
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:45
lotuspsychjeeveryone had a nice weekend?04:45
ducassegood morning06:29
lotuspsychjehey ducasse had a good weekend?06:43
ducassehi lotuspsychje - ok, thanks, and you?06:45
lotuspsychjegreat here ducasse sunny and pretty active06:45
ducassesame here, going to be another hot day06:46
ducassedoes it get hot in the kitchen?06:50
EriC^^morning all06:51
ducassemorning EriC^^ - how are you doing?06:53
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
lotuspsychjeducasse: yeah belgium is always 'heavy' heat due humidity07:56
lotuspsychjein dryer countrys like spain, its more lightweight07:56
lotuspsychjenot far from the sea here neither07:57
=== guiver_d is now known as guiverc
BluesKajHey folks10:42
JimBuntuyo BluesKaj , I hope you are having a great morning.10:43
BluesKajHey JimBuntu , good so far, with morning coffee. How about you?10:44
BluesKajHey daftykins10:44
JimBuntuGood here so far, refilled my tea, ready to rock10:45
BluesKajgonna give powerline ethernet a try sometime today. if the adapter kit is delivered on time.10:46
BluesKajjust an elcheapo, but according to what i've read they work quite well.10:47
JimBuntuThay can work well, especially if the circuit is all within the same circuit breaker. I haven't used the tech in quite a while, ince upon a time X10 made great stuff using it.10:50
* JimBuntu realizes it's probably been 20 years....10:51
BluesKajJimBuntu, i've read that they can work thru sub or pony panels too...we're gonna try it in my band mates garage/jam space. if it doesn't work there I'll just set it up here for my old bedroom pc10:54
JimBuntuI am sure they have made vast improvements since I last used it. That, mixed with a wireless mesh could be amazing.10:55
Allie`BluesKaj: which kit are you using? i find the expensive TP-link one to be actually pretty competitive10:55
Allie`shame it doesn't support VLANs yet :P10:56
BluesKajit's the cheapest tp-link available10:56
Allie`yeah, they're a good start10:57
JimBuntuI can't wait until aprtment complex owners start using this instead of WiFi... or hotels.10:58
BluesKajHospitals can't due to the clean power restrictions they have on their circuits11:04
daftykinswireless mesh is a fad imo, why hop wirelessly when you can just lay a cable/use powerline and put access points on the end :)11:04
JimBuntudaftykins, my stuff is mainly wired, less a laptop and tablets.11:09
daftykinsoh yeah i do too, but i'm really commenting on the industry there - as these mesh setups seem to be gaining popularity with some11:29
daftykinsgranted the situation becomes very different when you don't have the option to lay cable, such as if you're renting perhaps - but eh11:30
* daftykins sips a flat white11:30
JimBuntudaftykins, help a western bloke out, what's a "flat white" ? Is that a non-sparkling wine... or perhaps a coffee of sorts?11:35
daftykinsa coffee! must admit i have no idea what it's premise is though, i just see it on the menu and it tastes ok :>11:35
JimBuntuAh, ok. I imagine that it has a fair amount of cream in it.... hence the "white" label.11:36
JimBuntuI was thinking "It's a bit ealry for wine, outside of France, that is."11:37
guivercit's nearly 22:40 by my clock; you're welcome to use my clock JimBuntu :)11:40
JimBuntuguiverc, I knew you were far away, didn't realize you were that far.11:40
guivercnah - aussie :)  (melbourne)11:42
JimBuntuOMGosh, please tell me you are on FiJi!11:42
daftykinsooh, a mate lived there for a couple of years11:42
JimBuntuOh, Ok. So many Aussies on IRC. It's disproportionate.11:43
daftykinswhen i was a kid everyone online seemed to be a teenager from California11:43
BluesKajyup, lots of the 5 eyes11:43
Allie`daftykins: flat white is a latte with less milk11:44
JimBuntuis that 2 for regular looking, BluesKaj , and 3 for all the things that wanna kill you?11:44
* Allie` doesn't like a lot of milk in their coffee but also doesn't drink espresso for breakfast :P 11:44
guivercmaybe the clock in this room is wrong :(   i turned off my second screen that has the clock on it; so was going by the time on the clock-radio in the room - it's suddenly an hour earlier ! sorry11:44
