[00:50] Why is floppy drive mounted read only and how to change it? [01:03] Are you sure it's mounted read-only, rather than just being the set permissions? [01:07] krytarik: ls -al /media/floppy0 yields: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CbKYMYjSSS/ [01:08] But that doesn't tell about the mount status - "mount" would. [01:08] what command should I use then to id the problem? [01:09] the full syntax... [01:09] Literally just that. [01:11] http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qzkYzfcW7z/ [01:12] "/dev/fd0 on /media/floppy0 type vfat (rw,..." [01:13] does that like look correct to you? [01:13] *line [01:16] I mean, I am no expert... [01:27] RoadRunner|2: https://serverfault.com/questions/43634/how-to-mount-external-vfat-drive-as-user , https://askubuntu.com/questions/429848/dmask-and-fmask-mount-options [01:31] re 1st link - my floppy is not an external drive [01:33] also, re line 36 in my paste: I did see vfat (rw... but I also saw "errors=remount-ro" towards the end of it... so maybe some error somewhere triggers mounting as read only [01:34] maybe I should check the boot log to look for errors on mounting the floppy drive? [01:36] also, perhaps I should mention that I am getting the same problem on two diff comps (with internal floppy drives) one running 16.04 and the other 18.04 [01:38] krytarik: did that help? [01:40] Well, the one time I actually had a partition remounted read-only myself, I just checked '/var/log/syslog' - but this might work too: https://serverfault.com/questions/193971/determine-if-filesystem-or-partition-is-mounted-ro-or-rw-via-bash-script [01:43] do you deal with floppy drives? [01:43] The type of device doesn't really matter here. [01:44] is there a way to have the comp search through syslog ('cause its long)? [01:48] did it the slow way and yes, there are issues with floppy in the syslog [01:48] am wondering how much of it to paste... [01:51] here's some of it, but this seems to repeat over and over: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/khrZjq74sP/ [01:55] krytarik: can you make sense of this? [01:57] Yes, as far as I would ask you - did you rip out the disk during an operation? [01:58] not to my knowledge (unless the operation was in a looong death loop...) [01:59] but certainly I could not have done it over and over again, yet that's what's happening in the log [02:00] and how would you comment on this happening on two diff comps? [02:00] also, one of them is a dual boot: xub 16.04/WinXP and there are no issues under win... [02:01] Well, I'd try to mount it properly first - and then see if the issue persists. [02:02] mount it properly...? shouldn't the device mount itself properly on boot? [02:03] if there is a way to help it mount itself properly, please tell me [02:03] Yes, I did that above already. [02:05] perhaps I misunderstood, but I thought your last link was meant to determine IF it is mounted properly? [02:18] krytarik: regarding if floppy is mounted ro: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hVJptYjyj6/ [02:19] that's a paste of: grep "\sro[\s,]" /proc/mounts [02:22] can the first line of the paste be describing the floppy? [02:23] Well, I looked at it - and nothing relates to the floppy drive. [02:25] nosuid,nodev are the only similarities I saw [02:27] should I try to figure out dmask/fmask next and do you feel the external drive link can still be relavant to me? [06:28] hi there all-can anyone explain how i can extract bios files (exe self extracting batch file) and update my bios from linux (Qflash+GA870-UD3 v3.0 board and bios version) [06:28] tried unrar but version outputs error and wont extract [06:29] In Thunar, when I click on "Browse Network" I see a folder called "Windows Network". I also links to all the shares in the same level or hierarchy (network:///) When I browse into "Windows Network" I first get a list of workgroups (smb:///), then a list of servers, then a list of shares, as one would expect. My question is, what causes or provides the server links that are listed under "network:///". I'm just curious as to [06:29] why they are there. [06:31] jonpc: do they offer any alternative downloads for the bios? a zip file or a .bio file? [06:32] No sadly only windows self extracting exe is offered the file name is as follows - mb_bios_ga-870a-ud3_v.3.x_fd.exe [06:33] looks at this stage like ill have to spin up a windows vm extact the files i need onto external then copy to