=== minipini is now known as Guest20998 [06:44] hi over here as well, good morning [08:05] Hello, i have some more questions about diskless ubuntu/thin client (root on nfs).. What about network interrupts? How good can Root-on-NFS Ubuntu's handle these? Any one has some "real live" experience with this? :-) [08:09] Dani-hp: usually if the network issues are not that severe it should be fine. [08:09] Also as long as no disk access is done you won't notice it. [08:10] We got thinclients to RDP to a Windows server. If during an RDP session the NFS server dissapears for some time and comes back the user doesn't notice. [08:13] Ah cool :) [08:14] so they directly connect to the win server on boot or do they first login on the ubuntu? [08:24] Ah and one more question.. the root-on-nfs share gets mounted rw, right? so if we have like 30 clients on the same nfs-share there is quite a lot conflict potential, right? even if the have their home on a sperate nfs share? [08:42] Nowadays they are Debian images. But the principle is the same. They boot the Debian image which gives them four buttons, most notably a firefox button and an rdp button. [08:43] For us the idea is that users can use them to quickly search something on the web, or do some work on their personalized rdp account. [08:43] jamespage: are you around, I'd really need one with 10 minutes to takl about openstacks control (or lack of) qemu machine types [08:44] jamespage: please ping me if you'd be available for a few minutes [08:45] Dani-hp: We only have 1 user on them ('thinclient'), but theoretically you can have a full desktop on there with their own accounts. [08:55] lordievader: Ah okey. But it's true that there is conflict potential with "full desktops", right? [08:56] for example when i install new apps/updates on one client, the changes are made for everyclient. right? [08:56] Yes [08:57] Well, that sucks :-) [08:57] This is why every regular client has no write access for the root-fs and the user home-dir is mounted on a tmpfs. There is one 'thinclient' which has write access and does the updates. [08:58] Why is this a bad thing? [08:58] Hm, so you mount the root-fs as RO? [08:58] Users don't need root access 😉 [08:58] well yeah [09:01] So lordievader if you could choose for a company with like 30-40 clients. Would you prefer a thinclient setup with root on nfs or a "complete" VDI Solution like VMWare Horizon or XenDesktop= [09:01] ? [09:02] I have no experience with the latter. We also do not have that many clients, about 15-20 or so. Just relaying what I know 😉 [09:04] kk :) do you have experience with LTSP? [09:12] I've heared of it. (And forgotten about it XD) [09:20] :D === ivoks_ is now known as ivoks === dcmorton_ is now known as dcmorton === mjoseph_ is now known as mjoseph === greenywd is now known as greeny [10:37] i'm having trouble installing phpmyadmin, it won't accept my database administrative password [11:11] Got a strange problem; I'm using SSH for X11 forwarding. (-X -Y). Once connected, launching xterm/xeyes works fine, but if I launch emacs/gwenview they just exists. (emcas has X support). Tested against another device, there it works. Any hints? === Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo === frickler_ is now known as frickler === beisner is now known as beisner-sick [13:42] jamespage: would you mind giving magnum 6.1.0-0ubuntu2 a review? it's the first py2/py3 openstack service i've enabled so it'll be the pattern i plan to follow. [13:42] coreycb: ack will do - in git? [13:42] jamespage: yes, well i uploaded it to cosmic as well. seems to work fine for py2 and py3. [13:43] jamespage: py2 is favored by default for now, obviously [13:44] jamespage: btw the current dep8 tests are py2 only. if you can think of a way to also test py3 services i'd really like to do that. [13:45] jamespage: maybe in the actual test i could apt install python3-magnum and restart/test services again after the py2 services get tested [14:03] coreycb: I'd add the py3 tests as a separate test target in d/t/control using right tag for grabbing a clean testbed [14:04] jamespage: ah good, so you can have separate targets with their own Depends and tag for clean testbed. wasn't sure about that. [14:04] coreycb: I think so [14:08] nacc, ahasenack, cpaelzer, dpb1: how should we handle code review for git-ubuntu now? I'm quite happy to do all the reviews for nacc's MPs, but what about my MPs? I don't want to force nacc to do them, but if he can, that would be useful. So should I perhaps request a review from some team, and if nacc doesn't take it, ask ahasenack or cpaelzer? [14:11] rbasak: don't know, it's quite a context switch [14:13] ahasenack: rbasak: if andreas or me are supposed to do them we will have to batch them [14:13] to do the huge context in/out just once for a series of things [14:13] OTOH if you have rather small broken up MPs I think that might work well === pleia2_ is now known as pleia2 === Daviey_ is now known as Daviey === dannf` is now known as dannf [16:17] rbasak: i can help as much as possible [16:18] rbasak: if they are large, it will take longer, of course :) [16:18] rbasak: i think all of the bugs we talked about last week are filed, right? [16:19] nacc: thanks. I think so, yes. [16:21] rbasak: sounds good, i'm still working on rebasing my old MP that refactored the importer loop (as we discussed). If you'd like me to prioritize reviews or something else, just let me know. [16:23] OK === chiluk_ is now known as chiluk [16:44] rbasak: so given that CI passed your MP, it does seem to point to snap vs. deb difference? [16:44] although 2.42.1 is in all releases (and the stable snap channel) === hehehe is now known as Guest52074 === Guest52074 is now known as hehehe [18:39] nacc: I agree it looks that way. I'm planning on experimenting with that tomorrow morning to see what I can reproduce. [18:40] rbasak: thanks, good to hear [19:16] hi, ubuntu 18.04 fresh install. nedd to conect php to a M$SQL database. which php extesions do i need to install? thnx [19:17] granjero: 'php-mysql' ? [19:19] M$SQL ?= mssql [19:19] granjero: ^ [19:22] sdeziel: oh mssql! totally glossed that [19:22] php-db then [19:22] Just install lamp stack [19:24] nacc, not MySQL MSSQL (microsoft DB) [19:24] granjero: yes, I realized my mistake, php-db has a mssql plugin, iirc [19:25] granjero: not sure why you are 5 minutes late to your own conversation :) [19:25] i think maybe the problem im having is because the app works in php5 and ubuntu 18 is php7 [19:26] ¿? [19:26] granjero: if you need php5, you need 14.04, or a PPA. [19:26] or a better application :) [19:27] will work on the app i think [19:48] another question: I want to connect to my server via sftp so i can edit files. the directory /var/www/html is owned by root , how can i connect to the server and modify files in that directory with another user? [19:49] edit them locally then move them using rsync over ssh? or sftp if you really prefer that/ [19:49] that user has to be in root group ? or something like that [19:50] chown the dir [20:41] rbasak: a thought i had last evening, as well -- would it be possible to query Launchpad for any upload or orphan tags? If so, then we could just reimport those source packages, as we my alogrithmic changes only apply to those tags === miguel is now known as Guest38348