[09:30] PR snapd#5251 opened: tests: reprioritise a few tests that are known to be slow [15:32] Heya, how do I add exceptions to the sandbox? [15:33] Specifically, we share a computer and a stereo so pulse is running in daemon mode. [15:33] And we want to use the spotify snap so we don't have to trust its .debs with root. [15:33] But the confinement isn't taking daemon mode into account: apparmor="DENIED" operation="connect" profile="snap.spotify.spotify" name="/run/pulse/native" [15:36] ...so I think I want to make a local-only patch to the pulseaudio interface? Is it even possible to do that? In a way that survives snap updates? === zarcade_droid is now known as ^arcade_droid