbootable20:11
SebaKmemphisto: grub-install shows no errors - yet I cannot boot afterwards20:12
Bashing-omSebaK: Are you at a terminal presently ? then execute - [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] && echo "Installed in EFI mode" || echo "Installed in Legacy mode" - to know .20:13
B1ack0pmemphisto: done without error20:13
memphistoSebaK: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI20:14
memphistohave you followed this ?20:14
memphistoB1ack0p: you made it20:14
SebaKBashing-om: Well - the system I am installing does not boot, so I can do that from a live install, which contains the /sys/firmware/efi file. But that is not the "real" install, right?20:15
B1ack0pmemphisto: now xampp doesnt work :/20:15
memphistoB1ack0p: you'll have to go remove one by one or try following this https://askubuntu.com/questions/691765/how-do-i-get-rid-of-stale-uninstalled-entries-in-dpkg?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=google_rich_qa&utm_campaign=google_rich_qa20:16
SebaKmemphisto: Yes, I checked all that today.20:16
Bashing-omSebaK: Corect, ^ that command must be from the installed system terminal .20:16
Bashing-omSebaK: Ahh .. from the installer USB check that the directory /sys/firmware/efi is present .20:18
SebaKI guess my question right now is: What does the "automatic" installer do that I'm not doing when I install manually?20:19
SebaKBashing-om: In the live installer system, the file is present20:19
memphistoyou've used --target=x86_64-efi, right20:19
memphistowith the grub-install20:19
MortyTSalright im seriously done with kubuntu. too much crashes and issues. which flavor is most stable out of the box?20:20
SebaKmemphisto: not explicitly; but I think it confirmed installing an x86_64 image...20:20
memphistoMortyTS: Kubuntu20:20
Bashing-omSebaK: Ny thought is that the partitioning is to support EFI, and you are booted legacy MBR and as such grub can not install properly .. just my thought .20:20
memphistoi use it, but i'm 16.0420:21
MortyTSi was on 16.04 too20:21
MortyTSand had KDE modules crashing almost every day20:21
humm8Bashing-om: is there something with hi-dpi too?20:21
SporkWitchMortyTS: initial LTS releases are always a bit flaky, are the 18.04.1 ISOs out yet? try from that20:21
Bashing-omSebaK: So much for ny thouht as " /sys/firmware/efi " says you are booted in efi mode .20:21
memphistoMortyTS: really?20:21
SporkWitchi see KDE modules _saying_ they crashed fairly regularly, but i'd never know it if it weren't for the message saying it lol20:22
memphistoSebaK: boot to rescue again and follow the tutorial, the one that has --tartget option20:22
SebaKmemphisto: OK, I will try that...20:22
memphistoand lets see what happens20:22
MortyTSso should i try kubuntu 18.04? wouldn't that be like staying in an abusive relationship20:22
Bashing-omhumm8: depends on the release you are running .. there is better support in the later kernels for HiDPI - but there are venues for support in older kernels .20:23
memphistoSporkWitch, MortyTS: yes, so i'm not going to 18.4 yet...waiting for Service Pack 1 :)20:23
SporkWitchMortyTS: i see KDE modules _saying_ they crashed fairly regularly, but i'd never know it if it weren't for the message saying it lol20:24
memphistosame was with 14.0420:24
memphistowhich module/s failed? can you name some20:24
SporkWitchmemphisto: it'll usually be plasmashell or some other random thing, but it's literally just the message; there's no actual indication of something failing lol20:25
MortyTSit'd start with kdeinit or plasmashell and when i'd acknowledge the notification it would keep coming with more modules crashing until the system would freeze20:25
MortyTSi'd have this problem on both 14.04 and 16.04 on 2 different machines20:25
SporkWitchMortyTS: something is wrong with your computer lol20:26
MortyTSim on a livecd right now whats the quickest way to check the health of my drive?20:26
SporkWitchfsck and smart-tools20:26
SporkWitchit's not quick, but it's how you check it20:27
memphistoyou should check your RAM20:28
SebaKmemphisto: Reinstalled grub with the explicit --target=x86_64-efi option - same issue.20:31
humm8Bashing-om: i always run the latest20:34
MortyTSmemphisto how do you check ram health?20:34
MortyTSfsck fixed a bunch of issues20:36
jmaderois this a valid rsync command: rsync -avz --progress /mnt/drive1/2018*zip /mnt/drive2/backup/20:36
TheWildOn my laptop switching from DE to tty takes about 10 sec, and from tty to DE switches instantly, but screen freezes for 30-60 sec. KMS seems enabled. What's wrong with it?20:36
memphistoSebaK: arch wiki is good, mybe you can try going through theirs wiki https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/GRUB20:36