usb and try to flash lmfao [06:34] or install windows on a old hard drive just to update bios then switch back to linux [06:34] please someone save me from blasted windows [06:35] jon i just downloaded the latest bios (the beta) as exe and right clicked on it in thunar and selected "open with engrampa archive manager" then i extracted it successfully [06:36] ooh baby you magic gonna give it a shots thanks alot [06:36] jonpc: mb_bios_ga-870a-ud3_v.3.x_fef.exe [06:37] thats the specific file i got and tested [06:37] strange deadlink [06:37] you want to use the one below beta though? [06:38] FD? [06:38] the beta is FEf [06:38] also i used the link for America [06:43] If your EFI/BIOS allows you to flash from within the bios, like a bios recovery option where you just feed it the file, then it should be easy. [06:44] if you have to use a dos flash utility then youll need to create a bootable dos usb stick [06:45] any suggetions re dos utillity [06:45] rufus i think should do it easily [06:45] wait..my bad..thats a windows program..lol [06:46] there should be some guides out there on how to do this manually with linux [06:47] none found work so far [06:48] as far as making a bootable usb drive? [06:49] this page shows a way to do it with ubuntu https://www.thomas-krenn.com/en/wiki/Creating_a_Bootable_DOS_USB_Stick#OS-independent_Alternative [06:49] not that i have tested that method [06:52] oh i think qflash is the BIOS recovery method I was referring to. [06:53] put the extracted bios file on a usb stick, reboot and press the option for qflash [06:53] you should be able to browse to the usb stick, select the file, then hopefully not brick your pc [06:55] lol i got to the point of extracting the exe and now have three files (self extracting batch file that i need extracted but cannot extract [06:56] i wont brick i have backup of bios [06:56] so you extracted the three files? [06:56] on hdd and motherboard flash memory (dual bios) [06:56] but still stuck [06:57] cuz of the dam batch file [06:57] you dont need the bat file or exe [06:57] the third file is the actual bios [06:58] 870AUD33.FD [06:58] if you are using mb_bios_ga-870a-ud3_v.3.x_fd.exe [06:59] extract it to the root folder of a usb stick [06:59] then us q flash [06:59] https://www.gigabyte.com/MicroSite/121/tech_qflash.htm [07:00] this methos won't require the exe or the bat file [07:00] method* [07:03] will post img for you in a sec cant do anything with these three file from qflash as it needs to be extracted under windows just a tick [07:03] https://imgur.com/a/mcTi3s8 [07:04] click on 870AUD33.FD, the click extract, point it to a USB flash drive [07:04] you need only that file [07:06] then you reboot and ... "you can access Q-Flash by either pressing key during the POST or pressing the key in BIOS setup menu." [07:07] q flash will let you select that BIOS file you put on the USB flah drive [07:07] ill giv it a shot but last time around no files where found on the fat32 formatted usb with those files on the root of drive [07:07] speak soon thanks for your help [07:08] oh youve done this all already? [07:15] no joy with those file on the root of the usb [07:15] will check permissions chmod 777 i guess [07:15] what you think [07:18] https://imgur.com/a/dpKRWAB [07:18] all looks fine there dont you think [07:19] im not sure why they woudnt be visible [07:20] theres jsut on fat32 partition on it? [07:20] one* [07:22] im sorry are you asking me (dont really understand what you are asking please elabourate) [07:23] the qflash utility can only see files on a fat32 partition [07:24] thats how i have partitioned the usb [07:24] msdos and fat32 [07:24] using GParted [07:24] perhaps you can reformat the flash drive as fat32 just to make sure its fat32 and clean [07:24] clean how via terminal [07:25] i know which sdx it is just need the command [07:25] or do you mean format it again for good measure and clean it in the process of doing so [07:25] https://askubuntu.com/questions/22381/how-to-format-a-usb-flash-drive?utm_medium=organic&utm_source=google_rich_qa&utm_campaign=google_rich_qa [07:25] yes i was thinking for good measue but it sounds like you have done that already [07:26] try once more [07:26] never hurt [07:26] you booted and pressed end or f9 to get into the qflash utility sucessfully? [07:26] but qflash sees nothing on the flash drive? [07:27] if you are using a usb3.0 port, do you have a 2.0 available to try? [07:27] probably nothing - but the instructions from the site linked above state copying the update file - no mention of the autoexec.bat - the qflash utility is expecting one file only ... never used it so don't know if it shows a list to pick from nomrally [07:28] yes you only need the one bios file to use the q-flah method [07:28] you will not use the bat file or the exe [07:28] im gonna take the file over to win pc see if it will extract files i can use [07:28] so its not necessary to put them on the flash drive [07:29] you dont need the bat file at all [07:29] maybe try just having that on there then [07:29] which file of the three do you want me to put on the usb [07:29] the exe and bat file or for "plan b" which would be to actually boot from a dos usb drive [07:30] but i suggest using the q-flash method [07:30] gna qflash first [07:31] jonpc: I assume the .FD file only [07:31] lol [07:31] yes thats the bios itself [07:31] often speak b4 engaging brain [07:32] brb peeples [07:32] thanks [07:32] ok gl [07:34] this probably isn't technically a xubuntu support issue, but who wants to hear that [07:34] as long as it's how to not use windows right? [07:35] no luck this is so wierd [07:35] you pressed end or f9 and qflash opened but you were unable to find the file on the flash drive again? [07:36] qflash accessed no drama but no matter which port the usb is connected to no file are found [07:36] *files [07:37] interesting [07:37] it shows the usb device, but no files on it? [07:37] format correct partition table correct im stumped [07:37] usb not picked up at all [07:38] oh..it should give you a list of your choices, like the usb drive, floppy (lol), etc [07:38] ports working when booted up [07:38] not from q flash no choice empty field re drives [07:38] perhaps plan be would be the way to go at this point [07:38] plan B [07:39] so bios on a usb then access the files via bios [07:39] make that usb drive actually bootable with freedos and execute the bat file [07:40] but bios isnt installed on my pc period would free dos have it boot bios live [07:43] you would make a usb thumb drive bootable, then add the three extracted files to its root [07:44] you would boot into your bios, change the bios boot order to allow the usb drive to boot before and other drives, then reboot from the usb thumb drive [07:44] you would then run the .bat file from the command prompt [07:45] you may also see an option for "Boot Menu" during post that you can use to easily boot from the usb drive [07:45] (but it would still need to be an actual bootable drive) [07:48] cools [07:49] :) thanks [07:49] if you dont have access to a windows machine to use Rufus, then perhaps "Unetbootin" will work [07:49] https://unetbootin.github.io/ [07:49] sounds like it can easily create a bootable usb dos drive [07:50] but its not in the repo [07:50] you would have to add the PPA to your sources [07:50] something obviously awry with what you're doing jonpc - I just did it all (without actually doing the flash) [07:51] using gparted btw [07:51] did you try to find the file from your qflash (on ur usb and did it show up?) [07:52] yep - got list of things on the usb including the flash file [07:52] i could get all files in the location with correct format and part table but when i boot into qflash cant browse to the files or see any files or drives [07:53] cant even see my external or other drives [07:53] don't have the backlog handy - why exactly do you need to flash it anyway? [07:54] I forget, did you check to see if you're doing this with a USB 3.0 port? [07:57] https://static.gigabyte.com/Product/2/3753/3883.jpg [07:58] I definitely used usb2 here [07:58] one of the sub 2.0 (black) ports might be more reliable for this [07:59] sub = usb..sorry for my typing skills [08:03] also is the capacity of the flash drive over 32gb? There could possibly be an issue there [08:05] you might try using gparted to make a partition less than 32GB, then format it as fat32 [08:14] flocculant: your advice lastweek helped me alot with samba [08:14] flocculant: thank you [08:18] Hi, anyone here using Dolphin file manager on Xubuntu? after i install it, i cannot see the copy progress dialog in dolphin. any idea if it needs an extra dependency? [08:22] in KDE sint the copy progress provided by a notification plugin? [08:22] isn't* [08:22] nova: no problem :) [08:23] i have a feeling its using plasma notification system, however how do other distros use dolphin without a copy progress