
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
mborzeckimvo: hey05:08
mvomborzecki: good morning05:08
mvomborzecki: how are things? anything important I missed last week?05:08
mborzeckimvo: no, don't think so, no fires or anything05:09
mvomborzecki: great05:11
* mvo dives into core18 and reviews then05:11
mvomborzecki: anything exciting happened? how are parallel installs coming along, I'm quite excited about this one05:11
mborzeckimvo: i've bastardized snap-confine and snap-update-ns to accept the _ in snap names, then on friday i was looking into mounting foo_bar as foo05:13
mborzeckimvo: i should be opening some PRs today with some introductory changes in structs05:13
mvomborzecki: sweet!05:13
mvomborzecki: I was wondering how the internal changes will look like, was it a lot of fiddling?05:13
mborzeckilet me show you a patch05:14
mborzeckimvo: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xNBgYhWcMp/ that's a work in progress version05:15
mvomborzecki: aha, nice. StoreName() is a good helper05:17
mvomborzecki: that is surprisingly short, nice05:18
mborzeckimvo: tried to make it least invasive :P05:18
mvomborzecki: heh :) looks like a success to me05:18
mborzeckimvo: s-c bits are a bit fiddly, the mounts, i'm trying tmpfs over $SNAP_MOUNT_DIR, oh an the store part, you can't really install foo and foo_bar right now, because the store complains that you have the same snap appearing twice in the request05:22
* mvo nods05:23
mborzeckihttps://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-06-03/microsoft-is-said-to-have-agreed-to-acquire-coding-site-github wat?05:33
mvomborzecki: I heard rumors about this on the weekend05:35
mvomborzecki: definitely in the waaat catgeory05:35
mvomborzecki: source-safe-201805:35
mvo5251 is an easy win if someone wants to review05:35
mborzeckihahah, well, at leas this one  is usable :)05:35
mvomborzecki: yeah :)05:36
mupPR snapd#5251 closed: tests: reprioritise a few tests that are known to be slow <Created by chipaca> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5251>05:39
zygagood morning!05:39
mvozyga: hey, good morning05:39
zygahey hey, how are things05:39
mborzeckizyga: hey05:39
zygaso Microsoft keeps snapd source safe ;)05:40
mupPR snapd#5249 closed: interfaces/home: remove redundant common interface assignment <Simple> <Created by jdstrand> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5249>05:40
zygaI will be here shortly, need to set the little one for a school trip05:44
mvomborzecki: there is one open question by zyga in 5244 otherwise it looks good afaict05:46
mborzeckimvo: just pushed a fix05:50
mvomborzecki: ta05:51
mupPR snapd#5238 closed: tests: skip appstream-id test for core systems 32 bits <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5238>05:51
mupPR snapd#5232 closed: interfaces/tpm: Allow access to the kernel resource manager <Created by yphus> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5232>05:53
mborzeckihttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYOXuOg9tQI haha look at the publish date05:53
mvomborzecki: hahaha06:17
zygatests are not happy :/06:32
zygaunattended upgrades?  https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/Txy5hEt3/06:34
mvozyga: possible, yes06:43
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* zyga got stressed because of sudden call that the school trip rule sheet must be brought by all children06:58
zygaschool is so poorly organised06:58
zygaI signed that paper last week06:59
zygaand suddenly they tell me I need to keep it (I got a blank copy) and -bring it-, as if they couldn't find their own copy06:59
zygabut all is good now06:59
* zyga tries to forget about non coding stuff06:59
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zygacould anyone please review https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/524507:14
mupPR #5245: cmd/snap-update-ns: add PathIterator <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5245>07:14
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mborzeckizyga: i'll do it in a while07:17
mborzeckiany clues what happened to lxd? restoring google:ubuntu-16.04-32:tests/main/lxd seems to consistently fail across a number of jobs07:59
mborzeckithe job hits a kill-timeout when issuing `lxd.lxc stop my-ubuntu`08:00
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mvomborzecki: I saw this as well, I have not looked yet but probably worthwhile to do a local spread run with -debug08:00
mborzeckiChipaca: hey, thanks for pushing the fixes for shellchecks :)08:01
Chipacamborzecki: I was very bored :-)08:03
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mupPR snapd#5252 opened: store, jsonutil: move store.getStructFields to jsonutil.StructFields <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5252>08:20
mborzeckidamn, that lxc issue does not reproduce when running locally :/08:24
Chipacamborzecki: the one where it doesn't stop?08:26
mborzeckiChipaca: yes08:26
Chipacamborzecki: it's not 100% on spread either08:26
Chipacathat is, it's racy08:26
mborzeckiheh, i must be super lucky then :)08:27
Chipacai've seen it sporadically since friday08:27
Chipaca(while iterating on those shellcheck tests)08:27
Chipacamvo: extra bonus idea for --format=help: use tags to add brief explanation to fields08:28
Chipacamvo: I can push a tweaked helper to grab you that if we agree on a format for 'em08:28
Chipaca(or, you can, it's not brain rocketry)08:29
pstolowski2018-06-04 08:29:45 Failed task restore: 108:34
pstolowski    - google:ubuntu-16.04-32:tests/main/lxd08:34
pstolowskii saw that over the weekend too08:34
pstolowskimborzecki: ah, it seems like what you mentoned above08:35
mvoChipaca: feel free to do that, I'm wrestling firstboot to skip looking for core08:40
Chipacamvo: aw08:41
Chipacamvo: wrestl wrestl08:41
* zyga -> tea08:58
mupPR snapd#5253 opened: snap: introduce new fields for parallel snap installation <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5253>09:03
pstolowskiand now i got a failure on journal cursor in the google:ubuntu-14.04-64:tests/main/snap-confine-from-core test09:17
pedronismborzecki: hi, could you write in a forum topic how you plan to refactor things on the way to parallel installs, small PRs are good but is hard to guess the full picture.09:22
mborzeckipedronis: sure09:22
