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slashd | o/ | 14:59 |
sil2100 | o/ | 15:00 |
rbasak | o/ | 15:00 |
sil2100 | Not much on the agenda I guess, I removed the item regarding TB actions for the new DMB members | 15:02 |
rbasak | I'd like comment on https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/devel-permissions/2018-April/001275.html please | 15:03 |
sil2100 | I guess we also have all the ML and IRC permissions set up? | 15:03 |
rbasak | I started writing up https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/KnowledgeBase#Checklist_after_a_DMB_election | 15:03 |
sil2100 | Good idea! | 15:04 |
slashd | rbasak, good idea indeed | 15:04 |
sil2100 | rbasak: are you still editing it or can I add something? | 15:04 |
rbasak | I'm not editing it. Please take the lock. | 15:04 |
micahg | o/ | 15:08 |
sil2100 | Does it make sense to start a formal meeting if there's no actions for the meeting? | 15:09 |
micahg | rbasak: you want feedback on the ML? | 15:09 |
micahg | not realy | 15:09 |
rbasak | micahg: I like to reach consensus on landing the changes, or a modified version of it. I think we have quorum here now so we could just do it here perhaps? | 15:11 |
rbasak | Or the ML is also fine. | 15:11 |
rbasak | I don't mind if we use meetingology or not | 15:11 |
sil2100 | Feedback on what? | 15:11 |
rbasak | My ML archive URL above | 15:12 |
sil2100 | Ah, missed that one | 15:12 |
sil2100 | Thanks | 15:12 |
micahg | rbasak: we've generally avoided checklists, I'm wondering if people will glance at the bullet points and think those are the only reasons for applying | 15:13 |
sil2100 | Let me see how the template looks now, since I last looked at it quite some time ago | 15:13 |
sil2100 | I guess there is risk that would happen - maybe we should put those bullet-points as examples in the template, not as finished points? | 15:17 |
sil2100 | Sure, some might copy-paste those as well, but yeah | 15:18 |
sil2100 | It's the same when we ask them the same thing on meetings | 15:18 |
micahg | right, but there isn't not a guide for new applicants :) | 15:19 |
micahg | s/isn't/it's/ | 15:19 |
rbasak | I tried to keep it clear that it isn't rigid | 15:22 |
rbasak | micahg: I don't see anything I've proposed as a checklist. Which part in particular do you think is one? | 15:23 |
micahg | reasons for applying | 15:23 |
micahg | I have to run, I'll check the backlog when I get home | 15:29 |
slashd | I don't see it as a checklist too, it's just guidelines to help evaluate when one should apply and to also show what are DMB expectations when applying. | 15:29 |
rbasak | It's why I said "Remove any reasons that don't apply, add any extra reasons and edit as | 15:31 |
rbasak | needed" | 15:31 |
rbasak | I wanted it to be clear that they can change it. | 15:31 |
rbasak | micahg: how about I add a sentence to that, saying "These examples are the common and expected case, but are not a hard requirement for applications" or similar? | 15:32 |
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slashd | rbasak, that might be a good idea in case others see it as a checklist too. | 15:41 |
sil2100 | I'm fine with both versions - the one proposed now or the first one | 15:47 |
slashd | same here | 15:51 |
rbasak | Thanks. I'll see what micahg says when he gets back. | 15:52 |
mdeslaur | \o | 16:30 |
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ratliff | #startmeeting | 16:31 |
meetingology | Meeting started Mon Jun 4 16:31:59 2018 UTC. The chair is ratliff. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. | 16:31 |
meetingology | Available commands: action commands idea info link nick | 16:31 |
ratliff | The meeting agenda can be found at: | 16:32 |
ratliff | [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/Meeting | 16:32 |
ratliff | [TOPIC] Announcements | 16:32 |
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ratliff | There are no announcements this week. | 16:32 |
ratliff | [TOPIC] Weekly stand-up report | 16:33 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Weekly stand-up report | ||
ratliff | jdstrand: you're up | 16:33 |
jdstrand | hi! | 16:33 |
jdstrand | This week I plan to: | 16:33 |
jdstrand | - hopefully turn on resquashfs tests. electron upstream is now fixed. A bit of review-tools work is needed to add an override mechanism | 16:33 |
jdstrand | - iterate on various PRs I submitted last week related to udev | 16:33 |
jdstrand | - adjust snap-confine to always use a device cgroup | 16:33 |
jdstrand | - work through design considerations with niemeyer wrt update-alternatives (or something similar) snapd interface | 16:33 |