dialog? im sure its possible without installing the whole plasma desktop [08:23] Flocculant I have another one for you, have you heard anyone complaining about the large pulse audio plugin icon size in the panel? [08:24] Im no sure other distros do use dolphin [08:24] thanks both of you got relegated to dishes by a woman scorned going to try what you mentioned (mine is a 32G usb 3.0 so will try the back ports and a diff usb [08:24] yes try one of the black ports, not blue [08:24] jonpc: still interested to know why you need to flash the bios? [08:25] nova, other distros dont use dolphin by default no, but i mean how do other people make it work if they want to use dolphin on xfce4 or xubuntu or any distro without installing plasma [08:25] Dolphin is awesome, dont get me wrong, but I think it's going to be most at home on KDE. Still there might be a way to make it work properly [08:25] i would like to update it my version is dated and would like to see if any improved funtionality gained from update [08:25] aah right [08:26] well I would suggest forgetting about it unless something is broken ;) [08:26] jonpc, what version do you have? [08:26] they had a list of the changes, however vague [08:26] terminal command for output would make that easy [08:26] please [08:27] i dont know one for that, but you can usually see you bios version during post or in the bios settings [08:27] then you can check the gigabyte site for the specific changes they have made. [08:27] you can find it in dmidecode [08:28] FA = First Release [08:29] nova: yea I've seen a few things about that icon - let me think, cos mine is fine [08:29] FC = 3TB+ HDD support Support Turbo XHD function [08:29] FA is my version [08:29] FD = Update Hybrid EFI version [08:31] nyeeeeeeeeeeeees thats what i want [08:31] Turbo XHD sounds to me like a fancy name for RAID 0 [08:31] lmao [08:32] "GIGABYTE Turbo XHD provides a quick and easy way to boost your hard drive performance by automatically detecting 2 new SATA3 HDDs and enabling users to effortlessly set up a RAID 0 configuration via an easy to use utility. RAID 0 boosts HDD performance by up to 4X" [08:32] nova: your using what icon theme? [08:33] flocculant, I have made a frankenstein icon set out of Moka and elementary i believe [08:33] moka is in the repo [08:33] I think I have checked other icon sets though, let me try again [08:33] flocculant, found the solution, i installed dolphin4 and the dialog progress showed up [08:34] oh did you have some old dolphin or something? [08:34] no i had just originally installed dolphin, but then i saw dolphin4 package instead. is 'dolphin' an older version from 'dolphin4' ? [08:35] flocculant, my icon remains large with every icon set i have installed including adwaita, elementary, gnome, etc [08:36] so do you have both dolphin packages now? [08:37] th descriptions are different [08:37] dolphin4 = Dolphin file browser, this kdelibs4 build is mainly for use with [08:37] Konqueror. [08:37] dolphin = Dolphin is the default file manager in the Plasma, intended [08:37] to be both powerful and easy to use. [08:38] last i checked konqueror is a web browser [08:38] nova, yes ive got both now. because i installed dolphin4 on top of dolphin but i havent tried dolphin4 on its own yet. [08:39] i wonder if i can do everything i need just with dolphin4 [08:40] look at the versions, dolphin is 17.12.3 and dolphin4 is 16.04.3 [08:42] nova, seems like you cant just use dolphin4 without dolphin, so both would have to be installed so that everything works including copy dialog. [08:43] just tested it [08:45] yi [08:45] yo [08:46] littlejohnny, dolphin4 might be QT4 and Dolphin is QT5 [08:48] yea..nevertheless it seems like both need to be installed though. [08:50] got the bios flashed no brick thanks for telling me you got it to work it was my usb as mentioned used port on front but different usb [08:50] nova: not sure tbh [08:50] yall are awesome and thank you very much [08:50] bluesabre might have an idea [08:50] jonpc good im glad it helped [08:51] :) [08:51] jonpc: excellent - glad you've not got an expensive brick ;) [08:51] flocculant, part of the reason mine is large might have to do with my panel height setting, around 32-48 i think [08:51] me too ha ha but had a bup [08:51] nova: oh let me check [08:52] flocculant, but while the other notification are icons cap out at a resonable size the pulse audio panel plugin geep growing [08:52] nova: nope - resizes