[09:23] Hi, am I missing some simple trick to make all apps launch on my right display by default instead of the left one? The left would be a TV screen and most of apps look bad on it and I have to move everything by hand to the riht one. This question seemed a little ungoogleable [10:02] Mikaela: the panel and apps go to the "primary monitor" [10:03] You can declare which monitor is the "primary" from the control panel display settings [10:03] alkisg, but when I open something from the panel or desktop launcher, it opens on the left monitor even if it's not primary [10:04] Mikaela: is your panel to the right monitor, and the right monitor is the primary one, and your mouse is to the right monitor? [10:05] (you can see the "primary" monitor if you run `xrandr`, it says "primary" there) [10:14] alkisg: yes to all [10:14] I just had to leave, so I am not on my laptop for a few hours [10:14] Mikaela: can you paste the output of this? xrandr | nc termbin.com 9999 [10:14] Ah ok, let's continue when you're there again [10:15] _b thanks :) === Wimpress_ is now known as Wimpress [11:55] anyone on? [11:55] hello [11:56] hello! [12:44] alkisg, http://termbin.com/k5x7 (xrandr) [12:44] I think it's also agreeing tha thte laptop/right screen is primary as TV/left is connected with HDMI [12:50] hello everyone, I upgraded from Ubuntu Mate 14.04 to 18.04 and I don't have a drop down terminal on F12 anymore. Have I done something wrong? This is a minimal installation. [12:50] *fresh installation on a new computer [13:27] ok, I found that setting. [13:34] Mikaela: run mate-tweak, and see if it happens with all window managers or not [13:36] i.e. marco, compton etc === ErichEickmeyer_ is now known as ErichEickmeyer === moondoggy_ is now known as moondoggy [17:51] Hi everyone. I'm a single ubuntu guy and I'm seeking an ubuntu mate. [17:56] LOL [18:19] Is there any hidpi (5 or 8K under 32 or 34 inch) support todays? [18:25] Hey lafleurdubien, hope you enjoy something. [18:25] I enjoy long walks on the beach [18:26] is that good enough? [18:28] off course it is [22:03] I'm trying to use the nvidia drivers on Ubuntu MATE 18.04, with a nVidia GeForce GTX 860M via Optimus. Although `prime-select query` outputs `nvidia`, nvidia-smi fails with "NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running." I can't use CUDA as a result, and my graphics are being drawn with my Intel chip. How can I [22:03] fix this? === wxl_ is now known as wxl