JimBuntuguiverc,  no worries, I figured my maths was off.11:44
BluesKajthey had cheap long dustance phone rates in calif11:45
daftykinsAllie`: ah-ha11:45
JimBuntuAllie, I had a request in to my wifes friend from London to determine what a flat white was... need to cancel that ticket, lol11:45
Allie`one of the better trendy coffees, imo11:46
BluesKajJimBuntu, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Five_Eyes11:46
daftykinsi live about 10m from our 'high street' in the centre of town, so i'm spoilt by many cafe options for a takeaway lunch :)11:46
guivercmaybe its the long distances in aussieland - irc is a way to speak to your neighbor  (you know the one 12km down the road......)   [not me; I'm in the suburbs of a big city... like most I bet)11:46
JimBuntuHow is it... that *I* end up being the one living far from the cities, even when talking to Aussies?!11:48
guivercmany benefits (probably) living in city daftykins, but I like wildlife, like trees so glad I'm not in a city :)11:48
daftykinsoh it's not a city, i'm on a small island :)11:49
guivercYou're just lucky JimBuntu - i'm often thinking of moving further away from the city; this used to be the 'outskirts' of the city; alas hasn't been for years...11:49
daftykinshttps://goo.gl/maps/xVUE4DMHLyt <--11:49
JimBuntuguiverc, we are also thinking of moving, as people keep moving closer. Perhaps it's time for that remote park ranger job.11:50
BluesKajI'm 400KM North of Toronto, practically the North Pole  the way they see things , most city ppl I know are geographically challenged :-)11:50
JimBuntuGeez daftykins , you might as well be IN France! Lucky dog.11:51
daftykinsshort ferry ride ;)11:51
daftykinsi might try and drop by Toronto later this year when i come over stateside again11:51
guiverci live in an island too :) alas not small... daftykins11:52
BluesKajbest of bothworlds eh daftykins11:52
daftykinsbeen meaning to meet up with two of the guys i chat to there11:52
guivercpark ranger job sounds cool Jim :)11:52
JimBuntuguiverc, It's been a bit of a dream for the wifey and I.  We almost did it before the urge for kiddies set in. Be those people who watch out for forest fires &c11:53
JimBuntuThis convo is on-topic because I just said "Ubuntu", btw11:54
daftykinsthere's a game of that :) http://www.firewatchgame.com/11:54
guiverc:)  yeah I too would love that job; alas not the $s of other choices I fear...11:55
JimBuntuThis machine I use for IRC is so maxed out on resources, took like 30 seconds to load the URL, lol, thanks Ubuntu for keeping this machine useful11:55
BluesKajI live on the edge of the forest here in my little town ..well a few farms etc but a lot of bush and lakes too11:55
daftykinsstep 1 lay fiber to the watch tower, step 2 work for years to pay it off11:55
JimBuntuI have heard of this game. Didn't remember until I saw the front page.11:56
JimBuntuBluesKaj, You too are lucky. Wherever I go, I don't want my walk to a large river to be any longer than now... 300 paces is enough for me.11:56
guiverc300 paces isn't much, if the river floods though.... (don't you suffered floods?)11:57
daftykinsmaybe 299 are downhill :D11:58
guiverchill would help somewhat !11:58
JimBuntuguiverc,  We do not suffer, luckily, about 200 of those paces are down a steep hill.11:58
daftykinscalled it \o/ :D11:58
JimBuntuyup, daftykins !11:58
guiverc:)  I recall lots of helping family after floods, they lived near rivers, and remember the sandbags etc each year...11:59
JimBuntuThere are homes about 1.5 km away... that are built about 3 feet above the average water level of the lake that is fed from the river.... they suffer, about every year11:59
BluesKajyeah i'm about  half a KM from a river in one direction and about 2KM from a lake in the other12:00
BluesKajbut were a good 20M above the river here12:00
JimBuntuI like living near the water, just about the right distance from the lake... since it's an all-sports lake... a.k.a. Party Lake that has lots of noise come summer.12:02
JimBuntuI need to request some official Ubuntu pamphlets. I could pass them out or leave a floating thingy on the lake. Grow some converts.12:03
