[00:08] FWIW, I get done with finals at the end of this week, then I go to SELF... during or after SELF, my plan is to finish up the 5.11 "transition" in Debian Experimental and get that going in Ubuntu [01:57] tsimonq2: does this mean you are mostly done with school after this week? [01:58] @valorie, I'm completely done with school after this week. :P [01:58] nice! [01:58] whatcha gonna do with your summer [01:58] ? [01:58] Take a guess. 😆 [02:35] stay away from your PC! [02:35] * lisandro ducks [02:38] 😆 [02:50] tsimonq2: knowing that you are from EEUU the only thing I can think of is one of those summer camps. Blame Hollywood. [02:51] (I remember my Spanish teacher noting at one point that EEUU = USA, heh) [02:51] Hah. I don't go to summer camps. :) [02:51] err, yeah, USA [02:51] bad idea, fresh air is nice ;-) [02:51] Hehe [02:51] * lisandro would have probably liked one of those [02:52] (I know enough Spanish to understand common words and phrases. :))