mborzeckipedronis: btw. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xNBgYhWcMp/ if you'd like a quick peek at the current changes09:23
mborzeckipedronis: as you commented in the PR, SnapSetup.Name() has been updated too, just that it's not included int the patchset09:25
pedronismborzecki: there are no changes to tests there, bit hard to judge if those changes are sufficient, also the change in store is a bit strange09:25
pedronismborzecki: any place dealing with info.Name needs a new test09:26
pedronisin theory not, but in practice it sort of does09:27
mborzeckipedronis: hmm i think i'm more afraid of the places that poke the struct directly rather than calling its methods, iirc there was one place where SuggestedName was accessed this way (store?)09:29
pedronismborzecki: wrappers I think09:29
zygapstolowski: I think the journal change is racy and it somehow doesn't always work09:29
pedronismborzecki: anyway new tests in managers_test and spread are probably welcome09:30
pstolowskizyga: yes.. and somehow it's only on 14.04 (afair)09:30
mborzeckipedronis: sure, will be adding those09:30
zygaI don't know,  think I saw that across the board09:30
pstolowskihmm ack09:31
zygaofftopic, so the GitHub news seems true,09:31
zygaI wonder what this means for us09:31
pstolowskizyga: what is it about github?09:32
zygapstolowski: ms bought it09:32
ogra_zyga, they did ? i thought they only think aloud about it yet ... was there an official statement ?09:35
ogra_(they also said they might only invest in shares and not buy the whole company afaik)09:36
pedronismborzecki: also store changes are a bit buggy ,  that code was sometimes  assuming that instanceKey == snapID which is not true anymore and doesn't seem fully updated09:37
zygaogra_: I don't know for sure, there's plenty of news but also rumour around this topic09:41
zygaI think we'll just wait and see09:41
ogra_afaik most is speculation atm09:42
ogra_(what is clear is that MS has "some interest" in GH ... but perhaps thats only to the level like they had interest in imagination tech. where they hold a third to have influence on the graphics driver development)09:44
mborzeckiogra_: heh, how imagination tech. handled being up for sale was a fiasco :) at least for imagination...09:45
ogra_yeah, totally09:46
ogra_haha "Bill Gates and Paul Allen co-founded the company to give hobbyists a way to program a new micro-computer kit, the MITS Altair."09:46
ogra_thats soo ... LOL ...09:46
ogra_s/to give hobbyists a way/to lock in hobbyists that already had ways to/09:47
ogra_heh, this one is also great:09:49
ogra_"GitHub preferred selling the company to going public and chose Microsoft partially because it was impressed by Nadella ..."09:49
ogra_... "he looks so good" ... :P09:50
zyga<trump voice>you look good, are you exercising?</trump voice>09:50
mvopedronis: good morning! I updated 5217 based on your feedback10:00
pedronismvo: hi, looking10:02
mvopedronis: thank you. I'm looking at the firstboot changes right now, I think I will need to reuse bits from 5217 here :)10:03
mupPR snapd#5162 closed: overlord/hookstate: support undo for hooks <Critical> <Created by stolowski> <Merged by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5162>10:05
pedronismvo: I think snapd should come first in the snaps installed sequence10:10
mvopedronis: ok, let me fix this10:11
pedroniswe then take care again of that in first boot10:11
pedronisbut we should keep being consistent I think10:11
mvopedronis: yeah, makes sense10:12
mvopedronis: updated10:15
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pedronispstolowski: is your -1 because of the last comment, it wasn't super clear (the other one is wondering and one is a nitpick so I suppose so)11:00
pstolowskipedronis: yes just about Empty(); and i prefer to call it "requesting a change", not -1 because I'm +1 for you change overall :)11:02
pedronispstolowski: well, it really means "requesting a change and wanting to look again"11:02
pstolowskifair enough, it's just a minor thing, that's all i'm saying11:07
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
rbasakI'm under the impression that I can download any revision of a previously published store if I have the right developer access. Is that correct, or is there some kind of retention/expiry policy?11:16
rbasakI'm trying to download r429 of git-ubuntu from the store, since r430 in edge broke what previously worked.11:16
rbasaksnap download --revision=430 git-ubuntu11:16
rbasaksnap download --revision=429 git-ubuntu11:16
rbasaksays: error: cannot find snap "git-ubuntu": snap not found11:16
rbasakI tried logging in with snap login, but after credentials that failed and suggested sudo11:17
* cachio afk11:17
rbasaksudo snap login works, with both credentials and a further prompt for 2fa11:17
rbasakBut even then, both snap download and sudo snap download still fail11:17
threshis there a "install" button widget or something I could add on my website to point to snapcraft.io/vlc ?11:21
rbasakI found https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/snaps/git-ubuntu/revisions/429/ which has a download link which works. But that gives me only the snap, not the assertion.11:31
pedronisrbasak: that's correct, it should be possible if you have developer access11:33
pedronisrbasak: can you open a bug https://launchpad.net/snapstore/+bugs11:34
rbasakpedronis: thanks. The dashboard link shows me "11:38
rbasakSubmitted by11:38
rbasaknacc (nish.aravamudan@gmail.com)11:38
rbasakWhich isn't me.11:39
rbasakCould that be the reason?11:39
rbasakSome kind of team/individual confusion.11:39
rbasakIt should all be handed over to me, and this was done before that revision was pushed.11:39
rbasakI remember having to re-auth Launchpad to the store.11:39
pedronisrbasak: if you can push to it it shouldn't matter11:39
mupPR snapd#5244 closed: tests: shellchecks part 3 <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5244>11:42
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
Chipacarbasak: what architecutre is the snap?11:43
Chipacarbasak: if you are logged in, you can ask for any published revision, as long as it's for the current architecture11:43
rbasakAll amd6411:43
Chipacarbasak: 'snapcraft revisions git-ubuntu' agrees?11:44
Chipaca*snap download*11:44
pedronisah, download11:44
pedronisme missed that11:45
rbasakAs opposed to what - publish?11:45