with the others [08:52] keeps* [08:54] flocculant, https://pasteboard.co/Ho9Naje.png [08:54] nova: I'm sure we discussed it at some point during 18.04 dev cycle [08:54] bluesabre is the one to know I think :p [08:55] flocculant, https://pasteboard.co/Ho9NHZn.png [08:56] flocculant, ok ill keep an eye out for him [08:56] the second image is after i set my panel height to an insane size [08:57] https://pasteboard.co/Ho9Owoa.png [08:58] though window buttons and others end up too small :p [08:59] got to go now - but I think I'll report this somehow - I'd expect icons regardless to look ok always [09:01] flooc ok thanks...i should show my whole panel so you see what im going for...I expected my audio control icon size to match that of the notification icons [09:01] https://pasteboard.co/Ho9PEND.png [09:02] yea I know the issue - it's wider than that though imo [09:02] if I see you in channel when I report it - you can confirm it [09:02] ok [10:53] hi peeples trying to get fightcade installed this is what i get when i try to install from terminal please assist if you can not a windows fan [10:53] https://imgur.com/vHu35ow [10:54] dont know how to specify installation candidate or what is meant my sip thing [10:54] sudo apt install wine-stable [10:54] ? [10:58] okay so i ran just that command installed wine as far as i know ran the fightcade command(s) and same output [10:58] went through the whole install and percentage thing for the wine install [10:59] but fightcade commands sudo or not ./ not working without errors [10:59] happy to paste a command to show you what ive done (tell me what you want from terminal [11:04] please help me solve this thing [15:14] hi, how would i make a program run with root privs at startup? xubuntu 18.04, no more gksu so im stumped lol [15:26] corey__, first instead of gksu you use pkexec [15:27] second if you wanna run a program as root at startup, you need to modify sudoers [15:27] corey ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: /path/to/file [15:27] something like this? [15:29] better make a script with the command you need then add this to the sudoers: ALL ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /path/to/script.sh [15:29] and you run your script with sudo /path/to/script [17:54] hello can you help me. How can I disable bluetooth by default? [17:56] Spitzname1, ? [17:57] When I boot the pc bluetooth is turned on by default. [17:58] How can I change that === GridCube_ is now known as GridCube [18:01] it depends on your hardware and bios, it's usually a combo setup wifi+bluetooth, you can look in bios to for an option to separate bt and wifi not to be started at the same time by pushing one button, another think you could try is to disable bluetooth from session and startup [18:11] diogenes_: I want to be able to use it. i just dont want it to be turned on by default. [18:11] In the session and startup settings i can only disable the applet if i looking right. [18:15] Spitzname1, you could try some of the methods given here: https://www.linux.com/forums/networking/solved-bluez-543-have-bluetooth-disabled-boot [18:21] diogenes_: Thanks for your help. :) [19:31] hello people. i have this weird and VERY annoying bug with (x)ubuntu and firefox: each time the laptop is unplugged and running on battery, firefox playback is starting to shutter (both video and / audio). any tips on how I might approach this? thanks! [19:36] i7ch, probably this issue occurs because your battery cannot generate enough power for your gpu and cpu to provide full power performance [19:39] diogenes_, well, chromium seems to have no issue running under the same conditions [19:39] also, this started to manifest after some weird update .. [19:39] it was not always the same [19:40] i cand watch 1080p, while on battery, no stress. somehow FF has an issue with this [21:28] hello world! [21:28] hi [21:30] How is it going? [21:31] as slow as a pregnant snail, what about you? [21:40] here trying to install LaTex :3 [21:51] hi all- how do i when installing fightcade make this error go away so i can install and use fightcade on linux iv been at it for hrs please help not found anything (i havnt posted online to help) [21:51] https://imgur.com/a/HB3vGGA [21:52] wine is installed correctly so far as i know but am happy to check if u tell me how [21:53] wine funtions from terminal with exe files [21:58] jon i thin you probably want to "sudo apt install wine-stable" [22:00] jonpc, is