JimBuntulol, buy a gross of USB flash drives... load them up... but would people really insert a random flash drive they find?... Yes, yes they would.12:04
daftykinsguaranteed :D12:05
guivercYep most would...12:05
daftykinswhen i was working in a school once, a colleague plugged in a students one and hosed the machine he worked from - before he left for the day he kicked it off on a reinstall xD12:05
daftykinsi always had a Linux laptop beside me for tinkering so i'd have just sorted it out that way12:05
JimBuntuI'm the paranoid one... so a while back when I was at HQ and required a couple people to bring me flash drives for key exchanges... they made sure to wipe/zero their drives and were hesitant to plug them into their systems,lol12:06
JimBuntu"He could be testing us, protocol says we have to scan these first, for malware..."12:09
BluesKajthe wonderful MSWindows environment12:09
daftykinsthere's nothing wrong with it, just a lot of idiots who can't even drive it properly :)12:10
JimBuntuThese were Mac users, but same difference.12:10
BluesKajthey're bit safer, but probly snobby cool12:10
daftykinshave to be wealthy to pay 5x more for older hardware :D12:11
JimBuntulol. daftykins  that's all our company used for non-cloud machines.12:11
daftykinsdishing out macbook pros to staff, is it?12:12
daftykinsi'm sure it minimises the efforts of support a fair amount, but the way Apple has moved to soldered on SSDs means there's a fair few more considerations for keeping a staffers data safe12:13
BluesKajran into a few of those at a party ..told them about how mostly every app on linux is free ...by the looks I was getting I could tell they didn'tn beleive it12:13
JimBuntudaftykins, I am with you 1000%. I don't mind not having to answer Windows questions any more though.12:13
JimBuntuBluesKaj, I am the ugly duckling... as I use Ubuntu instead of macOS. I don't bother trying to convert staff though.12:14
daftykinsit doesn't really matter that it's free in cost, because it takes you time to convert - so it depends what your time is worth :)12:15
BluesKajI don't bother trying to convert my friends, most are phone addicted now anyway12:15
BluesKajeven the older guys like me12:16
daftykinsmmm i see a lot that aren't bothering with a PC anymore12:16
daftykinsi think it's because typically their PCs are crap and run badly, but since they may've needed a phone anyway they now have a pretty fast experience with a smartphone12:16
daftykinsoh man, this tale may amuse you folks12:16
JimBuntumobile is where it's at... bring on the masses of Ubuntu phones already12:16
daftykinsone of my clients left a flash drive with some important data on it down in their holiday home abroad - so they asked a friends son if he wouldn't mind copying the data from it and sending it12:17
BluesKajJimBuntu, i thought Canaonical gave up on the Ubuntu Phone12:17
daftykinshe used WinRAR, created a spanned archive (for no apparent reason) then shared it across some weird Spanish encrypted file sharing service xD12:17
daftykinsbut instead of being a single email it was one email per spanned archive, so she had no idea what to do and called me in12:18
JimBuntuBluesKaj, I suggest they re-up on it... it's either that, or play follow the leader like Android.12:18
daftykinscue me piecing together these multiple emails to get them back together - then there was a password across the archive too, sheesh - that lad needs a lesson in practical approaches :>12:18
JimBuntudaftykins, lol. WinRAR... I always liked ARJ12:18
BluesKajJimBuntu, if the phone was affordable , I'd probly buy one12:19
daftykinsnot familiar with that one, though i've heard of an ARC recently which is meant to be a Linux implementation for choosing the best tech out of zip/rar/7zip12:19
daftykinsimo phones aren't about the initial cost, it's whether the software will keep getting supported12:20
JimBuntunice, as they do have their differences. 7zip is becoming the standard, imho12:20
=== kallesbar_ is now known as kallesbar
BluesKajdaftykins, I don't use aphone for much other than as a phone with a camera :-)12:21