Chipacarbasak: install11:45
Chipacarbasak: download doesn't talk to snapd to get your tokens11:45
rbasakLet me explain a little more what's going on11:46
rbasakedge was working11:46
rbasakI made an innocuous push to master in our codebase, which triggered a Launchpad build recipe to push to edge11:46
rbasakThat tripped some kind of non-determinism in snapcraft and pushed a broken snap to edge11:47
Chipacarbasak: QOTM right there11:47
rbasakI'd like to do two things: 1) restore edge; 2) examine the snap that Launchpad produced, which is broken, since that isn't what our CI did, which was OK11:47
Chipaca“I made an innocuous push to master in our codebase” :')11:47
Chipacarbasak: ok, so if edge is currently broken and that's the one you want to download, why not snap download it right now?11:48
Chipacathere's a bit of a dance to be done to get it to use the right tokens otherwise11:48
rbasakhttps://forum.snapcraft.io/t/launchpad-post-build-pre-upload-testing/5545 has some broken11:48
rbasakChipaca: I've downloaded the broken one no problem.11:48
Chipacaah ok11:48
rbasakChipaca: I'd like to download the previous good one too11:48
rbasakI have managed to get the snap from the dashboard UI11:49
Chipacarbasak: once you have the bad one, use snapcraft to re-pubish the good one, and download that one11:49
rbasakBut I was confused as to why "snap download" didn't work since I was under the impression that it would11:49
rbasakAlso that the dashboard web UI didn't give me the assertion file, but I presume I will just get a new one when I re-publish the good one?11:49
pedronissorry, I misunderstooed,  download doesn't work in that case (unless you pass it tokens manually)11:50
pedronisbut that's known bug,  not prioritized for a fix yet though11:50
rbasakhttps://dashboard.snapcraft.io/snaps/git-ubuntu/revisions/429/ has a Release button11:51
rbasakCan I stick it back in edge through there?11:51
Chipacarbasak: yes11:51
rbasakGreat! I think I know how to do everything I need then.11:52
rbasakThank you for your help - it's much clearer to me now what is going on.11:52
zygapstolowski|lunch, mborzecki: updated 524512:00
zygaand I have a working follow-up that uses it extensively12:00
zygaand drops all segments from the code12:01
mborzeckizyga: ok, looking12:01
jdstrandskomorokh: it isn't currently possible to do what you want. I suggest creating a forum topic at https://forum.snapcraft.io12:10
zygapstolowski|lunch, mborzecki: I pushed the other PR to https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/525412:13
mupPR #5254: cmd/snap-update-ns: discard the concept of segments <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5254>12:13
mupPR snapd#5254 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: discard the concept of segments <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5254>12:13
zygajdstrand: hey, good morning :)12:13
jdstrandhey zyga :)12:14
zygajdstrand: I'm working on trespassing, went on a small tangent to clean up validation interface, ended up killing segments12:14
zygaI have one last cleanup on top, to make error messages less duplicated, shorter and to the point12:16
zygathen the stack unwinds and validation is back, also with fuse validation12:16
zygaI didn't see fuse as a problem but now I do :/12:16
zygaanything fuse has one filesystem type number12:17
zygaso we no longer know read-only squashfs from writable fuse-exfat or whatever12:17
zygaI'd love if there was a way to see if a filesystem is read-only without trying to write to it12:17
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Chipacazyga: doesn't statfs's ST_RDONLY work?12:29
zygammmm :D12:30
zygamaybe, I didn't think about that !12:30
zygaThank you John, I'll check that12:30
Chipacawouldn't be surprised if it didn't,  because it being fuse means somebody would have to care :-)12:30
mupPR snapd#5255 opened: cmd/snap-confine: applied make fmt <Simple> <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5255>12:34
mupPR snapd#5256 opened: cmd/libsnap-confine-private: helper for extracting store snap name from local-name <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5256>12:36
zygamborzecki: can we not use the word base there12:45
zygait's not about the code but the word would become overloaded and confusing12:45
zygawhat's the terminology for the instances/parallel installation etc12:45
mborzeckihaha ok ;)12:46
mborzeckiif we had a list of forbidden words, i'd nominate classic12:47
* zyga should take the dog for a walk12:48
Chipacamborzecki: you should call it 'root', that way it's unambiguous12:52
mborzeckiChipaca: sc_snap_root_name sounds good13:07
Chipacamborzecki: I was being facetious13:08
mborzeckiChipaca: heh, given the limited possibilities root actually make sense :)13:09
Chipacamborzecki: sc_snap_uninstanciate_name13:27
Chipacamborzecki: sc_snap_deinstance_name13:27
Chipacamborzecki: sc_snap_get_rid_of_this_instance_nonsense_in_the_name13:28
Chipacamborzecki: sc_snap_what_is_this_instance_stuff_just_i_dont_even13:28
Chipacamborzecki: sc_snap_wat13:29
Chipacamborzecki: putting my serious hat on for a moment, sc_snap_drop_instance_name might be the best one so far13:29
zygapstolowski: can you look at the iterator PR again please13:31
pstolowskizyga: will do13:31
zygafeel free to open more points there, I changed the code much after really using it13:31
zyganiemeyer: $7.5B in stock13:33
pedronisniemeyer: the PR I mentioned is here:  https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/522113:33
mupPR #5221: [RFC] snap: parse connect instructions in gadget.yaml <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5221>13:33
niemeyerzyga: How much is that divided by the number of developers?13:33
niemeyerJust trying to figure how much I'm worth :P13:33
zyganiemeyer: ~100 AFAIK13:34
zygaah sorry13:34
zyga745 exactly13:34
zygaman, that's even nice to divide :P13:34
zyga10M each, even for the guy mending the coffee machine13:35
niemeyerpedronis: Looking13:41
mborzeckicachio: is gce cleaner using timer services?13:46
cachiomborzecki, yes13:46
cachiomborzecki, :)13:46
cachioworking very well so far13:47
mborzeckinoticed the banner at the top of the github page?13:57
cachiomborzecki, yes14:02
niemeyerpedronis: Reviewed.. probably needs a quick sync, on that last question.. going into a call now, and we can sync after it14:04