SebaKthanks, I will have a look20:37
tomreyn!details | TheWild20:37
ubottuTheWild: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.20:37
TheWildoh... okay, I don't have any questions.20:38
jmaderoTheWild: your question is unclear. "What's wrong with it" - with the info provided no one will be able to help20:38
TheWilddo you want output of lshw?20:40
TheWildI don't know what part of Linux doesn't work quite right - it's too obscure. I didn't have this problem with my other computers.20:47
roleri have ubuntu on a Dell XPS 13 developer edition laptop. I have dual boot with windows 10. With my external keyboard/monitor/mouse setup, I cannot get the laptop to wake when the lid is closed. However, when I boot windows, and close the lid, the laptop wakes perfectly... Searched a long time and tried some tricks in /proc regarding usb wake with no luck.. any ideas?20:50
tomreynTheWild: the hint ubottu provided basically said what is needed. if you are not yet familiar with ubuntu then you may not yet know the log file to check for error messages but you should be able to at least tell your ubuntu version, and to proviude information on your hardware. if you're not ready to spend this much energy then you can hardly expect someone volunteering to help here to spend much time on pulling the words out of your mouth20:51
humm8Anyone who knows the name of the game inside this system76 page? ( https://system76.com/laptops/bonobo )20:52
humm8(half way page)20:53
tomreynroler: i know nothing about thius, but try: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/260907/usb-ports-do-not-wake-up-from-suspend-to-ram20:53
TheWildyou mean dmesg? Dmesg won't show me anyth... wait a moment.20:54
TheWild^ this happens when going to tty then back20:54
rolertomreyn; i haven't tried this actually.. one moment :)20:56
AbertaffyHi, I'm trying to update my 16.10 system before upgrading it to the latest version (as recommended by Ubuntu Wiki), but `sudo apt dist-upgrade` is giving a series of 403 errors: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zcBjM9F99Z/21:09
AbertaffyI updated all the url's in /etc/apt/sources.list to point at old-releases.ubuntu.com, as instructed by https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades/, as well as ran `sudo apt update`21:11
memphistoTheWild: so its issue with the driver...is there a newer version available from manufacture site?21:13
RoadRunner|2can't figure out how to write to floppy, help?21:17
RoadRunner|2no, its not write protected :)21:17
Bashing-omRoadRunner|2: Where is the floppy mounted, and what are the permissions of the mount point ?21:20
RoadRunner|2Bashing-om: mounted on /media/floppy0 permissions: Owner root - Read& Write; others - read only21:23
Bashing-omRoadRunner|2: "read only" : what is the file system ? and are "you" the owner ?21:25
RoadRunner|2Bashing-om: file system ext4; how to check if I am actually the owner?21:26
ericrajuinhumm8: that game is blender21:26
Bashing-omRoadRunner|2: pastebin ' ls -al /media/floppy0  ' .21:31
SebaKOne last question on my bootloader problem: Is it possible that grub fails to load the kernel image because I formatted the root partition as JFS and not ext4?21:32
joseph__can somone help me with winusb of woe usb21:35
RoadRunner|2Bashing-om: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CynJzrrSWy/21:35
joseph__having trouble installing it on ubuntu 1821:35
Bashing-omseydi: failing a answer here, might also ask in #grub.21:35
Bashing-omSebaK: ^^ sorry for the bad jilight seydi :(21:36
joseph__hmm ok21:36
SebaKno problem, got it21:36
Bashing-omRoadRunner|2: Well, that says only root has access . That also does not address the "read only" setting .21:37
RoadRunner|2Bashing-om: I see the problem but don't know how to fix it21:39
Bashing-omRoadRunner|2: Depending on what you want to do about the access rights - change them to "you" or access the floppy from 'sudo' ?21:40
RoadRunner|2Bashing-om: don't see how change permissions from Thunar (which is how I would prefer to access floppy)21:41
RoadRunner|2Bashing-om: I mean, if my user name is Bob, how do I give "Bob" read & write access?21:43
memphistoSebaK: you can run update-initramfs and check whether it says something about filesystem in general; you should have moudules in system21:43
Bashing-omRoadRunner|2: 18.04 os what you have installed ? then there is a change in how nautilis is launched with the elevated privileges - or change the access right to you . It is your system and only you can say what you want to allow access to .21:43