wine required for fightcade? [22:01] jonpc, you can try to edit that script and in line 15 change "wine" to "wine-development" [22:02] or "wine-stable" (if you want 3.0 vs 3.6) [22:02] oh i see, apt install wine was called from the script [22:02] yeah, script is outdated [22:03] so such package in the new Xubuntu [22:05] theres also a fightcade2 beta [22:06] but it calls for the same nonexistant wine package [22:06] jonpc, after that script should work, then just try to run "./fightcade" from that folder [22:07] but all that script want to do is install wine (so wine-stable or wine-development), python-qt4-phonon and python-qt4 [22:08] so you can just install those packages manually [22:10] it seems to want wine 32 bit though [22:14] iirc those metapackages also install 32-bit wine libraries [22:15] at least they did on my system [22:19] perhaps, i just noticed " dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt-get update" [22:21] I've never had alot of success with wine. I think i used to to run the ventrilo client at one point but it was still derpy [22:21] of course it can run notepad....lol [22:22] with so many native linux emulators, i wonder what part of fightcade is windows only [22:25] ll [22:25] pwe [22:26] history | grep ssh [22:27] what? [22:27] jonpc, are you pwning noobs yet? [22:51] thanks will try what you mentioned [22:52] no not pwning noobs still learning [22:52] always a new hurdle for me cuz i like to tinker [22:52] or frustrate myself not sure which [22:53] jonpc, if you just edit the install script and change that one line where it was "wine" to either wine-stable" or "wine-development", it should run successfully [22:54] which script main.py or linux-install.sh [22:55] jonpc, the install script [22:58] jonpc, line 15, change "wine" to "wine-stable" [22:59] is this the line (" apt-get install wine python-qt4-phonon python-qt4 [22:59] ") [23:01] yes [23:02] change "apt-get install wine python-qt4-phonon python-qt4" to "apt-get install wine-stable python-qt4-phonon python-qt4" [23:02] if this works im gonna pay you [23:02] the problem is that ubuntu does not have a package named "win" it has packages named "wine-stable" and "wine-development" [23:03] getting so excited shouldnt count my chicks [23:03] "wine"* [23:03] this will fix your problem install wine at least [23:04] brb keep u posted need a smoke so bad [23:04] yeah...me too [23:15] This is an interesting bug, when I open a file from the /home/[user]/Download folder using Engrampa, then right click on a file and "open with" Notepadqq, everythign works as expected for a few minutes, then Engrampa crashes after a while. [23:23] working mman [23:23] but i cant get any roms running nonne load not even when i challange myself [23:23] roms and bios is tested and there [23:24] from windows machine [23:24] same folder [23:24] on external woe is me [23:27] jonpc, perhaps the roms or folder containing them have a problem with ownership or permissions [23:28] will check that whats ideal 755 or 777 [23:28] or something else [23:28] jonpc, you also mention "on external", is it recommended to copy the roms to a default location? [23:29] will do that also [23:29] are the files owned by the linux user? [23:29] the roms [23:30] ls -al [23:34] jonpc, the permissions for my mame roms on my retropie are 644 [23:34] rw r r [23:35] and they are still zipped [23:35] wont be a sec sorry [23:36] its usually not necessary to extract roms from their archives [23:39] still zipped permissions are rw r r [23:40] and the owner? [23:40] trying to get to it in terminal and ls -la having issues [23:40] give me a tick [23:42] https://imgur.com/a/QsiUwxk [23:43] if you are more familiar with file manager (thunar) than the terminal for browsing, you can right click in any open folder in thunar and "open terminal here" [23:43] perhaps im missing files dling a romset and bios will try again soon wen complete [23:43] cheers [23:45] those files are 755 not 644, not necessary to make them executable [23:46] also im not sure why some are enclosed in single-quotes [23:46] as in 'sfa2(1).zip' [23:47] perhaps they are duplicates [23:48] they would be duplicates [23:51] is your ROMs folder a symbolic link? [23:57] Hola a todos, que tengan un buen día. alguien que sepa español, a quien [23:57] dispuesto a darme una mano con la configuración de una pc con xubuntu [23:58] !es | xubuntu51i [23:58] xubuntu51i: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.