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mupPR snapd#5257 opened: snapstate: ensure fakestore returns TypeOS for the core snap <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5257>14:16
zygaback from the walk14:16
zygaso so so hot14:16
* zyga made some ice coffee and gets back to work14:22
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zyga@niemeyer eh14:25
zygawho is pawel z?14:25
pstolowskizyga: uh...new face of cybersquatting14:29
* zyga enjoys some brief breeze of wind14:38
pedronisniemeyer: oops, I got confused and thought your meeting was 1h14:52
niemeyerpedronis: It wasn't too far from it :)14:53
mupPR snapd#5258 opened: tests: fix lxd test which hangs on restore <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5258>14:54
mupPR snapd#5217 closed: asserts,image: add support for models with bases <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5217>15:00
Chipacarobert_ancell: o/15:03
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
zygapstolowski: updated15:23
zygapstolowski: the error from the constructor fits the rest very nicely, I will now update the remaining PR15:24
jdstrandcachio: hey, can you take a look at https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5248? The only issue with travis is that the lxd fix hasn't made it to 2.3315:27
mupPR #5248: tests: add test to ensure /dev/input/event* for non-joysticks is denied - 2.33 <Created by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5248>15:27
pstolowskizyga: great, thanks15:27
jdstrandat least I think I'm remembering that right15:27
jdstrandcachio: thanks15:27
Chipacamvo: let me know if I'm bikeshedding too much on your RFC PR15:47
mupPR snapd#5259 opened:  devicestate: support seeding from a base snap instead of core  <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5259>15:50
mvoChipaca: just read it, its great15:53
mvoChipaca: thank you!15:53
zygapstolowski: can you re-review that PR please, it would get me unblocked15:59
pedronisniemeyer: I'm available for the next hour for that chat, otherwise tomorrow16:04
pstolowskizyga: doing16:10
zygaThanks :)16:10
pstolowskizyga: looks good, although you made it strict in all cases now, that's intended? i thought you would have to variants?16:12
pstolowskiah, cleanpath should succeed generally16:12
zygapstolowski: no, I thought so too but the usage down the line is fine as-is16:14
zyga\o/ thanks!16:17
zygalet's hope tests are lucky now16:18
mupPR snapcraft#2153 opened: project_loader: allow loading null parts <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2153>16:26
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niemeyerpedronis: Hey, give me a couple and will be with you16:32
mupPR snapd#5245 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: add PathIterator <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5245>16:33
niemeyerpedronis: https://meet.google.com/ftn-sqmv-kwy16:36
zygapstolowski: follow-up in #525416:37
mupPR #5254: cmd/snap-update-ns: discard the concept of segments <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5254>16:37
zyganow shorter and just to the point16:37
mupPR snapcraft#2151 closed: Debian <Created by transdigiware> <Closed by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2151>16:38
pstolowskizyga: i'll take a look tomorrow morning16:39
zygapstolowski: sure16:39
cachiopedronis, hey, any idea why it could be happening? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/F8fwwrYHVt/16:41
cachioit is not retrying the assertions16:41
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
TrelI'm having some problems understanding how to create a snap.  I have a binary, a few depencencies, and a wrapper script.  Nothing is being compiled.  I'm not sure how to go about doing this.  I'm looking at the site, but not having much luck understanding it.16:44
zygajdstrand: hey, do you have some time for a small refactor review?16:44
jdstrandzyga: which PR?16:45
zygaTrel: see what snapcraft does, it allows you to bundle your binary (using the copy plugin AFAIK but kalikiana can correct me), you can also define your dependencies which will be added to your snap16:45
zygaTrel: with some iteration you should get it going16:45
zygajdstrand: #5254 please16:45
mupPR #5254: cmd/snap-update-ns: discard the concept of segments <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5254>16:45
zygajdstrand: this is related to trespassing, the segment verification was unable to verify rootfs and was super confusing with off-by-ones16:45
Trelzyga: I've been trying to use snapcraft the entire time.  I'm not getting it16:45
zygaTrel: snapcraft defines how various parts should be combined (perhaps built, perhaps not) into a snap and what the snap itself should export16:46
zygaTrel: I'd suggest installing hello-world16:46
zygalooking at what the snap actually contains (in /snap/hello-world/current)16:46
zygaspecifically focus on meta/snap.yaml16:47
zygaTrel: then run snap run --shell hello-world16:47
zygaand explore how the filesystem looks like, it's not the same as before16:47
zygathis should give you some feeling of how snaps execute16:47
zygaafter that the question is "how to build one for myself"16:47
zygathere are many paths, snapcraft is the most complete and automated one16:47
zygabut for experimentation and learning you can hand-make one with a few commands16:47
zygaall you need is meta/snap.yaml16:48
zygasome files you want to have in your snap16:48
zygathen you can "snap try" from the directory containing the "meta" directory (this becomes the top level directory in your snap)16:48
zygaand see what happens16:48
zyga"snap try" is fantastic for iteration IMO16:48
zygayou can even get started by copying hello-world snap into a directory of your own16:48
zygaand tweaking some things16:48
zygaand "snap try" that16:49
zygaonce you are more comfortable research snapcraft and see how you can take your binary and ship it as a snap16:49
zygaand people here will no doubt help you out with specific questions16:49
TrelSee, I'm not following any of what you said.16:49
zygaTrel: ok, start from the top,16:49
zygarun "snap install hello-world"16:49
zygathen see that you can run it16:49
Trelwould it be possible to not base it off another?16:50
zygathen look at how it is defined by looking at various files present in /snap/hello-world/current/16:50
