=== ubuntu is now known as Guest57899 === mkv is now known as m4v === tpe is now known as Guest9357 === N3X15_ is now known as N3X15 === SJrX is now known as SJr === Exagone314 is now known as Exagone313 [10:42] Hey folks [10:55] hi, need some help repairing kubuntu. [10:56] I have upgraded from a "big" trusty system to bionic. [10:56] I knew it would not be without problems. [10:56] I got so far that it is again usable to some state. [10:56] Problem is that I am obviously missig some packages for kde. [10:57] I tried reinstalling kde-full and also kubuntu-desktop. but it did not help with my problems. [10:57] here they are: [10:57] 1. I can not open system settings anymore. When I open them, the error messages is give that no view can be found and it exits. [10:58] any idea what packages could be impacted? i tried reinstalling systemsettings with no success. [11:06] second issue is that I am not able anymore to search for apps. I can type into the start menu, but nothing is selected. [11:08] BuddyButterfly, try installing plasma-workspace and plasma-desktop [11:08] BluesKaj: ok, will try... tnx for coming back. [11:10] BluesKaj: do I have to re-login? [11:10] no [11:10] BuddyButterfly, you went from init to systemd, there are some major changes [11:11] ah, ok. hmmm [11:11] did not help. do you know how to force reinstall of all dependent packages? [11:11] it seems to only reinstall the meta-package. [11:12] getting dependency errors? [11:16] BuddyButterfly, try running sudo dpkg --configure -a, then sudo apt -f install [11:17] yep, did. everything fine. [11:17] it seems like everything is installed fine. [11:20] I am now reinstalling all rdepends on plasma-workspace... [11:21] and then do the same for plasma-desktop. [11:21] ok after that run sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade, just to be sure your apps/packages up to date [11:21] are [11:22] BluesKaj: yes, will do. but I can tell you, i have done all of this hundred times ;-) I have the feeling that some packages are missig or corrupred during update. [11:24] I will try to logoff and re-login... [11:24] ok [11:27] hmmm, did not help [11:27] a reboot will help if you want to chance it ...sooner or later with kernel upgrades etc it has to be done [11:28] I have done all this. new kernel is installed, apt-get update shows no new update. only kde desktop is not working correctly. [11:29] I have also tried to add a new user to get a fresh home dir. this helped in the first place to get the taskbar back. but with a new user it also does not show the systemsettings. [11:29] ok, what's it doing or not doing [11:29] the following is missing: [11:30] 1. Context menu on backround does not exist. [11:30] 2. App search does not work anymore. When starting typing, it clears the window but does not show any matching entries. [11:31] BuddyButterfly, did you have active ppas in your sources before upgrading to Bionic [11:31] 3. When trying to open system settings, it give error dialog saying that no view can be found so nothing can be displayed. [11:31] BuddyButterfly: why build? [11:32] BluesKaj: ^ [11:32] BluesKaj: I am not entirely sure. [11:32] BuddyButterfly: sorry wrong nick [11:33] BluesKaj: It could be the case. But it normally gets disabled. I have re-enabled them later. [11:34] BuddyButterfly, look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d [11:34] BluesKaj: yes, currently I have a lot of ppas. [11:35] BluesKaj: hmm, I have http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu [11:35] for bionic. [11:35] could this maybe be wrong? [11:35] BuddyButterfly, move them to a new folder teporarily , some won't apply to Bionic of course so they should be removed , but ppas like chrome etc should be ok [11:36] BluesKaj: Ah, now I understand. I went through the ppas already and cleaned from every entry that does not have bionic. so all ppas left update and install fine. [11:37] seems to be an upstream update [11:38] Plasma Discover in 5.12.5 was updated on 17 May 2018 with a version. .... [11:38] includes a fix for https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=394048 'Software Centre Discover crashed three times out of three when searching for "latte" after hiting return' [11:38] KDE bug 394048 in discover "Software Centre Discover crashed three times out of three when searching for "latte" after hiting return" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] [11:40] BuddyButterfly, yeah backports are fine [11:41] think a reboot might help [11:55] BluesKaj: could it be that for app search an idexer has to be ru? [11:55] ru? [11:55] run? [11:55] sry, n key is not working.... [11:58] BuddyButterfly, yes but you have enable it in system settings>workspace>search [11:58] lol :-) [11:58] not easy if system settings are not working ;-) [11:59] some command line way? [12:00] is there a way to start systemsettings5 in debug mode? [12:00] or verbose mode, or the like? [12:04] BuddyButterfly, dbus-launch systemsettings5 in the konsole === shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer [12:05] BluesKaj: comes up with same error but no output. [12:06] try sudo [12:06] BluesKaj: Aha! Now it comes up!!! [12:06] ahh [12:06] seems then to be some kind of rights issue.... [12:07] yup [12:07] but where? [12:07] BluesKaj: Cool, tnx for digging with me. [12:08] i'm not well versed when it comes to permissions :/ [12:08] hey np === kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar [13:20] wqd [13:20] ? [13:20] is anyone there? [13:21] where? [13:28] instant gratification and expectation must be terrible for those poor souls === ErichEickmeyer_ is now known as ErichEickmeyer === Nikita is now known as Guest2774 === claudio is now known as Guest64706 === francisco is now known as Guest63584 === Guest71929 is now known as Haudegen [17:38] whats the reason of freezing after logout? [17:39] is this related to the kde or Xorg ? === momken_ is now known as momken [18:30] How can I change the toolbar ? [18:38] unknownboy97 was added by: unknownboy97 [18:43] icons? === momken_ is now known as momken === kubuntu is now known as Guest25008 === magika is now known as Mariannnn === miguel is now known as Guest38348 === wxl_ is now known as wxl [23:42] All: On Kubuntu 16.04 LTS and cannot get my printer to install on CUPS. Are Pantum 2500 on USB and Brother MFC 7360N on the LAN. Downloaded the .deb files and installed but drivers never show in CUPS [23:43] Neither of the .deb installs produce the required .ppd file, but had installed correctly on 14.04 [23:54] TBotNik: sounds like a "not really Kubuntu" problem, so I would ask in #ubuntu [23:54] much larger chan