[05:44] sorry, but I cannot find an ubuntu 18.04 lubuntu-next iso. could you help me? [05:47] @pragomer, That's because it wasn't released. [05:48] oh ok, then sorry for a (relativly) stupid question ;-) any hint when it will be? [05:49] do you have a download location for 17.10 then for me? [05:50] pragomer: 18.10 uses it by default. [05:51] All other versions of Lubuntu with LXQt are unavailable and undsupported. [05:51] *unsupported [05:51] oh ok, I see [05:51] looking forward to lubuntu-next 18.10 [05:51] You mean, Lubuntu 18.10. :) [05:55] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rFXYCcfx4q/ sorry fo some russian but i think you can see problem. lubuntu 18.04 lxqt netinstall [05:57] @JohnDoe_71Rus, Not supported [05:59] but why it in repos? [06:02] https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/lubuntu-qt-desktop [06:04] Because it was there for testing [06:04] We don't support it [11:39] I seem to have two bluetooth managers in Lubuntu. It's kind of confusing. [11:39] I have "Manage Bluetooth Devices" in my system tray, which is visible by default. [11:40] Then I have "Bluetooth Manager" which is accessible via start menu > preferences [11:40] And when I open it, I get another bluetooth icon in my system tray, which is identical to the aforementioned one. [11:40] Except functionally Bluetooth Manager seems a lot more feature rich. [11:40] Anyone experienced the same thing? [12:30] Answer me. I demand justice. [12:30] Speak up. [12:32] Stallman's blessings upon the person who can help me. [12:32] quxgyver, pray to Saint iGNUssius [12:39] gates' curse upon anyone who willingly leaves me to suffer from my bluetooth issues [12:40] billby's groping hand [12:40] upon you. [12:46] what's your bt issue? [12:55] I'm just wondering why I have two BT icons [12:55] when I open "Bluetooth Manager" via the start menu [12:56] one is probably blueberry and another one is blueman [12:56] and if they're part of the same software or two different managers that just happen to seamlessly manage the same hardware without conflict [12:56] Alright. Does that mean that I can remove one of them without issue? [12:59] you can find more programs to work with bluetooth. and each can have its own icon in the tray [12:59] Hm you were right. When I click "help" it identifies itself as "blueman-applet" [12:59] though the other one doesnt really have any identifying info [12:59] no about section or anything [13:00] JohnDoe_71Rus: What happens if you uninstall one of them tho? [13:00] Do they all interface with the same BT software and driver under the hood? [13:01] nothing [13:01] So could I technically remove all BT managers and still have BT work? [13:01] try it [13:02] you can install back anytime [13:04] Well I can't find any package that contains "blueb" so I guess the other icon isn't from blueberry. [13:04] How can I identify it? [13:05] think one is blueman-applet and other is lxpanel applet [13:06] So can I remove the lxpanel applet somehow, and make blueman the default icon (it doesn't show up by default)? [13:07] I mean I guess I could remove the lxpanel applet via gui [13:07] but will that uninstall it, or merely hide it? [13:08] and how can I make blueman autostart in its place? [13:08] quxgyver: right mouse click on BT icon [13:09] http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-BCClJtLuK9g/U0_He2cGG3I/AAAAAAAASTQ/G3tFNoBYeg4/s1600/lubuntu1404-lxsession-default-apps_2.png add to autostart [13:28] well that worked like a charm [13:28] thanks for the explanations as well as the solution [13:28] stallman's blessing upon you === ErichEickmeyer_ is now known as ErichEickmeyer === pleia2_ is now known as pleia2 === SinaCutie_ is now known as SinaCutie === hehehe is now known as Guest52074 === Guest52074 is now known as hehehe === gian is now known as Guest85078 === wxl_ is now known as wxl