zygaTrel: sure but I'm trying to show you how snaps look like16:50
cachioChipaca, do you have any idea why it could be happening? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/F8fwwrYHVt/16:50
zygayou don't have to start from hello-world, this was just a working example you can tweak16:50
TrelI'll try that but without understanding what I'm looking at, I'm not sure what I'll get out of it that I'm not getting from the docs16:50
cachioChipaca, it is not retrying the assertions16:51
zygaTrel: do you have some basic understanding of how snaps operate?16:51
zygaTrel: I think snapcraft docs _may_ explain that but I'm not the best person to judge that given I develop snapd16:51
zygaTrel: having this basic feeling of what snaps do will let you build an understanding of what it takes to build one16:51
zygaTrel: and finally how to use snapcraft to accomplish your goals16:51
Treldepends on what you mean, I get the general concept, but not the operation.16:51
TrelBut I'm not understanding what I'm doing to try and add this at all16:52
zygaTrel: ok, then exploring hello-world will be useful IMO16:52
zygaTrel: you should learn about what meta/snap.yaml does, looking at hello-world is a good quick idea16:52
TrelI installed hello-world, I'll look, but I get the feeling it's not going to help me understand because I'm not understanding the examples that use it in the docs either16:52
zygaTrel: you should also understand how snaps execute, running a command is nice but running "snap run hello-world --shell" is eye-opening16:52
zygahint: it's not like your regular system, this is what makes snaps so portable16:53
zygaTrel: e.g. go to / and run "ls" in that shell, it's not your root filesystem16:53
TrelAlso when I do snapcraft init, I don't get a meta directory at all16:54
zygaTrel: in the end snap really just ship arbitrary binaries and have a meta-data file describing what those are, snapcraft will let you build snaps ranging from most trivial to most complex but the documentation may use concepts that are unfamiliar at first16:54
zygaTrel: the source layout is not the same as binary layout, if you follow the snapcraft tutorial and build the first snap there, look at the contents of the prime/ directory16:54
zygathat is what is inside a built binary snap16:54
zygaTrel: most of what is in snapcraft.yaml ends up in meta/snap.yaml16:54
zyga(except for the parts that define how to build it)16:55
zygaTrel: did you follow this, for example? https://docs.snapcraft.io/build-snaps/your-first-snap16:55
TrelThat's what I'm looking at and not getting.  It's talkign about parts, and snapcraft says parts is required, but hello-world has none16:56
zygaTrel: parts only exist at build time16:56
zygaafter your snap is built parts play no role16:56
Trelyes....that's the whole portion I'm not getting16:56
zygacompare snapcraft.yaml with prime/meta/snap.yaml16:56
zygawell, now you do :)16:56
zygaparts only exist at build time16:56
zygaat runtime you only have a snap16:56
TrelI honestly am not getting it16:57
Trelhold on a sec16:57
zygaTrel: are you familiar with any classic packages (like deb/rpm?)16:58
zygaTrel: maybe I can make an analogy if you are16:58
Chipacacachio: not sure why i didn't see the notification for your question, sorry16:58
Chipacacachio: what command are you running, there?16:58
TrelI'm not, no.16:59
Trelhttps://pastebin.ca/4037224  here's what I put in snap.yaml16:59
zygathat's what you would put in a snapcraft.yaml16:59
Trelthat's what I meant16:59
zygasnapcraft uses snapcraft.yaml to build a snap and generate an appropriate snap.yaml file17:00
zygaah, perfect then17:00
cachioChipaca, we run17:00
cachiosu -c "/usr/bin/env SNAPD_DEBUG=1 snap download --edge test-snapd-huge 2>snap-download.log" test &17:00
Chipacacachio: if it's the same 'snap download' from econnreset/task.yaml, .... i don't know17:00
zygaTrel: the plugin on line 17 is what tells snapcraft how to build a given part17:00
zygaTrel: you used nil which literally does nothing at all17:00
cachioChipaca, yes, it is the same17:00
Chipacacachio: but17:00
zygaTrel: you probably want one that builds the program or one that copies a pre-made binary from somewhere else17:00
Chipacacachio: the assert is downloaded after the snap17:01
zygahttps://docs.snapcraft.io/build-snaps/plugins has more info about plugins17:01
Chipacacachio: but we only wait for the snap17:01
Trelzyga: pre-made, and I thought that's what I'm doing there17:01
zygaTrel: almost, the nil plugin is not the right one17:01
zygakalikiana: around?17:01
zygakalikiana: can you please help Trel ^17:01
cachioChipaca, so, in this case it is ok the assert is not retried17:02
cachiobecause in the error, it is not starting the download17:02
Chipacacachio: which is the failure?17:02
cachioit is creation el partial file17:02
zygaTrel: AFAIR you want to use "dump" plugin17:02
cachiobut emprty17:02
zygahttps://docs.snapcraft.io/reference/plugins/ is also useful17:02
Chipacacachio: ah!17:02
TrelI looked there and googled around, from what I read if I was supplying the binary, I should've been using nil17:03
Trellet me switch it to dump and try17:03
zygaTrel: you want to switch nil to dump and add a source line that defines where to get the pre-build binary17:03
cachioChipaca, the problem is that the snap does not start to be downloaded17:03
zygaI think nil would work iff you'd keep the binary in the same place as snapcraft.yaml17:03
Chipacacachio: maybe 20 seconds is too short a time, and we should wait more?17:04
zygabut I'm a snapd person not a snapcraft person so I may not be fully used to how things are done on the build side17:04
zygaTrel: please ask kyrofa_, sergiusens or kalikiana as they know this code inside out17:04
cachioChipaca, I don't know if it is the problem17:04
cachioChipaca, we could try17:04
TrelCan I run the snap it generates without installing it to see what it does?17:05
cachiowait more time and see if the problem is this one17:05
zygaTrel: yes, (well), "snap try" does that17:05
zygait is like "snapcraft && snap install *.snap" but much faster17:05
kyrofa_Hey there Trel17:05
zygaas long as you don't change snapcraft.yaml (or meta/snap.yaml) you can also change the snap in your source tree live17:05
Trelneeds sudo to try?17:06
zygaor sudo snap login17:06
zygathen snap works without sudo17:06