jdstrand | - go through the anbox design and think through what proper confinment might look like | 16:33 |
jdstrand | - pick up review-tools snap USNs phase1/part ii work as have time | 16:33 |
jdstrand | that's it from me. mdeslaur, you're up | 16:33 |
mdeslaur | I'm still in the happy place | 16:34 |
mdeslaur | I published exempi updates this morning | 16:34 |
mdeslaur | and am in the process of publishing an apport update for 14.04 | 16:34 |
mdeslaur | after that, I'll work on more updates | 16:34 |
mdeslaur | that's about it, sbeattie, you're up | 16:34 |
sbeattie | I'm in the happy place this week | 16:34 |
sbeattie | I'm working on the git update, it's kind of gnarly. | 16:35 |
sbeattie | I have some internal things to look at | 16:35 |
sbeattie | I have the usual kernel cve triage bits to work on | 16:36 |
sbeattie | That's probably it for me. jjohansen, over to you | 16:36 |
jjohansen | I am working on finishing getting together the apparmor pull request for 4.18. | 16:37 |
jjohansen | kernel ompatibility networking patches for the apparmor 2.x series | 16:37 |
jjohansen | reviewing mjg's networking patches | 16:37 |
jjohansen | and also working on the apparmor 3.0 release | 16:37 |
jjohansen | we still have some caching bugs to working out, subset of features support, and uhmm something else that is slipping my mind atm | 16:38 |
jjohansen | sarnold: you are up | 16:38 |
sarnold | I'm on bug triage this week | 16:38 |
sarnold | happy to review any apparmor patches that fall out of ^^ | 16:38 |
sarnold | and will finish the google gce .. something .. MIR this week | 16:38 |
sarnold | hopefully make good progress on the next one on the list, bug triage is usually not terrible | 16:39 |
sarnold | that's it for me, chrisccoulson? | 16:39 |
chrisccoulson | I'm expecting a chromium update this week. I'm still expecting thunderbird too | 16:39 |
chrisccoulson | I also need to spend some time getting ready for the next thunderbird update (from 52.x to 60.x) | 16:40 |
chrisccoulson | I'm not expecting to have to spend time on rust, so other than that I'll be free to work on other things :) | 16:40 |
chrisccoulson | that's me done | 16:40 |
ratliff | I'm on community this week. | 16:41 |
jdstrand | chrisccoulson: re rust> yay! | 16:41 |
ratliff | I have internal work relating to https://grnh.se/b2d0bf371 (Ubuntu Security Engineer job posting) and other internal tasks. | 16:41 |
ratliff | leosilva: on to you | 16:41 |
leosilva | I'm on CVE-triage this week | 16:41 |
leosilva | I have procps update to USN for precise-esm | 16:42 |
leosilva | and I'm working on liblouis update | 16:42 |
leosilva | I also plan to get other updates to do. | 16:42 |
leosilva | that's it from me. | 16:42 |
leosilva | ratliff: it's back to you | 16:42 |
ratliff | thanks, leosilva | 16:43 |
ratliff | [TOPIC] Highlighted packages | 16:43 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Highlighted packages | ||
ratliff | The Ubuntu Security team suggests that contributors look into merging Debian security updates in community-supported packages. If you would like to help Ubuntu but are not sure where to start, this is a great way to do so. | 16:43 |
ratliff | See http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/d2u/ for available merges and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdateProcedures for details on preparing Ubuntu security updates. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in #ubuntu-hardened. To find out other ways of helping out, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/GettingInvolved. | 16:43 |
ratliff | [TOPIC] Miscellaneous and Questions | 16:43 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Miscellaneous and Questions | ||
ratliff | Does anyone have any other questions or items to discuss? | 16:43 |
ratliff | jdstrand, mdeslaur, sbeattie, jjohansen, sarnold, chrisccoulson, leosilva: Thanks! | 16:45 |
ratliff | #endmeeting | 16:46 |
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | ||
meetingology | Meeting ended Mon Jun 4 16:46:03 2018 UTC. | 16:46 |
meetingology | Minutes: http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2018/ubuntu-meeting.2018-06-04-16.31.moin.txt | 16:46 |
leosilva | thanks ratliff! | 16:46 |
jdstrand | thanks ratliff :) | 16:46 |
mdeslaur | thanks ratliff! | 16:46 |
sarnold | thanks ratliff! | 16:46 |
jjohansen | thanks ratliff | 16:48 |
sbeattie | ratliff: thanks! | 16:51 |
mdeslaur | thanks ratliff! | 16:51 |
mdeslaur | ratliff: thanks! | 16:52 |
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