daftykinsi think that's the way it starts, but once more things become convenient you never know, you might begin reaching for it for more! :D12:22
BluesKajwell ido google some things when we get into music discussions at our jams12:23
BluesKajwho wrote that tune etc12:24
BluesKajjust to settle disagreements mostly, because we have a lot of those ...fortunatly one our guitar players is a walking encyclopedia about rock and country12:26
BluesKajhe and his brothers used to get into fist fights over who wrote this and that ...had break them up more than once :-)12:29
daftykinshaha, bit petty12:29
BluesKajno it was serious business to them12:30
BluesKajone of them still has over 5000 vinyl albums in his collection12:31
BluesKajyup, 4 or 5 albums every payday foryrs12:31
BluesKajanyway it's still nice to hear vinyl despite the odd crackle and pop12:34
daftykinsi've never heard one on a proper setup, but having heard you have to actually clean the things to ensure playback is good - that's me out instantly12:35
BluesKajyeah no digital sampling correction there..and .analog has become expensive now12:37
BluesKajspeaking of phones tho, I'll be in the market for one soon, this little alcatel is too small for my fingers12:48
daftykinsah har12:53
daftykinsafter something simple, or will you be forced to move to a smartphone?12:54
BluesKajwell, it is a smartphone, but it's using a realy old android OS and it has a small screen12:57
daftykinsah right12:58
BluesKajalcatel idle one mini12:58
BluesKajerr idol one :-)12:59
daftykinsi just chose the moto g6 play dual SIM for someone13:00
daftykinsshe's finally retiring her 2009 nokia 7020 flip phone13:00
BluesKajyeah i had a moto flip phone til about 3 yrs ago13:02
BluesKajtil my wife lost it , so i bought a new one and the same day she found the moto in the bottom her purse :-)13:03
daftykinsyikes that was only £150 here13:04
daftykinsah marketplace seller, eww13:04
BluesKajthe new one  was the little alcatel at 100bucks13:04
BluesKajdaftykins, our buck is only 78 cents US ...the money markets love screwing us, because our currency is like petro dollar to them13:08
daftykinsmmm, we use England's pound so i was on xe.com converting it :>13:08
daftykinscame out to £190 so not too far off but still a large %13:08
JimBuntuBluesKaj,  one of the small joys of not bring retired... I haven't payed for a phone in ~20 years13:10
BluesKajsome of the US rust belt border cities accept our dollar at par just to increase their business13:11
JimBuntuWow, I haven't heard of that in a long time.13:11
BluesKajbuffa for examplelo and detroit13:12
daftykinsa mate lives in Sault Ste Marie, he says the folks over the bridge pop over for some low tax shopping :D13:12
BluesKajoh yeah, lots ...the Ontario "Soo" as it's known locally keeps the Michigan side going13:14
daftykinsand i thought us Guernsey folk had people beat for pronouncing things nowhere near how they're written13:15
BluesKajaltho the stell plant on the ontario side is gonna suffer duie to Trumps misguided idiotic 25% tarif on steel13:15
BluesKajscuse the poor spelling, guess spellcheck was turned off13:16
JimBuntuI don't worry about such things here.13:20
BluesKajJimBuntu, you're a pretty good speller..so am I usually, but my typing skills suck :-)13:22
JimBuntuThanks, my typing skills could use improving. Although I type fairly well by touch only, I still find myself looking down way too often.13:23
daftykinsi never got good at the number row's symbols touch typing, but i type fine enough without a glance13:25
BluesKajmy 9th grade typing teacher gave me a passing grade in her class as long as I didn't elect her class the next yr :-)13:26
pragmaticenigmaI'm a great touch typist, my issue is I often switch the meaning of my sentence unintentionally by forgetting my word contractions13:29
JimBuntu"Keyboarding" class... lol. That was fun. Teacher hated that I didn't use the "home row"... I use the wrong fingers for so many things. I type with basically 4 fingers and 1 thumb. with the other thumb held down as an achor.13:30
BluesKajdespite being taught the touch typing technique I'm still a hant and peck guy13:30