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RoadRunner|2Bashing-om: I understand that, I got Xubuntu 18.04 installed so, in my case, not nautillis but Thunar and I don't seem to find a way to change user access rights in it...21:46
Abertaffyslackjeff: typo?21:47
Bashing-omRoadRunner|2: Now if you want "Bob" to have the access to the floppy then you do ' sudo chown -R Bob:Bob /media/floppy0 ; sudo chmod -R 755 /media/floppy0 ' , Do some homework and see that '755' suits your desire for who can do what .21:47
RoadRunner|2Bashing-om: I'll read up on these commands and hopefully will see the light, thank you :)21:49
Bashing-omRoadRunner|2: try as 'pkexec thunar' to lainch with admin rights .21:50
AbertaffyDoes anyone here have any idea what may cause a 403 error whilst running `sudo apt dist-upgrade`, with the archive./security. being switch to old-releases.?21:50
Abertaffys/being/in the repository url's in /etc/apt/sources.list being/21:50
RoadRunner|2Bashing-om: you recommend I try "pkexec thunar" before I try the other two commands?21:51
Bashing-omI an not syre that still an issue .. but the path is to 17.04 and was at one time blocked due to the security vulnerabilites - Spectre And Meltdown .21:53
Bashing-omRoadRunner|2: Your system, your call . What do you want to do ? Who do you want to allow access to those files ?21:54
RoadRunner|2Bashing-om: pkexec thunar worked; in general I would like to allow unrestricted access to use of the floppy drive21:55
Bashing-omRoadRunner|2: :) .. then the above terminal commands are a good starting point - til you know better :)21:56
Bashing-omRoadRunner|2: And still is the unresoved " read only" .21:57
RoadRunner|2Bashing-om: I assume the above commands would resolve this "read only", is that not the point?21:58
SebaKThanks everyone for the help - I will continue tomorrow...21:58
Bashing-omRoadRunner|2: No, not the point .. those gist five 'Bob' and others in the group access to the floppy . has nothing to do with it mounted read only .21:59
Bashing-omjust give*21:59
Bashing-omRoadRunner|2: Mind ya .. I am a simple person and work hard to keep it simple .. one issue at a time is what I focus on.22:00
RoadRunner|2Bashing-om: I see, got to leave for 40min, can we continue with this then?22:01
AbertaffyInteresting - I can install `apt-get install` new packages fine, it's just `apt-get dist-upgrade` giving a 40322:09
leftyfbAbertaffy: what version of ubuntu?22:10
Abertaffyleftyfb: 16.10, I'm trying to update all packages before upgrading22:10
AbertaffyAh, so it looks like someone screwed up the permissions when moving these packages to old-releases22:23
AbertaffyDownloading and installing them manually from launchpad seems to work fine, at least22:23
* Abertaffy hopes there won't be similar fun when upgrading to 17.0422:23
RoadRunner|2Bashing-om: so 1st question: why would you want to restrict access to floppy?22:26
slimetrapwhy can i chrome cast videos with an extension but the actual chrome>cast option can't find my tv22:28
RoadRunner|2Bashing-om: I mean, if you are trying to protect data on HD from being copied and floppy is restricted, you can still coppy it to a usb stick...22:28
oerheksNavigate to chromecast.com/setup from the Chrome browser on your computer.22:30
oerheks Click “Set up your Chromecast using this computer”.22:30
oerheksthen chrome works normal, AFAIK22:30
guivercAbertaffy, 16.10's release-upgrade path is to 17.04 which is no longer in archive.ubuntu.com (as you've missed that window; it's now EOL too).  17.04 can currently release-upgrade to 17.10 as its alive/supported.   I'd suggest grabbing an ISO of an LTS release & install that over your 16.1022:32
AbertaffyMm, I guess I probably should just backup and reinstall22:32
AbertaffyBut somehow felt stubbornly hunting .debs would be less effort22:33
AbertaffyYeah, if I can't work this out in the next 20 minutes or so, I guess I'll hunt down if Dell has released an image for 18.0422:33
bart23firs time i see this, any help?22:34
guivercAbertaffy, Do you have any PPA's/non-Canonical sources enabled/used - check they work with your version (its way outside 16.10's life) & remove/comment-out them out.. you can always edit sources.list yourself & force upgrade but its outside of supported-method.  if you can't find 18.04 from dell; 16.04 LTS would also be good!22:36
oerheksmounting a bin file, new to me too.22:36
RoadRunner|2Bashing-om: hmm.., it seems I spoke too soon: pkexec thunar did NOT work as I thought.  One file seemed to have copied, but another didn't; or a file is copied with 0 size. ie: there is still an issue22:38
