
krytarikWild_Man, Bashing-om: Ok, so this is how I populate the updates section currently - look at the one of the previous issue, get the last item number listed in the respective subsections, and then run something like "security-and-updates/ListSecurity.py 2018 May 004413" and "security-and-updates/ListUpdates.py 2018 May trusty 025933" - if the month has just flipped like this time, you'll of ...01:19
krytarik... course have to pull both months, and can then omit the item number in the command for the new one.01:19
Wild_ManThanks krytarik, when I did it I had to manually compare the updates to the previous weeks letter for each one01:22
krytarikYeah, I added that option to the scripts last week.01:23
Wild_ManI automatically update the scripts before I published last week so I have the updated version01:24
krytarikThat's a good habit indeed. :P01:25
Wild_ManThat is what I thought because I know you update the scripts often and I am so busy now that I can not keep up with everything on a daily basis01:26
Bashing-omkrytarik: Noted .01:31
Wild_Mankrytarik, are you planning to publish early tomorrow?01:40
Wild_ManBashing-om, you want to publish to the forum tomorrow?01:41
krytarikNot earlier than last week anyway.01:41
Wild_ManI think that was about 2 PM my time01:42
Wild_ManI am going to be busy but I will pop in and help publish even if I have to take my laptop with me and use my cell as a hotspot01:43
Bashing-omWild_Man: Sure .. be nice if you are on hand for any needed guidance . But, I will not be on early . Got to rebuild a circuit breaker box in the AM - got to go to town or materials and supplies .01:43
Wild_ManBashing-om, Afternoon is good for me, around 2:30 or 3:0001:44
Bashing-omWild_Man: I "should" be free by then :)01:44
Wild_ManMake a note to unsticky the old one first so you do not forget then post the new one and click sticky as you post it, if you get an error when you try to post it is because it is to large remove a section of updates then post and immediately edit the post to include the section you removed01:46
krytarikWild_Man: I'm fine with publishing at a time that suits you two best, since the Fridge is basically the only thing I'd have to do myself anymore - but then I'd like to at least be reasonably sure it's getting done then still.01:46
Wild_Mankrytarik, baring an emergency that I can not for see I will do my part, I try to be reliable01:48
Wild_Mankrytarik, you and guiver are the only ones that can do the fridge right?01:49
krytarikWell, and the old crew, yeah.01:49
Wild_ManI may be leaving town tomorrow but it will take all day to get ready so I will stop what I am doing to publish at the time I said and the rest of the days for awhile I will be here mainly late01:53
krytarikIn the event that I disappear again due to my ISP, it's generally fine though if the Fridge post is done a little later the night when guiverc gets on.01:53
Wild_ManIs it harder to publish there the reason no one else can do it?01:54
krytarikHow would I properly judge "harder" when I got lots of experience with WordPress myself already, and I presume you got none? :P01:58
Wild_ManI have a blog on wordpress from 2011 but I moved that tutorial to a wiki and have not use it in years01:59
krytarikWasn't that Blogger though?02:00
Wild_ManYeah it is different02:00
Wild_ManI was not talking about me necessarily, Bashing-om could be added to do it02:01
krytarikWell, and I also meant new generally.02:01
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Daniel Pocock: Free software, GSoC and ham radio in Kosovo @ https://danielpocock.com/free-software-ham-radio-gsoc-in-kosovo-2018-0508:13
=== guiver_d is now known as guiverc
=== SwissBot_ is now known as SwissBot
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Linux Mint 19 "Tara" Beta Released with Cinnamon, MATE, and Xfce Editions @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/linux-mint-19-tara-beta-released-with-cinnamon-mate-and-xfce-editions-521387.shtml (by Marius Nestor)11:35
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Linux 3.2 & 4.1 Reach End of Life, Users Urged to Upgrade to Newer LTS Branches @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/linux-3-2-reached-end-of-life-users-urged-to-upgrade-to-newer-lts-branches-521389.shtml (by Marius Nestor)12:13
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Softpedia:: Linus Torvalds Releases Linux Kernel 4.17 as Linux 5.0 Is Coming Later This Year @ https://news.softpedia.com/news/linus-torvalds-releases-linux-kernel-4-17-as-linux-5-0-is-coming-later-this-year-521391.shtml (by Marius Nestor)12:46
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-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Raphaël Hertzog: My Free Software Activities in May 2018 @ https://raphaelhertzog.com/2018/06/04/my-free-software-activities-in-may-2018/17:14
Wild_ManHello krytarik where we at on publishing?20:10
krytarikNothing yet, as you wished. :P20:11
Wild_ManHas bashing-om been here today?20:11
krytarikWell, not as long as I've been around yet anyway.20:12
Wild_ManI am going to start publishing I will leave the forum until the last20:13
Wild_ManDo you want to do google+ since I am short on time? if not I will not a big deal20:13
krytarikNo problem, can do it as usual.20:14
krytarikDone that and the Fridge before.20:17
krytarikAnything more?20:17
Wild_ManNo, I will do the rest of the publishing and if bashing-om is not here soon I will do the forum20:18
krytarikHe usually gets on around this time though.20:18
Wild_ManI have hours of work before I can leave town, it is going to be  a long day and night20:18
Wild_ManThat is what I figure20:19
Wild_Mankrytarik, I am done ecept with the forum I will wait 30 minutes20:35
Wild_Manall the unsubscribed notifications I received those were done automatically?20:36
krytarikBecause of previous bounces.20:36
Wild_Manhow often does that happen and why?20:36
Wild_ManI was going to ask if the bounces I have been receiving needed to be manually removed20:36
Wild_ManI thought not20:37
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: The Fridge: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter Issue 530 @ http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2018/06/04/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-issue-530/20:43
Wild_ManPublished to the forum, I need to move on to other things21:08
krytarikOk cool, thanks!21:09
Wild_ManYour welcome!21:09
Wild_ManMe being this busy should only last a few weeks21:11
Bashing-omTrials troubles and tribulations, Here finally .. are we published ?23:04
Bashing-omWild_Man: Dang, I missed all the fun . Got that box rebuilt - 3rd time the charm ... and the air condidtioner is throwing a breaker - but not overheating due to bad contacts  :(23:09
Wild_ManThat is good23:10
Bashing-omWild_Man: A 15 amp breaker, recon it is worth the expense to try a 20 amp breaker ?23:11
Wild_ManProbably, as long as a 20 amp will not let it burn something up, need to check the rating23:12
Wild_ManI am still several hours from being ready to leave town so I will talk to you later Bashing-om23:14
Bashing-om Wild_Man: K.. great all is done .. I was in a sweat :P23:16
Wild_ManThe wiki may need cleaning up but I do not have time to check23:17
=== wxl_ is now known as wxl
Bashing-omWild_Man: K; Ya mean the old Gdoc work platform ?23:36
Wild_ManBashing-om, change the links for the current newsletter and archive the last issue on the wiki and the two other things that need done on the wiki after we publish, I do not know if they have been done23:38
Bashing-omI Will go through the list -- later .. I am back on the air conditioner .. found a bad soldier joint :)23:58

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