
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: That makes sense. You can't even change periods per buffer without a restart.03:28
OvenWerksErichEickmeyer: Should be able to, but that is not something one normally changes anyway and not something -controls offers at this point. (the GUI doesn't anyway)14:00
OvenWerksswitchmaster in jackdbus is supposed to allow a complete reconfiguration of the backend including changing the backend itself.14:02
OvenWerksSo it should be paoosible to switch from alsa to firewire, 44k1 to 48k, 2 periods to 3 and the buffer from 1024 to 128.... all at the same time.14:04
OvenWerkschanging the buffer size has always been possible on the fly even in jackd114:05
OvenWerksHowever, even though some applications like patchage and guitarix allow the user to change this on the fly, there are some jackd clients that do not catch this change and deal with it like Phasex.14:06
OvenWerksChanging SR on the fly is something a synth might deal with correctly, but a DAW should not even try.14:08
OvenWerksI am guessing this is the point. There may indead be some clients that do not deal with any change well. Even a change in output device can mean a change in ports used.14:21
OvenWerksI may leave the SM in for plugging a USB device, but remove all others. Auto routing the pulse outputs and reconnecting them seems to work ok.14:22
OvenWerksAnything that does not require changing the jack backend is ok as well. So plugging in a USB mic (or three) will just work14:27
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: That's perfect, and yes, having a DAW change, specifically, the SR would be a bad idea. From personal experience, the results aren't pretty. One time I accidentally switched the SR of my mixer/interface while it was connected and with jack running. The results weren't pretty.22:05
OvenWerksErichEickmeyer: right, so any parameter change should restart, but if we can change backend device and reconnect without restart that would be nice.22:10
ErichEickmeyerIn an ideal world, yes. I've seen DAWs competely freak-out with that too.22:10
ErichEickmeyerOvenWerks: Once you feel it's ready for testing, I'd love to do a blog post about it with screenshots touting the new features.22:49
OvenWerksK, I will see what I can do this week. Considering I will be doing a lot more restarting... I will actually be removing stuff.22:59

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