BluesKajhunt and peck  ;-)13:31
JimBuntuhant and peck + hunt and peck = haunt and peck! Sounds super fun to me!13:31
BluesKajyeah I'm haunted by it13:31
JimBuntuboogie woogie boo13:32
daftykinsyeah i won't be told how to type either, just do it13:32
JimBuntuI learned my typing skills as a youngster using the Commodore 64, that keyboard was big for my wee hands at the time. Muscle Memory is hard to retrain it seems.13:33
pragmaticenigmaI don't use the right fingers for most of the keys. I use the finger that is closest to the key I need at the time I need it... sometimes it's the right finger for the key, sometimes it's not. My left pinky is almost always anchored on shift though13:35
daftykinssame :D13:35
daftykinsi do have to giggle if i see folk who toggle caps lock for a single cap13:36
JimBuntuI shattered my right pinky as a child ( nothing soft about softball ) as a young'one. So I don't use it for anything. Crushed bone only heals to much.13:36
pragmaticenigmaI've done that when I'm single hand typing. what irks me the most is Lenovo keyboards though. swapping the function key and the ctrl key around13:36
JimBuntuI know your pain pragmaticenigma, when it comes to Lenovos... try mixing Lenovo + MacBook + normal...13:37
pragmaticenigmaI find the swap more annoying on the laptops... regular keybaord doesn't bother me as much.13:38
daftykinsas long as i've got super and my alts, i'm good :>13:40
BluesKajI really didn't start using a keyboard until the early 80s when my job required using instrument application based computers, so learning to type again (even hunt and peck) at 40 wasn't much fun.13:40
pragmaticenigmaI've never had much luck with the super in linux... just doesn't always seem to work, even with standard simple keyboards13:46
JimBuntuReally? I don't use it much, only to bring up Dash search, once in a blue moon... but it works for me in that respect. I can't speak outside of Ubuntu though as I decided a number of years ago not to play with other distros ( unless I build them myself ).13:47
BluesKajbuild from scratch JimBuntu or build like gentoo?13:53
BluesKajtrying gentoo 10 yrs ago was a (WTF?) mistake, it scared nme off for life i thinkl14:01
BluesKajas the saying goes, no country for old men :-)14:02
JimBuntuBluesKaj, Build from scratch or BuildRoot type stuff14:06
daftykinsi find it an inefficient use of resources, conceptually14:06
JimBuntudaftykins, Gentoo, for sure. For embedded systems with highly limited resources, it's OK14:07
BluesKajhmm, never seen icons freeze in the task manager before..had to reboot14:08
hggdhlate morning to all. Thunderstorm woke me, thank the gods14:08
JimBuntuGreat morning hggdh !14:09
BluesKaj'Morning hggdh14:10
BluesKaja cold rainy day here14:10
hggdha hot rainy day here :-)14:10
hggdhor, in other words: Texas sucks14:11
BluesKajNorthern Ontario isn't much fun right now either, swarming with blackflies this time of yr..mosuitos will be here next :/14:12
BluesKajmosquitos even14:13
daftykinsso glad we don't get many14:13
BluesKajand we have the 10 yr cycle of the tent caterpillar swarms too14:13
BluesKajsome birds love it , other won't touch them14:14
hggdhI put a fly trap in the backyard last week, it is still going, and now has about 3cm of dead flies in it14:14
hggdh(I mean depth)14:14
EriC^what is this fly trap?14:15
BluesKajbut one good thing, I've seen a lot more bees than in past yrs14:16
EriC^crap i cant even type anymore, both my wrists have 2cm balls swollen on each side of my palm O.o14:16
EriC^can one use a gpu with a laptop?14:18
JimBuntuEriC^,  external GPU? Sure can.14:19
BluesKajthere are outboard gpus14:19
EriC^how difficult is it?14:19
EriC^what do i search for to buy?14:19
JimBuntuAs far as I have heard, it's basically plug and play as much as any internal GPU. Simply need to install the correct module(s). afaik, no worse than normal NVidia headaches.14:21
daftykinswell you first have to check if you have thunderbolt / express card14:21
BluesKajEriC^, this has an annoying video accompanying the text , but it looks useful https://www.pcworld.com/article/2984716/laptop-computers/how-to-transform-your-laptop-into-a-gaming-powerhouse-with-an-external-graphics-card.html14:23