kyrofa_Trel, indeed, as zyga was saying the nil plugin literally does nothing. You can still use it, but you'd have to do all the copying yourself, whereas the dump plugin sounds more like what you want17:07
kyrofa_("take this tarball and dump it all into the snap")17:07
* zyga hugs kyrofa_ 17:07
Trelkyrofa_: I thought I DID do all the copying, which is what I'm really not getting here17:08
kyrofa_Trel, let me take a look at the pastebin17:09
kyrofa_It's taking quite some time to load for me17:09
Treland hold on I'll also pastebin a recursive ls17:09
Trelthere a better pastebin site?17:09
kyrofa_Trel, mind using pastebin.ubuntu.com?17:10
kyrofa_About as simple as it gets17:10
zygaTrel: there's a pastebinit command that helps :)17:12
TrelDir listing: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Dx7G84c7V4/, snapcraft: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Y22k9QpD7V/17:12
zygaI think the "filesets" is confusing there17:12
zygaits meant to help organise how a given part contributes to the snap17:13
zyganot how to install files in general17:13
zygajdstrand: is that code sensible?17:13
zygajdstrand: I have some cleanups on top of that17:13
zygamainly error handling that's nicer17:14
jdstrandzyga: I haven't had a chance to look at it yet17:14
jdstrandhopefully in a bit17:14
zygathank you :)17:14
Trelbut what is the RIGHT way to do it, I've found a lot of ways that aren't working ><17:14
kyrofa_Trel, yeah, so you have a good start here, but you're using some more advanced features (filesets) without actually doing the basics. So let's start simpler17:14
kyrofa_Trel, you have a bin directory that you want in the snap, right?17:15
kyrofa_You can do that in two easy ways17:15
TrelAnd if it's doing it virtually, I'd prefer that it considers it /usr/bin but that's not necessary, thought it would be good in the case of libraries that I can't reloacte17:15
kyrofa_One is using the dump plugin like this: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/zhDMDmDBBS/17:16
kyrofa_Saying "copy the root of my project (which only contains the bin directory) into the snap"17:17
TrelWhat about with nil?17:18
kyrofa_The other one, which I don't recommend but illustrates that the nil plugin isn't doing anything for you, looks like this: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/GnDjR9Fb8T/17:18
TrelBut where should I be putting the binary directory in that case17:19
kyrofa_Both accomplish the same thing with the bin directory in the place you have it now17:19
kyrofa_And both place it into the root of the snap17:20
kyrofa_If you want to reorganize it, you can copy it to a different place using the nil plugin, or you can use the `organize` keyword with the dump plugin17:20
Trelkyrofa_: except where I have it now, with nil, doesn't work17:22
kyrofa_Trel, even using the code I gave you?17:23
TrelWait, I'm confused, does nil do nothing or does it execute that line?17:24
TrelI tried both ways, I get a snap, but it doesn't run17:28
zygamborzecki: hey17:28
zygamborzecki: small review on #525617:28
mupPR #5256: cmd/libsnap-confine-private: helper for extracting store snap name from local-name <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5256>17:28
zygaTrel: does it contain the files you expected?17:28
TrelI think so, and running them from /snap/qrencode/x1/bin/ works17:29
zygawhat does your binary link with?17:29
zygayou need to bring those dependencies into your snap17:30
Trelshould just be libpng was the only non-static part17:30
Trelcannot perform readlinkat() on the mount namespace file descriptor of the init process: Permission denied17:30
Trelthat's what I get when I try to run it normally17:30
zygaTrel: hmm, what is your "snap version"?17:30
zygaand can you paste "dmesg | grep DENIED"17:30
zygaTrel: please provide the rest of the version output, it's useful17:31
Treldmesg: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/FcwChNF28V/ version: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/HHzBvMWBQN/17:32
zygakernel  3.13.0-35-generic this is unusual17:33
zygaor maybe I'm forgetting what's in xenial17:33
zygais this a cloud machine?17:34
zygayou should be on a 4.4 kernel17:34
zyganot on a 3.13 one17:34
Trelnope, machine I built a while back17:34
zyga3.13 won't work AFAIR17:34
Trelbut snapcraft does17:35
zygaxenial ships with a 4.4 kernel, did you update from 14.04?17:35
zyga(aka trusty)17:35
TrelI may have17:35
Trelit's been a while17:35
TrelIs there a way to check that?17:35
zygacan you update all of your packages, including the kernel and then reboot17:35
zygayou should see a boot selection if you have multiple kernels17:36
zygabut the most recent one should be default17:36
zygaunless you changed that17:36
zygamvo: should we add minimum kernel detection to self-tests?17:37
zygamvo: I think this could be perhaps, somewhat disruptive17:38
zygabut I think it would be worth it17:38
TrelThe server is remote to where I am.  I won't see the boot screen.  I can do all but that part (in that way). I'm looking right now at grub.cfg and don't see any entries referencing 4.x?17:38
TrelBTW, apt doesn't seem to be offering a kernal update17:39
zygaTrel: you can install linux-image-generic, that should pull in the right kernel17:39
Trelyeah, I'm about to try that, that will boot me from IRC though when I reboot, I'm going to quit now gracefully prior to doing this, be back in a bit17:40
mupPR snapcraft#2154 opened: tests: disable sentry <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2154>17:41
mvozyga: can we detect this reliable?17:48
zygamvo: well, we can do some things that are smart, e.g. recommend a reboot when using ubuntu 14.04 and 3.13 kernel, say that 2.x kernels are not supported and a few others17:49
zygaI'm looking at your self-test PR as base, let me post some RFC ideas17:49
TrelI think the kernel bit worked17:54
TrelI need to try the build again17:54
zygaTrel: excellent17:54
TrelOk, one thing to ask before I try testing, if I have a script, that refers to a binary in the snap, how does the path relate inside?18:02
zygaTrel: you can use the $SNAP variable18:09
zygait refers to the top-level directory in your snap18:09
zygaso if your snap has bin/someniceapp to run18:09
zygayou can have your wrapper script run $SNAP/bin/someniceapp18:09
zygamvo: this is what I was thinking about https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5260/commits/50119c96a87952b4af92a8d224cece1bc90e292a18:11
