
=== Wimpress_ is now known as Wimpress
enycOoOoOOo didnt realize this channel existed...12:21
enycQuery on tracking-down an installer-annoyance...  In 18.04 installer custom partitioning  keeps "auto-mounting" linuxswap-partitions (even if manually onmounted before starting ubiquity)..12:23
enycThis makes creating/formatting a new crypto partition impossible (even if not using the swap for the encrypted install), it complains about unsafe-swap mounted etc...  and/or other failure cases in trying to modify partitions because swap mounted --    Any idea if this is acutalyl a ubiquity-issue  or some underpinning udev/systemd/whatever thats' setup for live-cd-mode that does stuff upon12:24
enycrescanning ptbl etc?.12:24
enycI notice theres' a large number of bugs (and old bugs!) in launchpad associated with ubiquity ...  suspect many defunct now.12:26
enycI'm happy to collect syslogs and whatever...  but be good to be given a $clue on above please =)15:52

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