EriC^it seems you connect it to the place the wifi card is usually connected in the laptop14:24
EriC^does that make sense?14:24
JimBuntusounds like an express port14:25
daftykinsno it doesn't14:25
JimBuntulol, this computer is so slow right now.... fully utilized resources.14:25
JimBuntuYup, mini-PCI Express connection. That's dope.14:26
daftykinshonestly it would make far more sense to just buy a cheap older generation desktop14:26
daftykinsthat's a really terrible idea :)14:26
EriC^it's only $50 though14:26
JimBuntubut, I like lots of fragile cables running out of my "netbook" lol14:27
EriC^motherboard + ram + hdd + i7 cpu would cost like $500+14:27
EriC^i could run it on the older hp laptop i have, it's an i7 4core with 6gb ram and an ssd14:27
daftykinsbut you don't need to buy new is what i just said14:27
EriC^ah i cant find used stuff here easily14:27
hggdhEriC^: it is  a plastic packet with an entry point, and some powder insider. You fill it half-way with water, and hang outside14:28
daftykinsnah it's totally impractical, even if you did have the slot and the design of your laptop let you trail the cable outside - you've got to know that you only get about 75% of the performance of a graphics card when attached externally - and that's with proper thunderbolt enclosures14:28
EriC^hggdh: aha, pretty effective14:28
EriC^thought itd be 100%14:29
daftykinsyou have to buy a graphics card *and* a desktop PSU to run that adapter you linked, too14:29
hggdhindeed it is. More than I expected. Side result, though, is that it seems the flies call their friends to the party. So you have to hang the packet farther from the door...14:29
daftykinsi would be willing to bet both Linux and Windows would be nightmares to run with that, too14:29
EriC^this is a crazy idea, i wonder if i could use the ps4 gpu to game on the pc14:30
daftykinswell the game is on the consoles too, be easier to just play it there :)14:31
EriC^i dont like the controller in it, i tried hooking up a keyboard and it kinda works it lags a little though14:32
EriC^(the mouse lags)14:33
daftykinsmmm not designed for it14:34
daftykinsthere's the software that lets you use your PS4 over the network from a PC too, but i don't know what influence that has on input devices14:35
EriC^right, brb14:37
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
oerheksAI gets better every full moon22:46
tomreynartificial lack of intelligence.22:53
oerhekshggdh and tomreyn: Hi and thanks for your reply. ... Answer or reply soon. Thanks again : )22:54
hggdhperhaps this is why he got booted from the mint channels?22:54
oerheksNoooooooooooooo... mint channels never ban AFAIK22:56
nacctheh are just saying they won't go back, not clear if they've been kicked to me22:56
hggdhI did not say kicked :-)22:57
oerheksi think it is an IRC bot that came with the illegal guitar-pro-6 of arooni22:57
hggdhnacc: he has been warned enough. Let's see what happens now22:57
nacchggdh: ack22:58
hggdhpatience -=1; if (patience < 0) then finish;23:05
oerhekslets send an invite from ##linux then?23:05
hggdhmight even work. Is ##linux +r, or not?23:06
oerhekserr .. not sure how to do that in hexcaht..23:07
tomreyn* ##linux :You're not a channel operator23:08
hggdh /mode <channel> will reply with the channel modes in effect23:08
hggdhand it is not +r, so he can go there23:09
tomreynbut inviting him wont work. maybe we can create ##linux-invitation-for-berwyn and setup channel forwarding on it to ##linux23:10
tomreynand then invite him23:10
hggdhMode ##linux [+CLPcnptf]23:10
hggdhtoo much effort23:10
oerheks& wsl23:11
oerheksdouble ## good23:11
hggdhwell, wil walk the dogs now. I will see what happened when I am back23:12
hggdhoerheks: please do not respond23:48
hggdhsigh. He was going out finally...23:49
oerheksThanks, but he is "berwyn!*@* added to ignore list."23:50
hggdhheh. It works23:50
tomreynthis works better23:57
hggdhunfortunately it does23:58
hggdhand now we will have to deal with the (potential) fallout23:59

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