
flormynighthey guys, any plans on migrating to gitlab?04:44
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taintedsushiHello.  Anyone awake?13:05
=== ErichEickmeyer_ is now known as ErichEickmeyer
TheSilentLinkdoes compositing get disabled when a game is opened?14:22
fossfreedomTheSilentLink, doubtful - why would you think it should?  Full screen is different from windowed apps14:36
fossfreedomtaintedsushi, /o14:36
fossfreedomTheSilentLink, plasma dock?14:37
TheSilentLinkdoesn't having the compositor running in the background hurt performance14:37
fossfreedomif performance is an issue - make sure you are running full screen - then no compositing issues14:37
fossfreedomtaintedsushi, what power management issues?  Most probably kernel related and would apply to all ubuntu variants14:38
TheSilentLinkright just asking cause in kde for example when programs can disable compositing to get better performance14:53
taintedsushiHey, power management seems to do nothing on my system.  I just did a fresh install of Bionic Beaver and nothing. Is it TLP that's being bad here?16:10
fossfreedomdoubtful taintedsushi - but you can test that easily by purging tlp16:11
taintedsushifossfreedom: I'll try that.  Can you suggest an alternative PM package?16:14
fossfreedomIf TLP is at fault then file a bug report otherwise it cannot be fixed.  If the kernel is at fault then similarly file a bug report (ubuntu-bug linux)16:15
taintedsushiOK. Thanks.16:15
mpmcfossfreedom: The budgie panel icon seems to be back, I've nailed it down to sysmonitor when trying to view the preferences.19:27
fossfreedommpmc - no idea how to fix - ideas are welcome - just a reminder that you raised it here https://github.com/fossfreedom/indicator-sysmonitor/issues/7822:23

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