mupPR #5260: sefltest: advise reboot into 4.4 on trusty running 3.13 <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5260>18:11
zygamvo: but the concept can be extended into new areas18:11
mupPR snapd#5260 opened: sefltest: advise reboot into 4.4 on trusty running 3.13 <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5260>18:11
zygalike flagging ancient openvz kernels that don't work18:11
zygasince it is restricted to classic it should not harm any product kernels that may have kept old version id but have all the extra patches that make snaps work18:12
Trelok, let me try that, if it works, is there anywhere I can the resulting snap file assuming it works on my machine?18:12
zygaTrel: just ensure that you run your snap as "snap run yoursnapname"18:13
zygaas running the binary from /snap/yoursnapname/bin/whatever doesn't really use snaps18:13
zygaonce your snap works you can share it with a friend for quick testing18:13
zygaor register the name on the store and upload it there18:13
zyga(the binary that is)18:13
zygasnapcraft has commands for all of that18:13
TrelI added /snap/bin to my path, is that the same as snap run?18:15
zygaTrel: yex18:15
zygayes, exactly the same18:15
zygaif you look at what is in /snap/bin18:15
TrelI THINK it's working18:15
zygayou will find symbolic links to /usr/bin/snap18:16
zygawhich detects this and behaves as if you ran "snap run"18:16
Trelah, so I should now try it with strict mode I'm guessing18:17
zygafor strict mode you will need to start using some interfaces,18:17
zygaswitch your snap to strict mode (confinement: strict)18:17
zygare-build it18:17
zygainstall it18:17
zygaand see what happens when you run your app18:17
zygabut congratulations, in development mode your application is already a snap :D18:17
TrelWhat do you mean by interfaces in this case?18:19
zygaTrel: snapd interfaces are a system that allows to change the set of things that snaps can run and to allow snaps to work together18:20
zygahttps://docs.snapcraft.io/reference/interfaces is also useful18:20
TrelI'll give them a look, though I'm not sure how necessary they'll be for this one18:21
zygaTrel: it depends on what your snap does18:21
mupPR snapd#5261 opened: tests: wait more time until snap start to be downloaded <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5261>18:21
TrelIn my case, it uses a pre-compiled binary, with a wrapper script.  I will try later to have it compile it rather than use a pre-compiled one18:22
Trelit's wrapping this specifically: https://github.com/fukuchi/libqrencode18:22
zygaTrel: it's not about the binary being precompiled or not18:24
zygait's about what the resulting process tries to do18:24
zygawhich system calls it wants to access, which files it wants to access, which IPC system it wants to access18:25
zygait is all about runtime18:25
TrelI'm not sure how'd I'd even determine that let alone work with it18:25
zygaTrel: you run your app and see what happens18:25
zygawe have tools and people that can help18:25
Trelit ran18:26
Trelwhich is to say, I have no clue if that means I'm done or there's something else I'd need with what you're saying about interfaces?18:31
zygaTrel: interfaces allow snaps to do things, at runtime, that are not allowed by default; if your application was never confined it could do anything it wanted.18:32
zygathe App Store model is built on confinement so untrusted applications can be used without code review18:33
zygaas long as the set of permissions they have is understood and managed18:33
zygathat's what interfaces allow18:33
zygaif the confinement system gets in the way from accessing some critical resource then you will need to look at interfaces for solutions18:34
TrelSince my wrapper script passes text either as a parameter or piped in, and the result is just spit to the terminal, I'm guessing it doesn't apply for this usage?18:35
zygapiping things means the process inherits a file descriptor18:35
zygait depends on where it is coming from18:35
zygabut just try it and see18:36
zygajdstrand: will you have time for that review today?18:39
jdstrandzyga: my today, yes18:39
zygajdstrand: thank you, perfect, I will iterate with cleanups on top18:39
mborzeckizyga: jdstrand: thanks for the reviews on #5256, pff silly me :/, i've pushed fixes just now18:40
mupPR #5256: cmd/libsnap-confine-private: helper for extracting store snap name from local-name <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5256>18:41
zygamborzecki: can you patch tests to ensure that things are correct18:42
zygalike with the off by one18:42
Trelzyga: I'm a bit lost there, I've tried it both ways and it works18:48
Trelwithout anything else so far18:48
zygaTrel: that's fine then18:48
zygaTrel: I'm not sure what your app is doing18:48
zygaTrel: but if it works, that's what you want :)18:48
zygait works, ship it18:48
Treltaking text as a parameter or piped and generating a QRCode using unicode characters, and outputting it to the terminal  (the actual libqrencode can make files as well) but my wrapper is what resticts it ot just doing text18:51
zygathat should be fine18:53
zygait might be more complex if you want to redirect to/from a file in ~/.ssh/secret for example18:53
zygabut for normal usage it should work just fine18:53
* cachio afk18:54
TrelThere any way to avoid "Copying needed target link from the system", I'm guessing I'd need to add the package somewhere, but I'm not sure where.18:57
zygacan you please be more specific, which command gave you that error?18:58
mborzeckizyga: i've added more tests, also the temp buffer is filled with some known pattern to check for the code doing proper termination with \018:59
TrelThis is if I try to compile it rather than copy the binary directly19:00
Trelfull line is: Copying needed target link from the system /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libz.so.1.2.819:00
zygathat's something for kyrofa_ I think19:01
TrelI thought it was just adding it to build-packages or similar but I can't seem to reference it anywhere that stops that line19:02
zygabuild packages are the packages you need to build19:03
zygastage packages are the packages you need to run19:03
Trelyes, that's to build, not run19:03
Trelprecompiled doesn't seem to need it19:03
zygabut does your binary link to libz in the end?19:03