Abertaffyguiverc: seems all the failing packages are from util-linux, rather than any other PPAs, google seems to throw up an array of other people having trouble (and an issue raised on launchpad) :( But yeah, I thought I was on 16.04 so never bothered updating to 17.04/17.10, which is how I ended up in this mess - installing 16.04 and upgrading to 18.04 should work fine too, I suppose?22:39
AbertaffyThat way I would get the drivers that Dell includes for the laptop22:39
tomreynbart23: so what does dmesg say?22:45
tomreynbart23: and what file system do you expect this file to contain.22:46
guivercAbertaffy, just fyi:  downgrading (moving to an older release) can have issues with user files as 'new features' in some apps can cause slight changes that older versions don't know how to deal with. i have no idea what was changed between 16.04 & 16.10 thus don't know what issues you may have (if any); I just recall an evolution [mua] change impacting me 5-6 years ago doing similar22:47
stan7is there a irc channel about general computer topics?22:48
RoadRunner|2Bashing-om: upon trying to copy a file onto a floppy (with root priveleges) get a "Error Splicing file. Input/Output error"22:48
AbertaffyMmm yeah, easiest thing to do would be to fresh install an 18.04 image from Dell for this laptop, I think22:49
AbertaffyNo downgrading issues that way22:49
AbertaffyThanks for the help :)22:49
tomreyn!alis | stan722:50
ubottustan7: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"22:50
guivercyou're most welcome - issues most likely won't occur; but they can (hence warning).  Abertaffy22:50
stan7but you dont know one channel right?22:51
SporkWitchask alis22:51
alberto75hi i can't reproduce sound in a bluetooth speaker please help22:53
stan7i havent use alis, how works?22:54
stan7im in xchat22:54
stan7i use a option for looking for channels here22:54
stan7but i just found one, its computer science but only 40 users, a few22:55
tomreyn!ot | stan722:55
ubottustan7: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:55
stan7what is !ot?22:55
tomreynstan7: off topic, that's what your recent chat is. see ubottus message. unless oyu have an ubuntu support question, please chat elsewhere.22:56
alberto75how can i do to play my notebook sound in a bluetooth speaker22:58
tomreynalberto75: you connect the speaker to the laptop, and it will either work or...23:00
tomreyn!sound | alberto7523:00
ubottualberto75: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.23:00
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Edistohow do you uninstall ubuntu's grub? I've installed suse but it appears Ubuntu's grub is still default loading even though I deleted it's partition23:36
SporkWitchEdisto: UEFI?23:36
tomreynEdisto: seek support from suse, their installation did not succeed.23:37
tomreynif done properly, grub would have been overwritten23:37
SporkWitchEdisto: the actual bootloaders are stored in /boot/EFI (or similar under /boot/), so unless you deleted the EFI partition or its contents, the old loader will still be there in the same boot priority in UEFI23:37
SporkWitchtomreyn: not necessarily with UEFI23:38
EdistoSporkWitch: I created a new efi partition since I didn't see one in the drive partitions when installing suse...23:40
SporkWitchEdisto: sounds like you did, in fact, miss it :)23:40
tomreynstill a support issue for the new OS, i guess. but i'll hold my breath.23:40
SporkWitchtomreyn: it's OS-independent, really, since it's a UEFI issue.  Windows will do the same thing too, unless you manually remove the old install's files, it'll show you two windows boot options, one of which will always fail with missing files23:41
SporkWitch(i ran into exactly this when reinstalling on this machine lol)23:41
SporkWitch(only kubuntu installed, but still had both windows and kubuntu boot options; put windows back on as only OS, now it has two windows and a kubuntu option, until i nuked the other folders in the EFI partition23:42
EdistoSporkWitch: hmm... sounds like I will have to do a windows recovery, then a grub install?23:43
SporkWitchEdisto: you should just need to find and mount the EFI partition and remove the extraneous folders.  It's remarkably straightforward, each OS will install its own bootloader in its own folder23:44
EdistoSporkWitch: i'm in recovery mode and did a fdisk -l. I see a 450m hidden ntfs winre that has boot *.23:45
Edistoi'm guesing that might be it?23:45
Edistoothwerise there is no toher EFI than the one i created23:45
SporkWitchEdisto: check the contents of your EFI partition; without an entry there, it shouldn't mount that recovery partition, i think23:46
=== Ricardus_ is now known as Ricardus

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