
tsimonq2zcot: Keep me updated, and I'm willing to help if you provide specifics. :)02:43
zcottsimonq2: Ok. thank you. So, let me understand this. should I end up with a .deb file that has no discernible source code? -only debian control stuffs.02:45
tsimonq2zcot: No.02:49
tsimonq2zcot: To look at vc again, see the tail of this build log: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vc/1.3.3-4/+build/14970760/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-cosmic-amd64.vc_1.3.3-4_BUILDING.txt.gz02:50
tsimonq2zcot: That's just a rough idea. :)02:50
tsimonq2zcot: And you really shouldn't be working with the deb itself; try using something like debuild (dpkg-buildpackage) or sbuild via https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SimpleSbuild02:51
zcoti did dh_make, editing, then debuild.02:52
tsimonq2dh_make is a raw command that's usually called by debuild or sbuild. :)02:54
tsimonq2Usually, you should only have to run the unedited packaging through sbuild.02:54
zcotso that log. what is that exactly?02:57
tsimonq2It's the build log from Launchpad.02:58
zcotyea, I might have some mixed up tools for all I know. or the provided template files? i installed some ubuntu recommended packaging stuff but like I got that thing about /DEBIAN or /debian so that was weird. or somewhat incompatible versions. one error from lintian mentioned wrong standards version 3.9.6 listed in control file(current being 3.9.7)03:00
zcotso are any binary packages built manually? or the point is to create the proper source(and that's available in it's own right) and then of course that can create any variety of shippable binary.03:03
tsimonq2All you should have for packaging is stuff under debian/03:04
zcotOk. I'll get into that sbuild guide and see what I can come up with.03:07
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