zygawhat does ldd say?19:03
Trelnot sure, that I can check when I'm back on the pc19:04
zygajust run ldd /path/to/your/binary19:05
TrelCan't run it on my phone ><19:06
Trel(weechat relay, not actually at the machine)19:07
mupPR snapcraft#2155 opened: build_providers: support for communicating with a qemu VM <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2155>19:08
kyrofa_Trel, that means whatever you're building depends on libz.so, but you're not staging it19:18
kyrofa_So it takes it from the system instead. You can disable this behavior by adding `build-attributes: [no-system-libraries]` to the part definition19:19
kyrofa_But then that part will be broken, so I suggest you stage that lib19:19
kyrofa_jdstrand, what does this review error mean?19:24
kyrofa_The store was unable to accept this snap.19:24
kyrofa_  - found binaries for architecture 'all'19:24
kyrofa_(and then it gives a list of stuff)19:26
kyrofa_This is an `architectures: [all]` snap, does that have something to do with it?19:35
kyrofa_The error message is very opaque19:35
kyrofa_roadmr, do you know what that ^ means?19:35
roadmrkyrofa_: let me see19:43
Trelkyrofa_: testing that out now19:45
roadmrkyrofa_: non-gadget snaps with architectures: all can't have compiled binaries inside, because a single binary to rule all architectures is not possible19:46
roadmrkyrofa_: it should either be arch-specific or not have anything compiled inside (i.e. should contain only interpreted code, .py, .sh, and so on)19:46
Lukehey guys, i'm trying to build my first snap of mastodon which has a ruby, nodejs, and nginx component. my question is first: can i use a nodejs AND ruby plugin in the same part?19:48
Lukemy second question is, for building ruby packages, I need some extra apt repos for the build-packages. what's the right way to add those?19:49
kyrofa_roadmr, so it's impossible to ship multiple binaries along with a shell script to decide which to run?19:50
kyrofa_I thought that was the definition of "fat" snap19:50
Trelkyrofa_: I see what happened, I forgot I got the pre-compiled one mostly static, that's why it didn't need that lib.  Looks like it may be good now19:51
kyrofa_Trel, well, it looks like it _think_ it needs that lib ;)19:52
Lukewhat's the relation between snappy and snapcraft?19:55
Lukeis snappy a deprecated name?19:55
diddledansnapcraft is the command line tooling that builds snap packages to run via snapd19:59
diddledansnappy ubuntu core is a distribution of Ubuntu that relies entirely on snaps19:59
roadmrkyrofa_: I think so, that's at least the logic in the reviewer tools, jdstrand might definitely know more19:59
kyrofa_Luke, more and more the entire system is referred to as "Snapcraft" with the CLI tool being known as "the snapcraft CLI"20:01
kyrofa_Alright, thanks roadmr. jdstrand curious to get your thoughts on that20:01
Lukecool thanks20:02
Lukeis there a snapcraft specific channel?20:04
mupPR snapcraft#2146 closed: project_loader: process parts in consistent order <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2146>20:08
kyrofa_Luke, nah, we're all together here! Do you have snapcraft-specific questions?20:08
Lukeyeah 1) can I use multiple plugins for a single part and 2) what's the right way to apt-add-repository for build-packages?20:09
Lukethanks btw!20:09
kyrofa_(1) yes, just use the same `source` for multiple parts, (2) this is not recommended20:10
Lukeok cool on #1. the source is a tar to be downloaded. I'm assuming it will be cached?20:11
Lukekyrofa_: for #2, it's because I'm trying to build ruby stuff. It needs all these rbenv things (I don't know much about building ruby packages)20:11
kyrofa_Luke, use the ruby plugin, it'll build a specific version from source20:11
Lukeand the #3 question is actually: I need to run pgsql and nginx as a part of this app, should I just jam that into it's own part?20:12
kyrofa_Luke, that's up to you, you can ship them on their own, but then they need to communicate with each other somehow. Depending on your requirements, it may be easiest to just bundle everything together20:12
kyrofa_That way you can update them all in one go as well20:13
Lukeyes I want to bundle all together for sure20:13
kyrofa_So yeah, just new parts20:13
Lukejust not sure the right way to represent bundling in one snap20:13
Lukeok thanks20:13
kyrofa_yeah you're spot on: anything that's supposed to be in the snap is a part20:13
Lukeyou've saved me like 3-5 days of experimenting and forum questions :)20:14
Lukeis there any ruby-specific snaps you recommend looking at? it seems the least well-represented in snapcraft given the ruby plugin is in beta?20:14
Lukeis the concept that anyone should be able to run the build part of the snap on any box or is the portability just for the snap once it's packaged?20:15
kyrofa_I don't know of any off the top of my head, but the idea is that the build process should be able to run in CI, a clean xenial image20:16
Lukeok thought so. that was my goal20:17
Lukei just dont know what I'll do about these build deps for ruby then20:17
Lukerbenv and ruby-build20:17
Lukehttps://github.com/tootsuite/documentation/blob/master/Running-Mastodon/Production-guide.md here's the build guide i'm following btw if you're interested20:17
Trelkyrofa_: what file would I be using ldd on in that case?20:22
kyrofa_Trel, well, you can start with the one in bin20:25
Trelyou're talking about AFTER it builds right?  My pre-compiled one is what I'm saying doesn't link to the external version of that file20:25
TrelOne other question, which command for would display the 'description' field.  Info (even with verbose) is only showing the summary.20:27
mupPR snapcraft#2153 closed: project_loader: allow loading null parts <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2153>20:47
mupPR snapcraft#2154 closed: tests: disable sentry <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2154>20:47
jdstrandroadmr: hi! hey, can you pull r1086? when that is live, we can turn on resquash20:51
roadmrjdstrand: hehe sure! tomorrow, most likely; I've just deployed r108220:57
jdstrandroadmr: thanks! tomorrow sounds good20:58
mupPR snapcraft#2156 opened: snap: use apt from the archive instead of compiling <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2156>22:02
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